State-of-Ascension-Report-97: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-97, May 11, 2012

Hieronymus Bosch, PAT’s Garden of Delights Fantasy

My Mission After the First Ascension Wave

May 11, 2012

Hi George,

You asked for our ideas regarding our mission to humanity. Honestly, from joining your website in September 2011 until today, I have not imagined myself on Planet A/B. Please correct me if I am mistaken. But instead, I have spent much time developing my thoughts regarding my mission assignment on Planet A. In order to do this, I looked back upon the highlights of my current lifetime.

Before explaining these details let me say this. In March and April 2012, I took time traveling to visit extended family in order to say final goodbyes. In May, I set up an eBay business for one of my grown children experiencing challenging circumstances on all fronts.

Regarding the departure from my nuclear family, my higher self is doing a beautiful job. After watching my husband become exhausted searching for a business warehouse space for two months, I finally asked my higher self for guidance. That same day, we were serendipitously led to the right place. We now have an affordable situation that flowed in detail from the start. We needed and received an affordable, well-lit, lovely, nontoxic warehouse, close to nature, with an adjoining office space in which my stepson can live. To make it laughable, the last tenant manufactured coconut oil soap in this warehouse for the last 26 years. How perfect – Thank you HS.

The theme and highlights of my life create clues for my next mission for humanity on Planet A. I’ve experienced the life of a Liberal Arts Major, a generalist, an old soul situation. I’ve enjoyed helping hundreds with nutritional counseling and the healing arts practice, starting another business from nothing, teaching, experiencing the joy of team efforts throughout my life, a career in production and writing, i.e. communication skills, group leadership, gardening, and yoga for health.

I’ve helped three children through low self-esteem issues. One I taught by example how to study. As a result she believed she could conquer medical school and became a physician. A second child had no understanding of business and hit upon hard time (ill, middle aged, broke, and a single father). This month, I helped him establish an eBay business. As a result, he came to understand he can be an entrepreneur after all and do it his way. A third child inspires others in her community who are recovering. She does this through her understanding and practice of holistic lifestyle, while she moves beyond post-trauma and bipolar tendencies.

Looking at this, I can see a mission as part of the Planet A Orientation Team and 101 Orientation Courses. These courses are vast in concept. They include: finding those of like self through telepathic, clairvoyant awareness, preparing new ascenders for multi-person healing resonators, supporting newcomers in Planet A settlement, understanding the new environment, building syntropic living shelters if desired, discussion of the new change of density, the absence of need for food, understanding ever present joy as our nature vs. 3d orgasms, reuniting with other according to harmonious tones and colors, understanding principles of harmony vs. separation, debriefing on Orion history and it’s affects, Planet A existence, preparing others to assist December 2012 ascenders, understanding group work and harmony, studying the Laws of the Universe, being vs doing, understanding and transmuting the fraudulent concept of worshipping ascended masters, understanding work as service to All-That-Is, the absence of a fraudulent system and practice of mastery, study of merging DNA with the new 5th dimensional body, the use of our new abilities, the nature of the soul and multi-dimensionality, reviewing past incarnations.

In Love & Light,


Dear Marilyn,

excellent presentation. Your perception that you will be active on planet A and not on the balanced A/B is absolutely correct and it may be that very few of us, if any, will appear in light body on planet A/B after ascension, as this timeline must develop without any active intervention from both the dark and light forces. But many of us will appear regularly on planet A and will teach the ascended masses.

In this respect your vision is very congruent. I have only yesterday discussed this issue with another reader and will publish this discussion in the next report. But by writing about our personal visions, we are now streamlining our ideas and thoughts about the future. This is an important psychological preparation for our mission after Ascension and it is very helpful not only to us but to all humanity as we create the reality of this civilisation in the “Now”.

With love and light



May 11, 2012

Dear Georgi,

My mission on Earth after ascension is really what I believe my mission is Now. It entails re-capturing all aspects of our Health. This means not only restoring the physical health of our earthly vessels, but also re-kindling the spiritual health of our Souls. The use of cell-stimulating medicine, the activation of our in-born gift to build healing energetics provided to us by our very own Soul, and the creation of Healing Temples of Peace are a mere starting point for the ultimate healing path that Humanity seeks.

The all pervasive cell-inhibiting medications are being systematically replaced by the cell-stimulating formulation which fully supports the correction of the energetic systems of the human body. The key is in the fueling of the mitochondria. Full and proper engagement of this capacitor is the foundation to everlasting and perfect health and its success heralds in the era of fully healed physical systems. The early stage of this initiative blossoms as our communication skills are on the telepathic level. The few active initiates are receiving divine protection and the medicine soon flows like a river.

