by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, September 28, 2013
September 22, 2013
Dear Georgi,
I am suddenly overcome with fatigue and I am told to lie down. There is a huge vortex around and through my left brain portal that is taking me away. The wind and rain continue unabated. The wind is very high now and is lifting the roof sheeting on my apartment.
I will check in when I’m back.
Dear Carla,
today the weather was better than in the last days with some sun but still rather cold for this time of the year. We had very heavy chemtrails in the night and in the morning and also yesterday in the evening when I dissolved many of them. This must be the last ditch effort of the dark ones to change the course of the doom and gloom events and save their asses.
I have just received a new message from Jahn. He has read my latest article on the most likely scenario how a global war will begin. He has received a message from Asana Mahatari two days ago that exactly confirms this scenario and compliments it. He sent it to me earlier than usually, mostly in the night, so that I can publish it today because of the urgency of the information. You must read my article first and than this one which I will publish in the next half an hour as it contains very important detailed information, which I have not received from Jahn so far. This all points out to the final countdown.
September 23, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have just performed my last heroic act in the kitchen. Yesterday Annette (my wife) found in the woods during a horse ride a very seldom mushroom which is very delicious. It is called “Krause Glucke” or “Fette Henne” (Sparassis crispa) in German and it was as big as 50 cm in diameter and had almost two kg weight. We have found this mushroom only several times in our life.
In English it is also called “cauliflower fungus”:
And here is a Bavarian musical accompaniment to this mushroom which is really unique:
Now I have just prepared “quiche Lorraine” with this mushroom and hope it will taste good. This last supper I will dedicate to your ascension.
Dear Georgi,
What a rare find! How wonderful! The Last Supper! Well, it’s too bad I can’t bi-locate there for this culinary delight! Will you also play the musical while you eat this quiche?
For myself, this night was very peaceful. I even experienced my ascension about 2 hours ago (the second time). I felt my body rise up to a high altitude away from the planet, deep into space amongst the stars. I was aware of your knowledge that I was ascending.
I was surprised to reach a ceiling where I couldn’t rise anymore and at which point I fad to return. But this time I was very close. Of course I am naturally disappointed to awaken here now, but luckily your mushroom report has cheered me up.
Also, the 23rd isn’t over yet! Alas! I will try to join you for dinner. What time?
Dear Carla,
this is very good news that you have ascended one more time. I think that these are test runs for you and also for the PAT. At that time I felt very tired all of a sudden as if my soul was also leaving my body. Now it is better again.
I wanted only to cheer you up with this culinary excursion in the absence of more exciting news.
I am glad you have slept well this night. Try to bridge the day with least effort.
Dear Georgi,
I’m writing to let you know that the energies are rising exponentially for the past two hours, and now I must lie down to sleep. It is as though I’ve reached a physical threshold which I cannot maintain. I’ve been on fire all morning, as though I’m about to self-incinerate, like the folksy stories in the ubiquitous Reader’s Digest, found in every Drs office waiting room. I’ll let you know what happens in my dreams, after I wake up.
With love,
Dear Carla,
I hope this will be the final energy surge before your ascension. I am following your state telepathically very carefully.
Dear Georgi,
I am awake now. There were huge adjustments made, which I felt flooding my physical body and which also threw me into other-worlds in the same instant. Very intense visuals as well during this nap. I can feel you with me constantly, physically and telepathically, as I go through these events.
I can’t imagine this state carrying on much longer.
September 24, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have just woken up. During the first half of the night, at about the same time you went to sleep I dreamt that we have ascended together with the first wave of ascenders. But they did not realize that they have ascended and we had to explain this to them. Then I woke up at 03.00 a.m. local time and considered for a moment that you might have ascended, but it did not feel like this.
I do agree that with this most intensive state all the time, we could not stay much longer on the ground and I wonder why they have not started yet with you.
Dear Georgi,
This is very interesting. Now that you have described this dream, it seems that I also experienced this during my sleep this afternoon. How very strange.
I don’t know why they haven’t started yet, but I expect something tonight. I am just getting ready for bed now, as I have been out this evening and am feeling quite tired now. I will have a long hot shower to take the chills away first.
Dear Carla,
I hope strongly that you will ascend tonight. Sleep well.
Dear Georgi,
I have just read the new message from Asana Mahatari as channeled by Jahn. This comes at the perfect time, as I have felt the building up of negativity in the last days.
