by Alice Davidson and Georgi Stankov, July 22, 2013
Dear Georgi,
I am writing this to reach out to the dear PAT and all of your readers in hopes of offering a bit of comfort and sense of unity as we all go through these final days of the LBP, and to extend my profound gratitude to you once more. Without your explanation of the LBP, I think I would be going insane at this point, as I have always been a very strong, active, healthy person. I just found your website in March of this year, and can only say that I wish I had found it sooner.
A co-worker came up to me yesterday (July 19) to ask me if I was alright as she noticed that my so-called “asthma” was particularly bad that day as I was often out of breath and wheezing for no apparent reason. Asthma does not run in my family and my doctor could offer no explanation about how I developed this mysterious case of “adult asthma” three years ago. My deepest gratitude for all of your articles on the LBP, which let me know that this type of condition is part of the LBP process. Of course, I could not tell this to my co-worker and could only thank her for her sweet concern.
In addition, three years ago, I had various hospital tests done to try to figure out why I was constantly nauseous and occasionally vomiting without any known cause. The tests showed that there was absolutely “nothing wrong” with my digestive system. This condition has lasted up to the present hour, sometimes better, sometimes worse. Again, without your explanation of the LBP, I would be exasperated by now.
I awoke this morning (July 20), only to find that my body was still extremely exhausted even though I had just slept eight hours. I was also very nauseous, was coughing from my so-called “adult asthma,” and had a headache (right-hand side this time) from the minute I woke, which have all lasted the entire day. The only thing I was able to do all day was to pick up some light groceries, but then needed to come right back home again where all I could do was to go to bed.
I just slept for several hours, and when I awoke I felt compelled to write you because I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continuous striving for and attunement to the highest truth in this entire ascension process of Gaia and her people, including making sense of the LBP, which has helped me, more than you will ever know, to stay positive and focused on the goal of ascension, instead of getting depressed about my various physical ailments and exhaustion.
Furthermore, in light of the recent passing of so many billions of souls on the three lower 4D levels that we can still most certainly feel from this higher dimension, my deep sense of sadness would be unexplainable without your profound insights into the multidimensionality of our new reality, the fact that we are as yet still somewhat tied to these other realities, and the knowledge that parallel realities are not just something that occur on Star Trek.
Once again . . . with deepest gratitude, respect, and love,
Dear Alice,
thank you very much for your appreciation of the information on our website that gives the readers a comprehensive overview and explanation of all the physical symptoms of the LBP, among many other topics, and also for your latest energy update.
We have currently some technical problems with the email address of our website due to the installment of a new program to ban the Internet trolls, so that I would ask you to write in the future directly to my private address as to be sure that I will receive your letters.
With love and light
Dearest Georgi,
I know that I am not telling you anything that you don’t already know, but I was again compelled to send you my love and support anyway.
The trolls and those who question your challenging of the typical New Age movement channelers and journalists, such as Steve Beckow and Suzanne Lie, are completely ignorant of what it takes to be a true spiritual Teacher and spiritual Leader of humanity toward their Ascension. Without doubt, Master El Morya and Beloved Serapis Bey laugh at their silly comments. No one knows better than these two Masters how the vast majority of humanity babies and coddles themselves to suit their comfort zone and drift along with the gooey, pinky doodle, fluffy, “copy and paste,” astral plane channelings that are all over the Internet.
Both of these Ascended Masters do not mince words when it comes to chastening the human consciousness in order to make it fit material for the rigorous path of Ascension. In the words of Serapis Bey: (Dossier on the Ascension, pp. 6, 8, 43)
“Some have met with our lieutenants, our co-directors at Luxor, who greet the young neophytes as they arrive. Some have commented on what they have termed the lack of feeling, the lack of emotion and even the lack of love our representatives have expressed. They have not understood that love is not just a feeling, an “emoting” that desires to swallow up the object of its affections. Those who hallow space understand why the planets are place in orbits allowing lebensraum (living room) for each orb to circulate in the dignity of self-manifestation. True love is love for the God flame and holds no other desire save the expectation of the amplification of that flame as a tangible, divine feeling that sweeps the world pure and clean ‘with the washing of the water by the Word’ (Eph. 5:26) invincible.”
“Let love, then, be indeed without dissimulation and be not carried away by those who gush over mankind in order to win him over to mortal thoughts and feelings. Our laws are perfect laws and they can never be flaunted.”
“Those who minister in the world to men’s spiritual needs do so from the standpoint of pleasing men. We act solely from the standpoint of pleasing God. Our desire is to get the job done, to show men how to find their freedom. Men require ‘spunk’ and a straight spine. There is no question they have pampered themselves, and that with illusion. Straight talk and straight thought will do much to clear the way, and it will not place any individual outside the citadel of hope but wholly within it.”
Georgi, you have walked the walk of spiritual leadership in utter loneliness and undaunted courage for decades in this lifetime alone. The human consciousness rigorously protests and rebels against the discipline, constancy, and purity that is required to pursue the path of Ascension as you have done in this lifetime alone. Thank you, thank you, thank you for not mincing words in order to create a fluffy pink cloud for those who think that that is the only correct spiritual path. You were obviously incarnated on the Ray of Divine Leadership and Teacher with an extremely fiery soul and with an immensely difficult Mission. The vast, vast majority of human souls are clueless regarding the sacrifice you have undergone for they are too wrapped up in taking care of themselves and their little lives.