The water in the streams is now purified by our divine skill of creative energetic placement, the instillation of an energetic, provided by our own Soul.  Upon request and from a place of full gratitude and appreciation our Soul sends the energetic down to our heart centres, out through our healing hands and into the glass water vessel. This water is available to all within the Healing Temples.

The Healing Temples of Peace are created to discharge the static in the overwrought, short-circuiting mind that has numbed and paralysed itself out of sheer protection.  Within the temple, only silence exists, the Still-Point of creation. These Temples of Peace are initially ethereal in nature and provide the necessary respite for the once-drained PAT members. Now each member has his own temple that they can visit by going within. The Temple is dome-shaped, has soft natural lighting, a skylight in the centre is preferred by some and a comfortable chair sits in the centre.  As one closes the eyes, one hears the sounds of silence. The silence welcomes in the very high frequency healing rays that are beamed down through the skylight. These are the Elohim frequencies. Their entry into the third dimension was nearly impossible as the harsh 3d sounds shattered their very light. But within the sound proof dome we easily attract them. The Elohim energies are fine and pure and healing us, all, right now. Stay in the Silence. There are crystals all around us in the Temple that amplify the healing power of these transmissions.

Through the purification of our bodies and our fields I am told that a divine protection of all gifts we receive from Source shall inevitably ensue. The gift of the cell-stimulator is the first of many. This gift has succeeded in its purpose and we are enjoying full health. The first Temple of Peace has been built for the beautiful PAT on the site of a commonly frequented rendez-vous point. Each member has brought a crystal to which they are attuned and each crystal has been built into the walls of this Temple. Close your eyes. Can you hear the silence? Can you feel the energies?  We have already ascended.

Love and Light to All, Carla


May 10,  2012

Dear George,

I will add my plan to the interesting stories of after-ascension plans.

After ascension, many humans might have fear and/or problems to adapt to the new situation. I think it is time to put humanity back in touch with source, and I will do this by stimulating them to meet in natural areas. Much better than the grey and black cities. They will not have to worry about going to their jobs or to school. Instead of that, people should meet each other in nature, talk to each other and do other activities. Such (daily) events would be open to all who want to come, and also make it easy to teach the people things they need to know and to stimulate their development. Healing could also occur here. If we use the new technology to provide easy traveling to those locations, and also provide the food replicators, energy and everything else that is required this will be a real relief for the people! Instead of boring jobs or school a very stimulating environment, and all of it free. From this idea the project will grow, and at some point humanity will even create and add to it themselves. The idea is, that by combining all these things that need to happen, everything will have a positive effect on everything else.

Furthermore it is difficult for me to write any more specifics, because I want to participate with everything. Cleaning the earth, teaching things to humanity and much more. And of course meeting and working on everything with the PAT (and others). I am just very excited and can’t wait to get started.

Love and Light,



May 10, 2012

Dear Georgi:

Having never written before today, I have been following your words, thoughts, and theories, since the beginning of 2012. I have found my home on your website, among the PAT members discourse and sharing. As soon as I typically find  myself ready to share, someone writes my words; therefore the need to be redundant leaves me speechless.

This time, is different though, since I am in the midst of creating myself, yet again, for my mission on Earth After my Ascension. I am grateful for the platform you have provided. I found much commonality with Sheryl, who wrote much of my vision for being a Teacher. Where I would like to make it my own, is to begin with the premise that we ARE Creator Beings. To bring attention to what NOT being conscious of this information has created in the past, and upgrade that conversation to the impact being a Conscious Creator would have on the individual and the World. This shift in understanding, will impact every area of life; relationships; with ourselves, with others, with nature, amp up our Unity Consciousness. Our change in perception will upgrade our health and well being – our interactions within our communities and our world.

My heart fills, Georgi, as I begin to see the “knowing” that will fill each individual; as it filled me, as I became aware. The limitlessness that life truly has to offer, as each of us live our passions and love out loud. I am giddy with the knowledge that this is upon us, momentarily.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being that part of us that has been willing to stand up, LOUDLY, PASSIONATELY, LOVINGLY, and created the opportunity that is now available to each and everyone of us.

In loving gratitude,



May 10, 2012
Hello Dear Georgi,

Phew! What a weekend was this? Wesak? 5.5.5 portal? 11 portal ( 5 + 6 )? Certainly all of them plus lot more to me. For nearly 40 years I got used to different and very specific somatic occurrences with which my body was regularly surprising me. I went through 30 years of atopic eczema, I got used to regular weekend’s migraines. I even lived through 5 month lasting daily vomiting in 2008 ( from January till May ).

But 7-8 hours of continuous, lasting vomiting on this Saturday with not even time to take a breath, followed by a strong migraine on Sunday through Monday? What my higher self, plus my soul, plus my body and my whole cosmic family are trying to achieve? They think I will not survive this? Why do they always try me again? They know that I will survive anything they give me – simply because I cannot bear more than I can bear. Is this the famous energy downloads that you and other PAT “colleagues in pain” are talking about?

