Personal Opinions – February 12, 2013

Letters to the Editor

George and April,

Thanks so much for the message and I fully concur. I want to emphasize to everyone that these latest waves may cause fears to well up in you. The fear mostly of survival whether physical or fiscal. I do not take this lightly because as you know I have faced down both and as a human it is tough to see the forest for all the trees. I know everyone of you want to ascend this week and you may.

But it does not matter if we ascend this week or next month etc. I can assure you that all is occurring as it should. Everything is okay and everything will be okay. I know that may seem trite, since I have the benefit of still communication with Anita’s spirit and the assurance it gives me. So we are not able to control every aspect of our ascension, including the timing, but would we really want to anyway.

Just do the best you can each day whether that is interacting with the 3-d world or not. Be as kind and patient as you can and know that it will unfold in a perfect way in a perfect time. I hope peace extends to all of you who are facing fear issues. They will pass.


Dear Georgi,

I woke up and immediately opened your site to read of Pope Ratzinger resigning (bravo for your prediction coming true!) and also of Dorie’s dream of the anthill and your coordinating dream and impending ascension.

Somehow just reading these two pieces of news has lifted my spirits so much, I suddenly feel a huge weight lifted and I don’t even know what the weight was – lots of programming of fear and “hive mentality” probably.

I also have very close family members, like Dorie who are very religious (remember she’s also from Ohio, where there is a “Bible Belt” running through this region), and while I do not wish them to go insane and I could foresee that this is a possibility and I’m totally ready to accept that.

Leo has recently commented on our few forays out in the car on some nearby highways that there are crosses everywhere and religious paraphernalia all over the place. I’m used to it, but to his European eyes it’s quite startling to see it on big billboards.

I know it’s a little be-lated in reporting, but Jan. 13 was definitely an opening for me. We were stuck in a little motel up in the Sierras due to snow we couldn’t get to the Sequoias until the next morning and I could hardly sleep and was burning up like a furnace all night long. That must have been the entry to Source for me. many restless nights since then and lots of weird allergies.

Just a few bits and pieces on the developments in the masses…

Had dinner last weekend with the couple who have been my neighbors since I was born. They’ve become friends of ours only in recent years. I had no idea how open minded they are and also see the system as totally rigged against common man. i haven’t yet delved into what is coming, but I can see that their eyes are opening and they’re ready. He was unemployed for 3 years and only recently got a job (he’s almost 60) to survive on. I know they’ll be ready.

Recently a friend of mine (whom I may comment on in a separate email b/c I think it’s relevant to the coming new paradigm and earth) has been telling me about having nightmares and how these nightmares are of a “bigger” nature than just personal. She also told me that a psychic friend of hers recently told her that “much is being done through you, by you and for you”. This friend is not a lightworker by her own definition, but I believe she has been on to this new earth scheme for many decades and was way ahead of her time – she just doesn’t have your esoteric knowledge and also doesn’t yet accept the whole PAT mission, but I know she’s about to crack open to it and she’ll be one of the ones who is totally on board with the new earth once she gets into it. She has impeccable ethics, that’s s for sure. Is it possible others are part of the “cleansing” waves who don’t even know it or is it only our PAT? (She also had LBP symptoms in the last few years) She was born in 1949, so is part of the earlier indigo generation.

Just two links I’m including below about recent revelations. Please disregard if you’re too busy and think it’s not relevant

The first one is a link to “democracy now” website, where they report that the journalist Chris Hedges (one of the few principled ones left who totally opposes all that is going on and speaks out about it and was arrested several times in the process recently), along with Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsburg (Watergate whistle blower) are suing the Obama administration on the recent National Defense Authorization act which authorizes the gov’t to arrest anyone at will any time for anything without trial.

I realize this is just them using the system to sue the system and in reality it will all crumble before their eyes this coming week, but it’s still a good sign I think.

This other link is to a Bill Moyers interview with a young journalist about my age who literally spent years documenting and interview Vietnam veterans about the total disgusting atrocities committed during that war and used his own money and time with no grants or book advances to take this up as a cause and pursue it and reveal finally the truth to any stupid still doubting patriotic idiots who still believe there weren’t atrocities by US Americans against Vietnamese.

