Letters to the Editor
Dear George,
Another great overview of the situation you wrote this Friday, spot on.
I am doing-being exceedingly well and at Peace considering my circumstances. I am getting all and more than I can eat, sleeping warm and dry as soundly as possible considering I slumber with 60-90 other souls (depending on weather situations) in a different church every night. Some places are the size of a basketball court, most are half or quarter that size. Some churches have a couple dozen members; others range in size of congregation to a mega-church with over 5000 members.
My days after day are endless patiently waiting, passing time waiting for the evening bus rides, killing a couple hours over coffee in mornings, or simply for the hours of the day to pass. Lots of free time to breath and reflect.
Your ascension scenario published last week brought me a dishearten mood most of this week. The scenario of you first, while PAT awaits some more and our ascension thus dependant on events manifesting in this world to awaken the masses, and the goal of one billion souls ascending seems but a repeat of the same as this time last year. Except the energetics are now radically different due to PAT’s collective efforts in the mean time.
From my experience and perceptions I have no imagination that one in seven is ready to ascend. Mostly I see minds and bodies corrupted beyond redemption, beings lacking any soul force within them, and souls with a good loving heart, but yet the love tainted by hatred.
My perception is that all souls incarnate at this time each and everyone KNOWs of the changes to come, have all been informed, prepared and their choice for destiny already made. Thus I question any need for additional time allocated to teaching or informing or revelation to the conscious minds of the planetary populous.
Rather I question if we as PAT are just playing a game of “Populous” ?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Regarding 12.21 you stated that PAT reached 98% optimal energy required for supernova and ID split. But now you seem to have placed ID split on back burner as populous is not ready for that. Thus a return to the original scenario of you first, your followers attaining acclaim and abundance as they wait to ascend and then when some yet unstated and unknowable current event/s occur then the population will be ready for ID split.
I am not critical of your ideas, simply questioning assumptions with a sense that we need to question our decision making paradigm. Maybe PAT requires a paradigm shift so we can get on with getting on as so many PAT seem to proclaim a sense of stalemate and being stuck.
If souls are already prepared and their own destiny decision already made then I suggest ID split as way to break the hologram all are trapped within. This seems most compassionate decision for PAT to make and it is a manifestation of PAT’s tough love, with full knowledge that enough is enough, now is time for liberation.
I ask you for more of your vision and understanding of your proclaimed ‘appearance’ before humanity as first ascended master, what do you really mean by this, how will this manifest and how will it be effective? If you think it to be an event that will go viral on TV-Internet then I counter with the idea that PTB will push the kill switch on global communication, and further more that many will deem it to be Project Blue Beam:
There is strength in numbers and if there is to be an appearance after ascension then it seems best for as many to be appearing rather than just you on your lonesome.
Most if not all people I know, see and interact with in this society are stuck in adolescent mental-emotional behavior even though biologically, chronologically in adult hood. Thus for me it is time to kick them out of the nest and let them sink or fly on their own, each to the choice and ability of their soul.
This write up is all I have time for doing at the moment; hope you respect it as a contribution to the ongoing discussion.
Thanks again Dr.G: with all my love and appreciation.
Dear Tim,
I am glad to hear that you can satisfy your basic human needs under these circumstances and that there are not so many hardships as I was worried.
Our future ascension scenarios have always undulated between two principal alternatives. The ascension of the entire PAT by detonating the PAT supernova. This can be done when the critical mass of ascension candidates is reached somehow and Gaia is ready for the ID shift.
After this scenario was postponed in the last minute on Dec 23, we have decided for a more gradual ascension. In this case my earlier ascension will not delay the ascension of the PAT, but will accelerate it as this event will change radically and very quickly the mindset of the people and prepare them for ascension mentally and emotionally. Our ascension is linked to their awakening, come what may.
It is the worst case scenario if nothing similar happens on the ground in the next days and we all still sit and wait to trigger the supernova as in the past.