Am I not after nearly 40 years still “crystal clear” enough? Sometimes, before sleep, I visualize the Earth and I see a lot of shining reflectors shining from Earth into the universe. And you know what? I am the biggest reflector – like the one present on a quality football field.

But, on another note. Strange thing is that besides these unpleasant moments I’ve just described above, I still realize that my life flows around me without me even trying to influence it.  I just watch myself daily to get up, do what I love as part of my job and to earn enough money to take care of my family. And daily I’m wondering what do I do here. I am not solving anything important, my job in a few months will not have any reason, the years are running, no visible (!) change on the horizon, the people still trying to be uniform ( “for the gods sake, don’t be different then others” ).

My 11 years old son is really smart and I have to laugh when my wife is trying to convince him to prepare for a next day to go to school and he argues that what’s it good for. With my wife, we both know that it’s meaningless but we just try to let another day of the countdown pass effortlessly for all and to give some order into this chaos. I mentally agree with my son, but is the solution to let him at home alone? We still have to go to the work to be able to “float” through the last few months as easily as possible. Isn’t it all one big nonsense and cosmic joke at the same time?

With this regard I’m trying to figure out what my next mission could be.

I’m very strong in analysing existing systems and processes, finding bottlenecks and inefficiencies in them, suggesting an improvements and realizing them. I love to decompose systems and processes into basic building blocks that can be re-aligned and re-structured into something totally different or into something which is more than sum of all the pieces. I love to create software programs, create databases and play with data, build summary reports that give overall picture  or detailed reports which can help to see exactly what is going well and what is causing problem…

Simply, anything that can help people make their work easier – I don’t like anything more than to observe how people manually do tasks that could be easily automated with even nowadays computers. Also, I quickly learn foreign languages ( either human or computer ) since I quickly see the logic and structure in them. I like to explain things to people and I use a visualization techniques a lot – as the saying goes “one picture is worth more than thousand words”. I also see myself as a kind of diplomat – as a member of a new “multi-planetary, multi-civilizations (?) organization” that governs and serves the common people.

On the other hand I can’t see clearly myself as a part of the A/B Earth. It simply doesn’t sound right to me, I feel strange when trying to imagine this. When I read how our dear PAT friends are looking forward to come back to the A/B Earth and help build it, I sometimes feel guilty for not feeling it the same and have to repeatedly re-assure myself that each of us can have different roles and tasks on different levels, dimensions and planets.

Could you, please, help me, George, to imagine or figure out  to what role this combination of a diplomat and a system analytic/programmer could result into?

Thank you very much,

Marek ( from Slovakia )


Dear Marek,

your underlying perception that your/our life on this planet is schizophrenic is absolutely correct  and one can only cope with this situation with a cosmic humour.

Your analytic qualities and preferences point out to your future role as somebody who is specialized in operating with astral probability alternatives and will coordinate these multiple realities, which are parental to life on the 5d-earth and on the A/B earth, from the higher realms. In this case it is appropriate  that you do not see yourself on planet A/B, helping the people there, as this is not your speciality.

In fact I believe that very few, if any, of us will appear on planet A/B and that even only a few of us will directly show up on the second low level of the 5th dimension when one third of humanity will ascend in December 2012.

I have discussed this issue already in response to another PAT member yesterday and will publish it in the next report. But your perception that you need not return to either planet A/B or planet A is absolutely legitimate and this will be most probably the destiny of the majority of the PAT members after ascension. This would say that they will help from behind the veil, but that there will be no need for personal appearance in light body in these two timelines.

I do confirm that the energies around the portal 5.5.5 and May 11 are very powerful and debilitating. I also suffer from nausea especially in the night when the rotational kinetics of my unified chakra is in full force and strikes my stomach and liver (former 3rd chakra).

With love and light



May 10, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Below I am posting a few things I have written in my school notebook regarding the PAT role on earth after ascension.

“I encourage everyone to actively create these and your own personal visions in the fulcrum of your higher selves. This will ensure the manifestation of our collective ideas (until we ascend, and for many this is a matter of days and weeks) and I think everyone will contribute to this topic one way or another.  When the inter-dimensional split occurs, so will the (final) collapse of all social, political, economic, etc systems. This is the time when humanity will lose the ground under their feet and psychologically this is the best time for the PAT to take effective control of humanity and begin to introduce all the ideas listed in these essays series.”

After the pole shift, the PAT/Agarthans/Galactics will take control, and we will have to quickly introduce what I call the ‘awakening program’ for humanity, which is a multidimensional idea, and includes all off the personal visions and scenarios in this essay series. The manifestation of all these visions, contributions, etc is the ‘awakening program.’

