by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, November 16, 2013
It took us some time to process this experience before we can now report about it. By all measure, it was the next pivotal threshold on our way to final ascension and transfiguration of our physical bodies to light bodies. Below, I will publish Carla’s energy report which she wrote two days later and also my report to Jahn in the hope that we may learn some more details about this auspicious energetic event from his sources. Both reports, Carla’s and mine to Jahn, are almost identical.
November 15, 2013
Dear Georgi,
Here is the email that I began to write to you the other day, but after a time I couldn’t complete it on my cellphone, as it ran out of battery. I just found it here on my laptop, so I will send it:
“As you know I went to my favorite beach today, and had an incredible experience. I ran into my friend there and together we worked to receive energies from the portal in the sun, which opened up fully when I brought out a large pendant that had been imbued with Sun frequencies recently.
Helios and Vesta, the Creators came upon us and explained that humanity requires a re-set, that they then sent us, to negate and override a brainwashing technique that Humanity has been exposed to for a long time by the dark forces.
They pulsed us for almost an hour with this frequency. It came in through our crown chakras and flowed down through the pineal gland. They explained that as we are holograms, we can receive this information on behalf of Humanity. Of course these energies were also sent to you around 9:30 pm your time, in the evening.”
They explained the ascension process is like a series of mountain peaks, where the frequencies rise up to a peak, then slowly fall down/ decrease, soon to rise again, ending up at a higher level than the previous level. This is the way of the ascension, and they spoke about Gaia’s ascension in the Now.
We both had huge white energies flowing from our palms with this event, and it has continued to flow since that day, although not as strongly.
I have more clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance since this day as well, only two days ago. Gosh, it feels like a week ago already!
This was a powerful experience. When I close my eyes and imagine feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, sitting on the log at the beach that day, I can feel the pulsations moving through me once again, it’s absolutely incredible.
With love,
November 16, 2013
Dear Carla,
your description of this event is exactly what I wrote to Jahn in order to inform him, so that he may eventually receive more information from his sources on this procedure.
He has sent me two messages today that clearly say that ascension is in full swing and it is no longer a question of why it has not happened in the past or will ever happen in the future, but whether the laggards will be able to jump on the speeding train of ascension or will remain as negligent unconscious soul fragments on the 4D timelines. They confirm that very few will ascend this time.
Another surprise. I have a compass on my desk since this summer to regularly gauge the magnetic pole reversal. As nothing happened for a long time, I stopped making these regular measurements for more than month. Today my HS urged me to check the position of the magnetic North pole one more time and I got a huge surprise – I was almost speechless and could not believe my eyes. The magnetic pole has moved since my last assessment more than a month ago about 15-20° to the East. I knew exactly where the magnetic needle of the compass pointed in the past – exactly at the corner of my room and now it has moved far away to the east and points almost in the middle of the north-east wall of the room.
This displacement fully coalesces with the known rapid movement of the magnetic pole in east-south direction towards Siberia with an annual displacement of more than 50 miles for the last several years. However this year the speed has accelerated and according to one source the magnetic pole has been displaced from the North pole in direction Siberia by almost 160 miles in 2013.
This information was given in June, so that the magnetic North pole moved in south-east direction almost a mile per day. I personally did not asses this steady displacement with my compass as it is only a small pocket compass for my wife when she rides in the Bavarian pampas.
However, I always measure the magnetic pole from the same position in the room as to have a reliable comparison. When the magnetic pole reaches the 40 degree it will flip-flop all of a sudden as this same source confirms. Hence we may reach this point any moment from now.
I think that this observation is so significant that I will publish it today.
November 16, 2013
Dear Georgi,
It would be interesting to get more information on the Sun event. Helios and Vesta told us that I am being protected from excess frequencies deliberately in order that I am spared for a greater purpose. I am wondering if this comment was referring to our role in the upcoming events. I wasn’t able to get clarification on this. Maybe Jahn can ask this directly?
This is fascinating news about the compass reading. As soon as I read it, I decided to check a device in my room that is a four-sided pyramid. This pyramid diffuses the electromagnetic fields and to do this, one side of the pyramid must be placed in the direction of due north. Well guess what? Yes! It’s off by 18 to 20 degrees! It has rotated east! I will recheck it in the morning as it’s still dark, but just a quick check confirms your findings as well.
Dear Carla,
this is a great confirmation. It will be excellent if you check one more time and give me a feedback as to have more valid data on this auspicious phenomenon.
Let us see what Jahn will get as information. He never asks directly but only gets what he has to get. This is how he works and I do not want to push him. In the past he got important personal information for you and myself, especially for you, when it was crucial.
November 15, 2013
Dear Jahn,
Now, to an extraordinary event: I have spoken with Carla last night and she told me an incredible story. She went to the beach yesterday (Nov 13) and met there her best friend Julie accidentally, She is channeling in a cafe on the beach, sessions with clients, as to survive. Since she had no customers, they decided to walk out to the beach and then a giant portal opened over them and Helios and Vesta, the sun gods came to them.
In short, they told Carla and Julie that they would now make a procedure on them in order to connect the pineal gland chakra of all the people with their souls, with their divine Self. So far, this connection has been severed and the dark forces had also a special technology, that in addition artificially suppresses this energetic connection, which they constantly use, even now. This explains the inability of most people to gain confidence in their souls and establish a direct contact with the higher realms .
