6D-Space Fleet of the Light
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 17, 2014
first published on July 21, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
Five minutes after I published my invocation with respect to the revelation of the absolute truth about the real perpetrators of the shooting down of flight MH17 in Ukraine, I received this message from Jahn, channelled by the 6D fleet on the same day as they also came to us and announced the beginning of the final preparations for our ascension, among many other things.
You must be fully aware now that our ascension takes place in the Now and with each passing moment we are coming nearer to this final goal. Still, this is a highly dynamic, open process and much of it depends on how the few light warriors of the first and last hours behave and act on the ground. Actually the only thing we all must do now is to concentrate on our ascension, detach from the 3D mayhem on the ground and concentrate our thoughts to promote the beginning of the sweeping revelations about the truth of the present-day illusion.
To this the invocation of the gold-violet flame is a key means of immediate creation. Hence use this invocation in all situations where the truth needs to be revealed and know that you are now creating this ascension process in a most significant and dramatic manner with your will, determination, steadfast decisions and balanced, free of fear emotions.
The Message
Beloved Ones,
New 6D vibration patterns are transferred to this world. The ascending beings are affected by it, so that they awaken in their almighty consciousness and so that the vibration of your energy bodies steadily grows and increases.
The preparations for the moment of God’s Grace, for your Ascension, continue; a piece of mosaic is put beside another one, until the last stone completes the picture and brings the ascension.
For the moment of your ascension, it is important to know the following: You will be, wherever you are in that sacred hour, uplifted.
For the ascending ones there is no “wrong place”, where you may be staying that would make your ascension more difficult or impossible.
An ascending one will be uplifted, no matter where you are and in which environment you may be.
Heaven changes, the earth bulges, oceans arise out of dry deserts and vaporize there, where one finds them today.
The miracle of Transformation occurs for this world and all human beings ready for it do likewise.
In infinite Love