With this said, I would like to add my own personal visions of the Gaia we will soon help in our Crystalline Light bodies. I am going to be helping with nuclear reactors as stated in Joe’s introduction to this topic:


as I live within walking distance to the National Argonne laboratory, also known as the continuation of the Manhattan project. I also want to teach others the Universal Law and the new way of thinking with the divine logos. There is so much I want to do and I assume we all will be doing many things at once, including things beyond our imagination and I look forward to ascending at the end of this month and seeing everyone beyond the veil.

Love and Light,



May 10, 2012


By reading some of the SOAR reports, it is clear that many of us are trying to mix our existence in this paradigm with what we consider an “ascended view”.  I see you have tried to gently point out some of this without “telling” someone what to do. Correct me if I am mistaken, but this is my perception.

When you say “ascend” do you mean to imply complete perceptual and empirical removal  from this so called “toxic” reality, as we know it?  Could an ascended view mean utilizing abilities from a creationary objective rather than reacting to a creation already in place with limited tools, so to speak. Especially, when the cornerstone of that in place is contrary to what would be considered “compassionately enlightened”. Thus creating a swimming against the current feeling?

If this is the case or even close, I am sure you realize the great responsibility that comes with such  great power. Also by multidimensional being, do you mean to imply entering levels of existence at will and leaving as well. So one could enter this “toxic” reality if desired and leave as well. I do not feel this is what you are saying, because as I type, it feels that frequencies would differ too much, taking a toll on the being making it dangerous and undesirable. Feel free to clarify at will.

What exactly do you mean by “ascension”? You need not go into huge detail, unless you wish. I have read much of what you have written recently, and seek clarification at this moment. For many of the changes written about to take place there needs to be a catalyst for others to seek change, as you no doubt realize this as well. Without it…. well you see what happens without it.

At what point does ones desire to”help” others become a self interest? I see you are a friend to felines. Strong, independent and don’t take too much crap! Haha! Thank you George, Yes, your prompt responses are notable and appreciated. I can see why the horses do not get much of your time.

Journey Well,



Dear Anthony,

I must admit that I did not quite understand your questions and what they are aiming at, by I will try to answer them as best as I can.

What your correctly perceive is that many of the visions that were published in the last several reports were a mixture of conventional 3d-views with some future projections at the 4th-, and less so, at the 5th dimension. Strictly speaking, a higher-dimensional vision must be fully free of 3d-perceptions and thought patterns. None of the readers, whose visions I have published, have achieved this high level of abstraction so far and this creates an incoherent impression upon reading, as you seem to address in your email.

But I do not want to be too harsh and demanding in this respect as not to suffocate the imagination of the readers. They should freely represent their visions as best as they can in accordance with their personal preferences, without myself playing the role of a censor from a strict logical point of view. It is after all not so important how congruent these future visions are, but that one is ready to experiment with such unusual visions and consider them a legitimate part of his reality.

As I have pointed out on many occasions, most of the members of the PAT will ascend beyond the 5th dimension, and that this level is practically beyond the conceptual abilities of the limited, sequentially operating human mind. It is inevitable that most PAT members automatically fall back to the 5th dimension of the new ascending earth when they present their future projections or even descend further down and envisage life on the balanced earth A/B.

Although these levels of abstraction are not coherent or congruent enough, they nonetheless render more inspiration than all other light workers are able to engender with their weird esoteric ideas, still fully stuck in this illusory reality. The channelled messages that  some of them receive are even more sterile in this respect.

Ultimately, what I want to exercise with this display of personal imagination is the inner ability of the individual to design new realities in his mind and to learn to follow the path of  his own ideas and thoughts. For many of the readers of this website, it is just the beginning of this creative process, as none of them has ever tried to gestalt a complete new Eutopia (a neologism from eu-phemic and u-.topia = euphemic utopia = eu-topia).

This mental activity, which has been suppressed on this planet for eons of time as to dumb down the creative potential of the incarnated human beings, must now be re-invented /re-membered step by step. When we shall ascend and acquire our pristine, unlimited knowledge, we will continue from the point we have reached now in an incarnated state. These exercises are in fact a very important preparation for every human being to train his multidimensional operating system in advance under the limiting conditions of the current 3d-reality, thus expanding the limits of human awareness.

All these efforts are only of preliminary character, but they pave the way not only for all PAT members to ascend much higher than originally planned, but also for humanity to follow our steps on this steep path of evolution and  profit from this expansion of human awareness. This is an example of pure creation, done with mental determination and emotional dedication that will charge our reality and that of humanity in a very positive way, even when the results may not be so obvious at first glance.

With love and light




For the most part you have answered my questions. Would there be limits in using a 3d language to express a higher vision? Or could it be said the abstract, when clear and physical,will become expressible in language? Feeling, thought, action.