Even the Elohim referred to it in a recent channeling, as a great need for these particular Lightworkers to tend only their own inner gardens, and not be outwardly and openly concerned and critical of the evolutionary paths chosen and embraced by others.
I had a lot of different dream scenarios this night, including one about ascension, but I cannot remember any details.
We would do well to relax on the timing here and just know that it will happen when the time is right and all alignments with the will of God are indeed perfect.
How are you today?
Dear Carla,
you are absolutely right. I am now actually processing all these disappointments and aggressions of the LW community which feel that they have not made it and now become very venomous against those who will ascend. I do not want to go into details, but today I had already a typical example for this attitude.
You are absolutely right that we should now fully detach from all such tendencies and desperate attempts of other people to embroil us in loathsome dualistic strives as the destinies of all incarnated human beings have been already sealed and while our ascension is imminent and inevitable, their destiny on the catastrophic 4D earths is also a certainty.
I am now cooking again a second quiche Lorraine as Alfred was unable to come yesterday and was very disappointed, so that he will come this evening. It is OK, as I still have the other half of this huge cauliflower fungus and did not know how to process it.
Hence I am cooking now and checking from time to time on the Internet.
I strongly hope that you will leave this reality very soon and all my thoughts are with you all the time.
Dearest Georgi and Carla,
I’ve just finished reading Adama’s and Asana Mahatari’s messages on today’s post.
My physical heart is in actual pain and my tears are flowing as I write this, as words alone are so inadequate to express my profoundest love, gratitude, and respect for you both.
No other dual souls on this planet could have done what you have done. No other dual souls could have withstood the endless attacks of the ignorant, the incredible ingratitude of the majority of humanity, or the loneliness that you have borne with such noble character and grace. No other dual souls could have “stood at the wheel,” year in and year out, living on separate continents and without the comfort of physical proximity, and endured the tempests, trials, delays, and physical agony that you have so courageously borne. Your utter, unwavering, and complete devotion to Truth and Love shine like the brightest of stars in a very dark and dying world.
Where would the PAT / first-wave-ascenders be without you?? Where else would we have found such “straight thinking”? Where else would we have been able to understand the Light Body Process that was critical to comprehending our role in the ascension process? Your Light and Love have led the way for us all. Your Mission could well have been called “Mission Impossible,” yet you victoriously pulled it off!
The role that you both so valiantly volunteered for, as daunting, lonely, unsung, and sacrificial as it has been, could not have been fulfilled by any other dual souls. You have withstood the abandonment of family and friends, let alone the petty, doubting, ignorant comments of humanity at large. Fearlessly, you placed yourself on the Internet forefront of Truth and Ascension, both of which made the majority of humanity shake in their poor boots to the point where they needed to lash out or mock, for they could not comprehend such Light.
Yet you stayed the course of your Mission until the very end, when others would have long ago given in to despair, discouragement, and cynicism. Your Constancy in your Service and Devotion to God will surely be written in the great Akashic records for all times.
Your integrity, your passion, your fiery Hearts, your commitment to your Mission and to the Will of God, your constant demonstration of the Mind of God, your tender Love, your enormous sacrifice, your wonderful sense of humor even at the most dire of times, and your enduring courage will remain an eternal blessing to humanity, to this planet, to this galaxy, and to the multitude of God’s universes. Indeed, your rare God-Virtues have caused my heart to overflow with the deepest and most abiding love, gratitude, and respect for your lifestreams ¾ “The Wayshowers to the Light.”
Dear Alice,
I am really very humbled by this eulogy and I am not so sure if I deserve it. But it is true that I have done my best, even during prolonged periods of the night of my soul, when doubts overwhelmed me.
But I know that your words are sincere and come from the bottom of your loving heart. I think that we all need some support and reassurance in these last hours, as this ordeal has been too long, even for the most enduring soul.
I am very proud of the PAT and I have always cherished the idea that the success of this group has been entirely based on the collective desire and on each individual’s effort to progress in the LBP and to contribute as much as possible to the cleansing of this toxic world. This is the reason why we have actually incarnated here at this auspicious time and the difference between the PAT and the rest of the LW community is that we remember our mission, while most of the other star seeds have forgotten it in their deep slumber. After all, to be awaken most of the time on this planet is a rather painful affair.
