December 8, 2012
My dear Georgi,
Today was as you warned, a day full of extreme levels of incoming energy beyond anything I have ever experienced.
I have spent all day with grey vision, the vision I get when my blood pressure rises. The Manuscript of Survival 234 mentions “blurriness in the days ahead” so I guess I am right on target with this expression. While the headaches are minor today, the exhaustion is overwhelming. Reading about Obama’s Drone Policy and the shocking reaching implications, coupled with the article on the possibility of a technological singularity and the glaring arrogance of 9/11 left me so sick, as I was imagining what plans they have gleefully worked on all this past year in their full and utter desperation for global control.
The Elohim insist that we must now focus on OUR path, OUR life and OUR dreams. They reminded me of the beautiful creations you had us put forth in the Spring of this year as to our visions of the 5th dimension, and above. Incidentally, they state that we and the members of the PAT will go to the 10th dimension (at least), confirming your recent comment that I only read today.
Something really beautiful happened to my computer today. After the Elohim had told me to focus on Divine flow and Creation, Debra’s letter appeared before my eyes. I had not seen it before, as I had no Internet for the month of November and missed all of the articles. It was truly a sight for sore eyes and a heavy heart. I cannot thank you enough for continuing to provide this venue in spite of these horrendous energy levels and physical pains you surely endure each and every day. I have drawn great strength today from Debra’s beautiful visions and I thank you dearly for this.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
thank you for your eloquent energy report and the information from the Elohims to concentrate on our visions of the new multi-dimensional reality that is awaiting us very soon. In fact this is precisely what I do these last days, between the pains so to say, as there is nothing left for us to do, apart form being superconductive conduits and huge antennae for all the christed energies from the Source that now engulf humanity and Gaia in the last days before ascension.
The synchronicity of the waves that hit all members of the PAT as confirmed by their reports is the best evidence that the unity field of our group is now working in a perfect way and that we are in the final preparations for ascension. I still firmly believe that the PAT will ascend as a group at 12.12.12 and will detonate the Supernova that will trigger all further events.
I have just received from Ben a powerful vision of the day of ascension by somebody with the name ofDaniel and will publish it today as it is very expressive and precise/truthful in its verbal presentation according to my feeling.
I will send your email also to Debra
With love and light
December 8, 2012
Hi Georgi,
How are you? I am one of those PAT members who is still holding down a job. It is so hard to carry out tasks that I started using some alcohol to lower my vibes enough to interact with certain people and establishments. Since two days ago, I am not drinking any alcohol and I can confirm that I am now feeling the energies on such an intense level. My heart beats fast and it feels like anxiety and like urgency. I feel like I may jump out of my skin. I can’t believe there are some people who do not seem phased by this. It makes me just want to be with myself. Also most of my back hurts and feels achey. This morning it was really intense! I ran some errands with a friend and could barely talk to him about anything mundane because I was feeling nauseous and like my insides were popping popcorn or something. I knew it had to be another increase in energy. It is so odd facing these energies without any alcohol for me…and I wonder if I stunted my evolution when I was drinking.
But something tells me that it’s nearly impossible for me to do that at this stage, as my consciousness is not going to be dumbed down again no matter what. Maybe I was just stalling a bit, or still trying to help the 3D world and I had to drink to do it. Whatever it was, I feel I am done with it and ready to absorb everything without a buffer. I don’t even feel like eating anymore. I feel best when I don’t eat at all actually. Some would say that’s not healthy. But all food has chemicals in it and makes me feel tired and bloated. I only feel sharp and light when I don’t eat or when I nibble just a bit. Should I just not eat? I’m not sure what to do about that but not too worried about it either. I am also taking SO many showers as if I need to constantly be cleansing myself. I feel I need to keep my energy field pure…
Also, someone I was very close with seems to not be mixing with my energy right now. It seems we are releasing each other and it has been an emotional roller coaster. Now that I am not drinking, I do not feel as comfortable around him and my body buzzes and feels like it’s twitching around him…which is very sad to me because it makes me feel even more like a freak! lol. Any comments Georgi? I’m so glad I have this website.
