by Carla Thompson, April 19, 2013
by Georgi Stankov
According to my opinion, this is a most important message. It was transmitted by Carla after we had discussed extensively the various ascension scenarios and, first and foremost, the realistic alternative that a magnetic pole reversal may precede the economic and political collapse and the subsequent social turmoil in order to speed up the events on the ground and bring about a shock-related release of all old Orion and duality patterns in a rapid fashion. We have discussed this issue in depth in our latest post.
The Elohim have inserted in their message some encrypted statements which by closer scrutiny confirm exactly this probable ascension scenario:
“We confirm that Gaia moves clearly on a path of decided and certain cleansing, once and for all.”
This kind of decisive cleansing can only take place if there are massive shifts in the crust of Gaia due to the magnetic pole reversal that will release on a global scale all the old human dross that has been stored in the superficial layers of Gaia, including the ongoing destruction of her energetic bioavailability.
It is obvious that the magnetic pole reversal will be triggered mainly by the PAT Supernova and with the huge support from the inner earth Agartha, whose souls have already finished with their 5d-incarnation cycle and are now impatiently waiting for the surface human souls to be ready for their ascension to the 5th dimension in order to ascend to the 6th dimension, as these two ascension processes are intimately intertwined.
My HS tells me that the Agarthans have given their consent for the initiation of the magnetic pole reversal that will end the existence of the inner earth in her present form. This decision was made yesterday, April 18 and confirmed on the same day by GaiaPortal in a cryptic form, upon which I stumbled immediately while reading it:
“All currently residing upon (and within) Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group.”
This “challenge for humanity” relates to the many humans, at least one billion, who will leave earth through a death experience during the magnetic pole reversal. I received this intuitive information yesterday, late afternoon and immediately associated it with the series of massive ascension test runs during this last week, peaking on April 17.
As the Elohim confirm below very cleverly, we all are now much more “claircongizant” than a few days ago and receive information and inner knowledge from our HS in form of spontaneous thoughts and ideas that were impossible in the recent past. This is now possible as our carbon-based brains have been neurologically fully transformed since March 31 in the course of our stepwise ascension and now operate near their full crystalline capacity of 100%. This process was already confirmed by the Elohim and the HS in previous messages.
It is also not a coincidence that the Elohim specifically discuss why the Boston related ascension test run failed to render optimal results for mass ascension:
“The recent event (showing me the Boston Marathon) meant to create fear and panic did achieve this goal, although it was also met with some measure of suspicion and anger. It is an indication that slowly, very slowly, the people are starting to see that some things indeed do not add up. It is clear that many are trained not to question anything at all, but to accept all that arises. The habit of duality is strong. The desire for truth is weak. And duality perpetuates its Self!”
I personally felt the last ascension test run on April 17 very much like the failed ascension test runs on Dec 18 and Dec 23 and this must have led to my depression on the next day when I received April’s message announcing further delays. Most of the indigo PAT members were also hit very hard during these ascension test runs,,even stronger than around Dec 21, as Carla confirms in her emails to me (see discussion).
Please observe the choreography of all these events arranged by our HS with an astounding precision. Nothing ever happens on this earth without a purpose and an inner meaning, not even a spontaneous fart. What does this all tell us?
Yesterday we were again on the crossroad of another pivotal decision, similar to the one when I issued the last decree on March 4. This time no further decree was necessary as we are now fully ascended masters and operate from the 5th dimension, although we still dwell in our humble 3d-physical vessels.
The general mood of depression we all felt yesterday was a significant spiritual magnitude for the HR to gauge in addition to the failed response of the masses to awaken to the Boston state terrorist act. This must have led to the decision yesterday to proceed with the magnetic pole reversal prior to any significant changes at the societal level as the masses are not ready yet. This has been also confirmed by Jerry in our discussion, before he knew the details the Elohim are giving us today.
I am deeply convinced that this is the new strategic decision of the HR how to unfold the ascension scenario and we the PAT were fully engaged in this decision on the ground and in the HR – hence our extensive discussion yesterday. In this sense I am in a good company with Dorie, Carla, Jerry and many more silent PAT members who acutely sensed the coming of big natural catastrophes – the first who officially expressed this premonition was Jerry. Now we are fully reaffirmed in this intuitive notion by the Elohim in their latest message.
I hope that this elucidation will help you better understand the dramatics of the recent events and the pivotal decisions that were made with our active participation on the ground and in the HR. There is always more to a simple straightforward announcement of another delay in our ascension scenario to just react with a disappointment, even though this is a legitimate feeling in such a situation. After all, while being ascended masters we are still humans.
Dear Georgi,
Here is the message from the Elohim that I received tonight. I look forward to your thoughts.
With love and light,
The Message – April 19, 2013
“Greetings to One and All!
Your pursuit of the complete answer to the question “How will the ascension of Gaia and mankind unfold” invites speculation on all levels as there is so much to consider, so many factors in the equation.
We tell you that many differing scenarios can unfold and often one event may trigger another that was unforeseen within the parameters of original expectation.
We confirm that Gaia moves clearly on a path of decided and certain cleansing, once and for all. There is no concern however as Gaia knows that an agreement is in place and that all separation shall arise in perfect order and shall follow the agreed upon path.
One important element in consideration of these events is the current level of frequency that has been attained, as its protection is key in order to enjoy forward advancement. This current level of frequency creates purity in a steadfast manner, as layer after layer of experience in duality is resolved and the slate is wiped clean. This can be a difficult process, but it shall succeed in all manner of speaking. All incarnate lightworkers are required to remain on the ground to maintain this current level of frequency.
It is true that members of your monad as well as other lightworkers not of your monad are prepared with the codes/instructions needed to engage their ascended mastery skill set. Many do not know this. Some have noticed great new experiences with healing, heightened telepathy and claircognizance, all that you understand to be new to your Being within the past short while.
The moment of ignition, of which we spoke in a recent message [April 16, “Further evolution shall arise with sudden explosion…”] can come from any source, from any direction, whereby depending upon the frequency attained and held on a consistent basis, will result in one choice over another [ PAT supernova | pole reversal].
The recent event (showing me the Boston Marathon) meant to create fear and panic did achieve this goal, although it was also met with some measure of suspicion and anger. It is an indication that slowly, very slowly, the people are starting to see that some things indeed do not add up. It is clear that many are trained not to question anything at all, but to accept all that arises. The habit of duality is strong. The desire for truth is weak. And duality perpetuates its Self!
The beauty of this instance [the ascension] lies in the curiosity of the Unknown.
The letting go is indeed the final lesson.
All is well.
We are the Elohim.”