Letters to the Editor
Dear Carla,
It is interesting that GaiaPortal confirms that we were at 12.12.12 at a peak for ascension /consciousness expansion and that we have now reached another peak after the opening of this portal. What is your take on this information?
“Expansion of Gaia-connection portals occurs at this time. Potentials for consciousness increase in individuals are at the highest level since the 12-12-12.
Gaia Devics and Faerie type Beings are fully engaged in this process, which is moment to moment, but process is projected for completion by the 6-6-2013.
Await Guidance for further instructions”
Dear Georgi,
I do feel some expansion at this portal, but I actually don’t feel the expansion necessary for ascension at this time.
When I compare Now to 12.12.12 it just doesn’t feel at the same level of intensity. In December I was aware of dozens of angelic energies around me over the period of December 9 through 26th. They are not here now, in this moment.
I see us solidly at the upper 4th D and that perhaps my perception of the energetic state of the Devic Kingdoms is not acute enough to get my own confirmation on GaiaPortal’s message.
I do sense a crescendo still in the works here and the 6.6.13 end date suggested by GaiaPortal is supported by the moon cycles.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
thank you for this validation. The 12.12.12 was one of the worst periods for me and I knew already that 12.21 will not be the day of our ascension. Now I also sense that we are not still there, but the energies are now more pleasant for me.
Dear Georgi,
I feel the energies now are just not as full, not as far-reaching in their depth.
I feel like we’re gliding along like the eagle on the warm air currents that lift us up in full anticipation of our desires, only to be then dropped down.
With love
Dear Carla (also to Jerry, April and Dorie),
I dreamt tonight in a lucid and very informative dream that the dark cabal have decided on May 1 to start a huge last war to prevent ascension, but that they will fail and this heinous act will only cause their demise and annihilation. Then I dreamt further I was in Italy and witnessed the mobilisation of the population there for a war and the Duce going to war in a panzer-train. I was perplexed as the historic time was not correct, but my HS told me that it is actually Berlusconi as he is the reincarnation of the Duce.
I woke up with a feeling of joy that the time of change has finally commenced. I have always envisioned that the final act will be done by the dark cabal who will start a massive destructive war to prevent ascension and will terribly fail, thus demonstrating their true character in a dialectical manner to the rest of the people, so that they will be ousted by the masses with indignation and contempt. There has never been any other outcome.
Now this morning (May 1) I received an email from Jahn Kassl from Vienna who channels and has a website from where I have translated and published some messages recently.
He sent me a private channelled message he has not published yet, which contained exactly this same information from my dream – that the dark cabal will start a new war and that the time of the current graveyard peacefulness is finished, but that this attempt will badly fail and the people will recognize the true nature of these dark men and will oust them from power. This will be the beginning of the new era. The message is in German and I will see if I will translate and publish it.
This was the strongest confirmation I have received so far that we are on the cusp of a big change. It is possible that the cabal may use the MPR and the natural catastrophes as a pretext to declare the NWO, as they have rehearsed in Boston, but they will badly fail as we will ascend and come as ascended masters on the ground.
Can you check this new trend with the Elohim in general.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
What an amazing dream to have, coupled with a confirming message from Jahn Kassl!
I have a rather full day but I will fit a visit in with the Elohim at some point.
I fully expect the cabal to use any natural catastrophe to instigate the NWO measures at this time, including war. But they are the only ones interested in war – the rest of us, all 99% of us, won’t stand for it.
With love and light
Elohim’s Message – May 1, 2013
Dear Georgi,
I have connected with the Elohim (on May 1) and here is what they have to say:
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We come to you today to confirm sightings of change. We say sightings because they are indeed given as fleeting glimpses upon the timelines prevalent to the undertaking of such change.
Great change creates uneasiness and may instill fear, but only to the exclusion of force in Nature. Humanity trusts All-That-Is and implicit in this trust is full respect for Gaia’s/ God’s decision to manifest Earth changes that even Humanity unconsciously and subconsciously agrees to in this moment, in order to stop the folly of the small percentage of errant humans, that they no longer trust nor respect.
Man-made, man-induced, man-triggered change is not respected by this collective and balance shall prevail in the face of such arrogance.
As the decision to initiate measures of imminent threat is relatively new, at least with full commitment, there is not great resistance to this idea, in this moment.
As expectation builds, reactions to any synthetically induced alteration in current living experience shall create full offence as a natural consequence. The state of mentality, so carefully groomed and cultivated for simplicity and so enamoured with this reality, will also fight to protect the reality perceived as being taken away.
