Neoplatonism and Christianity – ebook

Limits and Possibilities of the Human Mind to Assess Dialectically the Whole, the Primary Term, and the Individual Ideas as Phenomenology of Being 

– Philosophical Study –

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

translated from the German book “Neoplatonismus und Christentum“, 176 pages, 2007, into English by the author


ebook (pdf) to download:  Neoplatonism and Christianity

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This pivotal philosophical study deals with the Gnostic tradition of Christianity and explains how this religion has plagiarized all its basic religious concepts from Neoplatonism of Plotin (Plotinus)– the most congruent gnostic study of human transcendence in the history of Western philosophy. This translation will deepen our discussion on the greatest fraud of humanity which began with the obfuscation of the life of the historical personality of Apollonius of Tyana as that of the fictitious Jesus, St. Paul, and St. John, the Revelator (John of Patmos), who were mythological split personalities of this great teacher in the Antiquity.

This philosophical study is an important introduction to our imminent ascension and appearance as ascended masters, predicted in the bible as the “Second Coming of Christ” at the End Time of Christianity. This will happen simultaneously with the manifestation of the healing centre in Diano Marina, Liguria, Northern Italy, which we are actively building now, and the establishment of Rome and Italy as the world spiritual centre of the new paradigm of ascending humanity.

This spiritual transformation of Italy first and then of the entire world will be based on the new Gnosis of the Universal Law which is eternal and a further development of Neoplatonism (watch also this popular video on Human Gnosis):

This theoretical treatise was based on the German translation of Plotin’s Enneads by Richard Harder, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1956. Unfortunately, the translator has changed the original order of Plotin’s books as composed by his first editor and disciple Porphyry for no apparent reason, so that all the quotations that are given in this book as numbers of chapters and books deviate from those of the original Enneads as they have been excellently translated by Stephen Mackenna and B.S. Page in English (see pdf). Therefore the English reader will have to find the appropriate quotations for himself in the English version if he wants to go into more depth in his study of Plotin’s Gnosis, which I would highly recommend.

The quotations given in this book will of course deviate somewhat linguistically from  Mackenna’s translation as they will be an English translation of the German translation done by Harder and this man was not very precise in his translation of the original Greek text and has mutilated some very important passages of Plotin, in particular regarding his description of his transcendental out-of-body experiences, as I found on numerous occasions. What can one expect from a person who was a Nazi supporter and contributed decisively to the arrest and execution of the siblings Scholl and Professor Huber from the opposition group “White Rose” in Munich during the Nazi regime (for further information read also this energy report)?

The same holds true for my analysis of the books of the Neoplatonist Origen (of Alexandria), the founder of biblical exegesis and the most important and still unrivaled theologian in the history of Christianity, in particular, his classical book “peri archon – De Principiis“, as I had to use the German translations. I apologize for this inconvenience to my English readers and hope that when this essay will be published as an English book one day, it will contain all the quotations from the standard English translations of these classic ancient works.

Georgi Stankov, June 2019, Diano Marina, Italy

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