Tim Murrin, March 24, 2013
I wrote a letter to Travis Brown today and forward it to you as you will find it interesting and heart warming (see attached file).
As background I have been celibate 15 years because there has not been any woman of interest or appeal to me…
To Travis:
I had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life yesterday afternoon.
The “Welcome Inn” is a place I spend my time during the week. It is located on the DeWitt campus where the county has most all of its services and facilities located. The campus is where the bus picks up and drops off for the Gathering Inn – the church sleep over program; and also where last week I slept in the bushes. So the campus has been the focus point to my time the past weeks.
The “Welcome Inn” has coffee, snacks and some days free lunches, Internet, phones, videos, lots of meetings and counselor – advisers.
Many homeless hang out there, and a steady stream of down and out people for its services.
One woman spends all her day advising about available government services, even doing the paperwork for the illiterates – people who have drug/alcohol problems, violence in relationship/homes, health issues, physical and/or mental disabilities, child issues, etc…you get the picture.
SHANNON is a holy woman, a saint, a Divine Mother aspect as her heart chakra is so wide open with love, acceptance and compassion. She is also tireless, continually upbeat and in good humor.
She is 45, married early, still married and with three children ages 21-25. Her son returned earlier this year from 3 years with Army in Iraq. She is mainstream and Christian. She has milk skin, blue eyes, reddish hair; slim and petite and looks 25 yrs old.
I am strongly physically attracted to her because her father is Irish and my mother Irish – the attraction is in our DNA resonance as tribal members.
Through Jan and Feb we exchanged pleasantries in the hall or when she stepped out for a cigarette. I was always full of compliments, flirtations and love-bombs given. She would look at me with the ‘I am in love with you’ look in her eyes. Somehow I knew she got it about me, understanding at soul level without consciously comprehending.
First of March I took a big risk and visited her in her office for the first time. I said I wanted to be open and honest so she was clear and without any misunderstanding of me. I stated I honored and appreciated her. That my heart tells me she would be an ideal life partner, and if our life circumstances were different I would be there in her office that very day to ask her to marry me. She was floored, overwhelmed and so full of appreciation we both were in tears and holding hands.
All this week I have had discussion with HS about what to do if anything, if I should tell Shannon about next week, I don’t want to make fool of self if nothing happens, or be thought crazy lunatic, or raise her hopes only to have them dashed.
So all Thursday p.m. and Friday a.m. I composed a letter. When finished and printed then asked her for an appointment to speak with her for a short while.
I sat at her desk and said I would be leaving the “Welcome Inn” in a few days and wrote a letter to let her know my plans. She read it, was so overwhelmed she could barely breathe, asked a couple of questions then asked me to come back later after she composed herself and re-read the letter again.
A couple of hours later she came looking for me and we went to her office. Asked me what it was all about and in several minutes I gave overview of ascension, what happens to me, what it means to her, humanity and the planet.
She totally got it, all of it; completely hook line and sinker, as if she had been waiting all her life to hear what I told her.
I gave her understand it may yet be postponed again, most probably not, but I would soon ascend.
I realized the significance of my speaking with her –
Shannon will be the first soul I make an appearance to after ascension. She understands this, anticipates it and joyfully accepts that she can validate me and the experience to all those souls who frequent with me the “Welcome Inn” the past 3 months — and then the “Gathering Inn”, and then the Catholic Church.
Amazing experience yes! — following HS guidance and miracles happen!
Attached is the word.dox file of letter to Shannon.
I PRAY ~ You find the place where every moment is showing you Love’s outreach in the phenomena of the amazing matrix of life in God — that the eyes may see as the world’s symbol, while the heart experiences the communion with that celestial arrangement of heavenly bodies, that are the electrons, the particles and the waves of Love.
These might be appearing as your dog…
Beloved SHANNON ~~
I am experiencing my last days at the “Welcome Inn”, God willing and if all goes according to plan. I wish you to know what happens to me, rather than just disappear on you.
I write you this letter as there is always a long line of people outside your office door waiting for time with you to care for their needs.
I would very much appreciate to visit with you, to know more about you and your life, but I respect the clients and your time in service to them.
I remember the very first time the afternoon of Friday, December 28, 2012 that I met you because it was love with you at first sight. I arrived for my first visit to the “Welcome Inn”, and within mere moments before I even entered the door you made contact with me, introduced your Self and welcomed my arrival. It was as if you were awaiting me, which truly you were.
You see that day was my first day of a new beginning in life as homeless on the streets without family or friends to associate and shelter with in Placer County. I was sent to the “Welcome Inn” by Divine Appointment and Purpose to share the Love and Living Light which is present within my Soul.
The “Welcome Inn” is now one of three groupings of souls I am now involved with twelve weeks hence meeting you. Several souls that visit here I know from time in Foresthill, as my basic needs of food, shelter, Internet and socializing have been met during those days.
The other groups are the “Gathering Inn”, and the 1600 families of the Eucharistic community, Catholic Parish of the prominent mystic St. Teresa de Avila. I have attended morning mass every day of this Lenten Season for the community and to partake of the Eucharist, after which I prayed to Mother Mary and lit a candle for you and your family, among others.
