by Georgi Stankov, December 7, 2012
I have said on numerous occasions in the past that I have mixed feelings about the popular source SaLuSa and the channeler Mike Quincy. What could you expect from a person who puts the photo of Obama above his own: http://gfbymikequinsey.
But in All-That-Is names do not matter, only the content. With the significant changes in the energetic atmosphere on the earth due to the incoming Christed energies from the Source through the unity field of the PAT, there is a streamlining of knowledge and information that will receive their major boost and leap at the stargage 12.12.12.
For this reason I have decided to publish below the latest message of SaLuSa, which documents the remarkable shift of this source away from its previous crap, while confirming at the same time the ascension scenario we have been discussing throughout the last year.
Let us not forget that the leitmotif of this channel, allegedly coming from the GF, whom we know was responsible for all delays, has been for years the disclosure and landing of the GF mother ships on this planet. Since the beginning of 2011 I have publicly sustained, e.g. in my dispute with Steve Beckow, that this will not happen and that disclosure can only be the appearance of the first Ascended Human Masters from the PAT, beginning with myself.
All these announcements have been now dropped by this source all of a sudden in a state of total retrograde amnesia. But do not expect from an excarnated source to render a reflective analysis on the wrong information it has delivered in the past. This kind of sincerity is not usual among such sources.
At best, such sources disappear after they have distributed their disinformation or in most cases they change in a silent, clandestine manner their past line of disinformation just as politicians usually do under the motto: “Why bother about my crap from yesterday” (in German “Was kümmert mich mein Geschwätz vom gestern“) as long as humanity has such a short memory and accepts every lie.
The novelty of this latest message from SaLuSa is that it confirms the following facts that are known to us for a long time and have been widely discussed on this website – and only here and not on any other website on the worldwide Internet – make no mistake about this:
1) There have been numerous delays due to the incompetence or reluctance of the GF to fully engage in the ascension process:
“Hitherto, there had been a degree of frustration and even impatience, at the delays being experienced.”
This is the first acknowledgement of this source from the GF of this stark fact, for which the GF should be blamed and as a result of which we, the PAT, became the most prominent victims on the ground, as I have discussed in my introduction to Joe’s message yesterday.
2) This message essentially reiterates our ascension scenario after the ID split to the higher 4th dimension when the dark ones will be left behind on the catastrophic earth B. The new earth A/B, respectively A, depending on the level of ascension, will emerge from the ID split which is only discussed on this website and nowhere else! The ID split and the shift of Gaia to higher dimension can only occur if the PAT Supernova is detonated which will most probably happen at the stargate 12.12 12 as I have repeatedly announced in the last days and SaLuSa now confirms.
3) After Ascension all religions will be immediately dissolved:
“One immediate change after Ascension will be the dissolution of religions that have been based upon falsehoods”.
This decision was taken in October when I vetoed the participation of the PAT as ascended masters in new religious dramas. Let us not forget that we now create our new earth and reality, so that what we decide at the conscious level at this point in time will happen after ascension because these decisions are already realized in the template of the new earth A in the dream state. As we are the main protagonists and the new Earth Keepers, our decisions are the most important and relevant ones and they must be accepted by the rest of the ascending humanity to their best as we are also their Saviors now. Without the PAT there will be no ascension of humanity and Gaia
4) Instead of playing out religious dramas, the new Ascended human masters will appear on the new earth and will teach the masses how to communicate directly with their higher selves. This has been a leitmotif of this website since its opening in August 2011:
“You cannot move into the higher dimensions without turning to the truth, and that will cause anything else to be released. Most will find God within, but if some still want to pray and study together it will be allowed in accordance with every souls freewill. With the coming of the Masters much that needs revising or removing will take place, and help bring people more together. That will be a feature in the times to come, where those of a similar vibration will find each other and work together.”
Please understand – I am not complaining that SaLuSa and Mike Quincy are plagiarising our ideas all of a sudden, which may be the case at first glance, but it is a very consoling fact to see how all these channels line up behind our scenario, visions, and whenever necessary, vetoes against obsolete ideas coming from the GF, their ground crews and other groups of souls regarding the future organisation of the new earth.
5) The stargate 12.12.12 will magnify in the first place the intelligence and awareness of the ascending human entities and will open them for the necessary revelations. This is already happening with the PAT since the end of November when the most powerful Christed energies coming from source flowed incessantly for more than a week in my personal energy field as the nexus between Gaia and the Source and were further transmitted to the unity field of the PAT and the rest of humanity. Since then myself and many PAT members complain about sour throat, which is the classical symptom of the activation of the 5th chakra of intelligence (as discussed in my article on LBP symptoms) in anticipation of the broader positive changes of intelligence in the masses. It has always been like this – the PAT are the only real wayshowers of humanity and the others simply follow our foot steps with such a delay that they forget, in case they have heard it, that it was the PAT that paved the way for their soul evolution and invent the wheel again and again:
“Clearly as you become a fully conscious Being (after ascension), you will be able to take on more complex challenges… When you have the Christ Consciousness and are all-knowing you will be able to deal with any problem presented to you. At the same time you will be all-powerful and have enormous creative powers. You have been told many times you are Gods in the making, so such developments should come as no surprise to you.”
