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A Response to Divsy and Other “Doubtful Tomatoes”

August 15, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I’ve been reading the posts and digesting some of the information in them, and while doing this, a deep realisation came to me, especially after reading the last post from Divsy and your response to him (Georgi). It is amazing just how deep the conditioning goes, especially religious conditioning, even if one isn’t religious, these ‘ideas’ have permeated our psyches and shaped our societies in such a way that we sometimes do not see that we are enforcing or acting from a place that is blindly condoning them. As in the case of the ‘eternal sinner’ and having to pay the dues no matter what to make things ‘right’ and ‘good’ – Not for merely ourselves, but for the rest of humanity. This ties in with something I’ve been thinking about, which has to do with being a martyr and how detrimental it is in acting this way.

It’s important that we realise the power we have and understand our ability to use it intelligently and wisely for the best outcome. This does require that we question and realise what is and has been transpiring in the higher realms -even if we can’t see the ‘bigger picture’. It is exactly in questioning that we come to understand and can make more informed decisions, instead of blindly accepting that we must do something just because we are ‘merely Masters down here on planet earth’ and we couldn’t possibly ‘understand’ the ‘bigger picture’. We understand our role and what we are here to do, and HAVE BEEN doing an amazing job in all that we signed up for. Staying on the ground because we can’t see or know the ‘bigger picture’ is absurd – It’s like saying ‘I’m just a lowly human and I better do as I’m told, because someone up there knows much better than I do.’ That goes back to not questioning and blindly accepting and playing the part of the dumbed down human-minion who only does as they are told. We are past that, yes? We are and have been for a long time – That is how we’ve come to understand so much more than the rest of many, many humans who will not (out of a deep fear) question or look at this situation objectively. We know that there is not a wrathful omnipotent being waiting to punish us for asking questions and demanding answers that are rightfully ours to ask and receive answers for.

If the LQ has not helped to wake-up the masses of people, I do not believe for one second that my staying here and acting as a human vacuum cleaner (to quote you) will help make it any better – In fact in all probability, can make it worse. As stated above, becoming a martyr is not beneficial and usually leads to very undesirable outcomes. Being pro-active and making the best decisions is what will move the process in the desired directional outcome, which is our ascension along with the ID split. We can be far more effective in ‘helping’ humanity if this occurs sooner than later, as we have discussed here already. I know that the psychological aspects of constantly being knocked down physically are having their toll on me as well as on my body – It doesn’t exactly boost my morale to be constantly unwell needing to stay in bed or at home. I have come to realise that this has been a vital part of the process, in clearing dross and part of the energetic upgrades, but it cannot go on indefinitely, as there would be no point – It must reach an energetic outcome that is beneficial to humanity and Gaia – That is what we signed up for, this has been our job, of which we have fulfilled and exceeded. I do feel this is the tail end of this process.

Humanity now needs to take responsibility for their own growth and deal with what that entails. This is the only positive aspect that will help them learn on their own paths, so that they too can evolve each, their individual soul – In fact, I see no other alternative. If I am missing something, then please enlighten me. I, like all of us, am sick and tired of being sick and tired – It never lets up anymore.

Warm regards,
August 16, 2012

Hi Natasha,

I think if you were to ask me that question a few days ago, I might have thought more along those lines. But today, my energy has changed dramatically, indeed the dust has settled, and for the first I can see things more clearly than I’ve ever seen them before.

I would suggest that our mission was more along the lines of an epic BATTLE, the greatest battle ever known to the Universe! And within that story of battle, are all the elements of the greatest love story; love, compassion, sacrifice, passion, and even betrayal, but ultimately the story ends with the biggest victory ever known to mankind! It ends with the saving of billions of souls, not in keeping their physical bodies from imprisonment, but by releasing their souls to freedom.

I feel better than I have felt in a very long time, because I finally figured out that one of those “billions” of people I had to fight for was ME…and now I see that you have figured that out too.

Indeed we truly ARE victorious, in ways than one!
Much love to you!

On PAT  Ascension and New End Time Scenario

August 16, 2012

Dear George

The last posting resonated very strongly with me. I think that enough people are awake but if the prison cell is not too bad they are not doing anything about it. Unfortunately I think it will come to a major wake up call for the masses and it will be a rude awakening. Enough has now come to light even in mainstream papers/the news about what is going on for people to begin to take notice, but still they have their heads in the sand. Well when your head is in the sand you are open to a kick up the backside and I am afraid that is what will happen.

I don’t think we can know the exact details, nor for most of us anyway, comprehend them. I also feel for some of us there will be a immediate shift.

I don’t channel or take with my HS (maybe luckily), but this is how I feel. I can only imagine how busy you are at the moment so there is no need for a reply.

In love and light
Maria Jones
August 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Please tell Dorie and April how much I appreciated their messages. This is the first time that as I read them I was covered with chills from top to bottom. chills are always my conformation of truth. Also after reading all the updates, I was overcome with a very intense energy surge. I could not function in 3D and just had to sit for a bit before I could even move. My body vibrated like crazy. Ascension is close. If not on the 17th it will be very soon. Blessings to all. I have been so excited all afternoon – and it’s been awhile since I felt so peaceful. Thanks to everyone.

August 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your astute leadership and giving us the chance to make a difference and move Ascension forward with our Decrees. I awake every morning and can’t believe I am still here. I feel like a weary warrior. Since decreeing I feel my energy is more even and peaceful.