I was really impressed by this young man, who didn’t flinch even when Bill Moyers asked some stupid questions about “why are we having this conversation, is it really good to “upset the apple cart” or open the Pandora’s box.” Moyers did this just to appeal the mass mentality which he mistakenly thinks can’t accept or hear the truth, so I got really annoyed at his pandering even though I understand it. It’s this kind of bad journalism that will be totally wiped out in the new world, obviously.

But I think this young guy, Nick Turse is the prototype of the new earth person, someone with impeccable ethics and willingness to dig to the truth no-matter the cost. Although on Earth A perhaps such huge effort will be unnecessary, since Truth will be automatically present and revealed and lived.

Anyway, I’m so happy to hear you are alone this week and have the whole days to yourself and I am cheering for your imminent ascension and eagerly awaiting our opening to follow soon after.

I love you very much Georgi.

Dear Sarah,

thank you very much for your comprehensive account and comments on actual events and discussions on our website. I hugely enjoyed reading them and they gave me a vivid picture of the US society in these days of tremendous, though still clandestine transformation.

I also watched this interview on the US atrocities in Vietnam. It was a good interview as a whole and, while there was nothing new to me as an contemporaneous witness of this war with all its crimes that were widely discussed in Eastern Europe at that time and even later on in Germany, I found it rather weird that Moyers was so surprised about these revelations, given the fact that he was a journalist at that time in Washington. These revelations are definitely nothing new, not only to me, but probably to the half of humanity. This fact only demonstrates how dumbed down and indoctrinated the US population has been in the meantime, as at the time of the Vietnam war, the people in the USA knew very well what is ongoing in Vietnam, as Kerry himself confirmed in front of the senate commission.

However this is not our timeline now and we should concentrate on the coming key event, which is  ascension. But I agree with you that such revelations must come to the surface one more time and be emotionally and mentally reassessed by the US population, if they want to progress with their spiritual evolution in the coming crucial days.

With love and light


For the last week I have been hit with non-stop cleansing and cc-waves. It stopped today, I feel better than I have in many years. I feel clear and directed.

Last night I dreamt of downloads of information coming in wave after wave. It was the history and reasoning behind earths past. There were also boxes being mailed to me with cryptic messages from the PTW trying to manipulate the information I was being given. Their attempt to hide the truth was futile and I tossed their garbage aside. I could easily read through their deception and the truth was very evident to me.

As the dream continued, I was riding a bicycle with very small wheels, it was hard to pedal and it was taking a long time to get to my destination. My friend who is a bike guy stopped me and fixed the problem and I was able to ride it easily again. I found myself riding into my hometown, where a huge flood was crossing over the only access bridge into the city. As I continued to ride my bike towards the bridge the water receded and let me ride across. As if to say, the path ahead is clear now, it is time to move forward.

I woke up this morning feeling a new sense of empowerment. I do not feel anxious or excited. I feel like I am packed and ready to go on a business trip. My briefcase is in order and I am prepared for the next leg of the trip.

Love & light,

Hi George!

I am feeling very energized and enthusiastic about the events beginning to unfold this week. I feel very strongly that this is IT. I can completely concur with all the information that you and Dorie have received. The message I have been hearing for several days is, “You don’t have to do this anymore”, referring to the completion of the cleansing process.  Hooray!!

I wanted to wish Dorie the best birthday ever! I am planning on celebrating with her and all of the PAT because my birthday is this Saturday, the 16th!  And that is my birthday wish. .. for the most amazing ascension ever. I am having a really far out multi-dimensional birthday party and all of you are invited. . you aren’t even going to believe who is going to be there! It feels as if everyone is completely lined up and ready to go. I am delighted that your ideal ascension scenario, being at home alone has manifested.  Mine also, to be on this glorious mountain Mt. Shasta for my last birthday on this planet. See you soon!

Light and Love,

Beloved Georgi..

First, I wish to say I appreciate all that Anita did for all of us in the unseen ways. Bless her journey and her earth family!

Second, I do concur that so much has been done… or undone, I should say. Last Friday I felt wicked as I drove wildly. I drove to the coastline about a four hour trek, for no apparent reason. When I first started to drive, I could see the road ahead of me for miles and it was like I was doing a glancing check to see if the “grid” was still clean like we left it. I did this in many directions with a long distance view, I did not know I had! All the grids were still clear and fine. I felt like we had reached something significant, timewise. The next day I still had this passion to drive, so instead of out of town (was even thinking of going too other states), I decided I should just stay in town, so I must have circled the town a few times. Movement seemed essential.

