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On the Great Central Sun Transmissions 

July 5, 2012

Blessings George,

Karen Danrich aka “Mila” is now Lilliya Nita Maha. She both resides and gives workshops in Colorado.

Her current work on ascension can be found at :

The material she has on her site is exhaustively detailed but fascinating.

In light,
Dear Sandra,

thank you very much for this additional information. I now remember that I have read these two books from Mila sometime ago, but I then lost track of this source. I will publish this link in the next post.

Complete Ascension Workbook 1

Complete Ascension Workbook 2

Although this information is very interesting, I think that it no longer serves us much in the last days prior to our ascension, but it must have been very useful at the time when it was first channeled.

With love and light
July 5, 2012

Hi Georgi, our Dear captain-and all the lovely PAT!

This is my very first e-mail! Not sure I can do it well enough, but felt to have a go! My husband Eric and I are in our early 7o’s and live in Southern England. We have read everything on your Website since last September. When we first found the site, it was an explosion of Light for us! – this person, Georgi, was advocating-Ascension! WOW!! We soon discovered that you, Georgi, are a very exceptional human being and we greatly respect and love you. You speak the truth as received from your H.S.-always so strong, courageous, going beyond others fears and opinions and truly inspiring-you have taught us SO much, and remembering too, your great sense of humour….how we’ve laughed! – and also at the PAT’s amusing contributions!  Thank-You!

I was born (with a caul) an only child of what was, back then, quite elderly parents. My Mother used to say, there must be a reason why I was here – a calling! Ha!  Eric and I spent many years searching for the point of existence. Tried the Orthodox Christian Path, but after a while felt something was missing! – then a few dead ends along the way!  In 1994 we both read “The Green Books” (St.Germain Foundation)..they talk much about Ascension and we knew immediately it was Ascension we were seeking and the Ascension of Mother Earth…On that issue, Georgi..IS St.Germain genuine?..What do you feel?

In 1998 we went to see the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull – Oh my! On the second night after that, I had the most severe heart palpitations which lasted 18 hours..I wondered if I was going to die! – didn’t call a Doctor! We have never trusted Doctors as always “felt” that they are trying to control us all and are part of the Orion system! I came to understand, thanks to Georgi, that I have been going through LBP for many years, heart digestion, shoulder. back, legs.etc. like all of us…slept on the floor for a year with lower back pain…L.B.P? Ha! Ha!

At this point, something locked up on the Computer and couldn’t continue!…so a car trip into town to find someone to explain how to sort it all out…Technology! Oh! for expanded consciousness!

We, like most of the PAT, are on our own and cannot talk to anyone about anything meaningful, so your bountiful website is pounced upon every day with great enthusiasm and you keep us sane in this crazy 3D illusion.

In conclusion, I had a dream last night about, Umm! – a very senior member of the British Royal Family who was about to be arrested! I saw a large white van come to collect him, but they were being careful as to do it suddenly and discretely – A sign that ID split is imminent?  In a dream, the night before (1st July) I saw an airfield covered with various small planes and biplanes – as I walked through the entrance building, I saw a large sign overhead which said, “PREPARE FOR YOUR FLIGHT”

Georgi, your commitment to the website and bringing the PAT together is Heaven-sent and SO GREATLY appreciated! Eternal Thanks!

With Love and Light,
Dear Ella,

thank you very much that you have finally decided to contact me. You  could have done it much earlier and thus have contributed more actively to our ongoing discussions. But “late” is always better than “never”.

I am very happy to hear that this website has helped you better understand your symptoms and other experiences with the LBP, which were definitely not the main topic of all channelled messages before and thus many star seeds in the LBP were left without any guidance as to what is happening to them.

In this respect I come to your question about St. Germaine. He indeed usurped this topic knowing that it will be of key importance in the End Times. But the way this source discussed ascension, he actually aimed at hindering a proper understanding of it as he never discussed the real energetic background of it.

