Energy Update – July 14, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear Jerry,

this night (July 12th) I met with you in the dream state and then we discussed the final preparation for our ascension. Before that I met with many other PAT members in another dream and we also discussed the final adjustments of our imminent ascension. The discussions were very calm and the overall feeling was that this event is a done deal and that we must now only wait for the optimal point in time.

Last night I had another very intensive ascension test run and thought that I would be off. My dual soul on the Pacific coast (9 hours later) had a similar ascension test run and also thought that she would ascend. We have been told that we shall ascend at the same time. Other members of the PAT also report similar experiences in the last 24-48 hours.

I have not heard anything from you for some time. How are you feeling and what is your experience with the latest energy waves.



Thank you for writing to me. Whether we met in the HR last night I am not sure. I can say that I was very fatigued this morning as if I had done heavy work all night. The more I sleep at night, the more I usually feel this way. So of course something more has to be going on, but this has been the same for many years.

How am I experiencing these latest waves? Not very well is what I would say. I feel each of them very intensely and doubt if I will be able to still function each day but still I go on. I wish I could be more optimistic that ascension is near as you and others write, but I do not feel optimistic about anything, in fact I try not to feel at all. A heavy sadness permeates my whole day as my heart is broken from losing Anita. I dream almost every night that she has come back to me, but even that gives me little comfort anymore. I still cannot understand the reasoning of our separation after going thru LBP for so many years together. The only comfort I have is that she does not have to physically suffer these punishing waves any longer. It is hard for me to tell any longer if the dreadful feelings I have and the odd symptoms are caused by LBP or heartbreak. I guess it really does not matter. It is what it is. The result is the same. Despite all in a traditional sense I am healthy and everyone says looks good which is hard to imagine.

I must say that I do not resonate with most of what Jahn has written concerning MPR having already taken place on other dimensional levels. I suppose as Picasso said everything you can imagine is true in some sense. Also the fact that there are so many bodies that are soulless and have already died etc. on other levels does not seem plausible. I am in the public very much and I cannot tell that people act any differently than they always have. Their eyes do not seem anymore soulless than they always have to me. During my entire life I have felt that way about most people. Even if it were true then what difference would it make to our situation? We still have to interact with them to provide ourselves with the necessities of life or someone has to interact for us. Also to relate our personal interactions daily such as seeing crows, dogs or how people behave on a children’s ride as indications of our impeding ascension is a stretch to say the least. I believe however that he is sincere in his efforts but probably has not experienced this mad process for so long as I nor lost so much. So his writings naturally would reflect this as a newer experience for him. And he would think of these experiences as unique and indicative of a process that made sense as I once thought. This knight has been cheated of the Holy Grail one times too many, to think it is now within my grasp. It will be there when it is there.

I am sure it is more helpful for some to be optimistic about the nearness of this process, but I was optimistic for many years and where did it land me. In endless cycles of cleansing. In fact most of the messages written on your website last year during Lion’s Gate sound almost the same as the ones do now. And before that as early as 2009 I was so sure I would ascend at any time and maybe I did but to what? Meanwhile we see no real evidence in the outer world. Sure the weather is odd and the governments seem on the verge of collapse, but they still hold all the cards and it will take an event of much more devastating consequences to shake things loose and it will have to happen in this world we live in whether it is upper 4-d, or whatever level we are in now.

I can only do what I can do now and that is try to survive in the world that I find myself in. I long ago gave up the notion of suicide as it does not fit my style. I do not know how to give up, so no matter how bad things get, I will probably go on somehow as I always have. So the ball is in the HR courts as it really always has been. We can contemplate ascension scenarios all we want. It all boils down to this. The unseen gods of this world either want an ascended world and us as the inhabitants and conscious creators or they want to still use us as transformers for this intense energy that we still have to shield from the rest of the world.

”The harvest is great and the workers are so few. So much fewer than I once thought. I doubt there are but a few thousand. At some point our role must change. I was so certain that I once understood a little of this process and believed I knew a bit about how it would unfold and when, but time has proved I knew nothing of the details but hopefully still the destination. The reason I knew nothing of the details is that they are currently unfolding and always have been. None of it makes sense to me anymore and maybe this senselessness has a purpose in itself. “For now we see thru a glass darkly but then face to face.” And the glass for me is still very dark indeed.


Dear Jerry,

I am very happy to hear from you again and that you are still able to cope physically with these relentless waves in these last days.

I fully understand your point of view given your experiences in the past and your great loss of Anita that would have been sufficient to destroy the faith of the most optimistic person on this planet.

