Asana Mahatari
Jahn J. Kassl, light reading on May 30/31 2013
first published in English on June 1, 2013 in
Translated by Björn Kurt
I am
Among you as a man, as an accomplished Ascended Master, as the light of heaven illuminating your path into the Golden Age. And exactly in this eon the humanity which is now ascending has arrived today. So let us now resume what had been expressed in the many messages of last days, let’s add some new knowledge and summarize:
The worlds have thus detached. 3D and 5D are decoupled from each other. What does this mean? This magnetic decoupling brings for the earth – now located on the fifth dimension level – and brings for people at first a new sky. So if you carefully watch the sky and study how it progresses during the day, especially in the early morning and early evening hours, you will find that the chemtrails have disappeared. You have not seen such a sky for a while now. Look up and realize the fact that transformations and healings which had been announced for a while are happening now.
Next, the magnetic separation of the Earths 3D, 4D and 5D will induce that all those which have anchored in the 5D vibrations and are able to hold these vibrations, that all those people will be left completely untouched by all the events which are about to unfold on the 3D and 4D earths and will have to happen despite the fact that you will be able to witness them by your naked eye.
It is as if an army from another age with all their warriors and weapons is marching right through your living room. And by the time the whole haunting moment is over, you realize that this has occurred on another time level. Yourself will be left untouched by all just as your furniture and your four walls will be left standing as before. The interference of these levels will leave no traces you are and will be unwavering witnesses of these dramas.
In the next step on the 3D – 5D earths the holographic overlays will be removed which will mark the moment in the history of mankind when each human being finds himself – with all parts of his being – at the absolute level of his chosen reality. If that’s too complicated I will give this simple guideline:
Observe yourself in the coming days, the people around you and the sky above you. As it is predicted, it shall be experienced by you and will not need any further elaborations.
The Golden Age has begun. How does it show? What are other features of this reality? By the fact that Ascension of the individual people has begun. You all know the story of how the prophet Elijah has been enraptured directly to heaven and the same thing also happened to Mother Mary.
And these representations correspond perfectly to the reality, in truth: As of today a dozen of wise human souls have been enraptured to the 5D level which results in a huge boost of Ascension Energy for all further and impending Ascension processes. To better understand and to simplify: In all these people the light body will be activated so they can ascend to the 5D level and beyond.
It is to be understood that the 5D level is – through the separation of the differently vibrating earth levels – already fully accessible to those which have chosen to move there. The ascension of single individuals to 5D means that these people detach completely from the still overlaying holograms.
In doing so an enormous amount of Transformation Energy is provided, so that the whole of humanity can ascend to the 5D level and can be blasted out of all low-frequency entanglements. The New Masters of mankind go ahead first and in doing so they fulfill their sacred ministry (This is a correct description of the PAT supernova, George).
The “physical” Ascension of this group (PAT) also means that all event scenario of „catatstrophies“ such as the Magnetic Pole Shift, natural disasters, social upheavals will be accelerated and will happen almost simultaneously – as seen from today.
The light levels of Being stand by and are ready (144 000 warriors of light) for the event that the energy discharges that have to occur on 4D have too much of an interfering effect on the people ascending to 5D to intervene promptly to evacuate these individuals. Many scenarios are possible – fact is: Every single human going to 5D shall arrive there safe and sound without being harmed in any way!
So it is only about the HOW and not at all about the IF.
The joy and happiness should be writ large on each of your faces. However, this is what I miss with many of you. Unnecessary worry, unnecessary thoughts are being shuffled back and forth until in the end you are at a loss.
And one of the major concerns is: What happens to my fellow men? What about those people that originally had chosen the light but now have returned to the darkness? What about those and why it happened so? Freedom must be learned! Please Imagine a lion. One who was born in the zoo. Born in captivity it will be very difficult – even for the king of animals – to stand his ground in the wilderness, in freedom.
And it is not much different with people. Many are demanding freedom and set off to take the flight to freedom. But soon after they learn that freedom requires self responsibility, that freedom means risk, that freedom means to go beyond the old safe familiar boundaries, they return back to their caves, to their tar pits and to slave away again in their marching boots which previously they wanted to get rid of by all means.
Freedom means risk and requires courage and foremost the dreadful experience of having endured the hardship of a life in slavery. To jump straight into life without a safety net means freedom. Who can do that? How many do you know who can do that? What about yourself?
How many safety precautions do you take – even with small decisions? How many safety nets do you put up before you take a step into unknown territory? So why do we wonder how so many highly talented people prefer the safe captivity to uncertain freedom after getting a glimpse of freedom. Do not wonder any longer!
Start with yourself – Am I ready to live without a net? Am I ready to plunge into the abyss like a bird being kicked out of his nest by the mother and has to learn either to fly or to die? Therefore, it is pointed out again until it will be also understood by the “100th monkey” – just to remain in the animal kingdom for this metaphor: „Do not Look back! Go for it!“ So much for this.
