State-of-Ascension-Report-60: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates; Report-60, February 14, 2012 February 12, 2012 Dear Georgi, It’s been quite some time since I last e-mailed you, but last summer I had a very enlightening exchange … Continue reading
Posted in State-of-Ascension-Report
Tagged Aisha North, Alex Jones, Blossom Goodchild, Cabal, catch-22, Cold war, cosmic ascension, David Icke, dual soul, End Times, Evolutionary Leap, first ascension wave, George Kavassilis, GF, Greg Giles, Greys, hidden technologies by the Illuminati, human ego, human vanity, Iran, Keshe Foundation, Laura Tuco, LBP, left brain portal, manuscript of survival, multidimensional personality, Nesara scam, Orion Empire, PAT, planetary ascension, Reptilians, Russia, severe symptoms of LBP, stargate 11.11.11, Steve Beckow, three days of stasis, twin flame, USA, Van Dyke, Waiting for Godot, zeta reticuli
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