I only recently wrote that this entity SG is an “astral terrorist”. I have just come upon a very good source that confirms that SG and most of the other channelling sources are in fact from Anunnaki origin, as I have repeatedly said, which means also part of the Pleiadian civilisation and have particular interests on the earth which do not coincide with that of the Tao, from where the PAT members come.

Read all articles there and in particular this one:

Transcending the false gods

Your dreams are indicative of the last preparations for the ID split and our ascension and similar dreams are shared by many PAT members. Only yesterday I had a very powerful vision in a meditative state, where Obama appeared all of a sudden in my visual field and was very worried. I have seldom had such a intensive vision of somebody, I do not know personally. From what I gathered he knows that the battle is lost and he must demise or he may even have fears that he might be killed and substituted with a clone if he does anything against these dark powers that control him and make for instance a first announcement today July 4th as to show courage. He is definitely in a huge dilemma. We will wait and see what will happen.

I am still hopeful that ascension will happen this month, but the whole process is so complex and “they” , Heaven, want to make it perfect as so many other solar systems and planets depend on the proper earth’s ascension as you can read in the link I have given you. Hence the perennial delays in the last several years, also due to the fact that the vast majority of mankind is still in a deep slumber.

But as we have survived until now, we will not miss this event. Many greetings also to your husband Eric and hold on a little bit more. We are already there.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

Thank-you, so much, for your welcome e-mail, I have just read it and amazingly had already taken off today’s postings, and in particular “Transcending the False Gods”

Regarding Saint Germain, I know you said in one of your earlier SOAR Reports that Ascended Masters did not channel – and that you mentioned recently, that SG is an Astral terrorist!  Please forgive me! I just had to clear that with you, as “the books” did use the word Ascension a lot! but, I must admit that somehow they did not seem to have, as you say, the energetics to go with it! I just needed your confirmation!

I’m not surprised anymore about the antics of the Dark Ones!! what with the Christian fraud-no Jesus or crucifixion – an astral terrorist St.Germain! – the Higgs-Boson fraud, etc. etc. AH!  Guess all stones on the path…..SOON to be washed away!!

Dear Ella,

the scope of fraud on this planet is mind-boggling indeed and there is virtually nothing else. This is the main reason why life on this planet is so difficult and the spiritual evolution is a like a walking through a mined field.

July 4, 2012

Dear George,

Thank you for the series of articles channeled through Karen Danrich. I have read the first one, “Earth Changes Ahead”. While an utterly fascinating read, I again am turned upside down and inside out with respect to my understanding of everything, though I realize my 3D understanding of anything at all is severely compromised and deficient.

I’m wondering if you can provide any insight as to how mass ascension in December 2012 fits into any of this (underlines mine):

Between the years 2017 and 2018, Earth shall enter the Great Central Sun in full. All that no longer resonates with the Great Central Sun shall be pushed outside of her boundary or threshold. As such, those in human form or of other species that are too discordant may die upon impact. Some have called this the “entering of the photonic belt”. Indeed, the entry of the Great Central Sun shall mark the fulfillment of Earth’s choice to return to our embrace. However, it shall not mark the ascension to the next dimension. The ascension to the fifth dimension of Earth shall take over 1000 years following entry into the Great Central Sun itself, and much more change.

Earth shall continue to illuminate from within following entry into the Great Central Sun. Inside of the Great Central Sun, Earth shall be bathed in light day and night. The illumination of Earth shall be experienced as an increasing light inside and outside of all form. At first the light may glow in the form of a more present auric field or “halo”. Later, all living things shall glow from the inside out as if they have a light bulb inside that has been turned on. Over time, the light shall continue to increase until all that appears solid appears semi-etheric, or can be seen through. It is at this point that Earth shall have entered the fourth dimension. It is anticipated that Earth shall not move into the fourth dimension in full for some 300 years into your future.

