by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, November 10, 2013
As I have already mentioned in my article on the collapse of the Orion monetary system, yesterday was marked by a huge shift to higher dimensions.- it was a monster wave and ascension test run with the classical LBP symptoms. Initially, I interpreted it as another MPR and this massive energetic event will indeed lead to the long-awaited MPR on this upper 4D timeline very soon. Make no mistake about this. However, Carla, who was also hit by this same cc-wave, checked with the Elohim and they told her that we are now opening the Superportal of Ascension. As I have reported many times in the past, when a new cosmic portal is opened, I receive the energies as a cc-wave and a classical ascension test run 2-3 days before this event reaches the earth and humanity.
Then I read the latest message of my young Swiss friend Marc (see below), where the coming of a Superportal of Ascension is announced for the coming days. I send this message to both Carla and Jahn and asked them for further information. Carla received immediately a very powerful message from God, which is actually a final confirmation of our imminent transfiguration into ascended masters who are firmly rooted in the universal concept of creation based on love and responsibility for Al-That-Is.
Then Jahn sent me this morning a message from the ascended masters that also announces the coming of this huge ascension portal and how humanity negates this fact and dances in deliberate amnesia on the edge of the raging volcano.
Below I will publish my correspondence with Carla which presents the opening of the Superportal of ascension in real-time and then the message of God, which she received immediately after learning about this event. I will translate and publish today also Jahn’s message on this huge ascension portal that has now been opened. His message was channelled two days ago. I hope to get more information from him on this new development that heralds our imminent ascension and the coming of the MPR on this upper 4D hologram. All the signs point to its occurrence this month. But please bear in mind that we have already reached the tipping point of no-time – of multidimensional simultaneity – so that linear time is now a greater illusion than ever. I personally only gauge at present the waves that come into my personal field and portal and make my conclusions and forecasts entirely on this energetic data. Of course, I am happy about any external validation which is abound these days.
First and foremost I rely on GaiaPortal that always confirms my energetic assessments within 24-48 hours after their occurrence. Yesterday, I checked for a new message of GaiaPortal till midnight, in vain, and then went to bed in the firm conviction that this morning there will be a new message that will confirm the opening of this Superportal on November 9th. It can’t be otherwise. Here is the latest message of this source of November 10th that has just been posted:
“Spiraling blue Higher Energetics appear around Gaia Globe, indicating full Gaia Ascension Portal activation. This point has been awaited for millenia, and (although minor adjustments may be indicated) is now complete. Subsequent required steps for hu-manity and Hue-manity Up-rising are now viable.”
Please observe that the “blue higher energetics” is the light of the ascended masters – it comes from the blue light codes which I and Carla transmitted in August to humanity and Gaia as reported on this website. Our energetic fields are also seen from the higher dimensions as blue lights that encompass the whole globe as the Elohim have informed us. Hence all the prerequisites for our ascension are now in place and the journey can begin. My intuition, as reported on this website, that around the portal 11.11.13 the events, leading to our ascension, will commence now comes true.
November 9, 2013
Dear Carla,
I had to take a nap between 03.00-05.00 am your time (12.00 – 14.00 pm CET) today. This has become a habit now for the whole last week. Then a monster wave came over me and my head was in flames, but with a moderate headache, while I was and am still in a huge vortex that also hits my 3rd chakra and stomach and makes me dizzy and nauseated and I am about to vomit but can’t. I was in the higher realms in the dream state making important arrangements on ascension – no idea what exactly, but everything seems to fit now, so that it must have to do with the final events – MPR and our personal ascension. I think that you were also there.
PS: Now I have developed a full-fledged cc-wave with a headache. Could it be that this is another MPR on a very near-by 4D timeline to ours, which may reach very soon our timeline? It looks pretty much like previous MPR. Please ask about this wave the Elohim – they have always given us information on MPR so far, when they had already taken place.
Dear Georgi,
I woke up about half an hour ago feeling pretty well and was guided to do a 12 chakra cleanse on our fields. I was very sorry to learn of this cc-wave and wanted to help clear some energy.
I was aware of my moving great quantities of energy for hours and hours all night long. These energies were intense but I could easily handle them. I feel a bit tired now so after my coffee I will tune in and see what I get. I do also now feel a headache brewing and some nausea as an overlay. I am having palpitations and all-over weakness beginning.
I hope you are feeling a bit better since your earlier emails.