I very well comprehend that there is no need on my part to convince you in anything or to present any arguments that we are indeed short of the long awaited change and our ascension. It will come when it will come and then we shall know it.

I can only say on my part that I am now firmly established with my frequencies in the 5th and higher dimensions and my connection to this reality has lost any relevance. And I see many soulless, empty entities walking around, as was the case with a colleague of my wife who visited us yesterday. My wife praised her as a very charming young Polish woman, but when I saw her, there was only emptiness around her like a wooden lip-sticked marionette. Then my wife looked at her coffee to predict her future and she saw for the first time in her life an empty cup. I have never seen such a poor prediction on the part of my wife, who is a very good psychic in this respect. She simply had nothing to say to this woman and this woman seemed not to be touched by anything – an empty vessel. I was very impressed by this observation

Of course one may argue that people were always like this and this may be true to some extent, but there is definitely a new quality of energetic soul vacuum now in the air everywhere I go. By the way, I remember to have experienced this kind of soul emptiness in 1987 when I visited California for the first time and was struck by this feeling. The atmosphere in Europe has always been much more tense and thick in emotional and soul energies, no matter where you go. Hence I can definitely say that many souls have left this upper 4D earth last month.

I and my dual soul personally experienced the MPR on the lowest 4D earth on June 8th and I do not need anybody to tell me about this. Besides if you check on the website, all the information channelled by Jahn on the seven 4D earth scenario came after I published my multidimensional model on June 10th which was confirmed by my HS and also by the source channeled by my dual soul. In fact we were warned in advance that the MPR will come and we shall experience it energetically and physically as we now exist in all these timelines as creator gods….

I felt the departure of my dual soul very poignantly and I can very well understand how you suffer under the departure of Anita, although there is no comparison as to the gravity of your loss.

I do think that we shall experience very soon a rapid cascade of radical events that will lead to the collapse of this society and then our optimism must return. It is this present stalemate that makes us all so depressive, so that we begin to lose our faith in ascension. However the energies are now such that they must manifest very soon in this reality. The latest proton waves since June 30th are extremely transformative and this is felt now by all people I meet or hear about. Even my family is fully knocked down by these waves, although they still reject the idea of ascension.

So I am happy that you are still on board and hope that we all shall see very soon the silver line on the horizon.



All day long (July 13th), it really started last night, this latest wave gets steadily stronger and stronger. I thought I would shake it by now as usual, but it keeps building. This is a different pattern. The roar is so loud I can hardly hear now.


Dear Jerry,

yesterday (July 13) the wave was very unpleasant in psychological sense, but not so intensive physically compared to earlier waves in my case. However tonight and this morning the energy quality has dramatically shifted for the better – it is very harmonious and almost fully dissolving my body –  a real 5D energy quality pattern.

Last evening I was for the first time since years again to a “Volksfest”, German people’s feast, in a neighbour town in a big beer tent with very loud music and many young people (2-3 thousand in one tent) if you can imagine, like the Munich beer feast. I thought that I would not bear this atmosphere, but in fact I did better than expected and then I realized that I am beaming all these young people, many of whom have made it to the 4th and 5th dimension as to prepare them for the final shift. The energy emanation from my field was enormous.

There were unusually many beautiful young girls in Bavarian folklore dresses (which make women looks much more attractive and feminine than the usual jeans etc.) as this region is not famous for its beautiful women, so that it was obvious that many of them were crystalline children. I have never seen such a peaceful atmosphere when so many people come together in one place and the beer is pouring in big pitchers all the time.

Anyway, I read yesterday that the last three days are very important as the I AM PRESENCE is now descending in many people. I think that this has long been the case with all PAT members, but now the ascending masses are getting their full energetic connection to their HS in preparation for their ascension. Read this new message on this topic.

It is rather interesting that my HS told me at the beginning of July that the period July 11-14 will be very important. I always get such dates when major, significant shifts and waves take place as to be prepared for them.

This is all on my part for the time being.


Dear Georgi,

Yes I am alright. It has been a difficult trip, well everything is flowing easily in the 3D sense once I changed the hotel bookings to meet the travel requirements… Energetically, yesterday was very difficult as I/we were anchoring new energies that were flowing in at such a rapid rate as though filling a great void. It carried on all night, this is what you are sensing.

This morning it has slowed down, but I feel there will be another surge later this morning.
I leave at 6 pm tonight, in 11 hours. Great work has been accomplished here in Big Rapids, Kalamazoo and Lansing Michigan, right smack in between Detroit and Chicago.  You and I have cleansed and anchored SO MUCH here.