This weekend I reviewed old dramas playing out on the world stage, and they did seem so old. These dramas felt more robotic than usual. When people are unplugged, they walk around doing the same old things and yet it feels different, it feels like something has changed.

I read, where Ireland is also considering disconnecting from the banks, just like Iceland! Ireland folk would do this. They are strong people! And then the domino effect. I also wonder how the “no pope” will work out!

Now as we keep finding our ascension time pausing for certain moments, I can say I am thankful for this Divine Timing… as each time we pause and wait, the changes that occur make it a better forum for us to come back to do the work. This I feel deeply, today.

Thank you Dori and Happy Birthday!! Thank you Georgi!

~ Love, Carolyn

Hey Georgi,

I imagine the PAT or you yourself had something to do with the Pope’s resignation at the end of this month, which coincides with mass ascension next month. this shows how close we are to ascension!



Dear Corey,

of course, it is no coincidence that pope Ratzinger resigns today, Feb 11th. He mentioned that he considers this possibility in 2011 in front of German journalists when he visited Germany for the second time, but at that time he suggested that this may be the case in the summer of 2012. After this interview he never repeated this intention for a second time and now all of a sudden he resigns without any warning whatsoever.

The Vatican has reliable information that we will ascend this week, just as all dark secret services know this. They only need to read our website and they do this very diligently. Otherwise one cannot explain the massive Internet trolls’ attacks on our website for more than three months at the end of 2012, which stopped all of a sudden on Jan 1, 2013. But they follow our website as closely as before and report to the Vatican and elsewhere. However we are now absolutely protected by heaven and no human being can do any harm to the PAT, since we came together in the summer of 2011.



Dear Georg,

I just had a look at your suggested (German) Website. Indeed the “voice of Good” speaks the utter truth. And this is a big conundrum in the hands of all humans and especially the lightworkers.

We all thought that the 21th December would rid us completely from all our sufferings and programs that we have been creating (consciously or sub-consciously) ourselves. Those programs are truly incapacitating the clear perception of divine reality and hinder us in many ways to see clearly the road to spiritual evolution. They keep our attention bound to the material levels and hinder us to see beyond the edge of the plate…

Thank you very much for this link as it clearly demonstrates what already GAIA Portals mentioned so well: “no stone will be left unturned!” as all dark corners in our lives have to be cleared out and all wounded areas of our existence has have to healed..

Thank you – God bless

in love and light

Dear Björn,

I have just received a new message from Dorie, which confirms what I knew today, but needed an external validation as to be completely certain: The old hive mentality of the masses has been completely cleansed on Sunday, so that they are now ready for our ascension and first appearance as ascended human masters this week. I will publish this message in the next several hours.

With love and light


Seems that they are beginning to scratch at the surface.

Hope you are well

Roger Martinez


Dear Roger,

thank you very much for this link. I read the website article and the original paper. This kind of science (application of unproven mathematical models to explain contents and ideas that are beyond the realm of mathematics) is useless and rather weird, but the tendency is revealing. This kind of research is very popular nowadays in physics and natural sciences and is rooted in the complete ignorance of modern scientists about the still existing foundation crisis of mathematics, which I first solved in 1994 and have referred to many times on this website. It is the theoretical point of departure of the new theory of the Universal Law.

But this link made me aware for the first time of the existence of arXiv as an online database for scientific articles that are not peer reviewed and have not appeared in official journals. I did not know about this possibility before. However even this arXiv seems to have some strings attached which point to a rigid, hidden control of what is published there.



Agreed that the mathematical attempt to explain the infinite falls through the cracks. What is that old saying “searching for the infinite by using the finite”?

It seems that the arXiv database is “owned” by Cornell Univ, so yes I would agree some system of control is placed on the database itself. Do you plan to post anything to arXiv? Although there really isn’t need to. Based my perception of the current energies, we are on auto pilot to our desired outcome.

Roger Martinez

Dear Roger,

and Cornell is one of the citadels of the dark ones and arXiv is under their control too. I do not intend to publish anything there, as it will be waste of time and because this is a sidetrack. We must now change humanity by creating the new mainstream and eradicate all old forms of communication. As I wrote recently: “You cannot establish a new, prospering whore house with the old harlots. You need new, younger ones.”


