by April Bender and Georgi Stankov, September 18, 2013
September 17, 2013
Dear April,
a short personal communication. Yesterday Carla was informed that she will be the first human being to ascend. This may happen any moment as she was urged yesterday by her HS to write her last will and instructions for her boys and family members after she disappears. She has also mentioned my name to her family as a reference for further information.
This morning I talked to her on skype and during our conversation she was told by the Elohim that she must make another astral journey to Telos, Inner Earth this night (Pacific time). Obviously we are in the last phase of the preparations for ascension as Carla and I will trigger the PAT supernova with our joint energy field and this must be also coordinated with the entities from the Inner Earth Agartha, which are very much instrumental in this whole ascension process.
According to my information, I will be the last one to ascend as I must keep the grand portal of ascension open for the PAT and the first ascension wave and then seal it, so that the ID split can be completed.
I have no idea how much time it will take from the first to the last ascension, but from what we have heard so far from your HS and the other sources it will be very short. This means that Carla can ascend any time without and further advertisement and most probably without us seeing the beginning of a big global war, which now seems imminent and inevitable.
Hence, can you check this time with your HS if this information I have given you is correct and what are the chances for us to ascend this week until Fall equinox.
Dear Georgi,
This is fantastic news and precisely what I expected to happen next! I just wasn’t sure if it would be you or Carla who was approached to go first.
It is not at all surprising that this must be coordinated with the Agarthans, as many of the PAT will serve to relieve many of the posts previously held by Agarthans. They are in essence, our very closest neighbors and allies due to their proximity/connection to Gaia.
I actually had the experience last night of touring a Galactic Federation of Light ship. It was very cool! The sense I had was that I had been invited to learn about and look over final preparations being carried out on these ships in order to facilitate mass evacuations. There was hurried activity everywhere on the ship and an overall feeling of eagerness permeated the air. Everyone, and I mean everyone, are being mobilized at this time.
I am unable to get a full message from HS right now as I’ve been hit pretty hard, beginning yesterday and building yet today, with severe bronchitis symptoms – the burning chest, tight cough, and super sore throat along with a rather aggravating headache. But in just briefly asking HS about this I was able to get some confirmation.
“HS: Yes, Carla has been approached as being the first to ascend for your group just as she was the initial transfiguration “prototype.” Once she fully ascends the rest of the PAT and first wave ascenders will follow along in rapid succession – further creating the energetic impetus for the final detonation/supernova discharge. One successive shock wave after another, further building on the original in a rapid fire sequence. As previously shared, this entire grand portal/ gateway alignment which began this summer, reaches its peak or culmination point on/ around the Fall equinox. Time grows very short indeed and that is why pressure has been applied regarding communication/ communion with your ascension allies with and through Prime Creator. The global war is on its way but as promised and already shared, your ascension/ transfiguration will happen on the very front end of that. There is no need for you of the first wave to experience that prior to ascension, but many will be returning post-ascension during the worst of this time to shepherd ascension candidates to places of safety.”
Georgi, I know this doesn’t answer all your questions, but I think it’s a good confirmation that we should definitely expect first-wave ascension around the equinox – but again always keeping in mind the fluidity of the situation. So far though, all summer long, we’ve seen a steady and potent crescendo of energies that have not let us down.
I think it is safe to say that it’s time, especially with Carla being prompted to make her final arrangements… I’m hoping to get a fuller message from HS in the next day or two. It’s just that today is my first day back at work after taking some time off and I just feel really crummy.
I hope you are fairing better today?
Much love and light,
Dear April,
thank you for your quick response. This short message from your HS is very helpful and answers my questions for now.
I have just woke up from the dead. Since early morning another huge cc-wave started (as yesterday) and now it has reached a peak. About two hours ago I had to go to sleep as I could no longer hold my eyes open. When I woke up I sensed very strongly a stench coming from nowhere. It disappeared when I fully woke up. I have had this sensation in the past when there was a MPR and huge catastrophes on the lower earths. This also confirms your cc-wave with bronchitis which means that we are now fueling the tanks of ascension to the brim.
I am eager to read the full message when it comes, but do not be in a hurry, see first that you survive on your working place – the coming days will be very tense.