Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 30

Profound Explanation of the Elohim on How We Created the Ascension of Gaia and Humanity as Incarnated Elohim Souls and Logos Gods in 2014

Amora and Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, October 22, 2020

Three days after Good Friday, April 18, 2014, when we experienced first hand our staggering creation and destruction of infinite timelines of Gaia and humanity on Grouse Mountain while witnessing from a bird view the destruction of Vancouver and the death of billions of incarnated souls through numerous MPRs and their tsunamis, we received another comprehensive message from the Elohim that elaborated in detail what exactly our creationary work on the ascension process entails.

This message is unique as it explains all major aspects that have led to the current ignominious devolution of the human race as exemplified by the masses of masked zombies wandering around at this very moment – the emotional, genetic, energetic, and psychological factors that have led to this unmatched degradation of a sentient race in this multiverse.

It also confirms unequivocally that the planetary ascension has already happened in early 2014 as before that I personally eliminated all the reptilian entities from all ascending timelines as the Elohim clearly and deliberately confirm in their message to us:

“Further, gross cleansing carried out by your dual soul (Georgi) has led to the re-calibration of the distribution of reptilian-markered souls, whereby these souls shall not be qualifying candidates for any upper 4D timelines” [Amora: My impression here is that this includes the upper half of the 4D timelines in existence].

The Elohim knew already at that time that we have made the decision at the Elohim soul level to leave a soul fragment of ours on lower timelines after our planetary ascension would take place in early 2014 in order to help many more souls to also ascend with us. It was obvious that this lightwork for another 7 years would include the repeated elimination of “reptilian-markered souls” from the lower half of the 4D timelines by ourselves when their point in time for ascension would arrive.

This explains why I had to eliminate one more time the evilest ugly, big reptilians on the current ascending timelines on June 10, 2020, in order to prepare them for the upcoming shift. The Elohim knew already at that time that we would be perplexed when we would have to eliminate these reptilians one more time in the future and would not understand what is happening as this was the case with me since June 10th, until I began to study these past messages of the Elohim and, inspired by my soul, was able to grasp the bigger picture recently.

I wrote about this fact and my learning process in my previous article, where I first presented the irrefutable evidence that the planetary ascension has already happened in early 2014:

Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 26: The Planetary Ascension Has Already Happened!

This Elohim message explains one more time the incredible recycling process of new souls in the current ascension who constantly incarnate as walk-ins in the replicated empty holographic human vessels on the numerous newly created timelines.

“It is from the stillness of these quiet moments that new souls incarnate into the cycle of evolution, once again.

Souls swirl hectically now, as worlds fall apart and then re-build in the blink of an eye. Each soul knows to which experience it belongs, in order to fulfill its sacred lessons, although the lessons feel harsh and extreme on the return to the Light.

Chaos ensues, margins are covered/ smoothed and All find their way home!”

That is why we experienced after the first planetary ascension in May 2014 a gaping emptiness of soul essence in the entire North American continent that was filled peu à peu with new souls.

We have accomplished so many planetary ascensions since the first one in early 2014, precisely for the purpose of offering to so many souls in the disembodied state the unique chance to participate in this never seen before ascension of the darkest and densest planet in the multiverse into the light, to the 5th dimension, within the lifespan of one incarnation.

This is the greatest achievement in the evolution of all souls ever dared and accomplished in this multiverse, prepared by infinite souls and spiritual hierarchies for eons of time, from the very beginning of Gaia, and we are the chief architects and executors of this formidable creation that enables the concomitant ascension of the entire universe.

Please consider that the earth is the crucible of all derailed souls from numerous other incarnation experiments and most of them are deeply traumatized by the transgalactic wars that raged in this galaxy, in partcular the Orion wars. It is a melting pot of so many souls, some of whom have never been humanoids before.

Our mission as Elohim souls and Logos Gods of Gaia is to enable all these souls to overcome this incredible diversity that has caused such an unsurmountable disunity among them and to discover the Unity of All-That-Is. These messages of the Elohim have reported extensively how Amora and I are accomplishing this at the emotional, mental and energetic levels while employing new unique methods never created and applied before.

Without considering this background, you will not understand the scope of our light work and will not be able to envision what will occur very soon on the earth when we finally retrieve our last soul fragment from this reality and appear in our full glory as Logos Gods in order to transform for ever life on this planet.

For any unbiased, highly enlightened spiritual individuals, such as most light warriors of the first and the last hour and true members of the PAT are, and who have personally and directly participated in all these shifts and portals throughout the years, this evidence and the clear messages of the Elohim should be sufficient to know beyond any doubt that the Planetary Ascension has already happened and that the PAT has been successful beyond measure.

This is the most important knowledge which the reading of these retrospective energy reports from 2013 and 2014 imparts as they are also your guideline for what will happen this and next year. Then you need not run to other dubious sources and channelers to learn what is happening next: Everything that will happen next has already happened in the past and you have your personal knowledge thereof, however deeply buried in the recesses of your soul it might be. Go inside and find it.