Thank you for your energetic support, I have needed it.

your dual soul


I felt these energies of cleansing as very negative yesterday (July 13th) in the morning and then throughout the day. However they improved towards the evening CET and then I went to a local folklore feast in the neighbouring town of Mainburg and spent the evening in a big tent with about 2-3 thousand young people whom I beamed all the time with my energies as potential candidates for the upper 4th and 5th dimensions. My soul clearly showed me for whom I have committed all these sacrifices in the last 20 or more years – for these young people in the age of my daughters. I have reported on this event in my latest report in a letter to Jerry (see above), so that you can read the details.

This light work I must have done on top of the remote cleansing work I have performed together with you in Chicago and in the big lakes area in the USA.


Hi ,Georgi,

Last night (July 13th) I saw clearly your webpage with a text saying it was going to be shut down ,because everything was said and done ?

See you soon !


Dear Igor,

This is excellent news. I also have this feeling since some time.


Hi Georgi,

I’d like to share an experience I had recently about dual souls.

A star seed friend of mine got pregnant very unexpectedly 3 months ago. She was puzzled about the pregnancy, so she asked me if I could pick up any information about it, but nothing was coming through at that time. So, I’ve been kind of waiting to have a read on her and on the ‘new’  Soul that is clearly connected to her. And the few weeks ago the needed information started to pour in. Then I called my friend and told her it’s time to talk. During our conversation I was in a state of full consciousness, therefore much had been revealed. Here is just a few info that kinda blew my mind.

This ‘incoming’ Soul have had previous connection to earth at the time of Atlantis. At that time, she had no physical body, although could ‘project’ a holographic image of a young woman.

Now, this Soul exist as a light entity in the 8th dimension. I’ve had a clear connection with this entity in ‘its’ present form in 8D. ‘He’ will be incarnating from that form into a human body, that is what my friend growing in her womb now /it will be a boy/. And the reason for this pregnancy is to reunite their souls. My friend’s dual soul is coming to earth /as her son/ for the purpose of reunification. He will be coming in with full consciousness and he will never experience the illusion of separation from Source and the higher realms. I thought, you and your readers might will find this fascinating, as I and my friend did! And it just shows that dual souls are indeed coming together !!!

I’m having tons of experiences with my dual soul lately, whom I’ve met in 2011, although I wasn’t aware of the fact that he is my dual soul. But as I’m in the state of full consciousness most of the time for many months now, all kinds of knowledge/information are being revealed to me on the daily basis. And I must say, I’m loving it, because with full awareness, I feel Whole again!


Dear Eva,

thank you very much for this very interesting personal information and experience with dual souls which complements mine. It seems as if all old dual souls that are now incarnated at the same timeline and the same time meet and merge together prior to ascension. But this is still a negligible part of the incarnated soul population as this is only possible at the end of the incarnation cycle and serves a higher goal.

The case with the dual soul of your friend as a baby, who will preserve his full consciousness is a very important indication that ascension will happen before the day of his birthing.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

The last two days (July 11-12) have been a brutal energetic rampage, for the lack of a stronger expression. It’s as if my body and energy field turned into a battlefield or border line where low and high vibrations meet. My intuition tells me that the wind of change is getting closer to our upper 4D hologram, after it already began to effect the lower 4D realities at full force. I’ve been feeling a permanent restlessness, tension and anticipation building up, like storm clouds gathering steadily before the tempest. I think HS is pushing me very hard to make the most of this End Time, in terms of growth and gaining experience. ‘Crescit sub pondere palma.”

Yours truly,

Dear Zoltan,

this is a very precise description of the energy quality that now engulfs us and makes life on this duality planet so difficult in these last days, when light and darkness are now being fully separated, while we must still bridge this growing gap with our personal fields. Let us hope that the energetic bondage /overlay will be torn apart very soon and the long awaited shift will take place.



I reread this three times – does this mean I have a dual soul here…or PAT in general…?

“Now to your personal information, which I have kept secret so far as the time was not ripe yet. We have been told by our HS that there are further 14 dual soul pairs in the PAT, but none of them have met so far in physical. ”

And these dual souls are already part of the PAT?

L &L,

Dear Sheryl,

I do not  know which members of the PAT have dual souls. We were given only the number of 14 pairs, which is a huge number given the fact that normally dual souls almost never meet in incarnated state.



I had a very vivid dream last night, July 11th. I was walking around in a crowded public place with my 7 year old son. He ran ahead of me and went in to some gates that were open. There was a lion inside. He left the gate opened and allowed the lion out to walk freely. I just read today about the Lion’s Gate opening July 25th.