I am however very realistic and know that the PAT’s success is a collective achievement and that my contribution has been very modest in this endeavour. In fact I could have very easily failed, as has been the case in the past when I engaged with inappropriate and unprepared people. This time I had the sincere and unequivocal support of the entire group, so that at the end each member of the group has become his own “captain of ascension” and my role was very much reduced to that of a simple coordinator. This is how I interpret this message from Asana Mahatari – it is dedicated to all Captains of the PAT. This is the only crew whose members are all full-fledged captains of their boots of human reason that feebly sail upon the vast ocean of human ignorance.
Therefore I think that each member of the PAT deserves this praise and should be proud of himself /herself for what she/ he has achieved at the end. All-That-Is always operates on individual, personal achievements, which are then moulded into Christed consciousness of a much bigger force than the sum of the parts.
But the true magnitude of our collective success will be only revealed to us after our ascension and that is why we all long impatiently for this sublime moment, which to my intuition is now rapidly approaching beyond any doubt.
With love and light
My Dear Alice,
I would like to send you all the love in my heart for such a beautifully written letter to us. You are a beautiful soul who has endured pain and suffering as Georgi and I have in this lifetime, otherwise you would not have been able to see us for who we are.
Your beautiful letter arrives today as I am wondering what this has all been about, this life on this Earth.
I remember many, many moments in my life where I have felt alone, so alone, so heart breakingly alone, that it’s a wonder that my heart didn’t stop beating in it’s tracks.
And my despair for the human race, full of it’s ignorance, disdain, righteousness and arrogance indeed drives me again and again, into the very situations where I must show my light, my fearlessness and my steadfastness, in spite of all the prevailing and permanent conditions that determine this reality, and to my apparent on-going detriment. But how much can one Soul take? This is the question.
“God knows no bounds”. This is the reality that guides me in every moment. I offer boundless love. I offer boundless kindness. I do no harm.
Above all, the petty words, the mocking and endless verbal invection that I have sustained my entire lifetime, and now from supposedly enlightened beings, only serves to drive me through to the very end, to a peaceful resolution.
I cannot help everyone and this has been the greatest and most difficult truth for me to accept. A few years ago I pleaded with God-Source to leave NOT ONE Human Soul within this expression of reality, for I believe that every Human being has the ability to rise up and out of this dire expression. The only difference between then and today, is that I have now lost hope. That Humanity has a choice. And when they are faced with a choice, they will often pick poorly… not from Love and certainly not from Truth.
And today, when I deeply recognize and honestly accept the fact that Humanity is lost, God sends me You. You, Alice, with your deeply heart-warming expressions of the knowing who Georgi and I are, what we represent, and what we have sacrificed before, and today.
I am in awe of your power, your honest and open sense of conviction in stating what you see as the truth. Surely you are God’s messenger for me today, in my hour of deepest despair.
Thank you Alice. You are so dearly loved.
September 25, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have just woke up with a severe headache due to a massive cc-wave. It began yesterday evening when Alfred was still there for dinner and I had to leave the table as I was knocked down and had to go to bed. I had a persistent headache the whole night and now it is still there, though not so strong. According to my estimate this is another significant shift to higher dimensions, but I am now losing track of what they are still doing and waiting for.
Your email to Alice is beautiful and precisely yesterday I made a sum-up of my life and came to similar conclusions.
Let us hope that this night you will ascend. I will probably go now to bed one more time as I feel very dizzy and have also a back pain due to the huge energy flow.
I hope you feel better and that you were not hit by this same wave. But it could have been the final preparation fro your ascension.
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your note. I have been overwhelmingly depressed today, with a heightened sense of despair. I also do not feel well, mostly exhausted with a minor headache. I expect my turn is next now that you have this headache. Let us pray for deliverance.
I hope you will feel much better after a rest in bed.
Dear Georgi,
The wave that you told me about yesterday has arrived during the night. My body is again on fire and I have a moderate headache. Now that I think about it, I had several heat waves yesterday.
I am uncertain what it’s about. I have no nausea at all so maybe it is another shift in levels.
I am having a very difficult time bridging my level to those around me. This is a new trend since the ascension activities on the weekend and perhaps warrants further reflection. Certain things have become intolerable and almost painful. There is no other way to describe it.
