The Physics of Ascension

By Georgi Stankov, March 30 , 2013

The last message from April’s HS has introduced and addressed some fundamental physical concepts of the ascension process, which are inherent to the nature of Energy = All-That-Is and can be easily and congruently assessed with the new physical theory of the Universal Law. Let me quote the most important statements from April’s latest message, before I proceed with my explanations:

Basically with this final wave you now find yourself in the beginning (soon to be moderate) stage of detonation. When this takes place as it is now, your inner Merkabah increases it’s rotational velocityquite profoundly, as does Gaia’s since you are all in this together, as well as Cosmic and Galactic Merkabic structures, as all are connected, activated, and impacted thusly. THIS IS YOUR DETONATION FUEL AS THE LAUNCH SEQUENCE HAS ALREADY COMMENCED. This might also explain why many of you are feeling clumsy, dizzy, etc

And remember, you are literally paving/creating the ID split/separating the timelines with your tornadic/merkabic currents as Source’s final transfiguring surge/wave moves and builds within your being. This will only continue to intensify in the short, remaining time that you have in 3D. But try and also remember that not only are you the vortex/tornado, you are also the eye of the storm as well. This also helps to explain the shifting in perception from pain/suffering to bliss/expansion throughout the day.

Please note the two key terms that have been introduced in this text: “rotational velocity” andvortex/tornado = tornadic/mercabic currents = rotational system = Source surge /wave“. I will explain their physical meaning below as they are the key to a proper understanding of the ascension process from a physical point of view.

If you may remember, I myself started talking about my personal energy field turning into a “huge vortex /tornado /centrifuge” in my descriptions of this process in the regular energy updates several days before April’s message. This was exactly what I sensed physically and energetically, especially during the “three days of darkness“, although this sensation is as old as my LBP. It was only hugely augmented in the last days prior to the detonation of the PAT supernova.

For instance I have explained more than 12 years ago the high pitched tone in our ears, predominantly on the left side of the head that comes with the opening of the left brain portal,which connects all PAT members directly with the source. This portal is actually a powerful vortex that rotates with a huge rotational velocity (you have now the term used by April’s HS) and thus involves all the gas molecules in the air in this extremely powerful circular motion. The gas molecules collide in the huge vortex of the left brain portal in an orderly manner, and not as a Brown movementnormally, and this rotational movement and collision of the molecules in the atmosphere create this high pitched tone you hear incessantly since the beginning of your LBP and the opening of the left brain portal (which is by the way still closed in most LW). The higher frequency energies beyond the electromagnetic spectrum, which we now receive from the source make no sound themselves. This is very important to observe.

From April’s latest message, it becomes clear that our personal fields have now become huge vortices, which expand in infinity and merge with the source. The source actually sends its energy to Gaia and humanity through our personal field vortexes, which exert two major effects:

1) They augment the frequencies of Gaia and heave her to the 5th dimension stepwise as was the case in the last two years during the numerous ascension test runs, which are physically (according to wave theory) frequency leaps into higher rotational velocities (see explanation below). Now we are on the verge to thrust Gaia finally to the 5th dimension by detonating the PAT supernova.

2) Our vortices are huge energy generators that augment the frequencies of the personal fields of all humans through superposition of wave patterns according to the law of constructive and destructive interference, as known in wave theory.

These two major effects caused by our personal vortices lead to a destructive interference of all low frequency, fear-based patterns pertaining to the old, crumbling Orion matrix, which we must experience as side effects (collateral damage) of the current cleansing process in our physical vessels; the latter are the carriers and anchors of these  vortices of source energies in the 3d-space-time:

Also as a result of this, a tremendous amount of debris is being kicked up and is flying around in your fields and across the planet. The energies of the full moon are aiding you greatly in this process. This debris field is actually the energetic debris of the masses, their erroneous thought structures, the last of the Orion programming, as they come in contact with you, the web of light, and Gaia’s ascending energies/vortices as well. So it is only natural that you will feel a very strong mixture of such.

Please observe that the cleansing process, under which we suffer so much these days, is a dialectical aspect of the augmentation of the rotational velocities / frequencies of our vortices and thus the frequencies of all humans and Gaia, being superimposed, interconnected, rotational wave systems. This is the only energetic process leading to ascension of a planet and its population. Hence these adverse effects of the ascension process are unavoidable.

I have discussed again and again in numerous publications and books on the LBP that this process is a steady, stepwise augmentation of the frequencies of the four major bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and etheric) of our physical vessels and their corresponding chakras (which are smaller, incomplete vortices from a physical point of view; e.g. see my gnostic book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind“). This is what happens at the micro-level in our bodies.

