by Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, September 18, 2013
The final stage of our ascension has commenced. Three days ago, before Carla made her astral journey to the Inner Earth Agartha, she was informed that she will be the first human being to fully ascend and to prepare urgently for this event. Then the PAT and the fist ascension candidates will follow very swiftly.
I will hold the grand portal for ascension open to the very last minute and will ascend as the last one from the group as is the case with the captain who leaves last the sinking ship. My last duty will be to seal the grand portal from the 5th level of the 5D, where I now dwell, and thus to finalize the ID split between the timelines. I did not publish this information immediately as I wanted to follow the developments in the past few days. Now we have reliable evidence that the final stage of the detonation of the PAT Supernova and the ascension for Gaia have commenced and will be completed around fall equinox.
Yesterday, the MPR took place on the 11th 4D level and devastated North America and the other continents. This happened six days after a global war was started by the dark cabal on this timeline as announced by myself and confirmed by the Elohim. Now all the expected events – global war, detonation of the PAT Supernova, ascension MPR and ID split – ,will take place at the same time on this last upper 12th level as we are running out of time. There will be no sequence of events that gradually build up to a culmination point as initially planned. Today, I will also publish a new message from Babaji that announces this latest ascension scenario.
At the same time numerous upper 4D levels and karma-loops are being built with a high speed that will harbour all those incarnated entities, who will not ascend to 5D, and there will be many of them. Most star seeds and light warriors have not made it and will have to go through huge calamities first before they awaken and qualify for ascension. We will appear immediately on these timelines after our ascension as ascended masters and rescue many of them and bring them to the motherships of the GF.
Yesterday, Carla visited for the third time the Inner Earth. This time I accompanied her. The final preparations for ascension were discussed and coordinated with the Agarthans, who have a huge stake in this process.
The correspondence below gives an overview of the energetic developments in the last two days. I will publish separately a short message from April’s HS that also highlights and confirms the latest energetic events.
September 16, 2013
Huge Energy Shift to the 5th dimension
Dear Carla,
what happened between 01.00 -03.00 am in the night your time. I was fully retrieved for two hours from the earth and I am still not fully here.
PS: The energy intensity has increased dramatically after this event and I must have shifted one more time to higher dimensions.
Dear Georgi,
I just woke up and I slept completely through from the time we spoke until now.
There was great activity during the early night, around that time period. Actually, it continued like this right up until the heavy rain just woke me up right now.
I was aware of a long period of energetic work, like a building up of portals, because I remember now that you ask, seeing blue-grey walls of energy in the shape of vertical tunnels, or funnels, surrounding you and I. Wow, I had an incomplete memory of this and now it’s coming back.
I feel quite depleted and very nauseated at the moment.
Dear Carla,
Thank you for this validation. The energies have calmed down a little bit, but are still very high and skin-burning. The rain has also started here.
I have no idea what this episode was all about, but it has to do with the tense preparations for ascension and the outburst of a terrible global war of the dark cabal. This is now imminent and inevitable. I sense it coming very strongly.
Dear Georgi,
It is possible that we are both now at higher levels as the tone in my ears is almost an octave higher. It’s certainly louder and the energies are of a higher frequency.
I’m very sensitive to sound today. The sounds of the village below and the children walking to school are deafening. I can even hear the chimes today on our village clock and it is about a mile away.
Dear Carla,
this is correct and I have almost pain in my ears due to this deafening buzz. The energy surge is incredible today – it does not seem to stop. There is a very powerful upward shift the whole day.
Do you have any inkling when you will ascend as first?
Dear Georgi,
I have just been compelled to write a letter to Jeff and the boys in case they do not ascend with me. For some reason I was told to do this as soon as possible in the nighttime. So it’s all done now, with details of my estate about which they were unaware.
I have provided them with your name and contact information in case I am gone, and you remain, so they can get a clear understanding of who I really am and my role in the ascension of humanity and Gaia. I hope you don’t mind.
The uncontrollable urge to write this information down for my dear loved ones is surely proof of my departure.
September 17, 2013
Dear Carla,
this is an excellent sign that you may indeed ascend very soon. Aren’t you getting any details from the Elohim about this?
I have just woke up and dreamt I was in the USA, but do not remember much details. The energies have changed one more time – they are much more light and like sparkling champagne.
Read also this message.
Dear Georgi,
The moon is stunning tonight, shining in the tall window in front of my bed. It’s almost full and looks so large and white in the sky. The craters look like they have rotated in position again.
The energies have plateaued and I am feeling much better tonight.
There is another journey tonight, in light body. It seems I may be going to Telos.
