How the Light Workers Failed to Ascend

by Kārlis Grundstein, Riga, Latvia and Georgi Stankov, September 18, 2014

Dearest Georgi,

This message was initiated by your yesterday’s post of Asana Mahatari channelling. My desire is to let you know my explanation for this dramatic delay of our planet’s ascension.

I started to read your writings already before opening your personal site, and am doing it till today (including a big part of your books). I am enough “educated” in all this theory. In the years 2011/2012 I did a serious work – from the large crowd of my friends, recent collegues, relatives, early classmates and simply acquaintances to find out persons, who can have an interest to be readers of your site. A good part of them were not reading English (and German, too), or not having the internet.

I had some success – there were about two dozens of them, having the sincere interest (including two of them, known to you, too – mathematician Andris and mechanics engineer, ‘golden hands’ – Gatis).

But 2012 passed by, 2013 in the middle, and they – one by one -,were gone, too. When I contacted them, they had a question ready for me – how can you believe such  phantasies? Today, I know that only three of them have remained your faithful readers – Andris, Gatis, and one of my classmate from school time.

Let’s go further. Please, imagine a human being (any gender), fair-minded, sincere, loving his family, not a thief, not greedy, hard-working, having education, believing in “modern science”, believing in his government etc. He knows nothing about higher dimensions, ascension, etc.. Maybe he has heard sometimes something, but he never was taught this. Pseudo – science, if not nonsense! Such beings are billions on our planet.

Can you name him a sleeper, fence-straddler, “lukewarm”? He had not and has not any information about any happenings “up-there”! Not any info!

About myself – I know all what is happening from you. But I know nothing about myself, who I was before this incarnation! Nothing! I know nothing about my possible way ahead. My HS is mute! I have no indications of LBP. I have no fear, no doubts about ascension, not any pity for this space-time. In this incarnation, I never had a wish to assassinate anybody! I am often praying and invocating for higher information – and yet all is remaining secret!

The inhabitants of our planet we can determine in three groups:

1) There are the incarnated Ascended Masters with the goal to realize the Great Plan of Ascension (the PAT), who have a clear vision as to what is happening and receive information from channelings, from their HS and from energy flows. These incarnated Ascended Masters and all entities “up-there”, they are thinking that all the others, we in the dense world, have this info too!

2) Then the dark ones, the Reptilians, the Greys and their human stooges, which I shall ignore at this place, although they may know more.

3) And then the third group, the few of us,  who are reading your site. No other source of info is available! Some times ago, there were promises that our brothers from Agartha would come on the Earth’s surface to inform all humanity. For ordinary human to believe in this information, there must be something very extra, non-natural, to catch their attention – a plenty of cosmic vehicles, e.g. very large beings, going through walls, etc.

This dissonance between the viewpoint of the Ascended Masters and other earthlings is the main cause of delay. There can be an objection – much disinfo goes back to the dark forces too. But there are so many brains to think for a solution! Why not use the inner voice to inform everybody! Is this a problem for Allmighty?

With Love and Light –


Dear Kārlis,

thank your very much for this keen observation on the inter- and intra-psychic dynamics of human awakening and why most old souls and light workers failed in this respect. Only yesterday I discussed this issue at length with Carla.

While you have very clearly presented the problems of many fence straddlers to believe in the idea of ascension and follow this steep path, it remains a fact that most of them do not have the mental capacity to confront challenges and frustrations and to have the endurance and the will to swim against the current (gegen den Strom schwimmen).

This is a common deficiency of most humans and I first observed it very closely when I was a dissident in Bulgaria in the early 70s. When all other people around me, some of them very intelligent, fully succumbed to the communist indoctrination and rejected fiercely and fearfully the idea of freedom. Thus they behaved very much like your friends now and ultimately betrayed themselves against their inner knowing, as it eventually came out.

If their souls are now mute for your friends and they cannot hear the inner voice as we, the ascended masters, do, this is first and foremost due to their own failure, as they were not persistent and enduring enough in this endeavour and did not open fully to their HS. Instead they continued making compromises with the old matrix and thus suffocated and stifled the subtle voice of their soul at the ego level.

Would they have been as persistent and courageous as the few of us and would they have followed as indomitably as ourselves this difficult path (who has said that ascension would be easy?), then they would have been hugely rewarded by their HS.

There is parable in the bible attributed to Jesus, who refers to the true human talents, which are actually the divine talents of the soul, which I will paraphrase here as I do not want to search for the original text in the bible: Those who have talents will be given even more by the Father when the time of ascension comes and those who, have little talents and have not properly forged them, will be deprived even of the little they now possess – understand, they will die in the deluge of the MPR. It is all there, even in the Christian scriptures, if one has eyes and can read properly and has a mind and can truly understand.

If you analyse all your friends that have turned away from the light and my writings as you report to me, it is because they did not want to do the hard work to change consequently their wrong past ideas and concepts, but instead expected God to reward them for doing nothing and when he did not appear in due time, they turned away from him and the light. It is so because their faith was not strong enough and this is the litmus test for ascension.