Your arguments are reasonable, but one must see the development of humanity in the dynamic perspective. Our current diagnosis of what we see may not be relevant tomorrow and completely wrong next week. Humanity evolves very quickly now at the subconscious level. But a dramatic external event as the first appearance of an ascended master may catapult this changes at the conscious level like a bud which blossoms all of a sudden and all its petals open to a beautiful flower.
The bluebeam project does not play any role under the present energetic circumstances. It was a dark option in 2008, but not now when the people can discern the difference immediately.
If you see a third alternative that offers a quicker solution to our ascension problem, I will be happy to hear it and will publish it for a discussion. But I do not see any at present.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
Was surprisingly contacted today by an old friend of mine (from India but settled in USA for quite a while now), whom I hadn’t talked to in a few months. He doesn’t know much at all about the ascension scenario or current energetic situation. Just a regular guy. He got in touch with me, regarding a very vivid dream he had last night, in which he saw me. He said he was surprised he remembered this dream as he never remembers his dreams and that he had to tell me about it. He said it was a weird dream in which he saw me flying and that I had beautiful rainbow colored wings in it. He was visiting me in my old childhood home in India and I was standing on the first floor balcony looking down at him, where he was standing. He said I told him, I will be down in a minute to see you and that I just flew in the most incredible natural way, as if it was my usual mode of transportation and came down to join him. He said I looked super happy and then we danced together for a while. At the end of the dream I told him, “I am back!”
I thought it was interesting that this dream would come from a person who has no clue about the ascension scenario and that he saw me with wings. Do you think this could be a sign of our return after ascension as ascended masters? I hope so! It was an unexpected source and I feel like it is a notification of the coming times and that its not too far away.
Dear Pinakini,
this dream indeed indicates that you may return as ascended master as this will be your personal decision. But the more important aspect is that we now participate in the dreams of the whole humanity and modulate their dreams in such a profound way as to prepare them mentally for their ascension and also for our appearance as ascended masters. When this event will happen, they will have rehearsed the whole ascension drama enough in the dream state to be psychologically prepared for it. This event will be no longer a surprise for them, but an innate knowing that everything is well planned and joyfully expected.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I can wholeheartedly confirm that this has been a most awful week of cleansing. Since Sunday night I have been exhausted and felt barely able to carry out my daily minimum tasks. Yesterday I thought I was improving but in the evening the symptoms got much worse and I felt like a virus was taking hold of me ever since. However I took great solace from reading the posted channeling of ‘No Illness Is Contagious’ on the website today. Let us pray some profit will finally come our way from this eternal cleaning of humanity’s dross!
Love & Blessings
I have reached a point where I am done making light of this. Carolyn sounds like me except I can’t keep a day job due to back stabbing friends who lie about me. Physical evidence such as a clean drug test isn’t good enough to counter the lies. I am unemployed again and done with this struggling financial lie. I wish to join my energies with Carolyn and the like to once and for all TAKE OUT THE TRASH! I’ll back you in astral hell, Carolyn, and we will cut the puppeteer’s strings once and for all.
I am Strength, here to help,
Dear Lynn,
I am sorry to hear that you are unemployed again, but I am sure that this system will collapse quite soon, so that you will never need to do an Orion job any more in your life. There will be other much more rewarding activities for you and the PAT in the near future – I am fully confident about this.
With love and light
One more thing I would like to mention as I give PAT all my creative energy that is usually stolen from me by my place of employment. Every time I have had a job, the place I work for gets better and better physically, better new built environment, better ideas etc. Now this last place I worked for, the CEO of it owns the professional football team called the Ravens. They are now in the superbowl. I worked for Maxim Home Health Care Services. Look it up if you don’t believe me. I think these employers steal my energy and use it for their material gain. Probably good then that I got fired – again. Now I can intentionally donate some of my energy to PAT. Blessings to you and PAT Georgi.