I will let you know as soon as I know anything. Everything is calm. Everything seems ready.
Dear Carla,
I am happy to hear you feel well and calm and this is another valuable sign that we are short before ascension. I myself feel also this calmness today, although the energies are now beginning to raise again. Enjoy your astral journey this night.
Probably you must merge our mutual field with that of Telos and the Lemurians prior to ascension as they will also participate in this ascension process.
I somehow feel that this week it must be over. I very much enjoyed our discussion this morning.
Dear Carla,
I have just woke up from the dead. Since we stopped talking another huge cc-wave started and now it has reached a peak. About two hours ago I had to go to sleep as I could no longer hold my eyes open. When I woke up I sensed very strongly a stench coming from nowhere. It disappeared when I fully woke up. I have had this sensation in the past when there was a MPR and huge catastrophes on the lower earths.
Now I have a split headache and thought that during this time that I was doing an energetic back-up for you for your mission to the Inner Earth. My idea was that we have coordinated our field with that of the Agarthans to ignite the PAT Supernova. Were you there?
Dear Georgi,
This was a heavy night of work and I recall seeing Mount Shasta in all it’s glory, at some point early in the night.
I know you were definitely present with me and we met with some others, whom I feel were the Telosians.
I had the same stench in my nose upon awakening, not today but the day before yesterday. I had never smelled such a smell and I had meant to mention it but I forgot.
I must go out now. I shall return at 8:30 my time.
Dear Carla,
I have just received an email with a short message from April that confirms that you will be the first to ascend and that ascension will happen around the fall equinox. I will send it separately. I asked her for an independent validation.
September 17, 2013
The MPR Has Commenced on the 11th Level of 4D Earth
Dear George,
Last night I could detect a sharp deep pain, not in me but somewhere else, externally. Then I dreamt of the city of L.A.: it was night in the dream, but most lights were off, including those of most huge skyscrapers. Most of the city was just completely dark. This was the only thing I could see, I couldn’t see if there was any destruction or not. I was only there for a really quick peek. Things were blurry and before I was able to focus I already left that place.
During this time I also kept thinking/ hearing this was the MPR on the 11th level. Because what I received was so brief, it’s a bit hard to be absolutely sure. Some confirmation would be a good thing, but I think this information is correct.
Dear Daniel,
This could very well be the case. I also dreamt last night that I was in the USA and met with a lot of people and also saw some destruction, so that this is another confirmation. There is also a lot of pain now everywhere as all incarnated souls know at the soul level what is coming. I have just received a short message from April that the global war is a fixed decision now and will come in the next days.
I will forward your email also to Carla for a comment.
Dear Georgi,
I had instant confirmation of Daniel’s experience as being the truth, just as soon as I read it.
This may explain that foul odour I sensed early Sunday morning as I woke up, as well as this morning, as I was driving on a country road, just 1 hour ago. Today it was overpowering. It flooded around me very suddenly and I recognize it as a completely different odour to that of the manure they put on the fields.
Thank you for forwarding this to me.
Dear Carla,
Please check this channeling:
“Technically what is about to occur on your planet is the PURIFICATION PROCESS. Many portals on your planet will open up and the energy from these portals will rise to the central point in the middle of the earth through its axis, the wobble will be changed a few degrees, many events of various natures will occur. Massive cleansing process is going to take place.
All earth ancient portals systems shall activate significantly and release the knowledge that has been laying dormant for eons. Your scientists are going to discover proof of what we are talking about here to you. More and more newspapers will report the new findings of scientific experiments to support all the “theories” that we lay forth before you.
But let us return to the dates at hand. September 18th – the 24th of your earthly time, what is about to occur on your planet is the gates yet again are going to open, but this time the energy that you will experience will not be coming from any celestial body but your own GAIA. What you are about to experience is major pruning, sweeping of your earth, energetically, physically and mentally.
Please understand that the changes that are about to take hold of your planet are the changes that have been set into motion many years ago, and so with the quadruple affect you are moving closer and closer the unification of the minds, to the unification of the system…”
September 18, 2013
Dear Georgi,
After I read this channeling, the Elohim arrived immediately with a message. Their compassion is palpable, almost overwhelming. The energy remains extremely high for me and I feel as though I am no longer part of this reality.
Elohim’s Message
Traction grows now in great waves for a successful transition of those deemed ready for this evolutionary leap. All titles are imminent, where those who shall show the way, shall be honoured by those of distant origin, as well as local design.
There is great talent among you, the children of All-That-Is. Your skills innumerable, guiding, compassionate.