In my dream I tried to protect and warn my son about the lion but he paid no attention to me and I realized the lion would not harm us or anyone there. I sat back on some bleachers and watched him with the lion as crowds of people passed by. I told him I would be sitting not too far away and to come over when he was finished. A large crowd suddenly blocked my view of him and he was gone. I haven’t been able to shake the dream all day. July 11th was quite an intense day.

Earlier that day I sat in a meeting with some very cutting edge educators in Newark, NJ, which has a high socio-economic and environmentally disadvantaged population. As we were designing curriculum I looked at one of the people and he had a fuchsia color radiating from him. Then it turned blue green and back to fuchsia. I have seen auras before but this was intense and another level of visual vibrancy…. More than a feeling of a color.

Crows were cawing an announcement today, July 12. Birds of all sorts were flocking and cawing in response. I got work done I didn’t think possible in a very short period of time that could have taken months. The energy is very strong. I don’t know what will come next but I’m ready for it.

I want to confirm that I am currently working multidimensionally. Words are too linear to describe more at this time and are becoming increasing inadequate.

Thank you for maintaining this site.

Rainbows and sunshine,

Jennifer Dowd

Dear Jennifer,

your dream is very interesting indeed, but difficult to interpret. Let us hope that something big will happen during this period. We can’t wait any longer.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I turn to your page daily to read the energy updates because, after reading many, many articles, pages, opinions, yours is simply the most accurate. I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but I know validation always feels good and I appreciate you and your readers/contributors so much!

I have reached a point energetically where if I am brought down in frequency I cry uncontrollably until I raise myself out of it. It has become so unbearable to deal with the lower vibrations. In my dreams I am preparing empty rooms in houses, mansions, hotels. Waiting, waiting. My last astral projection was Tuesday. I feel alone and isolated with the knowledge and experience I get from my astral work and not being able to discuss it with anyone.

My lesson this week has definitely been one about controlling others with energy and how people in your lives unknowingly violate you by dragging you into lower vibrations. My brother is a very successful lawyer obsessed with status and making money and being rich like his friends. I am the opposite. I only want to be happy and laugh, and make others laugh. My fantasies involve healing people and making the world better. I live in NYC. And don’t get me wrong, I curse people out daily and do many things that would be considered less than holy, but I have always looked for the good hearts no matter what social standing they have. I live in hell’s kitchen near Times Square. Sometimes I don’t even leave my apt because I can’t tolerate the lower vibrations outside.

Anyhow, back to my brother… he enjoys putting me down. It makes him feel better about himself. Last Friday it even got physical. Then he mocked me about believing in ascension. Calling me stupid and making fun of me. This energy rape threw me into a deep depression all day and I could not pull out of it. It happened again last night after I had to break bad news to my 6 yr old daughter and watch her cry because my brother was inconsiderate and thoughtless. I’m still trying to shake it. Good news is that I have fully identified the energy/feeling and it too will live with all of the other knowledge I have collected and can use for good.

A few weeks ago my good friend texted me to tell me I was too boring to hang with and she needs to soar. She is an Obama groupie and has been programmed to hate anyone who doesn’t like Obama. It’s sad because I tried to pull her out of that, but her energetic attacks are not welcome and I had to leave her behind. Very sad. And very sad I have to now leave my brother behind. But if you don’t clip that cord, they will continue to attack. So my intention with this email is to maybe help others to quickly and painlessly remove these energies from their lives. I can almost see formulas when thinking of these things. I know its ending and shifting and I had hopes that I would be able to energetically fix this mutation in them, however I do agree the war is over and it isn’t about fighting it, it’s about rising out of it.

Thank you again for doing what you do.

Much love from NYC,

Dear Jules,

thank you very much for contacting me for the first time and for reporting on your incompatibilities with the low vibrations that surround you, especially in NYC, which is the modern Sodom and Gomorrah.

I also thought today (July13)  that the energies are becoming intolerable each day and that each minute spent in this hell is an unbearable challenge for me and all PAT members.

I can assure you that two days ago, there was a huge cleansing wave which manifested itself as such explosive controversy discussion with family members as you have had it with your brother. I had  the same discussion for the X-time with my wife two days ago on ascension and was also infuriated unduly about her rejection, although I am used to her incredulity since many years and this should not bother me anymore.

It has to do with the intensity of the energies and not with you personally or with your brother, who may have indeed lost his soul segment on this timeline to a lower catastrophic 4D earth and now only represents the worst part of his personality as a soulless, empty holographic image.