Love, Kari
Dear Kari,
It is OK to drink small quantities of alcohol in case your body does not reject it as is with my body in the last years. But I remember 3-5 years ago when I had a huge wave that I was advised by my HS to take some alcohol and this helped mitigate the negative reactions of the body. I drunk small quantities of grappa or slivovitz diluted with water and it helped a lot.
Eating should be reduced to the basic needs of the body and the less, the better these days, but again one should follow the voice of the body and fulfil its demands for what it craves.
Otherwise the energies are so tense now that they are also changing the whole perception and make us dizzy from time to time. One must try somehow to survive these last days till 12.12.12. I hope that we will ascend at this portal and then help prepare mass ascension from the higher realms.
With love and light
December 8, 2012
Dear Georgi.
I have just read your latest energy update, Dec. 7h, and I absolutely confirm you that it has been one of the most insane waves, throat pain, head pain, crown chakra as if I was going to be ejected from my body through it. And the sensation as if the physical world were not “solid” at all but fluctuating. I don’t know if you have read Perelandra (Venus) by C.S. Lewis, he describes a planet which surface is not solid but soft and walking on it is as walking across a small ship thrown into the sea currents or walking across pillows. Well, now it is being some kind of living in a fluctuating world, not at all solid and “real” and this is the “physical” experience!.
I felt very happy when reading Stan’s e-mail some days ago. As I live in Northern Spain and haven’t heard before about any other PATer in Spain my heart jumped in joy because such physical closeness. I can understand his doubts but he obviously is a crystalline child and in close connection with Source. I don’t want to add to your work but if there is any possibility you can give him this message I’d like it.
Thank you Georgi for the exquisite commitment to the role you are taking in this grand orchestra. Be sure that although I rarely email you (material restrictions, you know) I’m in close connection.
My love and admiration is with you and with each PATer, every moment.
December 8, 2012
Dear George,
today as I was riding my bike I have seen this huge coyote crossing over the bike path, I stopped my bike to view it, and we held a gaze into each others eyes for about 30 seconds, it was as if the animal new me. I can tell you it is the 2nd time in as many weeks that I have had this symbolism occur in my presence in nature the prior was while under a bridge over some rail road tracks and the animal was crossing.
This has happened to me after reading “dancing the dream” by Jamie Sam’s “the 7 sacred paths of initiation”, I think I may have been some kind of native Indian in another life, I have had a strange dream of my ascension several months back, but this symbolism out in nature for me has compelled me to google some spiritual significance and here is what I found
Dear David,
this is a very interesting and symbolic encounter and you should try to interpret it yourself at best.
December 8, 2012
Dearest Georgi,
Lara from Umbria just related me a message from the Elohims that were working on my subtle bodies last night! I must assume that goes on for you also.
Marco, Italy
Dear Marco,
this is going on like this for years with my body and field, but the last three weeks were exceptionally tense and a solitary peak.
December 8, 2012
Dear George,
Given that the United States of America Corp. has been the dark leader of the world in the recent decades, here’s as bit of good news of a turn around:
I have had the most awful days (Dec 3-6, when it let up towards the evening). I haven’t been in the Internet, I reduced to self pity, fear of tomorrow, doubter of what i KNOW is the TRUTH – and feeling ALONE (the worst of psychic attack symptoms), and watching TV, turning into a zombie, etc
It is what it is, finally, I couldn’t take it, and mustered up to reach out for help, namely Michael, and event that lead to it, were my saving grace..(I love AA Michael, he is such a “bad-ass” (a COMPLIMENTARY street slang for someone who doesn’t play ie. is serious business. But this time, just to get to that point, of asking for help was a monumental task. However, Michael worked His miracles with quickness).
Today is another day, the Sun is brightly shining, but the never ending roller coaster never seems to end.
I am in a better place spiritually today, but even counting 5 days, now seems like eternity, but my ONLY true focus.
I do not intend to bring YOUR energies down, on the contrary, whenever I think of you and the PAT, you seem like the only golden/platinum/star filled filament pouring from the skies (that’s the image how I first ever started meditating, with angels pouring them down on and into me, in 2007), and uplifting source, hence positively energizing me, making me send positive thoughts and prayers to you.
Just wanted to explain a bit of my ever continuing latest battles..I do not have any major physical symptom, except lethargy, which would have subsided by now, without the latest psychic attack.