I really hope your headache has left or at least dropped in intensity.
Dear Carla,
I am glad to hear from you, although I would have preferred that you have ascended this night.
My headache has subsided this morning but I am still under a kind of a shock, a commotio cerebri, and my coordination is hugely impaired. I am dizzy and my mind does not work. It is foggy and I am at loss how to interpret this latest wave.
There is no doubt that it induced another huge shift upwards, but I do not get any information from my HS. I am completely blocked from it now. This happens each time when there are huge steps and massive decisions underway. Later on I learn what has happened. The energies are at a very high level and my high pitched tone is deafening. My muscles are also very rigid and I can barely walk.
If you have contact to the Elohim and are in good shape, you should probably ask them what is currently ongoing and why we still have no events.
Dear Georgi,
I will see if there is any information from the Elohim. I’m going out now and shall return in 2-4 hours, depending on how things unfold.
Dear Carla,
I sense that there is another delay unless it was not already planned. But you were told on September 16th that you will ascend and now ten days have passed which is to my estimation too long a period for such an announcement. That is why I think that originally it was intended for you and us to ascend earlier.
I feel this delay – each time when there is such an unpleasant and unpredicted change in the ascension plan, my HS is mute and himself at odds. That is why I do not get any Information from him. It feels very similar to the situation after December 21, 2012.
cc. There is another peculiarity which also resembles the situation in December 2012. Due to the huge energy influx into my body, I lost the sensitivity of my back skin and now have almost an anaesthetic state, where I do not sense any tactile impulses anymore. This happened last year at each major ascension test run /portal opening – in September, 10.10 12,, 11.11 12 and 12. 21.12. Hence I conclude that this was another major ascension test run /portal opening. I remember that Metatron said in his last message that this equinox portal will be one week long between Sept 19-25, which is today.
This is just an additional Information for you which you may consider when you ask the Elohim what has happened yesterday and today.
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for this information. I have to look back to my emails that I sent you and figure out the timing. I’m going for a seaside walk now to blow the cobwebs off and get clarity on this.
I also felt a huge upward shift this whole week as Metatron had forecast. It’s still happening.
September 26, 2013
Dear Carla,
another huge cleansing wave has started around midday local time. I have also a lot of stomach pain which I have not had for a long time. The wave is very massive and my skin is burning all over. The pressure on the left brain portal is very strong with a subliminal headache.
I hope you can sleep well. I wonder why we have these huge cleansing waves now at the end. Aren’t they ready with this process? How long will it still take them to finally separate the worlds?
My dear Georgi,
Thank you for the lovely notes, it’s so nice to hear from you. It really cheers me up. I don’t feel well either. The same symptoms include headache, abdominal issues and an overall fatigue. I am very tired of this as well but it is what it is.
We can only wait and this is why I believe fundamentally that one must create the most wonderful life, while here, surrounded only by those friends and family with whom one resonates, at the very very highest level.
Every energy that I have channelled over the years has maintained this position and I believe it’s meant to hold us high vibrationally while processing this experience along a linear timeline.
I hope you feel better soon.
With love,
Dear Carla,
you are early up today. You should sleep longer. The abdominal symptoms have improved somewhat but the cleansing wave is ongoing as relentlessly as before. Now the rain has stopped and I can go walking with the dog in the fields. For the coming days the weather forecast is better. I hate rain and it makes me so depressive.
Now I want to make you aware of this information. As expected the USA has issued alert warning for all US citizens the world over after the Nairobi mall attack.
The last time they issued such an alert was on August 3 and shortly thereafter they started with their war on the 7th 4D level
And on August 11th you visited this level and witnessed the devastation of the MPR personally. Now we are told that the war and the MPR will commence at the same time on our 12th level, that is to say, we shall ascend at the very onset of the war and will not experience it in this reality.
This latest warning will materialize on our 12th 4D level as all other levels have already been devastated by a global war and the MPR.. From this I conclude that we are indeed short of it. Given the extreme surge of deepest darkness and nastiness today as it flows through my energy field, I am confident that such attempt by the dark ones to install the NWO order may commence any moment by a surprise coup, which will not be averted by the forces of light as has been the case in the past, in order for the End Time scenario to finally unfold.
What is your guess?
Dear Georgi,
The US is intending a coup as we speak. They now have over 300 fully operational FEMA camps, ready to go and the only way to move their agenda forward is to force the issue.
