channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 13, 2014
first published on July 19, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
The great sowing of the seeds of ascension reaps, the harvest is rich. The yield is great, the good soil brings forth fruits in abundance, humanity inherits Life.
Beloved Ones,
No time is like any other, yet this time lifts off from all times, because time and space specific laws are dissolving in front of your eyes and are discarded.
This world is in the middle of dissolution, you yourselves are attuned to your departure and oriented toward your ascension – the heavenly Father comes, in order to lift you.
The seed of ascension reaps in these days. While the harvest withers in many fields, healthy wheat grows in your fields. The number of fertile fields is insignificant, significant is the yield of the harvest, is the Light that you are and that emanates from you.
The seed reaps and satisfies all Life.
The great thanks of Creation are due to human Beings, who have established the kingdom in Heaven on this soil, while in many places it has been neglected and has been damaged.
Human Beings and God are unified in Eternity.
I am