After Earth has stabilized in the fourth dimension, the illumination within all form shall continue to grow, gradually and over time. From a third dimensional experience, Earth shall begin to “melt” with most rock and stone as you know it becoming liquid. However, form shall continue to appear solid within the fourth dimension. As the fire increases in the third dimension to enough of a “heat” over time and with continued illumination, all of Earth shall combust and enter the fifth dimension. At such a time, in the third dimension a star shall be born, and Earth shall be inflamed. However, upon the fifth dimension, all shall appear as it should or solid, but lighter, less dense, more illuminated, more transparent than you experience in present time.Earth is not anticipated to ascend to the fifth dimension for some 1000 years into your future.”

This information seems to negate and/or delay all that December 2012 represents. Perhaps I am confusing Humanity’s ascension with Earth’s ascension, i.e., assuming (incorrectly?) that their timing is one in the same.  George, I’d love to hear any clarification from you on my selfish concerns to exit this toxic planet this year through the Ascension process.

Dear Bill,

this statement has nothing to do with the ascension to the lower second level of the 5th dimension. The perspective  is completely different as in the text one speaks of up to 1000 dimensions and above. After ascension on Dec 21, 2012, the earth will continue to ascend for the next 2000 years and at the beginning it will be still a very underdeveloped society. I have always said that we will need another 2000 years until humanity will reach Celestria – the highest 5th dimensional level.

Dear George,

Thank you for the clarification!  I am thoroughly enjoying this series of articles/channelings and am on the third one.  It is simply mind-boggling not just about how little we have been allowed to know by the PTB, but about the depth and magnitude of Higher intelligence directing Creation, though that is probably a crude characterization due to my level of understanding. Having said that, I was quite astounded to read that there has been such a great degree of error/distortion permitted to occur, such that it even debilitated the Great Central Sun. It’s too much to try to understand fully, but I plug on with my desire to know as much as I can.

BTW, I asked for clarification last night before sleep as to my role in coming events. Without boring either of us with details, it seems that I may be part of the re-education process on A/B and/or prior to the mass ascension in December. As you know, these dreams are usually clear as mud.

Dear Bill,

it is true that most dreams are as clear as mud, but your mission seems quite probable nonetheless. I had one intensive telepathic connection to Obama two days ago and last night I also dreamt of him. This is unusual. In the meditation he was very worried and depressed when he appeared in my visual field very vividly and in the dream he was angry with me. This could be an information from my soul that the elite is on the verge to demise. We will wait and see.

July 4, 2012

Between the years 2017 and 2018, Earth shall enter the Great Central Sun in full. All that no longer resonates with the Great Central Sun shall be pushed outside of her boundary or threshold. As such, those in human form or of other species that are too discordant may die upon impact. Some have called this the “entering of the photonic belt”. Indeed, the entry of the Great Central Sun shall mark the fulfillment of Earth’s choice to return to our embrace. However, it shall not mark the ascension to the next dimension. The ascension to the fifth dimension of Earth shall take over 1000 years following entry into the Great Central Sun itself, and much more change.

Dear George,

Just began reading the channeled information from your site and already my spirit went “huh?”

Firstly, there is no linear time, in fact, all time is happening simultaneously. This is where we all have erred lately, thinking linear. In fact, I have been getting messages again and again, stop looking at time and just BE. Time is an illusion. And it has truly collapsed in on itself.

Also, I was under the impression we are FULLY in the photon belt now, in fact, we just fully entered it this past month. Gaia will begin exiting the photon belt in the years 2017-18, or so I thought. Yet, again, I am referring to time as linear, which it is not.

And to think that the ascension of Gaia is not happening for another full 1000 years, that is seriously discouraging. With all you have been teaching and what I have  been experiencing, this just cannot be truth. Why would the PAT be here at this point of Gaia’s history if the ascension were not to happen for another 1000 years? I just cannot, will not swallow this.

Have we all been wrong? Has it only been our wishful thinking due to our inner longing to make a difference in this toxic mixed up world, and the only way to do that is to reconnect with the ATI….is this what we have been doing?