Dear Lynn,
keep the energy for yourself to cope with this waning reality. Our problem is not too little energy, but too much. We will be happy to have a pause from these relentless waves.
Dear Georgi,
If you don’t need this energy, what can I contribute in any meaningful way to these distressed people writing to you? I know I can help accomplish the ascension goal of PAT. I seem to exist on all levels everywhere and nowhere in this walking dream nightmare. I will contribute consciousness in one way or another, as I and these people of PAT need completion.
Dear Lynn,
if you feel yourself physically in a good shape and are able to master and balance your personal energies, this is already a huge contribution to the unity field of the PAT. One does not need to do more than your soul sends you as the gate keeper between your personal field and that of the source. It is a very fine-tuned orchestration, but we cannot do anything on the mind-level to help in this respect. We should only flow with the energies we receive, and if not, there is also a higher purpose in this stillness to keep the harmony intact.
Hi George,
Yesterday I returned from a week long visit to the Midwest (Ohio). It is my first travel by plane in a year to another time zone. There are so many considerations with American travel including the decision at the airport – be damaged with radiation at the security check point or be physically padded down like a criminal. I choose being padded down. Then there is the GMO food in the Midwestern farmlands, the mental conservatism and 17 degree Fahrenheit weather. All this for family love.
All that being said the current two weeks of cleansing and ongoing LBP symptoms traveled right along with me. Your website and many provocative multi-dimensional dreams and synchronicities kept me in touch with my HS and what PAT is going through at this time.
One new and odd dream I will share. I stepped outside my daughter’s back door and my body flew away. As I looked down, I realized I lacked the proper coordinates to locate her home in Ohio. So I aborted my multidimensional travel and re-entered to my body/bed. But that created complications. For hours after awakening, I was deeply out of phase. I simply could not reason whether my 3D body takes these frequent journeys or my astral body. My field must have been in deep confusion due to the fact that I was in another time zone.
I’ve greatly enjoyed rereading your books in the past weeks: Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction and New Gnosis: Evolutionary Leap of Mankind.
My donation today arrives with deepest love, appreciation and respect.
In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,
your journey to Ohio explains your absence from our discussions last week. Indeed travelling has become an increasingly unpleasant affair when you are in direct contact with the most despicable sides of the fear-mongering Orion system.
I have given up on travelling many years ago. While writing this email, my energies are building a huge vortex that almost sucked me away a couple of minutes ago.
We now cannot and should not sleep more than 2 hours as otherwise it is very difficult for us to return to our physical vessels. The confusion you have experienced is typical for the current energetic situation. In fact it is a real miracle that we can still dwell in these insufficient physical bodies and have not returned back to our pristine dimensions with our source frequencies.
I no longer feel like a human being, but like a column /stream of light that still carries a cumbersome physical body with itself. A very awkward feeling.
I am very eager to see what will happen next week when these energies have fully settled down on the earth and have transformed humanity beyond recognition.
With love and light
This is the first I’m hearing from you about a vortex that almost sucked you away or about sleeping more than 2 hours at a time. No wonder our souls do not allow us to sleep fully during the night?
Can you elaborate on this new situation? More than ever I long to go to bed at night and sleep more hours than usual. My experiences at night are so deep and fulfilling. It is a reward to sleep after a day of being awake in this reality. What is the perceived danger of not returning into our physical bodies at this point?
Dear Marilyn,
there is no danger if we do not return to our bodies except that we have ascended and our HS will not have us on the ground. This will be a loss for them, for their goals, not for us. For this reason our HS will never allow that we stay in the higher dimensions too long and not return after a prolonged sleep. But they take care that we do not stay too long in Celestria and other beautiful places as our desire to return in our bodies will rapidly diminish and they may not manage to convince us to return back to the earth. This happens from time to time and then the bodies die all of a sudden, as was the case with the brother of April who died very young two weeks ago.