Dear Anthony,

this is a very good question. I personally think that we will no longer need human language, which is sequential and limited it its reflection of simultaneous energetic processes through grammar, structure and some other linguistic tricks that create the illusion of space-time as an immovable space or extent. I have dedicated some long disquisitions on this rather convoluted topic in my five German books on Gnosis, which I have not discussed yet on this website.

When we will ascend, we will use only telepathy. But as long as we continue to communicate with human entities who will live on the lower second level of the 5th dimension after mass ascension in December 2012, we must resort to human language as many channels also do nowadays. In this case we must take care of the structural peculiarities of human languages and try to use them in a more systematic way than language is currently used my most channeling sources. This will also presuppose a higher level of awareness and intellectuality among the ascended entities. This will be indeed the case, as the new ascended human beings will have a crystalline brain with a much higher mental capacity.



May 10, 2012

Dear Georgi,

As I was reading the recent reports from PAT members and your commentaries on the life after Ascension, I remembered about St. George and his famous image of killing the dragon. How appropriate, I thought. I couldn’t help but smile at its relevance: .  

Supposedly, “the dragon was slayed” long time ago or is about to be slayed. Time is of no relevance, anyway.

Looking forward to ascending soon. Do you think we are going to notice the actual ascension process? The reason I am asking about it is because I had an experience when I was trying to get rid of my hiccups and held my breath too long, I kinda “drifted away from my body”. Nothing seemed strange at that moment and I didn’t see my body sitting in the chair, but I only realized what truly happened when my husband called me and snapped me out of it (or better to say, “snapped me back into it”). So only when I came back, I could realize that I was away, if it makes sense. So I am thinking that if we ascend into 5d  or beyond, we won’t notice it unless we return to 3d? If it is silly, please ignore, I just feel comfortable sharing even my silly thoughts with you.

As always, I appreciate all of your support, guidance, enthusiasm and inspiration.



Dear Julia,

ascension is indeed as simple as you have experienced it and this is what happens every night with us in the dream state. This is the reason why it is the most simple and natural event that we can experience. We will most probably not notice at first that we have ascended as the feeling will be very familiar. Only later on, may we notice that we are no longer bound to gravitation and then we will begin to expand our consciousness and remember more and more. This process of recovering our pristine, unlimited awareness may vary in time and intensity from one individual to another, but it will be altogether a very quick process of adaptation to the new higher dimensional realities. Our multidimensional operating system will immediately replace our current  operational system based on primitive instincts of survival as the main source of deliberate limitation of human consciousness, so that this whole process will be a swift gliding into the higher dimensions. This will be the most effortless experience of all.

With love and light



May 10, 2012

Dear George,

I have been planning to write you for a week or so, but things are happening quickly!  I have more yet to write after finishing reading the reports but this should be sent for now.

It cracks me up to see you rename art on your website. Here is another one for you: Hieronymus Bosch’s “Garden of Earthly Delights” triptych adopts the new title, “Post-Ascension Earth A, Earth AB, and Earth B”.  May I use your idea on my website?  If time allows, it might be fun to create a gallery page of art found online and renamed for these times of ascension.

I received an automated response from the B&M Gates Foundation that my copy of your letter was sent successfully. If you are still writing letters, may I also suggest writing a similar letter to Apple?  The last CEO Steve Jobs would have made an intriguing contact, but since he passed, the new CEO, Tim Cook, is worth a try:

Here is a recent synchronicity: I was contemplating the similarities between the PAT mission to the Mission Impossible movies, of being given a task so unusual and intensive that it is rated “impossible”; yet nonetheless, it must be, will be, and is being accomplished. Later that day SOAR 94 came out and I saw Sheryl use the same Mission Impossible analogy.

Did you know your Universal Law is used in a research paper written by Ludmila Ivancheva and published by the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Nov. 2001)?  I accessed this document on via my UM Alumni Association membership.  Rather than attach a PDF, I uploaded this to a research page on my website here, along with some findings on nystatin:

Don’t feel obliged to read anything. OK, it’s high time now to catch up on ascension-related visual and literary creations… which will include cats. As always, thank you for everything.

With Love and Light,

Michelle of Michigan


Dear Michelle,

I know Ivancheva personally as in the 90s I popularized very intensively my theory in Bulgaria and met with thousands of scientists. Some of them adopted my theory and started using it in their scientific research.

When I started using new subtitles for the art paintings, I asked for a general permission from all those death painters and artists from the 5th dimension and they gave it to me as to help the common goal. In the higher realms there is no such thing as copyright as you know. My daughters were infuriated at  first as they studied a lot of art and history of art, but later on they accepted it too.

I may write to Apple, but I have to ask my HS first. At present I do not get such impulses.

