The Elohim: The Final Details of Ascension. How Carla and I Shall Trigger the PAT Supernova and First Wave of Ascension

by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, August 19, 2013

August 17, 2013

Dear Georgi,

A wave has come again and I must now lie down so I will send to you what the Elohim have told me.

You (Georgi) are fully prepared for your ascension. You are fully surrounded by a divinely ordered buffer of impenetrable protection in the form of legions of Angels and specialized beings with great powers of transmutation and protection. The sole purpose for this level of protection is to prevent any and all incursions upon your being, be they natural or energetic.

You are slated to ascend to the 5th level of the Fifth Dimension. From this clear vantage point you will observe the ascension process as it unfolds and offer fine tuning for unexpected eventuality.”

They honour you for ever.


Dear Carla,

this sounds great. When did you get this message and will there be much more information? Does this announcement mean that I will ascend before the PAT supernova and will coordinate it from there, of course with many other light forces?

I do confirm the presence of many angels around me these last several days. I hope this last wave is not too bad for you.


PS: One more question. Will you ascend with me or stay on the ground till the PAT supernova will be detonated? This is a very important question for me and for you of course.

Dear Georgi,

I got the message two hours ago and there will be more to come when things are ready. I see you ascending and co-ordinating it from there, while I hold the portal open….

I’ve had several interruptions and now the wave… Now I have a headache. Oh well. Onward and upward.


PS: I’m getting that while I see you ascending and me staying here to hold open the portal, that this is a fluid affair. I do get the vision the when all is done, we are the last ones through the portal, together, and it “closes” behind us.

Dear Carla,

if this is the plan, then it is only a matter of several days or even less before you also ascend as it will be a very quick affair. Besides I can visit you from the 5th dimension or we may meet in Telos during another ascension journey on your part.

I think that after our ascension there will be no limitations for us anymore. That is why I speak of “transliminal (boundless) souls“. We can now rejoice as we have finally made it.


August 18, 2013

Dear Carla,

You said first that I shall ascend to the 5th level of the 5D and coordinate from there the ascension process and then you said that we shall be the last ones to close the portals when ascension will take place. This does not add up. What have you been told precisely?


Dear Georgi,

I was told you will ascend to the 5th level of 5D. The other information I have is only visual of me holding the portal open on this side, probably after you are in 5D.  I have been told it is fluid as not all decisions have been made as to the course.


Dear Carla,

I am a little bit confused by this information. as we have always said that we shall ascend beyond the 5th dimension – to the 8th – 12th. Why should I then ascend  to the 5th dimension only. Can you ask the Elohim to specify on this information as it does not make much sense to me.


Dear Georgi,

Absolutely, I will ask them when I return home.


Dear Carla,

GaiaPortal has just issued a new message which very strongly indicates the beginning of the ascension process:

Essential grids are now in place and energized for rectification of all requisite Hue-manity up-steps. Cosmic stream assistance comes forthwith, at appropriate moment.

Spiraling energies from Gaia Portals which are required for these up-steps will be embraced by sufficient numbers of Hue-Beings to allow Cosmic Upshift in frequencies.

Manifestations likely will include instantaneous multi-body (physical, mental, and emotional) healings as well as resolutions of prior-viewed-as “impossible” situations.

Major Gaia transformations commence with upcoming Cosmic stream influx.

You must read this message on the background of the previous one from yesterday. They fit very well into our information. What I got from my HS with regard to my ascension is that I may indeed ascend shortly before the PAT to the 5th level of the 5D and from there heave the web of light during the detonation of the PAT supernova, while you will be keeping the other pole /portal of the web of light on the ground. After that we shall both ascend much higher. This makes sense now to me, but you should ask one more time for clarification by the Elohim. I am now vibrationally already in the 5th dimension.

Today was a very tense cleansing day. I always evaluate such waves retrospectively when the worst is over. This explains why I felt so down most of the time. It could have been the last big cleansing before ascension, if I interpret the latest GaiaPortal correctly.


August 19, 2013

Dear Carla,

you have forgotten to tell me if Anthony has left Vancouver without any problems and has gone to San Diego, USA on August 19th?


PS: I was so out of time. I thought today is August 20th.

Dear Georgi,

No worries. The immigration people in USA arranged his temporary visa for Wednesday August 21 for a 48 hour window. He now leaves for LAX Los Angeles on Wednesday at 4 pm arriving 7 pm. His friend will meet him there and they will drive to San Diego.

I am very sad at his departure because now it’s once again a veritable spiritual wasteland in terms of the ascension front. I shall be in touch as soon as I settle in to a coffee shop with wi-fi.


Dear Carla,

Now I am alone the whole week and can concentrate fully on our ascension. I had a nap this afternoon after a huge wave hit me and got the verbal message in the dream state that everything is prepared for our ascension. I woke up with a very good feeling, an inner feeling of accomplishment and the energies are now carrying me away. It may be this time a gradual ascension for me, just drifting to the 5th dimension, where I actually dwell now.


Dear Carla,

I found this publication /message from April 2013, where the Elohim are talking about us transmitting “golden light codes” to all humans to change their DNA and enable them to undergo a transfiguration:

Further, the codes spoken of by your Director were sent indeed for a certain population  (Russian Root Race) carrying genetically buffered DNA strands. This buffering actively blocks natural access and assimilation of ‘Codes of the Golden Wave’ which are the precursor to successful transfiguration. There is another ‘Golden wave infusion’ coming to seal this re-alignment (This could have been the wave I and Carla experienced at the same time yesterday, see below).