MOST importantly, I rather wanted to send you a link about something positive and a clear sign of SOME SORT of change.
Blessings, love, light and thank you!
Dear Katrina,
it is difficult for me to evaluate this vote and its impact which will be most probably a non-entity, but I agree with you that these last days are a solitary peak in pains and emotional discomfort. Let us hope that the end will come at 12.12.12.
December 8, 2012
Hi George!
Thanks for the short energy update for today the 7th. It has been helpful in understanding the energies I am experiencing. I just read about the Japan earthquake earlier, things are beginning to rock and roll. A woman from NY who I consider a very wise intuitive has been on holiday in CA and confirms the feelings I am getting. I woke up feeling very disoriented and am increasingly feeling like I am either drunk or on a ship at sea! She says that this latest earthquake could sink an island off of the coast of Japan, which would crack the Pacific Plate, the North American Plate etc.. By being on the West coast she was consistently getting strong feelings about this plate activity, no matter where she went, sure feels that way to me. .. . I’ll keep you posted.
Love and Light,
Dear Fiona,
I watched today a video on the Japan earthquake, but somehow I have no feeling about this event this time. I had a strong feeling about the New Madrid fault line several times in the last two years when nothing happened and I have given up pondering on natural catastrophes anymore as it is not an yielding undertaking at all. My only thought now is that we will ascend at 12.12.12 as this life is becoming impossible to live in a human vessel.
With love and light
December 7, 2012
You are right. This is a powerful wave December 7th. While we are not affected in the same way it is still debilitating. Gastro-intestinal distress, nausea, vertigo, severe fatigue. My usual. Why are our symptoms different? Does it affect the weak parts of the body? Anyway, I am so relieved when each day is over and have survived. I am not sure if we can make it to 12-12 with these non-stop waves, especially if they become worse. It is still five more days. That seems too long. Hoping we all will get some relief.
Dear Jerry,
The symptoms are similar. In November I had all the symptoms you have listed. This first week in December I had predominantly the broncho-pneumonitis with back pains due to the neuritis and the other symptoms were more in the background. I hope also that we will survive somehow the next five days and see what will happen at 12.12. I have no expectations now, but the build up is immense and all sources suggest that the ID split will come. Let us hope for the best this time.
With love and light
December 7, 2012
Hi Georgi,
looks like the Orions are done for. They can try to keep fighting till the last minute, but in the end they’re completely hopeless. hopeless as in shitty, despair, frustration, no dice, off the charts, beyond saving, etc. hope the Orions read my letters carefully in case they don’t understand – in 5 days, their life is going to be more shittier as shit before, not that they are going to care or not since they are going to die overtime.
At least we made it till the very end and that is something that we should be proud of for making this far, even though it was tedious work of cleaning dross and a lot of tiredness. let’s make the best of what we got.
Have a nice life everybody, including Orion
Henry, PAT
Dear Henry,
this is obviously the case and their gallows humour will disappear all of a sudden after 12.12. But they know this and they are now shitting in their pants. You cannot kick against Godhead and hope to save your soul.
December 7, 2012
Dear George,
Thank you for your confirming energy update today regarding the relentless energies. Yes, it is true. This energy travels through my bodily systems. The back / shoulders/ knees all went painfully out, sore throat, gut feels very upset and vulnerable, my head hurt yesterday. In order to ride these tumultuous waves I can eat only the smallest bits of daily food as medicines.
Here we go,
Dear Marilyn,
I suspected that all the PAT will be hardly hit one more time and that it will stay so till 12.12.12. Unfortunately!
December 7, 2012
Hi George, was reading an interesting article I wanted to share with you.
Very impressive indeed. I saw the same light column from the setting sun yesterday as in the first photo, even more pronounced than this one, but did not have a camera to film it.
December 7, 2012
I have just read your post after sending my last message, incredible! The reason we have been so strung out since May 20th. is because on that time marker the old operating system of the 3d holographic matrix was turned off for good. We have since been experiencing reality from the crystallization of thoughts into form (physical ) carbon based, but with no longer a foundation while rewiring reformatting (YOU) for the new operating system online Now! That’s why the feeling of tiredness and symptoms of being in 2 places at once because we Were! We have upgraded from the old ms-dos to the newest version of Universal Divine BluePrint Architecture! And YOU connected all the wires!