But the PAT has already become, through its field of unity consciousness, a system of universal cosmic proportions that is now fully integrated with the source (macro-level of action). Thus the PAT is the actual funnel, through which the source energies are delivered to Gaia and humanity, augment their frequencies and prepare them for their ascension. This obvious fact is very often forgotten amidst the numerous physical pains of the PAT members that overwhelm us in our daily consciousness and let us forget the underlying energetic principles of this intricate cosmic process, for which we are the mere conduits.

In this sense, ascension is the achievement of total constructive interference between all systems participating in the ascension process which is a delicate, extremely complicated coordination affair from the HR to find the optimal threshold. I have discussed this aspect in an article written in 2011 with the title:

How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?  

Simply stated, the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization says that everything in All-That-Is follows a simple energetic principle: To achieve a maximal positive effect with a minimal energy input or effort. In other words, All-That-Is does not waste energy. This sounds rather simple, but has huge and vast repercussions for all Creation.”

The law of energy optimization determines the date of our ascension, and although all variables and factors seem to be streamlined now to achieve this desired end this weekend, we will know this at the very last minute when full constructive interference is reached. There are so many energetic rotational systems at the micro- and macro-level that have to be taken into consideration that our humble human minds are unable to even envision a few of them theoretically.

Now let me elaborate the two basic concepts / physical terms used by April’s HS in her message that succinctly describe the current energetic process behind the detonation of the PAT:

1) “rotational velocity” and
2) all systems being vortices = superimposed rotational wave systems.

“Rotational velocity”, also known as “angular velocity“, is another term /synonym /identical magnitude for frequency f. Rotations are waves that create frequencies and vice verse. It is impossible to discriminate between these terms. Precisely this blunder is now committed by conventional physics, and that is why physicists are unable to integrate classical mechanics with wave theory, with Einstein’s theory of relativity, and withquantum mechanics. The latter is a simple application of wave theory for the micro- cosmos of particles and quantum fields. Electromagnetism is another application of wave theory for photon space-time. The proofs can be found in my two volumes on physics.

For instance this is what I have written about angular velocity in volume II (full version, page 122):

“The rate of change of the angle with respect to t (time) is called angular velocity.
Angular velocity is often expressed as reciprocal conventional time 1/t = f, thus
leading to cognitive flaws.

Rotational movements create angular acceleration, which is equivalent to linear acceleration. Accelerations cause movements such as linear motion in space-time or inner movement/ascension to higher frequency levels/dimensions when one considers the fact that rotational velocity with acceleration is actual another measurement/magnitude of frequency of a wave (rotational) system. None of this is currently apprehended in conventional physics and of course not at all by the stupid New Agers, who nonetheless extensively comment on such phenomena with utter and devastating ignorance.

All wave systems in All-That-Is are interconnected and interdependent, superimposed rotational systems due to the law of constructive and destructive interference and thus influence each other in a most profound matter, even if they are not near to each other. Please observe that space is an illusion, so that all systems are interconnected, no matter how distant they are from each other. The intensity of their energetic exchange depends only on the magnitude of their frequencies: The higher the frequencies of a system, the greater the energetic effect on all other systems.

Our personal vortices vibrate now with the highest frequencies of the source and thus offset all other low frequency systems pertaining to the old Orion matrix and destroy them with a great speed. With the detonation of the PAT supernova, this destructive interference will reach an unprecedented peak and the whole system will crumble within the blink of an eye. This is the actual energetic mechanism behind the ID split.

This interdependence exists between all known systems in the universe as I have elaborated almost 20 years ago in this footnote (vol II, page 122):

It can be shown that electromagnetic waves, which in the new axiomatics are a synonym for photon level, are, indeed, a product of the rotation of gravitational systems, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes (chapter 9.9, equations (267) and (268)). Basic constants of electromagnetism, such as permeability and permittivity of free space, contain constant space and time magnitudes of the photon level that have been derived for the first time by employing the space-time symbolism of
the new axiomatics (chapter 6.3). It has been proven that these magnitudes correlate
exactly with the space (volume) of the aforementioned gravitational systems, as measured by the Schwarzschild radius of stars or by the event horizon of black holes, and with the mean rates of rotation (time) of these systems, as they are estimated in astrophysics today. This is the ultimate cosmological proof of the new axiomatics which empirically confirms the closed energy exchange between matter and photon level. It shows that space-time is an interrelated entity, so that all fundamental constants can be derived from each other (see the integration of fundamental natural constants in Table 1)

I hope that this elaboration suffices at this most auspicious moment on the eve of our ascension to help you contemplate in a more neutral, expanded manner on an event that will transform us profoundly as sentient beings any minute from now on.

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