I have been greatly discouraged lately, and have stayed quiet, not wanting to bring you down as well. I mean, really, what in the hell are we here for if this ascension is not going to happen for another 1000 years? *Scratching head*

Here in the states it is the Forth of July. I walked into our grocery store yesterday and the frenzied, demented energies as in a demonic whirlwind hit me so hard from all the people in the store, I had to really breathe deeply and look straight ahead, concentrating on protecting myself as if I were walking in the very bowels of hell itself. And all this for hot dog and watermelon. *Shaking head* These people are clueless, and the more I see and figure out on my own and then read, the more I know these people are not even human.

In Love and Light,
Dear Amy,

Come on, don’t beat the drum too loud. This presentation is from the perspective of the central sun which operates with dimensions beyond the 1000. if you read all the texts it simply says that earth will continue to evolve after it ascends to the lower 5th dimension for another 2000 years before it  can be  fully integrated in the higher dimensions. This is what I have always said.  Ascension does not stop with Dec 2012. These are different standards and one has to read and interpret the messages very carefully what the source really means.


seriously trying to keep heads up. Keep the faith, etc. Yes, I know ascension will not stop with Dec. 2012, for the ALL is ever expanding and growing. For the time being, I shall stay in the now, chop wood and carry water, and try to get smiling again. Have had some heavy “tests” back to back as I continue evolving and improving and learning… we shall never stop learning, growing, creating…

I also feel the weariness of many, it is just not me. PAT just hanging on, some of the older wayshowers are wearier then others…

July 4, 2012

On Medial Presence and Behaviour on the Internet


I was thinking of a question to ask you regarding PAT. How did PAT first grow through the site? Was it just silence in the beginning and you were posting or did you already have a few readers “lined up” so to speak?

I am curious for reasons of trying to see how things like this propagate… I am wondering if more and more people are coming out with ascension symptoms and connecting the dots and they end up at your door?

I haven’t seen hardly any mention of you on other sites that I peruse on the net. You don’t do Youtube, so I have to wonder are you using like providence or something to get visits?

I have a business websites and in spite of Internet search optimization, it gets only junk hits. So I’m thinking you either have computer help for keywords like ascension, or its simply a case of the higher self of the public at work… What is it?

Dear Eric,

It was a preordained connecting of the dots. One week after I opened this website at the end of August the number of visitors jumped to 1000 all of a sudden, which was a huge surprise to me. Indeed some of the reader knew my name from articles I had published at before, but most of them were guided by their HS to find my website as they told me later on.

As I have deliberately given up publishing on other websites as I do not want to mix up with the many fraudulent channelings and other sources on the New Age market, I am an “insider tip” so to say. In fact the other writers, even if they know me, prefer to keep silent on myself as my articles inevitably expose them as false and wrong. Even this young man Wes Annac, who recently wrote an article where he excused himself for earlier attacks against me out of ignorance, has never bothered to publish a single article written by myself, while he still publishes every crap Beckow is writing. We have a saying in Bulgaria to this kind of behaviour:

“Shit clings together”

And this confirms my own view / higher self tells me somehow to get there. I actually have no memory of the specific thought or keywords I used to find you’re site which is something I would never have happen even under circumstances like being drunk (which I’m sure I wasn’t). So I’m confirming this as a proper functioning of higher self.

Plus – I know you own the ball because I got up 20 minutes ago and Bloomberg has this big headline (on Higgs-Boson) and I’m like ha, I wonder what Georgi has to say about that? – presto you have an article on it the instant I check the site.

July 4, 2012

Dear Dr Stankov,

The so-called new particle observed by CERN seems to me to confirm the Universal Law (that you’ve propounded) governing All-that-is, and that there is no vacuum in space-time.

Your comments in layman’s terms of the “new particle” at the level of 5 sigma with a mass in the region of 126 GeV would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,
bee lian ho
Dear Bee Lian Ho,

I am intending to write an article on this issue where I will address your question.

July 4, 2012

Hi George,

Tell em what you think of these comments on Alex as I am familiar with him an and tend to find his stuff genuine.
I feel very much so in the same boat as Alex as even I am begging these days just to keep going.