I have often such kind of vortex experience with a dissolution of my body under very high vibrations and intensities, but I have not talked much about this experience as it is very common to me. Besides, it does lead to any palpable results, but this is how we will ultimately ascend when the time has come.
With love and light
Dear George,
And thank YOU for sending me your beautiful energy.
You made me laugh once again:
“This message sounds to me as if ascension were just a visit to a wellness bath, where leisure and prescribed immobility are the orders of the day, while beautiful medical sisters are accompanying you on every step from one pool to the next one.” LOL!!!!
You know what, actually today I was visualizing myself as the PAT’s massage therapist. In this vision I was helping to relax and heal those of you who has to endure the Ascension pains.
This part is hysterical:
“And know that all is well and you are just in a sort of short recreational period in order for your system to be better able to integrate this enormous amount of energy and information you have acquired these last few weeks.”
I would really like to know what’s so recreational about cleaning everybody’s shit.
Dear Moni,
this kind of statements infuriated/disgusted me so much comparing what we are doing now with what is described as experience for the general public of LW that I was compelled to write this article and show the abyss between us and them.
Sorry George.
Let me provide more background in a logical format. Since my background is computer programming, I will use a logical paragraph statement format. I have no medical training.
If Flu symptoms = the same as symptoms of radiation sickness, and If 2011 statistics are true in terms of a (higher) number of deaths in U.S. Following Fukushima (See Dr. Mark Sircus).
Then first line of treatment should be removal of heavy metals and NOT treatment of Flu symptoms. Else recovery is impossible due to wrong treatment, and if else, flu treatment would be OK. End if.
Dear Charlotte
This could be one possible line of causality, but I personally do not believe that the level of radiation in the USA from Fukushima was so high as to cause so many deaths. I remember very well when Germany and specially Bavaria was contaminated by Chernobyl in 1987 much more heavily and even the government had to admit the very high radiation levels measured in the soil, waters and elsewhere, and yet there was no increase in death rates at that time as I followed this story very carefully.
My explanation is that now many people simply die as they can no longer cope with the high frequency energies coming from the source because they are closed systems for these energies and no longer compatible with the new energetic situation on the earth, which has raised in frequency to the higher 4d-levels. This trend will augment in the coming days and there will be a disarray of explanations as to why the people are dying all of a sudden without any apparent medical cause.
Besides, the US population is the most compromised in the whole world with respect to their health due to massive consumption of genetic modified products, very low quality food /junk food and very unhealthy diet habits that suppress the immune system and weaken the normal resistance. The massive consumption of cell-inhibiting drugs that increase mortality and morbidity as discussed by myself in my general theory of biological regulation also adds to this negative trend. If one also consider to this that the Americans are the most dumbed down human beings on this planet due to constant indoctrination by the state and cannot cope mentally and emotionally with the new energies of revelation and truth, this all contributes to their higher mortality rates as currently observed in your country.
Hi Georgi,
I’m one of your readers who always visit your site. I’m not so enlightened as you PAT, but I’m a humble human being who appreciates your Atlantean job.
I have to say I do have your opinions in high regard and it makes me think hard on all live aspects – I’m grateful to you and all PAT for that forever. You made me to understand the fallacy in what the light workers as Steve Beckow, David Wilcock, and others who trust channeled dark entities live in.
The reason of this email is that in your last post you said about Cobra “disinformation coming from such dark sources as Cobra” – please I hope you elaborate. I think he gives good info (intel) – but as I said I have your opinions in high regards so I would like if you can explain your thinking about Cobra
Many thanks and best regards
Dear Jorge,
thank you for your appreciation. Now to your question about Cobra. Just think for a moment: “Would you call your spiritual source “Cobra” – the most treacherous and poisonous snake in the world? There is always a pattern, a dark symbolic which these entities use when they want to influence you in a negative manner. When the US secret services tried to hijack our website in October 2011, they used the code name “Satina” – the female of Satan.