Within the greater perspective all is in perfect alignment and perfect balance as one aspect of Source engages another aspect of Source, and each interaction creates a new level of sharing where new learning complements the perfection and creation of All-That-Is.
So all is in perfect order, now and for all time.
We are the Elohim.”
Humanity will take a magnetic pole reversal, earthquakes and extreme natural catastrophe. Any Day over upheaval and devastation resulting from human interference. This is what I have been sensing for a long time now.
They have left me with the impression that there are various scenarios along various timelines.
I look forward to your thoughts on this message.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
the message is rather cryptic, but when one reads between the lines and knows what is planned to come, then it becomes clearer. I have just published my long article on the coming cataclysmic changes and events that builds the foundation for further discussions.
I will publish your message tomorrow as I have been hit by another cc-wave with a headache and can no longer work.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
This message is cryptic as I feel they are being cautious in how they present the message.
Those who can read between the lines have no fear. Those who cannot, shall feel fear in the face of a clear statement.
Just as I opened your note now I am also hit by a strong cc-wave, which is so very powerful.
You are in my thoughts as we experience this together.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for the excellent article today that once again pulls the rare pieces together to complete this intricate puzzle.
I asked my younger son recently what he thinks about this world we live in and he looked at me directly with his big grey eyes and replied very thoughtfully “What is black is white. And what is white is black. That’s all.”
I was hit by a heavy cc-wave instantly upon opening your email two hours ago. I lost my balance then and I have not regained it. There are others who have been hit hard today as well. I feel there is something big going on here, Georgi, but I’m not able to think about it. Maybe by tonight.
With much love and light,
Dear Carla,
your son is absolutely correct and the young people see the upside down reality more clearly than the elderly.
This last wave on May 1 was huge and it started with me writing this article, so I perceived that it was another heaviest cleansing associated with the development of the final scenario. I assume that our thoughts are processed and go in the global algorithm affecting the future of mankind more significantly than we suspect at present. It is indeed very important what we think now and we should not allow any doubts or deviations from the overarching plan. I can understand why the Elohim are cautious to tell bluntly the truth, as humans are indeed unpredictable animals, still largely driven by fears and petty precautions.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Something happened energetically today (May 1) that has had such a profound impact on me. I can’t put my finger on it other than to say I feel so different tonight.
I spent a few hours in bed after that wave came in at 10 a.m. today and I still in this moment feel thick in the head from it, there is no other way to explain it.
I was thinking not to bother with this discussion, but I just can’t let it go. I sense there is some significance to all this today.
This afternoon I stopped in at a small restaurant to pick up a drink which I do occasionally. Where I normally am able to stand the different energies of those around, today I noticed that it felt so chaotic, so uncomfortable. and I actually had to leave.
This feels like a quantum leap of some kind and I’m looking forward to hearing others impressions of May 1,2013. It is a day I shall never forget.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
I can only say that the cc-wave yesterday (May 1), which is still residual today, was to my experience a classical ascension test run as we have had them numerous times in the past. it was a very strong descent of source energy again and I have given up counting these waves. I have no idea what this particular energy will affect, but it must have pushed the ID split, and even the MPR, a notch closer to completion.
We must wait and see how this will unfold on the ground. Until now I have not noticed much visible effects after such waves, but now this may and should change if our forecasts are correct.
Dear Georgi,
A fairly large round ball of bright light just (May 2) moved in a straight vertical line from the sky to the ground. I happened to see it as I was looking out my bedroom window.
Of course I have no way of knowing its true size or its distance from my apartment. Whatever it was it’s now in the ocean.
With love and light,
Dear Georgi,
OMG, so much has been going on for me this last week! I have so much to tell you and so much to validate, especially in regards to your dream and with Nibiru, Obama, and the latest Gaia Portal Message! I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you! Better yet, I wish I could just send it all to you telepathically! I’ve just been so busy though, and now I’m so tired I don’t have the energy to type it all up. Let me quickly explain what is going on as to give you my own personal validation that we are very much heading into the final scenario that you just described in your post today titled “Humanity is on the Cusp of Most Dramatic Events of Cosmic Proportion.”