Dear Georgi,

The present influx of energies kept me awake all night, but I sense a certain change in quality. I feel there is much more to it than the usual cleansing waves. I felt felt physically tired, but my mind is rather vigilant. I took a peek outside the window 10 minutes ago and saw a white cloud formation in the dark sky, with the shape of an astonishingly sophisticated face, as it was hovering northwards. I think there is indeed something special about this portal. I also sense that Anita is still present with us, supporting the cause in a very auspicious way.



Exactly at the end of 3:33 EST I felt a huge jolt of energy that went straight up my spine and shook my head! I was just finishing up a post that I had been working on when the jolt happened and thereafter had the urge to send you my latest discovery. This post was received and inspired in the most miraculous way this morning via my HS. It took me some time to actually say the right things in the video, but eventually my HS pulled through, and was responsible for guiding me to this crazy job posting on the Durham website.

At 333 when I got the jolt of energy, the post was not finished, so I completed as fast as I could and pressed “publish” which was at 3:44 incidentally. Right thereafter I notice this is post 333 in the URL…I am freaked!


PS I also had such a tranquil feeling when I heard the news about Anita. I feel so much empathy with the rest of the PAT, as I have such a knowing that she is already ascended and waiting. I found so much confirmation in Jerry’s words and hope sincerely he is without Pain in the coming days..


Dear Corey,

this is a very interesting development and your attack /incentive to apply for the job is ingenious and very timely. I am eager to hear how the council will decide.


Hi Georgi,

I wanted to confirm the Ascension energy did indeed arrive on the 10th as you have just posted. My husband and I left Saturday to South Padre Island to “bond” after a much stressful week that was taking a toll on our relationship. At 5 am I woke up to intense body heat, that even my husband noticed, and an overwhelming feeling of being full of Love. I told him that I felt something good has happened as this feeling of Love surged through my body. I’m excited Georgi as energies are running rampant…


Dear George & PAT,

There is no need or time now for a large update from me; I have just a few thoughts. I confirm also experiencing a major cc-wave this morning. It’s various symptoms have been creeping up for the past few days.

When I read the announcement earlier that Anita passed on, I felt sadness of course, but also a deeper peace and inner sense of understanding. In meditation I sent my love to both Jerry and Anita. Immediately in my third eye I saw Anita as a brilliant star-like form and her rays connecting to the Earth and PAT energy grid. I took this as a sign that Anita is playing an important role to trigger the ascension of the PAT.

Last night I dreamed many unusual dreams, some lucid and some not. In one of them, I watched out my window as what appeared to be “ascended ones” (the PAT and/or first wave ascension candidates), who had just recently ascended, began to appear here on Earth. They were dressed as normal humans, but were about two stories in height, maybe between 15 to 25 feet tall. This was very exciting to see and I was ready to immediately join them, just as the dream ended.

I love all of you so much and I am looking forward to meeting everyone soon in our brilliant, extraordinary, unified ascended forms.

With love and light,

Dear Georgi,

I read with great sadness the posting of Anita’s passing today. I lost my first husband in a scuba diving accident and know that there is very little that one can say to soothe this kind of pain. As I was wondering how to word this note with the deeply heartfelt compassion that I hold for Jerry in this situation, the Elohim came in with a very loving message, bathed in golden light.

With love and light,

Greetings –  We are the Elohim!

Today we extend love and warm wishes to the earth soul of the loved one recently ascended. You are brave beyond measure for we acknowledge the depth of beauty of your earthly connection to this Divine one, called Anita, and also feel the depth of your loss.

While your loss feels deeply hurtful, please remember to hold your head high in the knowing that your selfless service to this soul was of divine guidance, and she is now in our presence and in deep joy at this moment.

Please know that her departure, extends great power to the furtherment of the ascension process. Please know that her soul is at peace in the knowing that her contract is now fulfilled to the highest level of communion and for the betterment of Mankind and Gaia.

You now find yourself seemingly alone, alone to do this task you have promised to achieve. However, we say to you that you are Not alone, for in truth there are those all around you, who love you dearly, and without compromise.

As you close your eyes, imagine the room you are in as hosting energies from home to Source itself. The group members, the PAT, are surrounding you with boundless love.  We, the Elohim, are here in full expression of compassion to support you on your continued mission at this time.

And your loved one, who has joined us here, is now also in your presence. You may not feel these energies because of the dissonance of the grief energy, but know, in fact, that all are with you.

Do not despair! You are needed on the earth plane for the completion of this Mission! You are truly loved and deeply honoured, evermore.

We are the Elohim.”



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