That is why they are “lukewarm” and intolerable for us and Heaven and hence will not ascend. Nowhere does the New Age movement stress the hard personal work that has to be done, first to purify the personalty from all wrong, dark past ideas, habits and behaviour patterns that reflect the current Orion matrix, before they can qualify for ascension, nor is there any visible effort to follow this path.

Ascension is an inner process and nobody else can do the work for you. By doing my personal work, I have not only ascended years ago – first in 2009 and then many times afterwards, but also ascended humanity and all the light warriors of the first and last hour by paving this difficult path for them to follow. At the expense of huge sacrifices. All of this is documented in my articles, which are a complete chronicle of the ascension process of humanity.

If you ask your friends how intensively they have read my articles and made the necessary conclusions and followed my advises, you will find out that none of them has done this, probably except you. Hence you are still following the course and read and live up to the posts on my website, while they have gone astray. This is the tragedy of the light workers these days and this is the topic of Sananda’s discourse with Jahn, which I published today.

By the way, most of these deficiencies of the not too ripe incarnated souls such as your friends, as pointed out by Sananda, have been discussed by myself from a psychological point of view and in terms of their archetypal soul structure in my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” as early as in 2000. Now they find a brilliant confirmation in the “lukewarm” behaviour of your friends. In other words everything has been anticipated and there are no bad surprises in the current ascension process, but only unfulfilled promises and expectations at the human individual level.

After all, ascension was from the very beginning an entirely personal process. Only for us, the “Big Ones”, the Elohim, it was all about ascension of Gaia and mankind, as we come from the Source and are now here in human body only to finish with our mission of saving humanity, which we have started at the beginning of all time.

The only thing I would have done differently than the Higher Realms did, and this I have discussed on numerous occasions on this website, is that I would have allowed the financial crash in 2008 to destroy the world economy and trigger a global unrest among the masses in the West. The HR supported instead the old matrix and prolonged its life as a kind of an ICU patient in a coma, as they feared the earlier installment of the NWO by the dark ruling cabal.

While this risk was real, the chance of earlier and massive awakening of humanity was even bigger at that time and this unique chance was missed by the HR, who chose a different path of evolution in the last few years. With this they only wanted to improve the final outcome, the harvest of ascending souls. But then the most unlikely outcome came, namely that the numerous light warriors that were supposed to awaken under the huge influx of source energy – predominantly flowing through my personal field at the beginning as I have been for a very long time the only open connection to the Source and a powerful conduit of such energies, before the rest of the PAT also assumed this function in early 2013 after the opening of the portal 12.21.12 – fell back into an even deeper slumber.

This is the actual topic of Sananda in this conversation. Since then the expectations for a massive awakening of the light warriors and the masses were jeopardized by their vehement rejection of the light and their falling back into the comfort zone of their old Orion life, as most of your friends and New Agers did since 2011. In other words, they boycotted their own light and their spiritual evolution and then started blaming the external conditions or their souls for not carrying them forward without themselves paddling in the same direction.

This is not the way to mastership and the very tendency to blame the HS and realms for not being more present in their reality is the usual cheap and very human excuse for one’s own failures by pointing out at external difficulties. Thus they have forgotten that they have incarnated at this time on this planet exactly because they believed that they will be able to overcome these well-known difficulties and advance on the road to ascension  A key topic that you can find in the Bible, where the few authentic teachings of Jesus (alias Apollonius of Tyana) are preserved, and also in all true teachings of all Great Masters, including those of myself.

This is a huge topic and I have only scratched on the surface, but on the other hand, I and Jahn have written and published so many articles on this issue that even the blind and the deaf must have got this message, if they only would have cherished the desire to improve their senses. Unfortunately they preferred to anesthetize their senses and inner impulses of the soul with all kinds of Orion distractions, such as TV, iPhone, Internet trash, etc.  and then they blame their soul for being so discrete and not supporting them enough. While in fact they are betraying their souls every minute and every second in the perpetuation of the causes of their miserable lives.

Just as the vast majority of the people in Eastern Europe did during the communist dictatorship and supported this rotten system, which would have collapsed much earlier if they had withdrawn their support based on fear, indoctrination, but first and foremost, sustained by their cowardice as I have experienced it and written about in the 70s as a dissident and journalist. At the end, there were only a handful of true dissidents in all these countries. In Bulgaria I was the only true dissident, I knew at that time and, as far as I am aware of, there were none in the Baltic republics, which I visited shortly after the fall of the Iron curtain, but only a few in Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia, some of which I personally knew.

The rest were cowards and your friends who have turned away from the light belong to this category. The coward can be recognized very easily by blaming always other people for his cowardice and the compromises he makes in his failed life, based on this deficiency.

This is the sad story of this humanity and this is also the weak point, where the dark ones managed to infest the light workers in the current End Times. That is why none of them will ascend. Ascension was always a promise, a potential to be fulfilled by the individual and never a done deal for the masses. Only the MPR and the destruction of this matrix was a done deal, as Sananda confirms one more time in his latest message, and this is what will happen this year.

This is the ultimate truth about the current End Times, and I am surprised that after more than 1800 articles on my website and 15 books on ascension, there is still such a huge deficit in grasping this simple, basic truth.

With light and life

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