Sound like repetition of what we have been reiterating for the whole last year. This is how one should analyse similar esoteric and channeling sources and try to avoid being trapped in obsolete ideas as I observe with many light workers in these last days of deliberate silence before the storm, which is testing our faith, patience and the strength of our logical minds.
SaLuSa 07-December-2012
We feel a calmness beginning to encircle the Earth, as those who are preparing for 12.12. are already relaxing and bringing a level of peace into their lives. Hitherto, there had been a degree of frustration and even impatience, at the delays being experienced. These have given way to the acceptance that your immediate Ascension is the most important event in your lives. What follows will be able to take place in a more settled atmosphere, and proceed unhindered or delayed by outside interference. These will be ideal conditions, and allow us to ensure that you are fully aware of what is planned. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they will be sensational times, when progress will go speeding ahead. Just to be released from the grip of the dark Ones, will create an immediate change of attitude between people.
After Ascension fear will no longer be a factor in your lives, and open acceptance of each other will become your normal approach. For too long you have kept your energies close to yourself, in an uncertain world when you were never sure of who you could trust. Those who carry the higher energy will have no problem in identifying each other, as you will literally “feel” another persons energy and know if they are of Love and Light. Indeed this was the experience of most people attending the recent Conferences in Sedona. They did not have to question their feelings, they just knew immediately. A taste of what is to come allowed people to express themselves quite openly, and share the great Love that was generated between them. With that comes all of the other qualities of Love, and principally a wonderful caring and compassion for each other.
Some will still ask if they are ready for Ascension, as a slight fear of the consequences of not being ready still exists. Be assured that if your interest in life has centered around it, and it has been your intent to do so then you will certainly ascend, You are not expected to be a Saint but simply one who feels the Oneness of All That Is, and tries their best to live in harmony with all life. You must have goals in life and not allow your ambitions to stagnate. After Ascension your life will cease to be so hectic as now, but you are still evolving and your journey is far from over. Do not worry for the time being as to what you might do, Wait until you have settled into the new life style, and become familiar with it in the higher dimensions. Many will eventually associate it with Utopia, and feel that it is the ultimate in satisfaction and enjoyment. However, there are many more levels to move into as you will find out. Some of you will be taken to visit them, for the sheer experience of what it is like.
The portals are opening to the higher realms as planned eons of time ago. Whilst other civilizations in your Universe can handle their own Ascension, you have to receive help to be successful. It revolves around the magnificence of what is to take place, inasmuch that you who are ready will ascend together. You cannot be part of it without knowing what the experience is like, and it will remain with you for a very long time. Can you see that in spite of all the traumas and troubles you have passed through, God has provided the ultimate reward as promised. Subconsciously you knew all along what the outcome would be, and it has given you strength when your doubts crept in.
One immediate change after Ascension will be the dissolution of religions that have been based upon falsehoods. You cannot move into the higher dimensions without turning to the truth, and that will cause anything else to be released. Most will find God within, but if some still want to pray and study together it will be allowed in accordance with every souls freewill. With the coming of the Masters much that needs revising or removing will take place, and help bring people more together. That will be a feature in the times to come, where those of a similar vibration will find each other and work together. Not many souls know as yet exactly what their destiny is, but that will be sorted out quite quickly. Like any level you rise up to there will always be more advanced souls that are available to advise you, and show you your best path.
Clearly as you become a fully conscious Being you will be able to take on more complex challenges. You will find that there are many younger civilizations in your Universe, that would gladly accept you for your great and extensive experience. As we have mentioned previously, service to others is the name of the game. When you have the Christ Consciousness and are all-knowing you will be able to deal with any problem presented to you. At the same time you will be all-powerful and have enormous creative powers. You have been told many times you are Gods in the making, so such developments should come as no surprise to you. At present the thought may sound overpowering, but remember that you will have the appropriate level of consciousness to go with it.
Do not waver from your path as you are not quite home yet, and be disciplined where your final days are concerned. There is no need to run off for that “last” experience before Ascension, as not that much will immediately change. It is more a matter of how you all feel as individuals and the changes within, and you will certainly know that. In fact it would be surprising if you did not note a different feeling where your physical body was concerned, as it will have changed to one suited for the higher vibrations. No longer will you carry the affects of pollution or any other type of toxins, and you will feel renewed and energetic. For the removal of other problems that you have brought with you there will be the City of Light, and other forms of advanced healing within most localities.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and getting as excited as you are with the coming changes. We know that you will be left in a state of amazement and wonder, that you should have actually experienced Ascension. However, for the time being ready yourself for 12.12, and relax and fully enjoy it.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.