I don’t know what is going on with the ascension process. Last December 26th, after the portal of December 21st, I ascended and waited for you, and for signs of anyone. There was nothing. It was dead quiet. It was devastating for me.
Now today on September 26th, I realize that the same thing may have happened a few days ago. I ascended easily and quickly, only to hit a “ceiling” beyond which I was not able to proceed. It was empty out there, as it was in December. It had the exact same feeling. Darkness, emptiness, no one around for light years.
I cannot for the life of me, understand what the process is, what it’s all about, what’s happening now. Why didn’t we ascend that night? I have no clue.
I have a question that I’d love understanding to: What do they mean, these sources, when they speak of “inner worlds” and “inner planes” versus the “outer Worlds” and “outer planes”. I believe “outer” means our reality as we see, hear, feel and smell it… this physical reality. I presume “inner” is our multi-dimensional reality that can only be reached during Alpha state or Theta state.
So perhaps we have already ascended, Georgi. Because when I am in the alpha/theta state, I can visit the fifth dimension. The question is: When do we drop this “3D” reality as being our primary reality? And maybe our brains and minds are just too primitive to grasp that perhaps we are already ascended.
You had a dream about this very discussion the other night, as I recall.
With love,
Dear Carla,
I have just finished a review of the events from the last two months. Just shortly summarized for you as you have anticipated this issue with your email:
On August 10 the Elohim told us that we both have ascended firmly to the 12th 4D level. Then on August 25th they affirmed that I have shorty ascended to the 5th level of 5D but have dropped to the 4th level.You were at the second level of 5D. On September 10th they told us that I am now firmly establishing the ascension codes on the 5th level of 5D and this was confirmed by Jahn also. You were on 3rd level of 5D.
Since then I have had several huge ascension test runs that must have heaved me beyond the 5th level of 5D. The same must hold true for you.
The MPR on the 11th level commenced on September 11th . Since then we are expecting it come on our 12th level. There are only two possibilities:
1) It has already started on the 12th level, but we do not experience it as we are above it. or
2) It must start any moment from now on and we will only have a glimpse on it.
These are important issues and I am lost now. We have a stalemate since September 11th for more than two weeks. Before that the events were happening with a great speed on the lower levels
This delay may be due to:
1) the fact that on the 12th level all events will start at the same time – global war, MPR and our Ascension with the ID split – and the HR need some more time to coordinate all these events with those from from all lower timelines as to finalize them, as April’s HS has told us..
2) Or there is indeed some new challenges that we do not know of that have to be eliminated first.
I think that you need an urgent update from the Elohim what is currently ongoing. It is long time ago since you last contacted them. You must definitely ask for clarification because when we are confused, it does not serve anybody as we are the initiators of the PAT supernova and need to have that clarity. Today I was definitely hit by some very strong dark attacks the whole day and only now have recovered from them. This must be explained also.
Dear Georgi,
I haven’t connected with the Elohim since September 17th mainly because I have been out with these terribly heavy symptoms associated with this portal. The Elohim also generally back away when Adama steps in to connect, which he has done on a few occasions over the past week. You must remember that I have been so hard hit these past many days, and this cleansing also continues right now, in this very moment.
Good channeling connections are impossible when one is physically crushed. I find the Elohim are so vibrationally high, that I must be in a space of utmost joy and of deep harmonic resonance that draws them in. This was the case when we were in Freising that day, or any day we were together, and they were all around us, and I had a direct telepathic connection with them in every moment. When I am hit by these energies, I am just too vibrationally low to even connect in the first place.
I received a brief message yesterday but it was like trying to hear a whisper in a stiff wind. This grand portal was what they call a “Re-Unification Portal, a universal alignment where the re-unification with the Light has commenced in full force, after thousands of years in a cycle of darkness. The great imbalance in favour of the dark, is being rectified with this massive injection of light which releases all very deeply buried negative aspects of expression. The outcome is necessarily a re-commitment to the Light and to the sacred life of the Divine. The Golden Age begins anew.”
Georgi, I have to rise up out of this trough first before I can get a clear, thorough understanding of what is happening at the depth of detail that we require.
September 27, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have just woke up and am quick to report what has happened this night.
