State-of-Ascension-Report-69: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates; Report-69, March 6, 2012 Rene Magritte, Ascension, 1966 March 6, 2012 Dear George I have just read your excellent summary in the Big Event. Your summary of the … Continue reading
Posted in State-of-Ascension-Report
Tagged 3d- und 5d-energy antagonism, Ascension symptoms, Ben's videos, Callista's statement to the PAT, crystalline 144-grid, Denise le Fay response, Dolores Cannon method of hypnotherapy, End Time scenario, International School of the Golden Rosycross, Kari's anticipation of the big event, Kari's poem, LBP, Marco's critics of current channeiers, no payments to the Orion bank system, PAT, Skyler's essays, Stankov's poem of the End Times, The big event, water content in the crystalline body - Stankov's correction
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