The Widening of Our Portals Prior to the ID Split

by April Bender and Georgi Stankov, August 19, 2012

An Urgent Message From My Higher Self

This night my Higher Self dictated to me repeatedly all the time a congratulation letter to all PAT members for their successful completion of the Ascension process.

Since yesterday the quality of the energy has changed dramatically. This is also the main topic of my dialogue with April  and the content of the latest message from her HS below. I assume that all of you have noticed this significant shift in the energy quality since yesterday (August 18) for the better. This shift has been enabled by the expansion of our portals, which have now merged with each other and have created  the “Jacob’s Ladder” for humanity and Gaia to ascend to the higher 4th dimension. The conditions for  a successful ID shift have been established and now only the “wake up call” must come.

This is all for  the moment and now back to my obsolete move, which I only do for the sake of my family. But there is also a positive aspect to it. I am throwing away so much ballast, for instance more than 1000 books which I decided that I will no longer need to read or use, that this move has also a pleasurable psychological side for me.



Dear April,

although I am full time occupied with the move, I will have 1-2 hours in the evening at my disposal. If you have received any new message or information you can send it to me and I will publish it immediately, so that the PAT members should not suffer from a withdrawal syndrome.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I will do my best for sure. Unfortunately beginning yesterday and into today I’ve been knocked down pretty hard by an excruciating left brain portal headache and accompanying upset stomach. However, I am eager too to see what all this means as it definitely feels portal related. I will see if I can at least get a couple paragraphs from HS.

Hope the move is going OK,
Much love and light,


Dear April,

I had this same wave two days ago and then comes a second wave which has a fear-based component coming from all humanity’s dross. It may feel like burning your skin (as if millions tiny needles are penetrating your skin) and also you have the feel of being charred inside. The only technique that helps is deeply breathing and forcefully out-breathing. It has to do with the widening of our portals and with helping many ascension candidates to qualify in the very last minute.


Dear Georgi,

I did check in with HS, I must apologize, I didn’t really read/digest this info before sharing like I normally do. My head is hurting too bad right now, but that is also why I wanted to check-in. I’ve been feeling like the intensity with all processes, especially portal related, had begun peaking.

I hope this makes sense and that it resonates with you and the others though.  Good luck with the move! I’m back off to bed for a bit.

Much love and light,

The Message

Me: So, many of us have been noticing heightened activity, sensations, or visions regarding our portals lately. And in addition, I’ve had one dozy of a left-brain portal headache with accompanying tummy ache since yesterday. It’s like I have a rod sticking through my eye socket, straight through to the lower back of my skull. UGH! Is this portal related as well?

HS: Yes, very much so. It is also related to water as well, both the “celestial waters” now pouring into your portals/ Gaia/ the ethers, as well as all bodies of water upon Gaia. But first, let me start with the portals. Your portals are being used much and often right now. They are widening in all directions and some are beginning to now overlap with others, in effect turning/merging into even larger portals.

You have many entities of the Great White Brotherhood active within your regions and they are working in a flurry to get the masses prepared. Many of the masses are experiencing ascension/ID split “test-runs” in/through your portals (see  my article on the first ascension wave). And many others are being brought through for additional calibration during dream or quiet time. But since as you know, time grows short, the efforts and number of beings involved grows exponentially with each passing day.

And you can feel all of this, happening within your portals, and for some of you, within your bodies. You are “full, full, full” with wonderful energy yes, but also a very intense whooshing! of activity. You may also be feeling some of the magnetic pull you and your portal are now transmitting/emitting/pulling? now the masses. They are being “drawn” to your frequency (those who are ready) and your portals, sort of like a gentle “tractor beam.”

Me: This also explains all my friends and family suddenly wanting to pop by and visit this weekend. It’s been crazy! And normally I’d be great with it, but this lame headache has me incapacitated for the most part. It’s killing my head to even look at the screen and type this up now.

HS: Yes! That’s exactly why your friends and family are attempting to descend upon you this weekend. They are drawn to your home/you/portal. But they are responding to it in the physical instead of in dream, etc… But that’s also OK if they couldn’t come over, as on some level they have made the connection to you, finally. And don’t worry, they’ll get the rest of the transmission/ message/ instruction on the level that they need to. The sun is jumping in and helping a lot with that as well.

Me: OK, so now tell me about the “celestial waters,” and the waters of Gaia having to do with this as well?

HS: As above so below… The sky has parted and now some of the highest, purist, compassionate/ loving/ nurturing, transformative, memory/psychic related energies of the cosmos come literally pouring in as the “celestial waters.” These waters are cleansing, healing, and reconciling (meaning that they help us come to wholeness/ memory/ ascension). If your sensitive to the element of water, you’ve probably been sensing this or feeling water even physically, for no reason.

Now the flip side to this beautiful etheric energy, is that Gaia will need to cleanse herself to a certain degree, her land and her waters. Much of any “wake up” call scenario, will manifest as a result through the waters. Any of the potential earth change scenarios involve a lot of water displacement. So in general, you could be feeling/ sensing a lot with the element of water in general.

Me: OK, that’s a lot for me to think about with this raging headache. How about we continue tomorrow?

HS: Sure. But please know, that so much is in motion right now. So many forces, processes, energies, all moving in support of the Divine Plan. Many of you may begin to pick up on different pieces or elements of this endeavor as it has grown so large now, as to have “many, many arms and legs” so to speak. So some may bring forward information from various different aspects of what is happening right now, and all would be correct. Time is so very short and many final details and processes culminate now in order to be fully in place and ready for the “wake up” call, which again could be an event or circumstance related to a geophysical or celestial stimulus.

Know that you are safe, you are loved, as are your loved ones, and will be arriving home very soon! You will receive any and all information required to navigate these last days, even if you become unable to communicate with each other online temporarily, simply go within. You will be guided and directed as necessary. Keep trusting in what you receive and know that things move VERY RAPIDLY now. The signs are there..


Dear April,

this information is very reassuring as I just wrote to you about the widening of my portal before having received your latest message and it promptly confirmed my nightly experience.

This is the third day now that we have a blue sky in Bavaria and no chemtrails, which is a sign of the enormous cleansing activities of the forces of light in the skies. I saw today only two airplanes with chemtrails and they disappeared within seconds. My HS told me that the dark ones are now so frustrated that they will completely cease with this activity very soon as they see themselves that this insidious practice has no effect anymore. Take care of you and try to relax, as these commotio cerebri waves are very debilitating.

With love and light

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