I had for the first time a surge of positive energies associated with an inner confidence that we have won. Indeed, I woke up in the middle of the night (03.00 am) with a feeling of triumph and being engulfed with a significant wave of energetic empowerment of highest and most intensive vibrations that invigorated my body and gave me the strong inner conviction that we have finally won the battle. I have not had this kind of hilarious feeling for a very, very long time, actually only before I began with the LBP in 1999 on other occasions.
Before I woke up in the night, I dreamt that I have become an indisputable heavy weight world champion in boxing after I have knocked down the two Klitchko brothers and there was no contender to challenge me anymore. This was a very comforting dream after the very depressive mood during the last whole week and in particular yesterday.
Hence something must have changed for the better this night and I hope to learn more from the Elohim.
Annette also woke up twice with a cry from a nightmare this night and was trembling with fear. This is very unusual for her. This morning she told me that she had dreamt of vampires /archons. Yesterday at school they have burnt sulphur and iron to celebrate Sept 29th, the day of victory of AA Michael against the forces of darkness according to the anthroposophist tradition. I did not know about this day of celebration. When they have burnt sulphur as a symbol of the dark, the stench must have been very strong and Annette has had a coughing attack and attributes her nightmares to this event. It must be said that she has not had nightmares for years, but remembers to have had many such nightmares about these archons when she was a child and was terrified by them, but her parents did not believe her and considered her hysterical.
Obviously after I have won my battle with them, they have tried to attack her. Anyway, I am eager to hear what the Elohim have to say about the current situation. When I woke up in the night I had a knowing that they have given you a message already. Am I correct in this assumption?
How are you feeling this evening?
cc: Check the latest GaiaPortal message which has just arrived:
“Step-ups in frequencies of Gaia ascension protocols occurs in this moment-to-moment as humanity (small ‘h’) releases grasp on outdated “paradigms of sleep”.
All Gaia ascension protocols are up-stepped. Without exception.
Process toward finalization of Gaia Ascension readiness continues and all of hu-manity, as well as Hue-manity, approaches full consciousness.
Seeking of lower D solutions ceases as all Gaia inhabitants assert from “fullness of consciousness” states of Being.
“Return to good old times” paradigms are recognized as “not an option”.
hu-manity and Hue-manity understands.”
Dear Georgi ,
It is nice to hear from you now. I have just gotten into bed after a long day with my mother and my sons birthday dinner, cake and movie. I was so exhausted around 5:00 tonight, that I fell asleep for almost 2 hours.
While I have no message yet from the Elohim, I am just starting to meditate on the issues of the past days, and hope to get something over the next hour.
While the nap helped, I am still not feeling great as I am a bit numb and really disoriented since I woke up. I have no recollection of what happened during this evening sleep. I have had several episodes of intense burning in my whole body today as well. I feel on fire right now in fact.
With love,
Dear Carla,
I think that this wave of empowerment for me last night is very significant as it marks a new development. The utter sense of triumph which I experienced, not only emotionally, but also energetically and physically was so powerful and all-encompassing that it can only be explained with my further shifting to higher frequencies and levels. Most probably this was a clear sign that I am now fully connected to the Prime Creator and can create more or less immediately. I have already uttered some wishes what I want to create now – in the first place the ability to bi-locate before final transfiguration as to be able to visit you.
Today the energies are still extremely powerful and carry me away but also rather amiable and harmonious. It is a steady build-up.
I have received a message from Jahn from September 23rd which is actually a repetition of things already said, therefore I will not publish it. But it sounds to me as a kind of apology as to why ascension had not taken place yet during the fall equinox portal, which may be a reference to your failed ascension on September 22/23. Now this message says that ascension is at “high noon”, whatever this means.
Today, I have a better contact to my HS as I also feel much better and what I get is that there must have been indeed another delay on the ascension scenario, most probably due to another unexpected attack of the dark ones, but they have been fully defeated now. This must have been their last surge. It happened at the astral plane and their defeat must have repercussions on this 12th 4D level in a positive sense. What I get is that this may mitigate the catastrophic scenario on this timeline, so that all events will happen together at the same time. In fact, it maybe that the MPR and our ascension will be the initial event and that we may not experience any war anymore. But this may be the reality for many other souls in their individual karma-loops.