April 21, 2014, The Elohim

Amora: Here is a message from the Elohim that I received yesterday, April 21, and it very carefully explains all of our experiences during this Easter weekend:

“The beginning of time renders All into perfection, and now it is the beginning of time once again.

All slates are wiped clear, for the God-Mind to bring anew: Beings, roles and inter-relations. It begins anew!

We are the Elohim and we greet you with infinite love and joy in this new moment!

The grand experiments draw to a close, and new and fresh offerings jump to the forefront of this new powerful creationary cycle.

It is from the stillness of these quiet moments that new souls incarnate into the cycle of evolution, once again.

Souls swirl hectically now, as worlds fall apart and then re-build in the blink of an eye. Each soul knows to which experience it belongs, in order to fulfill its sacred lessons, although the lessons feel harsh and extreme on the return to the Light.

Chaos ensues, margins are covered/ smoothed and All find their way home!

Great destruction on all lower (4D) timelines brings exhaustion your way simply because you (Carla) are the “Opener and therefore, all great emotion floods your fields and can impact you completely, wholly, and without seeming regard for your Being. This is your mission, to absorb this emotional imbalance until its very restitution. The unrest from these lower timelines shall require great demands of your fields and therefore great physical care and nurturing is necessary whenever possible.

The greatest challenge of this humanity is to tame addiction, addiction from any source.

Within the realm of your world, humanity has suffered from slow evolution, mainly arising from extremely painful experiences attaching to the emotional body aspect of the human expression.

This realm often represents purely unresolved emotional trauma that leads to unprocessed feelings within one’s unconscious awareness. Unresolved trauma activates the pain body, and often measures are sought to appease these feelings, measures that result in addiction within the human vessel.

(By the way, Amora has begun to heal very successfully these emotional traumas that cause pain in the human body with new special activations of Source energies under the direct guidance of many ascended masters and the Prime Creator.)

The most deeply systemic and most far-reaching issue of humanity at this time is addiction.

Humanity carries a deep sense of disconnect and separation from the Divine Source, and this fundamental experience leaves one feeling empty, alone, unwhole and incomplete. Mankind then believes a state of pan-deficiency exists as the basic truth of existence, and that one’s wholeness shall never be realized within the all-pervasive state of emotional, psychological, physical deficiency.

All human emotion stems from this basic construct of pan-deficiency, and all addiction seeks to console any and all negative aspects arising from this focus.

You both have attacked  ‘the addiction’  at its root

All recent personal experience [Georgi, with the negative entity attached to you, and addicted to consuming your life energy] was the prerequisite to identify and initiate this massive cleanse of all humanity. After all, the majority of humanity suffers from addiction, in one form or another.

Addiction follows emotion. Emotion is to be human.

This cleanse has also jumped timelines and includes all upper 4D timelines.

Let us say that the Being of succubus nature has been disarmed and resolved to a new quadrant within All-That-Is

(Note, George: I performed some very powerful cleansing procedures in the course of 72 hours that eliminated this succubus reptiloid entity that has, unconsciously for me, attached to my powerful field at the end of last year, but also used this trigger to expand this cleansing procedure in an alchemical manner to the whole humanity and to cleanse it from all forms of addiction at the quantum DNA-level, as the Elohim confirm in their message here.

However, I suspect that the presence of this energetic vampire in my field caused the rapid growth of my inguinal tumor I mentioned previously so that it had to be operated in August 2014 in Germany. After that, I moved to a completely new personal timeline and cut all connections to my previous life in this already finished incarnation as a human being. I became a full-fledged Avatar – an Ascended Master in human flesh.).

This cleanse is done, complete and the whole of ascending humanity is absolved of the pleasure of addiction.

(This is another clear proof that there was a planetary ascension of humanity in early 2014. Please observe that the Elohim speak of “the whole of the ascending humanity” and not of the whole humanity, most of which stayed on lower timelines and had to be cleansed from addictions by us in the following seven years until now. As soon as this portion of humanity was cleansed from addiction by us, these souls ascended in 2014 as what is the point to still stay in this 3D reality. Were these cleansed and healed incarnated souls still here, there would have been no lockdown and we would not experience the current extremely debased level of human society.)

This trait (of addiction) is a result of an in-breeding between the original human DNA blueprint and the reptilian blueprint. This trait was a fully desired and intentionally farmed trait, programmed into the DNA genome of the human race, in order to serve as the scaffolding for the decrepit, destructive and false way of life on planet Earth.

This genetic experiment was deliberately carried out in order to create a natural weakness within the human DNA structure, one that is naturally triggered when faced with a deficiency-based system to life itself.

(This is the most succinct and brilliant explanation of how the total devolution of the human race occurred and explains what gargantuan healing and cleansing light work we had to perform all these years as Elohim Souls and Logos Gods in order to bring humanity to ascension in 2014 and since then many more times until the fall of 2020 when the ultimate ascension is ongoing in this very moment.)

Further, gross cleansing carried out by your dual soul (Georgi) has led to the re-calibration of the distribution of reptilian-markered souls, whereby these souls shall not be qualifying candidates for any upper 4D timelines [Amora: My impression here is that this includes the upper half of the 4D timelines in existence].

We are the Elohim and it is so.”


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