Good to know for this Ascension is:
1) The people who ascend now will be lined up in the ranks of the Ascended Masters. These new Ascended Masters keep ready to embody on the 4D Earth in order to avert the worst scenarios. “They keep ready“, means there are potentials which are yet left open.
2) People who remain on this familiar (4D) Earth shall also reach the ranks of the Ascended Masters and join them as new Ascended Masters. Completion without the full activation of the light body, so that the 4 D earth may be supported immediately with the high light energy carried by these people. These beings also will not experience neither dying nor death.
3) All the scenarios that arrive now occur simultaneously. This means that we stand at the actual point in time where time itself dissolves, by which all announced events get their final push into materialisation.
The hurricane sweeping across the worlds and you, who are anchored on 5D, are forming the “eye of the hurricane”. Completely calm you abide the vortices of the hurricane and remain unaffected and an unbridgeable wall protects you and keeps you from getting even the slightest damage.
This quality is already rooted within you. It is the quality to remain in peace, tranquility, love and light even amidst the storms of time. The one fleeing the storm will be caught by the storm – the one stepping into the eye of the hurricane will be blessed by all salvation available in these worlds.
That is what it means to work without a net. And as I ask you here on, for verily: You do not know the hour of salvation and the old clothes no longer fit you. The flight into the light is on for many who are reluctant up to the very day – COME ON! Such is proclaimed to you:
Returned to this world. I am a man among men. I have received the honourable duty from the Creator – after all of humanity has found their final destinations in the realms of Being – to switch off the Light for some, and to switch on the Light for the other ones.
We are in the greatest upheavals of time and this Galaxy. The change is happening Now. You have graduated. It’s up to Your Selves whether to receive your certificates or to withdraw from the incredibility of this fact.
COME WITH ME! Be reckless, then dive down – remove the safety net. Because only those seagulls that leave the nest may experience a new life in the vastness of the heaven. COME ON!
I am with you who you are infinitely loved – For all eternity
Dear Georg,
this message is amongst the most powerful I have yet had the pleasure to translate. It has condensed the meaning of the former announcement and explained once more the importance of a clear commitment. I felt incredible goosebumps and moments of sheer joy while doing this work. For my own development this message has helped me enormously as it probably for all the PAT. As it confirms all earlier announcements I am sure that the shit is about to hit the fan and A-Day is indeed very, very close. Again the 6.6. is getting into the line of fire..
See you soon – in love and light.
Dear Björn,
indeed this message carriers the scent of Apocalypses in the best connotation of this word, in terms of revelations. And they have already started.
In this context I would like to clarify one single aspect of Asama Mahatari’s presentation of the process of ascension, which deals in particular with the ascension of the PAT and the detonation of the supernova. I have already addressed this topic in mylatest energy update as of yesterday, but would like to specify one more time on it in the light of the information I gather from my HS as well as from the processes that now occur within my body field and portal:
“The Golden Age has begun. How does it show? What are other features of this reality? By the fact that Ascension of the individual people has begun. You all know the story of how the prophet Elijah has been enraptured directly to heaven and the same thing also happened to Mother Mary.
And these representations correspond perfectly to the reality, in truth: As of today a dozen of wise human souls have been enraptured to the 5D level which results in a huge boost of Ascension Energy for all further and impending Ascension processes. To better understand and to simplify: In all these people the light body will be activated, so they can ascend to the 5D level and beyond.”
This channeling is meant for all participants in Jahn’s light reading, who will most probably not be in the first ascension wave. And nonetheless the source refers to our ascension as this channeling is meant in the first place for the PAT, because Asama Mahatari knows that we read his messages. There is no coincidence in his statements.
As I wrote in my energy update, during this last ascension test run which was as severe as the ones before opening the Lion’s gate and the three portals in November and December, I was thrown one more time in the physical abyss and now lie with a severe broncho-pneumonitis (it feels as if my lungs are cut with a razor blade) after being beamed incessantly with source energies since May 18th.
The result of this endeavour is that now many more PAT members also ascended to the 5th dimension as I did on April 18th. One of them is my soul mate who visited me in Bavaria and went through the same energy bouts. From what I gather, Jerry, Dorie and some more older members of the PAT have also ascended to the 5th dimension. This fact is very important to observe as also Asama Mahatari stresses in his latest message (see above).
We now only wait for the final transformation of our physical bodies into crystalline bodies. Asama Mahatari refers to this phase transition as the “activation of our light bodies”, which will happen in the blink of an eye. The whole ascension process takes place incrementally, step by step, until finally the sudden activation of our light bodies is done and we detonate the PAT supernova.
Therefore, it is not at all surprising that you felt the power of this message which relates in the first place to the impending ascension of our group in the coming few days, most probably around June 6th, but definitely before summer solstice.
With love and light