I personally do not see any upheaval of the masses under these conditions or any global awakening to the extent that it is necessary for the masses to realize the truth and demise the ruling cabal. This can only happen if there is a leap in human awareness very soon and this can only be associated with /triggered by the ID split and our ascension and that of Gaia. Hence it all comes up to our /your ascension first.
Of course there is a theoretical possibility that a major event – a war etc. – has happened on the 12th 4D level during the last several days when our cc-waves and cleansing waves reached a peak, but that we have moved to higher dimensions and do not see it anymore. This a question you should discuss with the Elohim.
My guess is that with our ascension the whole project “Ascension” will be wrapped up and all timelines below us will be sealed and merged together for a very long time. The only exception will be the upper 4D karma-loops that may exist for some time before they also merge into the upper 4D earth. I feel somehow that the HR now want to establish more favourable initial conditions for this upper timeline, where the cabal will not be able to introduce the NWO but will simply vanish from power and will be substituted by us as ascended masters. That is why it takes some more time to finalize the ascension process. And that is why they still need us on the ground to keep the light quotient as high as possible to achieve this favourable outcome.
As you see, there is a lot to discuss with the Elohim.
Dear Georgi,
Thankyou very much for these reflections. It really helps me to put everything into a clearer perspective. I am also now sitting down to do the forensic on my experiences of the last 10 days, and your analysis, as my dual Soul always triggers awareness in me.
I still have a slight headache, probably from barometer changes with the storm. There is a large storm on its way so I’d like to do my work now while there is a window.
I have the feeling that you will bi-locate successfully and we will visit Alfred Webre following your arrival (this comment alludes to my promise to Alfred Webre three years ago to give my first interview as ascended master to him). I have had this impression all along, as you are at a higher creationary level than me. The anticipation of this event has brought a new level of excitement to this whole endeavour.
With love,
Dear Carla,
Thank you for this confirmation. Now try to connect the Elohim and I will not bother you anymore.
Dear Georgi,
I am compiling all of our experiences over the past 10 days to see the trends. It is very interesting. Now I’ll connect to the Elohim.
By the way, “High noon” generally refers to the optimum point in readiness for an event to materialize, a highest peak in readiness, if you like.
September 28, 2013
Dear Carla,
Please consider the latest GaiaPortal message which appeared as a second message yesterday – two messages on one day from this source always indicate a change in the plan – it also confirms that some last efforts are now made to save more souls as when ascension will come this will be definite and then their destiny is sealed for eons of time.
After Jahn’s sources told us many times that only very few souls have qualified for ascension, the HR are now trying in one last huge effort to save some more. That is why there was a delay in our ascension scenario around the equinox portal. This explains also the cancelling of your ascension.
Six hours ago
Dear Georgi,
I’m writing because I’m wondering what is happening here at my apartment. What have you been doing the last 2 -3 hours?
Dear Carla,
I have written a summary of the energetic events after our discussion this morning and have just published it.
Then I had a breakfast and now I am back to write an email to you. What is happening with you?
PS: While writing this summary, I was hugely inspired and my energies surged one more time. Could it be that you have sensed this?
On another topic. You remember that I was rather worried that my two daughters will not make it and that they may experience a war on this 12th 4D level. It was a rather real worry, given the pessimistic forecasts of Jahn’s sources which I also felt to be correct.
Now this disappointment and worries might have materialized in this new scenario, where we decided to eliminate first the dark ones and then to do our ascension under much more favourable conditions. Everything points to this decision and line of argumentation. Hence my worries in the past might have been indicators that we will go this way and first prevent a global war on the 12th 4D level.
It is interesting that when I was certain that there would be a war on this level as all sources told us, inclusively the Elohim, Annette was sure that there would not be any war. Probably she has sensed it betters than myself as she is very clairvoyant in this respect. This is just an additional validation of the interpretation of the recent events in my article.
Dear Georgi,
Gosh, time is so warped. I was certain I just sent you a note but it was 2 hours ago? Anyway, I only wanted to get you thinking about what you had been doing at that time, because I felt that you were here in my apartment. You were actually talking to me, discussing very important issues.
I was aware of your presence being here for about one hour. It was a very unusual experience.
I can’t discuss it now. I must go back to sleep , I’m very nauseated.
Dear Carla,
this is amazing but very logic at the same time, given what I was told the previous night that I have now become a powerful creator being, including the ability to bi-locate.
Sleep well now and we shall discuss this issue tomorrow morning.