I have a very dear friend, Laura, who is a silent member of the PAT. She has Multiple Sclerosis and is completely wheelchair bound, having only very limited use of her hands. Even though she is completely dependent on caregivers to take care of her every need, she has been able to maintain a sense of independence by having nurses go to her home to take care of her throughout the day. This was made possible with the help of financial aid from the state. About three years ago, I discussed with Laura my premonitions of the economic/medical/government collapse and I promised her that when that day came, if we had not ascended yet, I would be there to take care of her. My promise to her was the motivation behind me taking the nursing courses that I took a few months ago in order to get updated. Last Thursday, I took my State License test. The very next day, Laura’s primary caregiver walked out on the job and there was no one to replace her. The Home Health care facility that provides nurses could not fill her schedule as they are completely understaffed and overwhelmed with too many patients. If it were not for me stepping in, I don’t know what she would have done. And now Laura has been told that her financial aid will only last until the end of May at which time the state will “determine” if she is still eligible. My premonition and my promise to her has come to fruition, Georgi. This is why I have been so busy. I have been taking care of her several hours a day. Tomorrow is also another long day, but I’m hoping to be able to sit down later in the evening to receive a message from HS and to tell you all about the other insights that have come to me recently!
I’ll be in touch SOON!
Much love to you Georgi!
Dear Dorie,
the synchronicities around your friend is the most reliable indicator that we are now heading to a final countdown and that this time the events will come as predicted by us and our HS.
I have also received two messages from Carla and April that also confirm the scenario I published yesterday. We also get similar information from other external sources and this has never been the case in the past. Hence we should prepare for a very hot month in May.
Although you are now pretty busy, I think that this situation is better than sitting at home. I hope that you are reimbursed for your care by the state authorities now that you have received your licence, for which I congratulate you, although I do not know what for. You are not going to stay here and nurse people.
With love and light
What a truly fantastic job you did with today’s post. Your thoughts resonate very strongly for me. They were well thought out and informative.
The energies I am feeling within the last 2 days and the increased evidence in the skies, among the continued make believe lies within the standard news outlets, proves that we’re currently at the absolute cusp of a triggered global event.
I am thrilled and excited beyond words. Let us all be ready when the call is made.
Much love and light,
Dear Phil,
thank you for your validation of my latest article regarding the manifestation of the long expected big events in May, for which we have worked so diligently in the past to make them finally happen. It has been like rehearsing a play for years and the day of performance is postponed by the theatre director again and again and you begin to doubt if it will ever be staged. But now all signs point to the final countdown, whatever it will be.
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your latest evaluation on the present situation, and the scenario to unfold this month. I’ve been experiencing very potent energy movement since yesterday evening (April 30), stimulating the solar plexus, heart, and upper chakras to a level of intensity that threw me off my feet. My heart hammered as if trying to imitate a mighty drum, ready to rip my chest open from the inside, and I felt an emotional chaos, unable to give a proper name to how I feel. It amazes me every time how much the physical body can endure. But above all the chaos, there is a sense of eager anticipation, which I experience mainly in a half-awake state, and I have the feeling it is strongly connected to the PAT collective and the HR, coordinating the events above our sensory perception. I think we all feel the show has commenced.
Hi Georgi,
This last wave from last night (March 30) was very strong but I am recovering.
I am brought back to something you said in a post a couple of days ago about the MPR and a comment about Nibiru or Planet X being closest to earth on 4-29-2013. Please forgive me if I am off a bit on the details.
My questions are; How did you know about this planet being so close? Where can I find more information from you on how this will effect us?
I’d like to refresh my inner thoughts with this.
Much love, joy and peace to you and the PAT,
Dear Charlotte,
I have just published an article with a lot of links on this issue and much more. Read it first.
Synchronicities….. exactly what I needed! – Charlotte
Monday, as I briefly look on the web, I read a friend’s vision from walking outside and saw Mother Mary standing in a field and there were two dark wisps floating around. It hit me as important, so on the drive to work, I opened up to it more.
I first heard this “click”, like something fit in to place and then received that the “sequencing” had begun. And when working to focus on ‘what’ that sequencing was, it was multiple streams of things. What stood out was that the dark was going to raise its ugly head and become so very in our faces. I also got that mother Mary is a fake and part of the dark agenda. (no wonder I could never really connect with her) So when that was all complied within, I listened more attentively to the symphony music playing on my radio, and it was the “Overture to the Underworld”, I just laughed so hard! I got to work and the theme for our week is “Light and Dark”… now really!!!
So I am there with you all!
The challenges that proceeded from that point on at work, I found myself taking fast and direct action, in order to avoid the conflicts people love to drag on and on. My decisive action was a surprise to all in the drama, and yet I felt it shift for the betterment of those we serve.
Our actions need to be very decisive and swift during this last phase. I am also working on what that Magnetic Pole Shift may be like…. I got a tiny important piece, then HS cut me off. I now sense it is not going to be what we think, like on a 3D or 4D level… But I do not have the words or science of it to say right now!