Marco, Colorado Rockies
Dear Marco,
this must have been our mission as conduits between the energy of the source and the grids of Gaia, all the incarnated entities, and so on. Each time we switched off an old system we had to replace it until a new substitute was created. We are not only ascending ourselves, but also all dumbed down human bodies that are also planned to ascend – two billion bodies each 70 kg in the mean makes 140 million tons for a few members of the PAT to heave to the 5th dimension. That is why I was recently talking of the PAT members as the newcosmic ironmen.
Hi Georgi
I figured it out, I am starting to remember, we are returning home soon! Also all timelines are converging into only one possible outcome: planet A and the operating system of Gaia is coming online Thanks to YOU, 5 days earlier of the next time marker 12.12.12. The galactic confederates can start sending the delegations now. We did it!!
Dear Marco,
let us hope that this time it will be definitely the end of our sojourn in a physical body on this toxic planet. I have lived through so many postponements that I have lost the ability to rejoice, and yet we are indeed only 5 days away from our finish – most probably. Difficult to believe.
With love and light
December 7, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I can concur – the energies are strong today, headache and general body acheness and overall depression. Although it doesn’t help that my husband is a complete negative jerk most of the time either. I’m sorry that you have to take the brunt of all this…. sent a big cosmic hug your way.
Love and Light,
December 7, 2012
Dear George,
I will keep this short with just the essentials. Last night I had another lightbody-vibration dream. A friend from this life introduced me to someone else that I didn’t know, but who in the dream I remembered from a premonition. I said, “Wanna see something cool?” Then I effortlessly moved my body across a certain vibratory threshold and became ‘different’, as you know. I humorously demonstrated levitation and some backflips- with the exuberance and fascination of a child, though definitely still acclimating. (Every LB experience/dream I have had has built upon what has gone before.) They were giddy with amazement and joy. I said, “This is going to happen to everybody! Well, not everybody, but a lot – a LoT- of people!” Then I flew into the sky, intuitively reoriented myself to my dreaming physical body, returned, and woke up to jot it all down.
Previously, I had had the open question in my mind: whether an actual complete physical ascension (the PAT first wave) was a necessary energetic prerequisite for mass ascension. (It seems so much has been accomplished with the 3d bodies still here.) Well? My ‘dream’ seems to have spoken clearly to a time when I have ascended and others are soon to ascend as well.
I love the recent articles, especially Physics of Ascension. The video with that Australian freak politician was so strange.
George, could it be??… The 12.12 completes it and enables us to finally- finally- completely physically ascend once and for all? After all this time of wanting, wishing, preparing, going through the arduous cleansing for the masses, and having to force myself to ‘forget’ things because the pains on all levels were just impossibly inhuman and intolerable…. Is it really so? (YESSSSS!)
At the restaurant where I work, (I don’t know how I pull off posing as a waiter; sometimes I try so hard not to laugh right in front of people at how retarded it is), we are supposed to be promoting the new year’s eve gala. Yesterday, apparently too loudly, I said to no one, “2013? Yeah right!” And laughed and walked away. Then someone called after me, “You don’t think we’ll ever get there?!” (Yes, precisely.) In the past I have learned to ‘act’ in so many situations in life, because that was unfortunately simply the optimum energetic route- although if I wasn’t grounded or if I was self-doubting, it became a schizophrenic hell of sorts. But that’s all over and done. Now I’m thoroughly amused with everyone’s complete bullshit. It’s like they are making a long account of stupid shit to say and do just to amuse me, while I am THE BEST incognito Ascended Master. I am the best sleeper agent ever, hahaha. And boy oh boy will I and we be activated soon. I could practically hold my breath!
Light to you George! Still recovering? Heal fast! Still feeling a personal go-for-launch with the opening of the 12.12 window?
Dear Travis,
thank you for your energy update. I am pretty sure that we will ascend around 12.12.12, but at the end only the source knows. Today is another powerful descent of Christed energies with the obligatory cc-wave and a headache for me. This was the first day when my bronchitis receded somewhat. Heaven is pouring one energy wave after the other in a seamless way over us without caring about our health. Let us hope that this all is coming to a good end at 12.12.