One must always consider this probability in these last days prior to ascension which is almost 85% in this upper 4D earth and thus statistically highly significant.

Our last days are like balancing on a tight rope high under the roof of the circus tent without any safety net, at least with respect to our relationships to people who were very close to us in the past. Of course one can consider the fact that these people are also influenced by these huge waves, but the abyss between them and us is growing by the minute, until the final ID split will fully separate us.

This will be the actual energetic function of the announced massive act of evil which the dark cabal now plan against humanity. One should no longer fear such eclat as this will actually catapult us out of this crumbling dark matrix into completely new levels of harmonic vibrations, where everything will be much more easy and fluent. And this will affect all ascended humans and those who will be left behind, will go to hell, where we all are now – in the “hell’s kitchen”.

With love and light

I came across this quote shortly after writing you: “The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.” Thank you for the clarity and for throwing the good stuff at me.

PS: I can’t even begin to tell you what it’s like here (in NYC). Calling it “Sodom” is like calling it “Disney land”.


Hello Georgi~~

I came across this article of yours on Project Avalon’s website. Below is close to the middle. I had a question regarding one of the words:

“Eye ~ Animals“? “I ~ Animals”?

Could this mean:

*Blindly separate due to no awareness of, knowledge of, or connection to, All That Is. We live in our “I” lives, with our ego leading the way* ?

*Limited vision* ?

9/6/11  Excerpt from article. Full article at link.

Towards the middle:

Now back to my sound scientific explanation of Elenin’s impact. As I said already, all our information comes from the electromagnetic spectrum, Humans are essentially “eye-animals”, as I call them. This holds true for all astronomic information. This information is systemically flawed. What all humans still do not truly understand, is that there is no difference between electromagnetism and gravitation.

I have proved this for the first time, after I discovered the Universal Law. The proof can be found in volume I and volume II on physics. But I can explain the unity of electromagnetism and gravitation with a simple example.

The Germans developed the magnetic train in the 70s, but never realized it in this country. The company that developed this technology comes from Munich, where I live. However, they built the first and only magnetic train in China, Shanghai. This train is based on the following energetic principle: Huge magnets establish alternating electromagnetic fields between the rails and the body of the train, which are opposite in direction to the gravitation and offset its force. The train is elevated and slides like a hovercraft without any resistance upon this electromagnetic field.

This is a simple practical example which shows that the two forces are interlinked – precisely, they are manifestations of one primordial energy, which is All-That-Is. This is the basic statement of the new physical theory of the Universal Law.

At this place I must make your readers aware of the fact that according to the standard model, which is the most advanced theoretical model of present-day failed physics, gravitation cannot be integrated with electromagnetism and the other two fundamental forces. This ignorance of conventional physics brings into a focus all the bogus argumentation of NASA with respect to the effects of Elenin. This ignorance can also be seen in Wikipedia, which does not mention in its essay on gravitation that this force cannot be integrated with the other three fundamental forces in the standard model. Everywhere, one looks upon a topic more closely, one only finds ignorance. This is the deplorable situation on earth prior to Ascension. Hence the necessity for the new Theory of Ascension of the Universal Law to reach finally humanity.”

Dear Chris,

when I say “eye-animals” I refer to the fact that almost 90% of the whole information humans gain from the outer world is visual (optical sensations), it comes through the eyes which are limited to the very narrow electromagnetic spectrum of visible light. Humans build their view of the world predominantly on visual perceptions. This has been grossly misused by the mass media and Hollywood to project on the people very dark impressions and ideas.

But also the very concept of space-time that determines the weltanschauung of all incarnated humans is based on the faulty visual signals we receive from our surroundings. Precisely this perception must be now eliminated before humans can open to the new multidimensional way of life.


Dear George,

I continue to be astounded by your work. Imagine, such material, free for the taking, ccessible to virtually everyone for almost twelve years? Yet, even my closest companions refuse to accept the opportunity to even LOOK at it.

I suppose, I was fortunate enough to be ignorant during most of my nearly sixty-four years; but you? You had to endure the knowledge that you had the answers, but so
few would even listen, much less accept.

I truly wish this is over soon; as my disappointment is almost all consuming. I am so sad for them, even the scoundrels.

With love and light,

Dear Bob,

you are right, the total rejection I experienced from my surroundings with regard to my books and theory was overwhelming and very disappointing. But as I knew how deeply imbued the people are in the abusive Orion thought matrix, I did not take this personally but consider it as a valid measure for the tremendous cleansing work that I and others (actually only the PAT) had to do to heave humanity to the present energetic level of high vibrations that will very soon allow the performance of the ID split.


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