State-of-Ascension-Report-72: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates; Report-72, March 10, 2012 Vincent van Gogh, The Splitting of the Timelines, Expressionism Correction: I apologize for publishing the wrong email under the name of Robin. I … Continue reading
Posted in State-of-Ascension-Report
Tagged /reversal, Anunnaki's magnetic grid of separation, ascended earth A, CA, catastrophic earth B, commencement of the Golden Age, crystalline 144-grid, demography of ascension, earth as asylum of failed souls, End-Time scenario changes, February 26-decision, light quotient, magnetic pole shift, mass planetary ascension in December 2012, Orion/Reptilian empire, Planet A/B = earth A/B, PTB, Three-earth-scenario
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