Dear Anthony,

I must admit that I have not followed the publications and the latest escapades of this personality Alex Collier, so that I am not able to make any comments on him. I did not even know that he was incarcerated as I have now read on this link, but I see that there is a lot of controversy around this man.

Let me make a general statement. My ideas are also highly controversial among many LW, who dislike the truth about themselves, and I assume that some of them may even hate me, but nobody dares to attack me personally and frontally as they will immediately get an adequate response that may not be so pleasant for them.

Second, I  do not search and medial popularity and I have even not published a photo of myself and also decline to make any interviews or videos. This “keeps the ball flat” as the Germans use to say and forces any eventual adversary of my ideas to concentrate on the essentials.

As most of them are unable to exhibit such a concentrated intellectual effort, they stay away from me and do not dare to embroil in a theoretical discussion with me, as they know in advance that they have no chance to win it.

Most esoteric gurus have not yet reached this state of clarity of their mind and they keep falling back into the abyss of their illogical thinking and thus compromise themselves again and again, but still cannot give up their medial presence as they have no self-respect. The reason for this is that they suffer from a huge medial greed, which is a very common expression nowadays of the basic human fear to be in reality a very insignificant person (Minderwertigkeitskomplex), as is the case with all the Beckows, Wilcocks etc.

I hope that this impartial answer also highlights the situation with your friend Alex in general.

With love and light

Our Dreams again…

July 4, 2012

Dear Dr. Stankov,

I am just writing to tell you that in May this year, when some of the PAT members were giving tentative ascension dates, I decided to ask my higher self if I could also know my ascension date. I don’t really think it is important to know the date, and as we have seen, these things can energetically change. But, at the time I was frustrated and tired because even though I am only 25, it feels like I have been living in 3D forever and it is hard to remain calm and patient. I got the VERY clear answer that my date would be July 24th. At the time, I just assumed I must be leaving a little later than most of the PAT members. In any case, I thought I would share this with you, even though it doesn’t pertain to you or anyone else specifically, I think it points to an inter-dimensional shift at the end of July.  Have a good day, I am confident that things will start moving soon.

Love and light,
Dear Erin,

your information may be a good guess as in one of my last reports I put a link to the latest Arcturian Lecture from Juliano channeled by David Miller, Group of Forty. Find the paragraph below where Juliano mentions a ‘crescendo’ perhaps beginning July 28th.

“Therefore, the polarization is not just creating different camps. It is not just creating different sides. But the polarizations are indications that there will be breaks in patterns of doing things. These breaks, these patterns of doing things, are intensifying greatly now, and they will reach a crescendo perhaps as early as July 28,2012. The breaking of these old patterns could go into the first and second week of August, where you will see on the global scale that the older patterns cannot sustain or hold the energies. This type of experience that is the breaking of old patterns is frequently a precursor to the Ascension, and it is frequently a precursor to the intersection of the dimensions.”

I also hope that we will see an ID split and our ascension this month. Anything else will make no sense. “They” want to make a clean cut now and are waiting to the very last possible moment to make the ID split optimal. However every day after the summer solstice is a heavy tribute we pay to the dark ones who are still in power and shortens the time of education for the people to ascend in Dec 21, 2012. So there must be a clear-cut deadline which must be around the end of this month.

July 4, 2012

Hey George,

I had a dream last night it was lucid and I was aware and interacting the whole time. I cannot remember all the details now more just the energetic nature of what was happening. Basically I got to a point where I was frustrated why the ID split had not occurred yet and why PAT had not ascended yet. Then I got clear answers from my higher self telling me that rather than wait and be frustrated I could help tip the energetic scales.

My HS was disappointed in my recent actions of allowing myself to indulge in 3D illusions and allowing my vibration to be lowered. I knew that I had to again release all illusions and ties holding on to 3D and allow what my soul came here to do to happen. So I did this in dream state and then the ID split happened. I was aware that it had happened and was trying to explain it to others around me however at first everything seemed to have stayed the same apart from subtle differences. It was like having that frustrated feeling where you just can not understand something or make it work and it just seems absolutely impossible and then you start breaking through and it just seems easy. I was trying to do this myself and also explain and guide others. The process was to acknowledge the ID split, start to see through and dissolve all illusions that were being held in place only by yourself (the old patterns of earth and 3D) then to start to navigate and create / explore in a multidimensional nature. This seemed however extremely hard like learning to walk or talk I guess. It was very exciting and sort of intimidating.