~ Love, Carolyn
Dear George Stankov,
Writing this feels almost as communicating with an old friend, as I have read every single word on your site for quite some time now.
Just a few facts: I am Bo H. S,, 49, Dane from Copenhagen, family-father and with a professional life spent in the IT/software-industry, founding a couple of software companies. I have a degree in marketing economics. I’m “an enlightened layman” in subjects as quantum mechanics, astrophysics cosmology. ancient and modern history, politics, sociology etc
I have experienced close to 100% synchronicity with you and the PAT since February 2012, sometimes to a brain-boiling level.
Following a very intense 2011, I have spent 2012 expanding my consciousness and build a – to me – totally new knowledge base while fighting an epic fight against “willful ignorance” from my surroundings….. a phenomenon it seems every PAT member is experiencing.
The intensity and events have been challenging all aspects of my life to a degree that I did not even know exists. The hardship has been immense, but so too the enlightenment.
I experience how multiple trajectories from the past, mega-trends of the now and specific attractors from the future intersect these days.
After some – mind-boggling – personal experiences that peaked in the period of late October 11 to mid November 11, and the recognition that something significant happened on 11/11/11, I found from your hand an article on the 11.11.11 subject with an excellent explanation. I found it in February 12, 2012 and since that I have followed Universal Law Press on a daily basis.
I believe to understand you – I’m not at your level in math and physics, but enough to be able to use my discernment – besides the fact that it all makes perfect sense, especially your new gnosis.
As to the current situation:
I believe to have found significant proof that will wake the masses – and would like to start sharing that with you.
I’m currently working very hard on getting international traction on this, and have engaged science journalists, international corporations and some danish scientists in the process.
I have a lot of information I would like to share with you that will shed further light on some of the major issues you address – but I’d like to start with informing you on the basics, and attach a presentation that is the foundation for my current “push”, and a short article that I have made (and to check it out I published it on a discussion board the other day…. 12.000 readers from all over the world and heaps of confirmation in one day!…. so the masses are perhaps more ready than we assume. It is the 1% (media, politicians, institutions etc) that is dragging their feet – not the average Joe.
I would like you to refrain from publishing anything yet – BUT please feel free to share the mail among the PAT – partly because I believe to be a part of it, partly because those of the PAT I “know” through your site are awesome, curious and extremely hard working people and we all deserve to break down the wall now!
My strength is that I can communicate in layman terms, and even though it might not be exact science that is what we need to break down the silence that I believe is rooted in plain ignorance.
The process is on – and I will keep you informed and will be happy to share supplemental information with you.
Dear Bo,
I am happy that you have finally contacted me in the proverbial last minute. I would have appreciated it if you would have started to participate in our discussions much earlier as I am sure that you could have contributed much to the ongoing dialogue. But as I use to say, better later than never.
I checked your three files, but I could not open the first file. The second one is designed as an overhead lecture, but the lines of most sheets were overlaid and beyond the confines of the sheet, so that I could not read the last lines. The third file was OK. I still got an overall impression of what you aim at.
Your target group is the big portion of humanity that is now on the cusp of awakening and must be carefully guided into the new spiritual field. This is indeed a huge task and we have barely began with it in a systemic manner.
Today I have written a comprehensive survey on what will happen in May before the occurrence of the triad of cosmic events – detonation of the PAT supernova, triggering of the final ID split and the MPR – that will transform Gaia and humanity for ever. Before that some most dramatic events will occur that have been just announced and I will publish more information and confirmation tomorrow and the days ahead.
I personally doubt if we will have the time and leisure to educate the masses in the way you suggest. The more so after these events on the 4d-earth A/B under much more favourable conditions. As my horizon ends up with the occurrence of this triad of events, I do not ponder now what will happen after that as this will be also after our ascension when we will have a completely new multi-dimensional view on the world.
But if you find pleasure in promoting these ideas I would strongly recommend you to continue with this mission, as there is nothing more rewarding than enlightening the people, even though it is still the least appreciated job on this planet. But this attitude will change very soon and one cannot start early enough.
With love and light
Hi Georgi!
Thank you for the article yesterday Humanity is on cusp of most dramatic events of cosmic proportion.
You really have a gift for assembling all this information and presenting it in writing. While I have all these same ideas and information in my mind I have never been very good at translating it into words. I am very grateful for the effort you alwaysinvest into providing this to all that read your words.
The most relevant part to me, of which I need constant reminding was, “The date of our ascension has always been a function of the social events on the ground.”
My best always and in eternal gratitude,
Marco NYC