Darkness is on the Retreat – ASANA MAHATARI

channelled by Jahn J Kassl, April 16, 2013

Translation from German by Björn Kurt


Beloved Ones in the form of God!

Once again we are one big step further on the path of Mankind and Earth into the light. Even if you are impatient and find it hard to be centered, one cannot deny the fact that again Change is picking up speed. Worldwide we have a significant raise in awareness and the forces of resistance are growing.

This means, groups are joining forces and take a stand against arbitrary decisions from towns, cities and states. The kind of “easy game” that the forces of darkness had with you so far, is over  because whatever is NOT based on truth and righteousness will be no longer tolerated. Untruth is exposed and people rise up to stop injustice, greed and self-interest of those in power.

The process has started where people join together and are rising against un-truth, which means that a number of chain reactions will follow worldwide.

You have been told that change was in your hands, which means that you no longer tolerate to be driven around like mindless cattle – without reason and nor destination. Gone are the days of slavery because slaves become free Humans – now and every day to come more and more Humans join this process which will transform this world.

These facts should confirm you in your path, should give you courage and inspire Humanity in its quest to get rid of the old forces – because truly:

The victory of Light is – visible for all Humans – being achieved in these very days. Even if not all people may share this experience because for them even the most beautiful blossoms remain unseen.

Keep going – I AM right at your side and The Army of Heaven will never leave you. For Darkness is on the retreat and the Light shall prevail!


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