SHANNON – Understand the Honor and Esteem I have for you is boundless and ineffable. We are two soul-Spirits ablaze with Love-Light and Life. Your Presence in my life at this space-time give me comfort and confidence as you accept my Love and Joy.
I have lived an amazing life, but all good things must end. I AM not going anywhere but only becoming one with everything, everywhere, All That Is.
Rejoice! The Love-Light is Here.
There is now a “Pentecostal Miracle” an event/process as the Descent of the Holy Spiritoccurring/ongoing and blessing the whole earth, all peoples and earth’s entire lifewave.
Wear the Love like Heaven.
Wearing the Light will embody me this week in fulfillment of my life work, purpose and dedication. At age 17 prior to high school graduation in 1971, I proclaimed I would ascend this lifetime.
God’s Covenant with the people of Abraham was the land. Christ’s Covenant with His Chosen People is the Kingdom of Heaven, a House of many Mansions.
I AM BOUND TO HEAVEN and Heaven Bound as my physical embodiment transmutes to Living Light of Love and Life Eternal I AM THAT I AM.
SHANNON – Understand my Gratitude and Appreciation of your Presence with me these past weeks as your true, sublime unconditional love is so much more than sweet consolation for this life as a single man without marriage, family or even career. I Love You, yes, I DO.
What comes for you with the Pentecostal Miracle of this Day and Age?
I Pray you continue to follow guidance of the voice of the Holy Spirit within you. May your ascension be timely and occur quickly as further validation and testimony to your family, friends, community and the world.
My ascension will occur as one of many along with my team members next week, by which we will ascend earth and Humanity to the 5th dimension between end of March and September 2013.
This Team, located throughout the world, is a group of highly evolved souls, coming directly from the Source with the only aim to ascend earth and humanity to the 5th dimension. We have finished with our preparation, which has extended throughout many years and has been in its most intensive last phase since the summer of 2011. According to our best estimates and information from our higher selves, the detonation of the Team will occur next week as “a thief in the night” prior to Easter.
After that we will immediately appear as the first ascended human masters on the earth, will provide guidance and leadership to humanity to liberate the people from the shackles of earth based illusion, as they are bound to become multi-dimensional beings and a transgalactic civilization. We will guide humanity to the 5th dimension in the interim period of six months (April – September) and after that in all eternity in the Now.
Precisely, this is the Ascension of Humanity as God Planned and Christ Foretold.
With the precious few moments that remain!
We are Jewels Upon the Ocean
Riding Waves Upon The Sea
Love Reflected to the World
It Is Sparkling
In You and Me
We are Jewels Upon the Ocean
Riding Waves Upon The Sea
We Glisten In The Brilliance
Of The ONE
Dear Tim,
this is the most beautiful and amazing love story, I have ever heard or read and I am so overwhelmed and happy for you that you have finally found your love and happiness at the end of your days on the earth. Name it the “sarcasm of our souls“, it does not matter any more in the eternity you / we are bound to enter very soon.
I am praying emphatically for you that from now on everything will develop in a miraculous manner for you and you will experience the emotional and spiritual completion, a blissful union with a beloved, akin soul as you have longed throughout your whole life.
I think that your story is so beautiful, elated and full of human aesthetics that you would allow me to publish it, so that the whole PAT can participate in your happiness – you deserve this.
With love and light
Not so fast please George…
I am grateful, I recognize and can acknowledge a Saint among us; as such people are unrecognized these days and age in a culture of death and darkness. Yet it is so true that many of us are divine soul incarnations in these latter days.
I am grateful to have such a heart full of agape love and have it accepted by another. All I have at this time is Love to give.
Travis wrote me in response to the story:
“”She totally got it, all of it; completely hook line and sinker, as if she had been waiting all her life to hear what I told her.””
“…Tim, they have ALL been waiting their whole lives to hear….”
What a tremendous blessing to behold this All.
What the experience means to me is to acknowledge Humanity is now ready and waiting PAT detonation // ID shift.
And that there is at least one person I can make appearance to without a fear reaction or chakra-attack. It is as if Shannon is my door way back into influencing other souls, as she accepts and anticipates my return. First time someone has ever really offered me that grace.
You can publish because it is positive, inspiring and heart warming, but don’t embellish as finding true love at long last.
Nothing can exceed my happiness at this time other than ascension the 27th or sooner, so I can get on with the show…so much to do, places to go and people to be with.
I am so full of joy and loving my days, each day these past months!
Dear Tim,
you have named it – it is AGAPE and thus a love beyond the physical love we know here on earth. In fact, it is love for yourself and the recognition what you have achieved in your life. Shannon has simply acknowledged your achievement in soul purity and this has touched her soul in return. All souls ultimately strive for this kind of purity, they can never find on this toxic planet. This is what will attract them to us very soon.
I am fully aware that it is not about love between two physical persons, but a love that transcends this reality – for you in the first place and then as a bridge for Shannon and many others.
But it is a very beautiful love story nonetheless and you should be proud of you to have found the strength and courage to declare your love to Shannon in this most auspicious moment in your life. You have done the only real thing.
Thanks, that’s more like it. Love you so much, DrG, I am in tears of joyful anticipation to embrace you soon.
Me too – there is a chance that it may even come sooner than March 27th. Let us see what will happen tomorrow.