Again, even though I know you know all of this, I just had to write this to you in profound recognition of your Divine Self, for the enormity of your Sacrifice, for your unending service to God in striving for the Highest Truth, your deep-seated and undeniable integrity, for never being satisfied with previous levels of spiritual attainment, and for your endless bearing of horrible loneliness and endless attacks from the ignorant/ treacherous consciousness and projections of the vast, vast majority of humanity.
Here’s to your imminent and eternal Freedom into the Heart of your God Presence to pursue your Divine Plan as an Elohim in even greater Service to the God in All!!
There’s absolutely no need to respond to this as I know you are inundated with emails and are in the final spiritual preparation for your Ascension.
May your God Self now speed your way (along with your beloved twin soul) to the very Highest Realms of Light,
Dear Alice,
Woh, I am really humbled and speechless, that is why I have no words to respond. But I love the quotations you have given. Where are they from?
Love and light
Dear Georgi,
I forgot to mention that Origen was considered one of Mark Prophet’s embodimentshttp://en.
You are both so much alike . . . fiery, passionate, and don’t mince words. I think you would have loved him if you had met him.
Warm regards,
Dear Alice,
I almost suspected this. In fact I have dedicated a whole book to Origen and Plotin, unfortunately in German: “Neoplatonism and Christianity“, but you can read the preface in English in case you have missed it.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
The quotations come from Dossier on the Ascension, Summit University Press, Los Angeles, 1967, as scribed by Mark Prophet (1918 – 1973), Messenger for the Great Brotherhood of Light (1961 – 1973). His wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, was ultimately considered as straying from the path of a true messenger by the majority of her followers, even her children, following the Ascension of her husband and twin flame in 1973. However, Mark Prophet won his Ascension and was known as the messenger with the “magnanimous heart.” I served on their staff of the Summit Lighthouse for 14 years in order to spread the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, but became disillusioned with the misuse of power of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and left the organization in 1998. However, I never threw out the baby with the bath water, and have continued to strive toward internalizing these amazing Teachings through the daily use of Decrees, especially the Violet Transmuting Flame, calling upon the Masters for their intervention in numerous matters on Earth, and holding my own classes (free of charge of course) on Ascended Master Teachings.
As I believe I might have mentioned in a previous email, my efforts have not been in vain as I have actually seen my God Presence in the fullness of its shimmering, scintillating, beautiful electronic body of Light that casts no shadow, beaming Its rays of Light in all directions, and was overwhelmed by the degree of Love that I have never felt before on this dense plane of Earth. Serapis Bey also opened my third eye many years ago, following one of his Dictations, so that I can also see the enormous amount of Cosmic Light that has been showering itself upon Earth. Both of these experiences served to spur me on daily to become more of this Light and Love while in embodiment, and to become one with this Light and Love eternally through striving toward my Ascension.
Through the continued misuse of power by “messengers” of various other subsequent Ascended Master activities, and the failure by their followers to internalize the Teachings that have been so graciously and generously offered by the Masters ever since the late 1800s, the Ascended Masters have not updated their basic Teachings in many years. Hence, I went on a search for these updates as the time of the Ascension of Gaia and humanity grew closer and closer. I was ecstatic to find your website, which was so refreshing in its “straight thinking” and “straight talking,” which are the bywords of the true Ascended Masters. I was also very impressed by the amount of detail and very viable explanations on your website of the entire Ascension scenario that are completely absent on virtually all other websites. In contrast, the false hierarchy always reveal themselves through their lack of detail and lack of reasonable explanations.
Clearly, you are the voice of the great I AM to humanity at this time. It is completely recognizable and so critically needed by those who are sincerely striving for their Ascension. El Morya has stressed over and over again that true attainment is won only through striving and through one’s own hard won experiences, not through the intellect or the feelings of humanity. It is most remarkable that your information is replete and backed up with your own personal experiences, and yet you also double-check your experiences with other reliable sources out of your humility.
With love and light, as always, Georgi,
Dear Alice,
this is an amazing story and I am ashamed to admit that I have not heard of it before. You have obviously gathered enormous experience throughout your life with the history of the modern gnostic movements and the teachings of the ascended masters.
My destiny in this life was such that I had to stride most of my pathway completely alone (as you have perceived very well) in the field of science and were for many years deliberately blocked by my soul from entering the modern esoteric movement. This, notwithstanding the fact that I had a great affinity for the ancient Greek philosophers and the old gnostic thinkers at the beginning of the new era, whose teachings were later hijacked and distorted in the official dogmas of the Christian religion.
I am very happy that you have addressed the core problems and inherent fallacies of the new spiritual movements since 1800, the time of Enlightenment, as we are now in the End Time when one has to make his final sum-up before we cross the portals to higher dimensions.
It is obvious that you have indomitably followed your path of spiritual evolution and have achieved your goal. And this is the only thing that counts at the end.
I wish you some peaceful last days, free of LBP symptoms, on this planet before we are called by God to cross the last frontier and enter the blissful reality of our true Selves.
With love and light