When I read for instance the latest info from Cobra, my first thought was that it describes the cleansing event on Jan 22-23 I published on Jan 23, two day earlier than it happened. Second, my impression was that this cleansing did not happen directly on the earth’s surface as Cobra says, but at the 4th and higher levels.This of course does not exclude that this layer, Cobra is talking about, was not also involved in the cleansing procedure. But in fact there is no such layer – this is an invention of this disinformation source, which regards the whole process of ascension very mechanically and has no idea of LBP and how true ascension operates.
If it was a true and honest source, why did not he mention even once the mission of the PAT which is the actually driving force behind all ascension as many other sources from the HR have done in one or another way in the past and have been quoted by myself? Then who does the most intensive cleansing of the dark energies on the earth? – Again the PAT, and not a word from Cobra about this effort. And so on….
As I said, Cobra uses half-true information as to put forward his dark agenda. Think for a moment, why should this source talk about an event and put it two days earlier than it actual happened, unless to confuse the LW and divert them from the job still to be done and take influence over them. There is no doubt that they (the dark ones) have information when the next impulse from the source is coming. They only need to read our website and they do it very carefully as the three-month-attack by their Internet trolls on a daily basis (15 emails per day) last year proved. The rest is guessing.
I firmly think that this source is very nefarious and a dark one, precisely because it operates on the borderline between half truth and blatant lies, and disinformation. Besides all dark sources use a black background for their websites. This is another reason why I do not resonate with this source.
There are of course many more objections. e.g the fact that previous announcements of Cobra did not come true and the source did not bother to explain why, as we regularly do on our website as to find out the truth, etc….
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your latest energy report, your honesty and sarcastic humour was so refreshing to me. I found it so complete and detailed that there’s nothing I could add to it, I can confirm that aggression and anger are the major low-vibration emotions to process at present.
If I’m correct, the strategy of the HR with respect to the broad LW community did not change much. The LW are still kept in a pinky haze through channelled material in order to keep their vibration optimal, while the PAT is expected to keep cleansing the surpressed emotional dross, still lurking within the collective subconscious, that nobody has the guts to confront. Nobody, but the PAT.
Therefore, our inner feelings are are best guides, as long as we feel the presence of dross, I don’t think anyone is allowed to transform physically.
Dear Zoltán,
I am not sure how much dross the other LW transmute and how much it is their personal dross, but it is definitely that no other entities outside the PAT have the faintest idea what huge cleansing work we are doing on behalf of humanity and that without us nothing would ever happen on this toxic planet. That is why there is no common language between us and these people as they do not even want to be made aware of our sacrifice, just as the normal human population do not want to know anything about our work. It is the least rewarded job in the whole universe and I can only hope that in the higher realms our sacrifice and tremendous work is appropriately appreciated.
With love and light
Dearest Georgi,
All I know is that I feel the same as you do about this energies, they are strong and it has taken its toll on my body. As of last week everything that is a weak point on my body has been causing me pain, and now I feel so exhausted that I feel like I have the flu. I have zero desire to be social and to be around humanity. I also agree with Jerry, Carolyn and you Georgi that we have been suffering with these energies and missions we have been doing for the slumbering LW/Star Seed and humanity and it has turn our lives upside down. Georgi, I go to bed very early and I am always tired. Last week I also felt that itchy burning skin like you mention as well !
I also read the Manuscript of Survival 258 this morning as I was feeling like I hardly had any energy to do anything and as I was reading it I was wondering what you would say about it, and low and behold you posted something about it! I was thinking as I was reading the manuscript really because I feel like I got run over by a big trunk and I feel like shit. So hopefully I will start feeling a bit better soon and start living my life again.
Georgi, what I don’t understand is, how can a few PAT (what a few thousand) do this cleansing activities alone? How can the HR expect us to do this while putting our health at risk and why do they pamper the light workers and star seed community? I understand those LW/Star Seed who are still in a slumber, but those who are awake should take some of the load, just thinking out loud here!