Gail’s post today could have been written by me, I so resonated with what she said, and how she expressed herself.
I am so grateful to you and the PAT.

In love and light
Marian Gallagher
August 16, 2012

Hello George,

Here is the link to my latest video. Also, I just wanted to point out that your prediction of today (the 15th) being a significant day is accurate, as today is my birthday (23)!

August 15, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I also realised yesterday that this was all a part of our HS plan to speed up the ascension process of the PAT, by transmitting information of our ascension period or dates. This in turn propelled the PAT to deliver a final collective and individual decree which will be enough to complete the PAT’s ascension scenario. I had much laughter after this realization and I had to apologize to my HS for being extremely rude and blunt in my lecturing and analysis.

There is not too much I can say about Nibiru, but it is 100% likely that it will cause destructive and devastating damage in the form of Earthquakes, land movements and many other catastrophes, which will solidify and from a physical point, fully begin this planet’s destiny as catastrophic Earth B. Therefore, if and once Nibiru crosses the Earth on 17th August, then I can only say that the ID split must then happen before the beginning of Nibiru’s devastating effects on this planet.

I simply can’t fully understand why some PAT members would wish to continue their pain on this planet even though the intention was/is pure, all for the sake of some sleeping masses whom we have agreed to selflessly help awaken and on numerous occasions. We were never going to be able to save/help every single soul since many have decided in their soul contracts to continue their physical adventure on this planet after mass ascension. It would seem illogical if we as PAT members were to continue to help such individuals, even though we absolutely can’t because their decision was already designed long before they became fence straddlers. I know I may be repeating what has been stated, but it would be unwise and lacking in accurate thought for any PAT member to agree to do so. If this report is published I will let it be known that I am not trying to hurt or cause any personal feelings to arise, but to re-state that we as the PAT have done all we can and surpassed by even the most optimistic individual’s expectations to help humanity and that we must not try to willingly push the limits of the ascension scenario/process…

Love and Light
August 15, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I resonate very much with the excellent article “A Major Shift in the End Time Scenario for Humanity due to the Last PAT Decree”, and it is humbling to me that I feel it is light years ahead of my third essay. Everything is crystal clear now. In fact I was so focused with the ascension of all PAT these days that it seemed to me I did not care about the destiny of those fence straddlers since I started writing drafts for my third essay in July 25.

In these challenging last days for the PAT, I was having fun organising my thoughts by writing those essays, it is nice how my HS has decided to put me in these kind of recreational activities to help strengthen my convictions about the destiny of Gaia instead of wallowing in doubt. It is simply my hobby now till the ID split comes and our detonation, and all I feel now is to sit back and relax, thanks to the final decree. As early as March I got the idea of the detonation button just like the “install’ button found in computer software.

Love and Light
Dear Aegil,

your soul has pushed you to concentrate on the essential. The ascension scenario is an important intermediary event, but ultimately it is the eternal truths that are valid and will perpetuate, while the current events will lose importance after they have taken place.

With love and light
August 16, 2012

Dear George,

I wanted to write to say thank you very much for your concerted efforts at explaining our situation in your latest post, “A Major Shift in the End Times Scenario”.  And also to thank April and Dorie, for their concerted efforts on behalf of us all!

Between Dorie’s HS post yesterday, and your joint post with April and her HS message today, I feel like I have had a huge light of clarity turned on and renewed within me. I thank all of you for the sustained efforts you have put into bringing the light of truth to the forefront, once again!

I have always wanted to contribute to the discussion; to feel like I have made a difference in our overall mission.  The effects we have all experienced of our original encoded plans not coming to fruition has thrown me, and others, I’m sure, for a real loop; and some of us have simply not come along as far as others.

For me, I know that I do add to the light quotient on a daily basis, and I know that I strive to know, understand and live as fully in the truth as I possibly can.  So I feel grateful for those who can and do, do what you few do for us all.  Truly, thank you.

With love, Robin
Dear Robin,

thank you very much for this very affirmative email. We must now keep a clear mind and steadfastness as the coming events will be beyond any human imagination and there will be very few of us who will be able to explain to the people what is actually happening. Our responsibility will be inhuman very soon.

With love and light
August 16, 2012

Dear George,

Maybe it’s sad that all those souls refused to make a choice, but we still succeeded I believe.

– Instead of going to earth B, they now have a choice
– We can say we’ve done everything we can
– Some of them did accept our help and didn’t fail to do their part
– Choosing to go to earth B now, after accepting our help but failing to make a clear choice would create a big karmic debt to us, wouldn’t it? So for this reason I can see many of the souls in the grey zone being strongly inclined to choose for earth AB.

Also my thanks to April for this new message, and please tell her when I spoke of parties, I didn’t mean real ones. In my message with “no more parties” I meant the higher realms finally doing something instead of constant waiting and delaying. Now we must wait for this special wake up event to unfold. It can’t be too far in the future. There will be some destruction, but it will be great to finally see something big happen on this planet, instead of constantly planning things and waiting forever to see them happen.

Love & Light,
August 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Something seemed off about the need to wait a few days at the onset of the “event” in order to allow the masses to decide.

Upon pressing HS for clarification I received this:

“They will indeed be granted this time by us, but it may or may not delay your ascension by a few days  depending upon exactly which event or condition scenario manifests. Our ideal would be that the initial life changing event or condition would lead directly to the three days of darkness, which is now a very real physical scenario as well as being metaphoric for the internal.”

Hope this is helpful! I definitely found it clarifying.
Much love and light,

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