Helios and Vesta, the gods of the Great Central Sun, have then said that they only need three people, with whom they can carry out this procedure for the entire humanity, because that is a holographic model, where when a part receives a new energetic function it is automatically transferred to all other parts in the model. whereas 50% of the people are not participating in this chakra opening as they will be transferred to lower earths, where their pineal gland chakra will remain sealed. The third person was myself and when they wanted to inform me, Helios told them that this was not necessary, since my field is merged with that of Carla and I am in the game without my knowledge.
This happened yesterday (Wednesday, Nov 13) at about 22.00 clock our time and I remember very well that I was very tired at once and went to bed, which is very early for me normally. Then I dreamed all the time that I transferred energy codes to many people, but they were all very unreasonable and could not understand me and that was very frustrating for me in the dream state. In any case, I had very strenuous working dreams and woke up very tired the next day.
This energetic process has been announced by some external channeling sources for the next few days – a huge expansion of consciousness and connection to the soul. We must now expect in the coming days a huge leap in mediumship and openness of the masses for transcendental topics that will make it easier for them to survive the impending MPS .
It seems to me that this was a very important event, and it could be that your sources could tell you something about it.
PS: I forgot to mention, have that when this procedure took place Carla and Julie started to glow and white light began to flow out of their hands and palms . It must have been a very impressive event
Dear George,
heartfelt THANKS! It is a wonderful fact that things take their course now. When I read this, I immediately knew, here is something special, something rare: in progress. So the big Event builds up from my point of view and we are in the middle of it…
Here an absolutely new phase of ascension has been initiated, and we are in a sense closer to heaven now – the ultimate change is in the air.
With thanks and love until the next message that is already in place,
Original German version of my correspondence with Jahn
Lieber Jahn,
Nun zu einem außerordentlichen Ereignis: Ich habe gestern Abend mit Carla gesprochen und sie hat mir eine unglaubliche Geschichte erzählt . Sie ist vorgestern zum Strand gefahren und hat dort zufällig ihre beste Freundin Julie getroffen, die auch channelt und in einem Café am Strand Sitzungen mit Kunden abhält, um sich übers Wasser zu halten. Da sie keine Kunden hatte, sind sie raus zum Strand spazieren gegangen und dann hat sich ein Riesenportal über sie eröffnet und Helios und Vesta, die Sonnegötter, sind zu ihnen gekommen.
Kurzum, sie haben Carla und Julie gesagt, dass sie nun eine Prozedur mit ihnen vornehmen werden, um die Zirbeldrüsen-Chakra aller Menschen mit ihren Seelen zu verbinden. Bisher war diese Verbindung gekappt und die dunklen Kräfte hätten auch eine spezielle Technologie, diese Verbindung zusätzlich künstlich zu unterdrücken, die sie ständig benutzen, auch jetzt. Dies erklärt die Unfähigkeit der meisten Menschen, eben diese Zuversicht und direkten Kontakt zur Seele und den höheren Bereichen herzustellen.
Helios und Vesta, die Götter der Zentralsonne, haben dann gesagt, dass sie nur drei Personen brauchen, mit deren Hilfe sie diese Prozedur für die ganze Menschheit durchführen können, weil das ein holographisches Modell ist und was ein Teil erhält, überträgt sich automatisch auf alle Teile. wobei 50% von den Menschen für diese Öffnung nicht vorgesehen sind, da sie auf tieferen Erden übersiedeln werden, wo ihre Zirbeldrüsen-Chakra versiegelt bliebt . Die dritte Person sei ich und als sie mich benachrichtigen wollte, sagte Helios, dass dies nicht notwendig sei, da mein Feld mit dem von Carla fest verschmolzen ist und ich bei der Partie bin, auch ohne mein Wissen.
Dies geschah vorgestern (Mittwoch, 13. Nov) um 22.00 Uhr unserer Zeit und ich erinnere mich sehr genau, dass ich auf einmal sehr müde wurde und um diese Zeit, die für mich früh ist, ins Bett ging. Dann träumte ich die ganze Zeit, dass ich Energie-Codes vielen Menschen übertrage, aber sie waren alle sehr uneinsichtig und könnten mich nicht verstehen und das war sehr frustrierend für mich im Traumzustand. Auf jeden Fall, hatte ich sehr anstrengende Arbeitsträume und wachte sehr müde auf.
Dieser Vorgang wird nun auch von einigen externen Channeling-Quellen für die nächsten Tagen angekündigt – eine enorme Bewusstseinserweiterung und Anbindung an die Seele. Wir müssen nun in den kommenden Tagen mit einem sprunghaften Anstieg der Medialität und Offenheit der Menschenmasse für transzendentale Themen rechnen, welche auch den kommenden MPS leichter zu überstehen machen werden.
Es scheint mir, dass dies ein sehr wichtiger Vorgang war und es könnte sein, dass deine Quellen dir etwas darüber sagen würden.
Liebe Grüße
PS: Ich habe vergessen zu erwähnen, dass als die Prozedur stattfand, Carla und Julie begonnen haben zu glühen und aus ihren Händen goldenes Licht auszuströmen. Es muss sehr beeindruckend gewesen sein
Lieber Georg,
herzlichen DANK! Es ist eine wunderbare Tatsache, dass die Dinge nun ihren Lauf nehmen. Als ich dies las, war mir sofort klar, hier ist etwas Besonderes, etwas Einmaliges im Gange. So baut sich aus meiner Sicht das große Ereignis auf und wir sind mitten darin…
Hier ist eine absolut neue Phase des Aufstiegs eingeleitet worden, wir sind gewissermaßen auf Tuchfühlung zum Himmel – der ultimative Wandel liegt in der Luft.
Mit Dank und Liebe bis zur nächsten Botschaft, die bereits gegeben ist,