Well anyways “Thank You ” Georgi for all you do for us and for keeping the web site going. I know it helps me tremendously. I am your number one fan! I know you do your best to keep us inform and keeping us marching on, until this job is done …
In love and light
Dear Rose,
thank you for your energy update about the energies this week that confirm our common experiences.
This is a very good question: “Why the HR do not involve much more intensively those LW who have awaken sufficiently in the cleansing activities we the PAT are doing now as to relieve us a little bit? I must admit that I have no satisfactory answer to this question and this will be one of my first questions to my soul when I ascend and have an overview over the whole messy situation on the earth.
With love and light
Dear George,
I notice these last days very strange time distortions. Electrical devices are already half-empty an hour after charging them. Sleeping for an hour feels like ten hours, sometimes the reverse. Friends keep talking about something they have to do next week, but I am sure this is several weeks ago now. Yet they keep saying the same thing, like this week still has not come yet. In dreams I travel years and years into the past, it has something to do with keeping/changing time. For example tonight I was in a house, it kind of looked like an antique shop with all kinds of artifacts. There was enormous dark presence but I cleared it up. Then I went ahead in time again to another house with similar properties, perhaps the same house, at least in energetic quality.
This reminded me very much of a house where I lived for years during my youth, which also had this very dark/creepy energy to it. It seems like I was already heavily clearing the dark dross before the age of 10, living in this uncomfortable house. Later in the dream I was walking around and met some sort of construction workers, who were working on the local river. I asked them how much more time and they said about 4 months, but it was very meaningless because not only was this in the “past”, it just felt like somebody said 10 years, and then you go to bed and wake up the next morning and we are 10 years further.
It seems like linear time is rapidly dissolving and I am getting the idea this is important for the revelations. If the time is more malleable, and the past more easily accessible then people can more easily understand these revelations and believe them. Instead of being clouded in uncertainty, the masses can simply “feel” the past. This would be a subconscious activity (done by the soul) but I see it having a big effect on the ability of the masses to accept the new information.
Some light-heartedness about time:
The dark are now getting even more obvious with their darkness. In the news appeared a statement by a member of the government claiming “we are not adequately prepared for huge floods”. There was a huge flood somewhere half way in the previous century in here in Holland, which many people are still aware of and have memories of. Then, just two hours later there was another news article released, with insurance companies saying the prices of insurance must go up, because of a big risk of huge floods. They know their time is coming to an end quickly.
It seems like the tsunami cleaning wave is still not done, but we are past the most intense point. I sense we will soon get a lot of new information.
Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,
linear time is now wrapped up and will soon disappear as a camouflage variable and humans must get used to it. I personally must admit that I do not have so much sensations out of time, but I do not care about time either, as I only function according to my inner clock.
The dark cabal can no longer hide what is coming, as their existential fears loom high and they have to speak about them. But this time their fears are no longer all-inclusive and many people do not resonate with their fears any more. The dark cabal are now like the famous king in the fairy tale, who all of sudden is seen to be naked by the crowd when one child first notices this. In other words, you need only one child with open eyes to open the eyes of the whole public and then they will see that the dark cabal on power is indeed naked and has nothing to offer to the people.
This will be their greatest disaster, because if you can no longer impress anybody, and nobody wants to follow your weird ideas, then you are left alone amidst the pond of your twisted pathological imagination and then you have to cope alone with your own reality. This is real hell if you are a dark entity. This is the greatest punishment for the cabal and it is coming very rapidly now. This is a revenge of cosmic proportions as part of the beginning of their karma, which they will have to work out on the catastrophic planet B for the next 26.000 years. Difficult to imagine. I can barely imagine how I will survive the next week on this planet A/B, which will be a paradise compared to earth B.
Thank you for George Carlin’s video on time. He is so young on this show, it took me some time to get accustomed to him, but he was very good even at that early stage.
With love and light