The second light codes received by your Director were for the sole purpose of activating certain gateways within the DNA of this soul monad (the PAT), necessary for the up-coming transfiguration of these vessels. ”

In this case what I saw this morning upon awakening are further very important “blue codes” in form of hieroglyphs that filled in the whole room /space and only slowly faded away. Obviously, we are huge antennae /senders and we shall also transmit the final codes of ascension. It must be so for two major reasons.

1) You are the first human being to ascend and thus you are a carrier /replicator of  these transfiguration codes and

2) I am the nexus to the source and have always been the conduit for the transmission of such codes, beginning with the transmission of the Adam Kadmon’s codes last year at the same time when I moved to this house and was offline for two weeks as to do this. It was then confirmed by April’s HS.

Yes, this “break” for the PAT was very important and intentional…. We had some tweaking to do to you that required you to be “offline” or out of usual communication from each other. You see these adjustments are extremely unique energetically to each one of you, and you are somewhat vulnerable, while they take place, as they allow any final purging/moving of energy necessary as to align/finalize your light bodies. Now when I say light bodies, let me clarify – ALL YOUR LIGHT BODIES. Meaning all the vessels you will need in order to cross the threshold and ascend. All bodies required for existing/living in 5D on up. The Adamic template is being reseeded/reactivated for the masses through this greater alignment within you that extends all the way up. This is one of your final functions upon the 3D world.

Obviously, I need now a full detachment from this reality to transmit appropriately such codes. That is why I had to stop editing this website after your ascension. This explains why we are now so much protected by angels and other forces of light and specialists in transmutation as not to be touched by any negative influences that may interfere with the pure transmission of these last ascension codes.

I am now contemplating on this issue, so that you can develop your own ideas when you ask the Elohim about our personal role in this whole ascension process. But from what I gather so far, our joint energy field, which must now encompass the whole globe, is the key level /system in the whole ascension process and that the PAT will be also activated through us. This seems to be a certainty now for me.

This would also explain your initial information that I will ascend first to the 5th level of the 5D and coordinate the whole ascension process from there. Our field is the actual connection of the source to Gaia and humanity, from where the whole event will be  triggered and coordinated.

Please, follow this line of argumentation as to get a more comprehensive and detailed information from the Elohim about our particular role and whether the blue codes I saw this morning were really the final ascension codes.


Dear Georgi,

I am happy that you are alone now. This is important for us. Yes, I will miss Anthony as he was a great sounding board for my issues.

Here is a message from the Elohim:

The Elohim’s Message

“Greetings Dear One,

There is much anticipation in you and in your dual soul.

This is a time of greatest patience, of the greatest understanding, the greatest measure of balance and of the least action.

Embrace the solitude lovingly sent your way, a time to go within and process the final vestiges of enhancement.

We ask both of you to breathe, breathe deeply and slowly, in order to fully receive and to anchor the fifth dimensional codes sent to your dual soul (Georgi) recently.

You (Georgi) are to, in a conscious manner, send these codes from your level of expression, level 1 of the fifth dimension, to your dual soul (me) of the 12th level of the fourth dimension, (I’m getting because we are not at an equal energetic gradient, even though our fields are meshed) in order to ensure the equal distribution to both levels (5-1 and 4-12) of expression.

The blue enhanced codes are not ascension codes. The ascension codes have preceded this moment. The purpose of the blue codes is to prepare the energetic ground of the Fifth Dimension.

Your dual soul (Georgi) shall insert them into his current level of expression, 5D level 1, thereby anchoring these codes into the fifth dimension in preparation for those in the first wave.

Following the distribution and anchoring of these codes, (5D level 1 and 4D level 12) your dual soul shall make the move to level 5th of the fifth dimension, from where he shall co-ordinate ascension efforts from an enhanced perspective.

You shall anchor the Fourth Dimensional aspect and he the Fifth.

There shall be an ignition of energies followed by an upward expansion, pushing each level higher and ever higher. All is in flow.

A sudden thrust (the PAT Supernova) shall push those who will be the first to arrive in 5D, to now fully analyze their soul’s final contribution and the decision of whether to return to original origin of expression or to the Source.

All events stipulate in perfect coordination of each other. There is no more to do, but maintain a simple life of constancy.

We love you beyond measure.

We are the Elohim. “


Dear Carla,

I read this latest message from the Elohim on the actual performance /energetic mechanism of the first wave of ascension, including the detonation of the PAT supernova by ourselves and the triggering of the ID split, very carefully several times as to fully internalize it and check it with my HS.

This detailed description of our roles – you at the 12th level of 4D and myself at the 1st level of 5D, where I currently dwell – makes perfect sense, as well as my subsequent ascension to the 5th level of 5D before the actual ascension begins, from where I shall coordinate the ascension process, being the nexus to the Source, while you shall anchor these energies on the 12th level of 4D.

As I told you on skype, we are representing the two energetic poles, between which the first ascension wave of candidates, including the entire PAT, will be suspended within the web of light and will ascend together as a group, while we shall keep the portals open on both sides of the dimensions till the very end.

When the PAT Supernova will be detonated and the “thrust” of the first ascension wave will have catapulted the ascending humans to the 5th dimension, we shall ascend with the PAT first to the higher levels of 5D (Celestria) as to make a final analysis of our achievements and then make the final decision how to proceed – each soul individually – with our mission on behalf of humanity and Gaia.

This makes absolute sense and it fully concurs with all we have heard and known so far about the dynamics of the PAT Supernova and our ascension as a group, being the driving motor behind the entire ascension process.


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