How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?
by Georgi Stankov, November 29, 2011, Copyright 2011 1. What is the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization? The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization is not a distinct law but an application of the Universal Law of All-That-Is. It is an integral part of … Continue reading
Posted in Ascension
Tagged 5th dimension, All-That-Is, antagonistic feelings, Ascended Human Masters, Ascension, comfort zone, cosmic law of energy optimization, cosmic laws of creation and destruction, duality, emotional blockades, emotional patterns, energy exchange, energy gradient, Evolutionary Leap, free energy, human intransigence, Karma, law of conservation of energy, law of entropy, laws of constructive and destructive interference, LBP, light quotient, magnetic pole shift/reversal, Orion monetary system, polarity, positive and negative poles, self-preservation instinicts, Stankov's Law of Photon Thermodynamics, stargate 11.11.11, superimposed wave systems, the path of least resistance, Universal Law
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