I do not think this dream was as literal as the ID split actually occurring last night. (Although it really felt real). I think it was probably more of a kick from my higher self to get back in alignment on a conscious level. A hint of sorts, that everybody needs to participate to make it happen and not just sit back and leave the work and leadership to the ‘others’ (PAT members). I also think it could be practice for what is coming. Do you think these understandings are accurate?

I have also recently noticed a huge increase in telepathy and mind reading in myself and lots of others, making it very hard to be in a ‘party’ situation with people who are still thinking fucked up thoughts about others while in their presence. This has to be a good thing because it will force people to start actually dealing with their inner, sick, fear based patterns and transmute them as they can no longer simply pretend to have integrity while inwardly thinking otherwise.

I have also increasingly been meeting others who are in the void just waiting not really consciously comprehending the changes happening or what it means but intuitively knowing. These people seem to soak it up when I start discussing topics in more depth as discussed on this website. This is awesome and makes being out and about a lot easier as I can actually talk about things of real interest rather than illusive shit that does not matter.

I have also increasingly noticed and been rather uncomfortable when spontaneously everybody in a room suddenly becomes super aware and everybody just stops talking. This seems to have been happening when people are drinking and/or smoking weed. I keep having people just stop and start looking at me as if they can suddenly see who I actually am, or really sense my expanded energy, this especially happens with younger people (Crystalline young adults). This has been uncomfortable for my ego as it still likes to play the game with everybody else and forget what and who I am. My ego has not liked becoming more and more aware of my true self and it just wants me to be a ‘normal’ human and avoid attention.

Also all of my old friends that I drifted away from as they were ‘the bad influences’ on me now, the trouble makers and misfits are now reappearing as the more enlightened and aware of anybody I know. Ironic. One of these old friends I saw yesterday commented on having extreme mind reading abilities and the fact that nature was acting weirder. His rose bush has strangely started flowing completely off season. I mentioned some things about the magnetic pole and cosmic energy waves, he was like “oh yeah, that makes sense” :)

These sorts of people who were never fully a part of the ‘proper society’, the rule breakers, trouble makers, will awaken more easily, they will accept and deal with the coming changes and revelations with more ease and grace than those that have been ‘successful in society’. Ironically the outcasts will become the leaders, guides and comforters. You have mentioned this situation numerous times regarding the PAT. I simply feel compassion for these previously ‘successful in society’ people as it is going to be an extremely ruff ride for them to accept a complete reversal of what they hold true in every sense.

I eagerly await the ID split, the ascension of the PAT and the coming relief from enslavement to all ascending humanity. Exciting and intriguing times!

Love and Light,
Dear Frank,

your latest dream experience of the ID split and the impulses coming from your HS are correct and representative for all of us.They are even a major topic in most channeling messages these days. Of course we have not yet split, but it will only happen if we first detach from this reality and thus heave Gaia and the rest of humanity to higher dimensions. In this respect one must take care that he does not get involved anymore in 3d-dramas and actions. This was the reason why I published the “Rules for the PAT Prior to Ascension”.

The heightened awareness and telepathic abilities, you have noticed, are the result of the new energies that have flooded earth after the opening of the portal June 21/22. For those persons who are well advanced in their LBP and have a clear view of the world,  this is a welcome new boost of their mind and perceptions. For those who are still stuck in the old matrix, this may lead to an emotional or intellectual derailment, where the old ideas and views are eliminated energetically, but the person is not able to substitute them with new more advanced and congruent ideas and begins to “decompensate”, as we say in medicine.