With love and light



May 10, 2012


It seems Putin has declined to be in USA for the G8 summit moved to Camp David…HMMMMMM….



He must have read our website and have strongly considered our objections against him visiting this dangerous place Camp David.



I am most curious on the confusion surrounding the change of location. I am starting to REALLY notice the confusion in all energetic systems…I’ve had quite a few people tell me (asleep ones), they can’t sleep starting last Friday/Saturday. My wife included starting about Mon/Tues night…Take care, -Kai


You are right, there is a huge build-up of new energies since the opening of the portal 5.5.5 and very soon no secrets and lies can be kept as such. As most people live with secrets and lies all the time, they will have difficult times  ahead. – George


May 11, 2012

Dear George,

I had to write you of an incredible ‘dream’ I had last night.  I don’t even think I can call it that as it was so real. I dream quite a bit, and I have had lucid experiences often, but this was by far the most intense. I have been given a date from my HS for my ascension a few days ago of the 30.5.2012, so I am working towards this. I have been informed not to eat any meat, and to fast 3 days before.

The dream leading up to my incredible dream, I was having dinner at a friend’s house when suddenly I was at another friends house having dinner. A man appears and I tell him that something strange in happening as I was just having dinner at a friend’s and suddenly I was somewhere else and don’t remember how I got there. Then outside a window in the room, I saw a white light.  I look out and I am looking at myself lying down outside and people are surrounding me. I am screaming something at myself in the room, but I don’t know what. I grab a pillow and start breaking through the window to get to myself. The man in the room tells me not to, and he has a screwdriver in his hand. I take the screwdriver off him, and turn back around and look at myself.  I am suddenly outside looking at myself, and the people who were surrounding me are my friends resuscitating me. I jump up and I hug one of them, then faint.

I then woke up from this dream. The only thing I could discern was that there are many layers of consciousness unfolding.

I went back to sleep and that is when I had this incredible dream… Yesterday I got a message that ‘the door is now open all I have to do is step through’ now I have never really had a message unless it was when I am asleep, but this one was someone else’s voice in my head, with an accent!  So when I fell asleep again, I started entering different dreamscapes, and I started dissolving them, breaking through layers of consciousness.  I then shout out, ‘well if the door is open, where is the door?’ Suddenly there are doors that I am opening up entering different rooms with different surroundings, some doors look scary, but I don’t care and go in anyway. I keep telling them that I want to find the door I am supposed to walk through.

What seems like years of breaking through into these doors, I come to one last door and when I enter it is kind of like a Buddhist temple. I don’t want to go in but I do, and then I come to one last white door.  I open it up and I am greeted by a sea of friendly faces. Most of the faces I know and are friends I have met in my dreams.  They tell me I am late (and only just made it). I ask why the surroundings look like England, and they say that when we first come in they greet us in a place that is comfortable to us – one that we would enjoy.

A friend comes up and introduces herself and tells me that she had the Rolling Stone’s play for her when she first entered. We are all told to proceed into a room.  I sit down and people start introducing themselves to me, asking if I remember them. I tell them of course that I do and we all chat and are very excited to be where we are. A man starts talking to us, and gives us a piece of paper on it with information of the upcoming events leading to Ascension. The first thing on the piece of paper was about our consciousness and that we are only operating at a very small portion of it. There were diagrams about it and information on how our conscious operates but I can’t remember the details. There were important dates on the piece of paper, May 20th, June 1st are the only ones I remember. I say to them that those dates were already established on George’s website. Someone asks who is George and I explain who you are. The man that hands out the papers knows who you are. On the paper it also has the symptoms that may occur in the next couple of weeks – Dizziness, headache, nausea the usual.

There was other information, but I was so overwhelmed I don’t remember all of it. I ask why is it that we all are so conscious and have been able to converse with each other for so long.  I am told something along the lines of our consciousness is being held open, so we are able to stay where we are for much longer.  We are then given a ticket and told to wait in a line to get our Information packs, and that the sheet of paper we were just given should go into our information pack. I sit down and compare my number with the person next to me. We are only 2 people away from getting our pack, but our numbers are something like 1.115.692. We all then start talking and chatting so happy that we are conscious and having this experience together.  A man then walks in and says ‘Ok everyone, wake up!’, we all start saying no, we don’t want to wake up.  Everyone’s faces start to become distorted and I realise there is not use fighting it, we have to wake up. So I let go and wake up, but find myself in another dream –  that  I get up in the middle of the night and go to the computer and start typing an email to you. Then I wake up for real.

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to tell you, as maybe other members of the PAT have had a similar experience to this, as I am sure that some of the PAT were there. Thanks for listening, you don’t need to reply to this email as I know you are very busy!