Bring forth your full and complete desires, as you wish them to be announced. How is this done? By your mighty imagination of the heart, as it unveils it’s woven images in full technicolour, coupled with a genuine deeply heart-felt passionate love of the completion.
Your ascended mastery soars and you may not know it. Believe in it. Be it.
The juxtaposition of truth to knowledge sometimes lacks clarity, but all shall be revealed. The details simply adorn the mind and really do not matter in the grand scheme of things. New heights are achieved moving forward along the linear path.
Remember, everyone has a home, a place within the worlds of All-That-Is. No one shall be left behind, this is the decree newly established. New levels bloom like foam as water is added to liquid soap.
Gaia formulates a plan, where all can contribute, for she realizes, she has been forgotten. Gaia rises up for all to see and take heed the degree of destruction that has led to this outcome. Gaia grabs your attention as her needs are many, in order to retrieve her physical vessel from certain demise. This is our message this day. Do not fear anything.
You shall rise again, whole and connected to your Soul Families.
Disturbances come before the calm. Rain must come before the spring flowers.
Duty comes before Peace.
You are so loved!
We are the Elohim!”
PS: I have now read the complete channeling. Yes, I believe this channeling is very good and it speaks right to the point that most seem to need to hear. Regarding the comments about Gaia, it is exactly what the Elohim wanted to relay today in their message. It is time to stop the destruction of our home, Planet Earth. When Gaia shows an intolerance of this treatment, mankind will have no choice but to consider alternatives to old choices.
Dear Carla,
thank you very much for this latest channeling from the Elohim. I woke up at 03.00 am this morning from a terrible nightmare. I witnessed the beginning of WW3 and saw how the dark cabal flew their warplanes over our heads as if they dispersed their chemtrails as usually. However this time they dispersed nerve gas to kill us and the warplanes flew very low, so that the trails were huge. I began to dissolve these toxic clouds above our heads with my hands and mind and were somewhat successful in doing this, but then I woke up all of a sudden. My entire body trembled with the most intensive vibrations I have experienced so far that carried the most devastating collective patterns of fear and anguish I have received since June 8th when the MPR occurred on the lowest 4D earth.
Our assessment of yesterday that the MPR has commenced on the 11th level as envisioned by Daniel, myself and yourself the previous night in the dream state and throughout the day is indeed true. This also explains the stench that we both sensed on that occasion.
Gaia is now awakening and shedding off all human dross that she has accumulated throughout her long history of abuse by the human race. This is the end of human history on the old earth as we know it.
We must now begin to remember our pristine power of creator gods in this crumbling reality and use it to move upwards through this veil of destruction and create our new paradise on the ground of this destruction. There is no creation without destruction and the greater the destruction of the old, the more beautiful the new edifice of our heaven will be. Today we encounter a symbolism of truly cosmic proportions that defies any human imagination, although our imagination will be the only vehicle at this time that will carry us to the higher dimensions and away from the impending hell.
Dear Georgi,
What a terrible nightmare. Do you know what is really strange about the planes in your dream?
Yesterday and today there was a lot of air traffic. I live near the airport and generally the planes land and take off in an east to west direction. Well yesterday and today, they were taking off right over my home. The sound was deafening of course, but the remarkable thing was that I heard fighter jet engines overhead.
These weren’t Boeing 747s or Airbus 330s. I swear they sounded like scrambled F-18s. I was on edge all day and feel quite drained tonight. Even with my 3rd eye I could see these phantom jets.
This war has begun on an upper 4D level, although I’m uncertain which one.
On another note, this afternoon I was hit very hard by a sudden flooding energy of bliss and it left me completely disconnected. I was barely able to carry on a conversation with Anthony. He is highly intuitive and confirmed that my soul essence had practically left my physical body. I still have not fully recovered from this experience.
Well, we are coming down to the wire now. The moon is almost full, stunning in its beauty as it shines in to my bedroom.
I found a beautifully round cut crystal packed away in a box of treasures, which I have laid on the window sill. It’s now happily
reflecting gorgeous moonlight onto the walls.
Tomorrows sun will be dazzling in this room, with the refracted light dancing all around, courtesy of this sacred crystal.
I look forward to seeing you and all the PAT soon in my inner dreams.
Infinite Love,
Dear Carla,
I am sure that the war has started on the 11th 4D level and will come very soon on our 12th level, which we still observe and experience. I can also confirm that the air traffic over my house has augmented many times in the last month or so and that there are also warplanes which are very loud. This was not the case before. I have decided to publish our correspondence from the last two days as an urgent energy update. I have just received two messages from Jahn (Babaji) that confirm the beginning of our ascension and that all events will now occur at the same time.
Have a calm sleep.