We are now aligned with the energies of the central sun and prepared for a completely new way of 5d-life. The greatest difficulty is that we do this still in an organic, physical vessel and this makes matters so hard as our carbon bodies are not designed to harbour such energies. But as long as heaven needs as conduits on the ground to transmit these huge energies to open the people and increase the vibrations of Gaia, we will have to stay here and do the job.

Hence we can only accelerate the process if we learn to detach more effectively from the 3d-reality and live daily the ID split. This is the actual message also given to you by your soul

With love and light
July 4, 2012

On Human Fears 

Dear Georgi,

I know I am walking a very fine line here, and I understand [and approve] that you do not want to give any credence to ‘fear porn’ on the site; we agree, I think, that the only way out is through the fear, and that the dramatic events which are now beginning to unfold should be treated as hopeful signs of our imminent full ascension.

But what of the hapless masses? Is there really nothing we can do for them, no way to help? They have been very successfully sold a pseudo-scientific, pseudo-rational worldview, in which this life is the one shot, the one bite at the cherry; that there is nothing after it but a dark void, eternal nothingness, a total death. This attitude, thanks to the efforts of clever idiots like Dawkins, is now very fashionable, enjoys huge currency, and it alone has been the cause of innumerable ruthless, devouring insect acts; because, after all, what does it matter what you do or how you live, what does anything matter, if we are all going into the darkness anyway?

All fears, or so I am told, are ultimately rooted in the fear of death, of complete annihilation. Political coercion is a function of the threat of death; you will do as you are told, or you will be killed. What use is the threat of death against those who know they are actually immortal and sovereign co-creators, sparks of the One Infinite Creator? The full acceptance of this, however cross-grain it may be to the negative culture of this time, seems to me to be key, fundamental; and I for one will be very relieved when the last few lingering ‘common-sense’ doubts which I still [unwillingly] entertain have been shed.

With thanks and best wishes to you and my fellow PAT,
Dear David,

I would also like to walk a fine line and make you aware of the difference between saying that this website does not promote any fears in terms of fearful projections about the future and the fact that I and other contributors on this website have dealt extensively with great insight and compassion with all aspects of human fears, have analysed them, have made a vivisection of their nature, and have made numerous proposals from personal experience how to overcome them.

Fears are there to be experienced and discerned for what they are – a pure illusion of separation. In this respect we have already done an enormous preparatory work to´all those who are lulled in their fears, but will soon awaken and follow our path. I think that it is not possible to do anything more.

Nobody will ascend, unless he is ready to confront his basic fears and learn to live with them and surmount them step by step. However you should not forget that the vast majority of humanity lives its basic fear patterns like their unconditional Pavlov’s reflexes and subconsciously succumb to them in their life, so that they are not even aware that they have fears and that they are controlled exclusively by their fears in their daily life and social behaviour. From that point of view, they must first learn that they have fears.

It will be inutile to talk to such people about their fears as long they will not be able to admit that they have any. This will be waste of time and the most non-spiritual attitude to follow – an energetic engagement that will only lower the vibration of your personal field.

My personal experience and practice is that one can help such people only after their soul has opened them a little bit and has pushed them into a state of intense cleansing of personal dross, at a time when they lose the ground under their feet. In this situation one may begin to help them with advices and an objective explanation what fears really are. This is what I also do around this website with some readers, although I normally do not publish this kind of correspondence as it is of private, intimate character.

But it is essential for all advanced souls, fully immersed in the LBP, to know exactly when they should intervene and help other people experiencing angst, as otherwise they will easily become victims of the aggressions which such fears generate in less evolved personalities, who have not learnt yet how to deal with their fears, as has always been the case in the past. The advantage we have now is that the energetic atmosphere has changed dramatically on the earth and this facilitates such efforts to help other people.

But helping is an art to be learnt and not an obligation. Every incarnated personality is a sovereign creator of his destiny and does not need any help as he gets a lot of help from his soul and numerous excarnated soul brothers and sisters. The only true help is to help by example – to show how sovereign one deals with his own fears, so that his example can be followed by others. And they will, I assure you.

With love and light

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