With Love

Rachel (Australia)


Dear Rachel

you are incredible. You could start writing dream serials for this website. Your dreams are very vivid indeed. I will publish them in the next report.



May 10, 2012

Hello George,

Very quietly I’m reading your website with every article and conversations with you and my PAT family, it gave me a lot of juice as always.

Since a couple of months I recognize my dual soul, energetically we feel the same and there is a lot of synchronicity. We both searched and learned a lot from the subject and understand and accept that we are both dual soul from each other, but it’s is sometimes very strange but a real gift from heaven.

I think that every soul has potentially 6000 dual souls because a soul tribe exist about 7 x 1000 souls including 1000 souls of their own soul family. But the rarely meet each other what you have written in some of the SOAR.

We spoke also about twin souls, first I didn’t believe in twin souls but when I search and wrote about it and I came to the idea that someone of my own soul family of 1000 souls can been my twin soul theoretically speaking. Because when we become a Ascension Master the whole soul family becomes one. So is it possible that there are twin souls (of my own family) around?

We I read and see that the whole PAT is moving like one entity, I’m thought that we are maybe from the same soul union. We have the same reason to be here but everyone has his own jobs an different rolls in it. Is this possible that we are from the same soul union or are we from different soul unions like the Arcturian or Sirius race?

I also loved your article about Power of Creation, it works great especially on creating my own experiences even for the next day. Now it’s time for big creation and I’m still working on it.

The project of Nystatin was very different, I didn’t expected it, but it gave me a lot of ideas and cleaning some old patterns about our current society.

I have also forwarded your email to Gates foundation, it’s a good way to speak already publicly what’s going on.

To the rest of my beloved PAT family members I wish you an awesome transformation with your ascension this and next month and to come back as Ascended Masters that you already are.



Dear Erik,

thank you for your email and your account on different issues. Let me say some words on “soul mates” and “twin souls”. Soul mates can be from your soul family (1000 souls) or from the same or different soul tribes, but with whom you have had numerous previous encounters and have established very close emotional bonds at the soul level. There is also the so called “dual souls” or “twin souls”. Each soul has the absolutely same essence in another soul, which is however not from the same soul family but from another soul family belonging to this soul tribe. These two souls are identical, though they may have had different incarnation experiences. They meet very seldom throughout the incarnation cycle as such encounters are very difficult to bear as they cannot hide anything from each other and this transparency is not compatible with the current life on earth.

The other soul mates may play different roles. There is for instance the role of the eternal friend. When you meet this soul, the relationship is very simple and easy and very rewarding, but this also happens very seldom. This is the soul with which you share all your hobbies and moments of relaxation. Then you have a soul mate, who plays the role of the eternal adversary. It is not that you engage with this soul in creating karma, but simply that this soul forces you to be in a continuous strife with her and to litigate all the time when you have decided to have a personal incarnation experience with her. This relationship is very advantageous for the soul growth, though very exhausting at the same time.

Some pairs or family members are  such adversary souls that litigate within the family. In fact there are many more archetype soul roles that can be summarized under the term “soul mates”. Most souls prefer to met during their incarnation cycle with souls from other soul families, while  others stay more in the own soul family and incarnate again and again in groups. One can write whole books on the actual strategies of the souls how they plan their incarnation experiences in excarnated form in the higher dimensions.

As far as the PAT is concerned, my personal conviction is that we come from dimensions beyond the 5th dimension, where the soul families merge to higher units and the usual soul family structure is no longer valid. I also describe these levels as the causal worlds. At these dimensions, there is a much higher level of coordination and unity and this is also reflected in the telepathic coordination of the PAT members we  regularly observe, although they are dispersed the world over. You can achieve this kind of mental and emotional unanimity only if you operate from these higher dimensions and this fact also explains why we all have so much difficulties to adopt to the current society, which is dominated by souls from much lower dimensions and is established  to serve their soul needs at their current low level of evolution.

The project of nystatin has a symbolic and paradigmatic role in the first place. In addition it has unleashed another drama on earth that must still be solved… I am eager to see how this drama will be solved, but it has already a pivotal character in the final battle between the dark forces and the forces of light.

Thank you for sending my email to Bill Gates. He has been inundated in the meantime with this email, but I have heard that he has disappeared in a bunker in India somewhere to save his life in these last days.

With love and light



May 11, 2012


please tell Laurie for me that I applaud her for what she has written. There are some of us, myself included, who have lived outside of the box for so long that all that is viewed in this 3D reality seems an illusion, not real, and feelings of being detached from it are extremely prevalent. I do not watch TV, nor movies; I do not read the newspaper, in fact, never had for I have always known the information contained in them is propaganda and/or lies. I do read lots of books, but refuse to read anything demoralizing or violent. I have a “sense” of what is not Truth, and I avoid those things like I would a hot poker! I do not intermingle with the world and I have made my own world here at my home which consists of flowing with Nature’s Cycles and healing all those (animals, plants, birds, etc… with one exception, humans for they consider me “strange”) who have come to this Sacred Land we live on.