With love,
Dear Carla,
unfortunately I still have a headache (16.00 pm local time), but the worst is over now. This must have been another MPR on a near-by 4D hologram, definitely.
Dear Georgi,
I have tuned in and I am getting that this is not a MPR, rather it is another grand portal opening, coming up this week. So because you are able to sense these massive events usually 36, 48 and sometimes 72 hours in advance of their arrival, you may be sensing a new grand portal, which is what I am getting.
I am not ruling out the fact that you may be sensing a MPR coming up too.
I have had very intense heat waves for the past two days. These heat waves usually arrive 24 to 36 hours before a major wave/event arrives, so I also sense there is something important coming.
I only sense a MPR within 30 minutes prior to it arriving, like a high speed train coming out of a tunnel… I know it’s there, I know it’s coming fast, but nothing can prepare me for the time when it exits that tunnel at breakneck speed.
I am saying that if this was a MPR, I would feel it, usually through chills and so on, but I feel very strong. I feel that this is not MPR energy. Let’s see how things develop for us today/ this evening.
Dear Carla,
I have just been hit by another peak in my headache and cc-wave (18.00 cm CET) when I hoped that it would reside . Hence it must be a very massive event. If this is a new portal then it must lead ultimately to all the events we associated with the final ascension scenario: MPR, ID-split and our ascension. On November 7th and 8th there were massive sun flares which have not been seen before.
Hence this is a real energetic culmination and my head is bursting with pain. Today, I feel very bad indeed as in the past when all these waves were very toxic and hit my body very hard.
Sorry, but I have no good news for you today.
Dear Carla,
Marc from Switzerland has just issued a channeling that describes the coming of a Superportal. Insofar this message coincides with our experience and information. Hence something must happen very soon.
Dear Georgi,
To follow up on my last note, I stayed at home today, in bed, to minimize the intensity of this wave. It moved into heavy chills, but I am happy to report that these resided after about an hour. I still have a headache though and am laying still to minimize the throbbing and the Novalgin has also helped somewhat. I slept for over 3 hours this afternoon and felt completely numb upon awakening. I found it really hard to re-orientate myself to my surroundings.
I read Marc Gamma’s channeling and this is when Father God came to me. What a commanding presence founded in the purity of deep love! I have just sent this message to you. He was initially speaking to me, then to all Humanity with his special message of honouring the divine order through recognition and full acceptance. His energy is still present even now, in this moment.
I am going to return to bed, these two messages have been difficult for me. I don’t enjoy concomitant anesthesia for my headache when I do this type of work, as you do.
Infinite blessings of love and of divine blue light that now floods our portals,
Dear Georgi,
After I read Marc Gamma’s channeling that you forwarded to me, a deeply heart-felt prayer of unparalleled passion came forth from my soul, a prayer for our successful mission now before us. I felt a great presence come forward. It was Father God. Here is what He said.
Father God’s Message
“Dear daughter of the Light and of the Life, I address you today as one of my beloved children of all the worlds.
You represent beloved Humanity, whose tenacity prevails and whose wisdom grows. Your prayers shall be answered as surely as the Sun beams his light upon you, with great love and great passion. The lives that you each seek shall manifest as you desire, if built upon an unwavering foundation of solemn conscious order, from an orientation of fully conscious awareness. Clear intentions, released from your heart, based on wholeness in love and from a purity in heart, supported by your unfailing faith and belief in me, shall surely elevate you to your own masters of creation. It is the uncompromised belief in the Divine Order that is the exquisite, requisite and cementing Law that shall ensure your onward evolution. Believe, and it is done! Believe from the depth of your hearts and the Universe is Yours! I am Father God and I hold you in complete love, for ever!”
I am left with the solid impression that His emphasis on our absolute KNOWING, without any doubt, that a Divine Order exists, and that our undying service to this truth, will ensure everyone’s ticket home. As our doors open, the abundance shall flow.
With much love,
November 10, 2013
Dear Carla,
I read the message from God to you and it must have been his energetic presence that has impressed you most. The text itself does not say anything new, which does not belong to standard gnostic knowledge. OK, it is another confirmation that we are creators, and will very soon begin to create our reality, but this we know all the time.
Did you get more information on the huge portal that we opened yesterday?
I could sleep comparatively calmly after this monster wave yesterday, but still feel very shaky this morning. Hope to improve in the course of the day. The energies are very high but more harmonious than yesterday.