by Anthony O. and Georgi Stankov, August 20, 2015
Humanity is now being prepared in the dream state for the imminent MPR on this uppermost mother planet. Carla dreamt a few days ago of a water world and everybody was living under water or drowned. She then flew out of the water and ascended. Her son also had a dream during the same night of a MPR that had destroyed Vancouver Downtown and he was walking along the streets that were empty.
Tomasz from Poland just wrote to me:
“About one week ago I had a dream in which I saw water everywhere. The whole world was flooded with water and I swam in this water. Wherever I sailed was just water everywhere. Because there was no living man I decide to leave this world. I asked HR to take me out of here. Suddenly before me there were stairs and I started leaving the water. Stairs led directly to heaven. Just before the final departure I stopped and asked “What is this water?”. Response was: “Water is a symbol of the human ego which flooded the whole world and all people drowned in the water (their own ego). There is no one who could be saved.” – Then I left and I disappeared in the clouds.
The same night (8.8.8) I dreamed of my ascension with the aid of one of the archangels.”
There are more PAT members that have similar dreams of the impending MPR and our ascension. These dreams prepare us for the event psychologically and also give us a clue that our ascension is imminent. I have just published an article on the clandestine war of the USA against China and Russia. All these facts point to an imminent countdown.
The exact date of the MPR and our ascension cannot be predicted as it depends on the behaviour of the ruling cabal and the collective response of the masses. And of course in the first place on our ability to canalize these processes energetically into the most beautiful ascension this omniverse has seen so far. That much mighty are we now.
Some PAT members now report about dreadful experiences on lower timelines which coalesce very well with the incredible cleansing work we do for Gaia as huge antennas and turnstile mechanisms for absorbing human dross stored in Gaia’s texture at a global level. This is what I wrote to Barbara from Canada yesterday on this issue:
“We are indeed doing a lot of cleansing on Gaia that must be fully renewed before it can finally ascend. Carla who is closely linked to Gaia had the most excruciating lumbago (sciatica) pain since more than 10 days and was all the time in agony. Today is the first day with an improvement. It has to do with us seeding the new golden Christed template in the Gaia’s structure which we created on July 31st as reported on the website. But in order to anchor this template in Gaia’s structure we need to cleanse her first and all this dross comes through our fields and lower chakras. I also had a gastric pain most of the time and also headache, even now when I write (August 18th, which was another massive descent of source energy leading to an ID leap to 5D).
The intensity of the cleansing is enormous and constantly growing and I am afraid it will stay so till the very last moment.”
All these experiences are closely related and they intercept in the final event that is of dualistic nature – a blissful ascension for us and a massive destruction and death for all the others who will continue with their incarnation cycle. This is unavoidable for the purification of their ego-minds, as Tomasz explains in his email above.
I will publish today 3D data that confirms that the MPR is also imminent here on this uppermost mother planet. This information was sent to me by Anthony O. who established for the first time contact with me. In order to properly evaluate this information I will publish our correspondence in advance and show the video with all the links to scientific references at the end, so that you put all these facts in the proper context with regard to what I have discussed above:
Dear Georgi, Carla, and Readers,
Thank you for all the work that you do.
I have been following the matter MPRs since 1996. Just recently I came across THE most impressive video (that I have seen to date) which has graphic snapshots of an astounding array of mainstream and scientific articles about the ongoing Magnetic Polar Reversal.
This video is only 7 minutes long, the narrative is superb, and the articles referenced are most impressive. Recommendation:
– watch through once, with a focus upon listening
– then, watch through again… to pause and read the text of each graphic (each graphic is a snapshot of a major article or scientific study regarding the magnetic field that is hyperlinked below the video)
– then, open the “Show More” below the video.That action will provide hyperlinks to all of the media articles and scientific articles referenced and presented in the video, which can then be read in full.
Be sure to freeze the graphics, and visit the links below the video by opening “Show More”!
Here it is:
Magnetic Field Weakening Ten Times Faster than Thought (see full video below)
Dear Anthony,
thank you for sending me this video to the MPR. The pages are edited so quickly that one has to stop the video every second to read them. Since most of the information is given in a written form, would it not have been better if the author had prepared a written dossier with all these articles and eventually links, so that one can read them carefully as a file and not in such a cumbersome manner as a video?
By the way, I could not find so far any comment that such MPRs have happened numerous times on lower timelines and that the concept of multidimensionality is discussed. Without it the whole approach is too much 3D and very fearful as it presupposes that death looms everywhere, just as most agnostic people believe that they have only one life to live and hence it is so precious, which is the greatest blunder of all.
Most of the PAT members that read my website have personally experienced at least one MPR on lower timelines and they know exactly how it feels. I personally do not believe that they need to be convinced by conventional 3D data. They know that it is not a singular event, but something that happens almost everyday since we experienced the first MPR in June 8th, 2013 on the first of the seven 4D earths we created end of May as reported on this website. Since then we have collectively experienced numerous MPR and the heftier have been widely discussed in our Energy Reports.
It is also very important to stress that none of the PAT will experience the MPR on this uppermost mother planet as we shall ascend before that – move to 5D, just as we seamlessly move to higher timelines each time when a MPR takes place on a lower timeline.
Based on this considerations I honestly do not see any great value in this video for the PAT.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for reviewing the video. I see your point as to this possibly causing fear. But then, I am assuming that fellow readers of the website, are much more aware of the role of MPRs as a part of multidimensional shifting than the common public.
What impressed me was the wide range of scientific articles that the MSMedia deliberately negate from the news.
Most especially in the context of weather anomalies.
Just how perverse are the dark cabal? They are sooooooooo sick, they sell the citizenry on the need to tax pensioners for “using carbon”, when in fact, the weakening of the field is the elephant in the room in regards to “climate change”!
Anything to make a buck before their last gasp. Their behavior is so degraded, sometimes I just have to laugh at their delusions.
Thanks for writing me back.
Here are the links to the articles that were so quickly flashed upon the screen.
Dear Anthony,
thank you very much for the huge work you have done to collect and list all the links to the articles discussed in this video. In this case, I will publish our discussion as it is, with the video and the links, as we will have in this way a balanced approach to the impending MPR that offsets the more fearful aspects of this video and presents this event from a higher perspective. I will do this tomorrow as it is too late this evening and I am now writing another very important article for tomorrow.
With love and light
Links to the Magnetic Pole Reversal Video:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Asteroid Animation)