I have gotten into a lot of trouble over the years with authority figures because I just refuse to bend to them! (smile) As I have gracefully aged, my rebellious streak became quieter, that is until just a few weeks ago when my innards began to rumble (again!).

I have never worried about money, never my entire life. Money has never been important to me, yet all of my needs have always been taken care of. I have never kept up with fashion nor the “newest toys” but have dressed how I want to dress and done what I have wanted to do. I don’t gossip nor do I lie.

And when I am exposed to this world, it takes me days to recuperate, being bombarded with such heavy energy. I was put in the area I live to begin with for the sole intention of anchoring the Light and break up the dense energy found here. That all by itself was enough, thank you, without the added energies of the “world”.

Nothing seems real. Nothing except for what I have personally created in my life and those expressions of Nature who come to me for shelter, food, love, and healing.

Yep, I am one of the odd balls and proud of it! My own family doesn’t understand me, and I have given up a long time ago trying to get them to do so. I am who I am and if I happen to make you uncomfortable, that’s my job. I am the catalyst, the outsider, the one who refuses to play according to the rules of this world. I make my own “rules” and create my own life without anyone telling me how to do what!

Just thought you would enjoy knowing that one of us has never felt comfortable in this world and has gone to great lengths to stay out of it, and that includes bringing it into our home!!!

With joy,



May 11, 2012

Hi George!!

I have followed your website since its inception & needed to connect with you & all members of the PAT this way before things commence. The energy of the day was incredible & am feeling things are picking up speed. Something big is about to occur.. had a nagging sense of anxiety today (on a BIG positive note). The energies are abound!!

I want to thank you from the core essence of my being for who you are & what you represent George. I feel at home with you & the members of the PAT…finally!  What has unfolded thru your website has been absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to meeting you all very soon!  FYI: I live in the suburbs of New York – on the east coast of Long Island to be exact.

Much love & light.. Donna


Dear Donna,

thank you very much for finally contacting me  and for you appreciation of our website. I can also confirm the exponentially increase of cosmic energies in body and spirit and the growing sensation that something very big is just around the corner. By the way if you live in New York, we have several very active PAT-members living in this city – Henry, Marco and Bonnie.

With love and light



May 11, 2012

Dear Dr.Stankov:

Good evening.  I want to thank you for your website and the opportunity it provides ME to connect with other MEs! I write poetry about my journey and would like to share a few. I am also completing a book and will also share it when complete. Thnx and have a spin-up day!

Namaste.  Kent


Dear Kent,

very good. We / humanity need(s) more poetry. I will publish your poems in the next report. What does KNP119 and KNP146 mean?

With love and light




Good afternoon!  In Oct 2011, I started ‘writing’ – or more precisely- ‘streaming’ poetry. I have numbered each poem starting with KNP1 (KNP= Kent’s New Poem), and recently completed KNP148. Most of my poems are simply ME describing what I am going thru as I ‘wake up’. – Kent


Kent’s Poems



By Kent Nelson



Young souls find it difficult to look into old souls’ eyes

Because old souls have already lived thru the young souls’ lies.
The infinite unconditional loving light
Burns bright
And reflects in the an old soul’s vision
The lessons learned from more than one dualistic karmic collision.
The young’s skewed right-brain, left-brain thinking
Underlies a strong desire for power and excessive alcoholic drinking.
These urges to control, influence and win
Delay the young souls’ ability to connect to the kingdom within.
Old souls see thru this programmed learning of bondage and fear
While young souls keep this prisoner mentality in their sight and clear.
Still grounded in their current 3D world but with an awakened understanding
Are the old souls who speak loudly of the freedom meme that now needs planting.
In order for an individual to make this age-to-age planetary shift in a graceful stride
Be the peace that you want to feel and start with what’s inside.

By Kent Nelson




On 12-21-12 the Mayan calendar does stop
Some believe the Earth will no longer spin on its axis like a top.
Others hope we will be no more
It’ll be the final ending, the last curtain call, the slamming of the door.
For ME though, I thinks
This doomsday philosophy stinks.
Source is not revengeful or singing a sad song
These are human characteristics, not God’s, and do not belong.
We are unconditionally loved and infinitely great
To these truths we must awaken before it’s too late.
Our crossing from Pisces to Aquarius is nothing more than this
It’s part of an age-to-age ascension and our journey towards bliss.
I know twenty-twelve will be a most wonderful year
Full of love and ecstasy, not of fear.
Transition twelve twenty-one twelve is a giant step along the way
When yes outweighs no on this eventful winter solstice day.
By Kent Nelson
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