PAT Comments on the Latest Post – December 18, 2012

December 17, 2012

Why Only the “Second Coming of the Ascended PAT Masters” can Trigger True Revelations and Awakening

Dear George,

Same theme on USA from yesterday, maybe interesting.

“In the first half, George Knapp was joined by film director, Oliver Stone and Professor of History, Peter Kuznick, for a discussion on how the notion of American exceptionalism still warps Americans’ understanding of their nation’s history and role in the world. Stone was critical of the country “only seeing history through American eyes” and, as a result, “it’s unable to have a global empathy.” Beyond merely this skewed perspective on the past, Kuznick noted that research shows “only 12% of high school seniors are proficient in U.S. history.” Over the course of his appearance in the first hour, Stone shared his thoughts on a number of historic topics which have served as subjects for his critically acclaimed films, such as the 1980’s economy, the JFK assassination, and Vietnam.

The idea that the United States had to drop the atomic bomb on Japan in order to avoid an invasion was one belief which Kuznick called “one of the great myths” of American history. He explained that Japan knew by July of 1944 that they could not win the war and their strategy became “how to get the best surrender terms” via working with the Russians diplomatically and inflicting American casualties in the event of a ground war. However, Kuznick said, this plan dissolved when the United States convinced the Soviets to invade Japan following the end of the European conflict. As such, Kuznick declared, “the thing that finally ends the war was not the atomic bombings, which most Americans believe, it’s the Russian invasion.” Since Japan had been trying to surrender, he said, the Soviets actually saw the atomic bombing as unnecessary and more of an indirect attack of the Russians.”


PS. I do not know how a child feels coming through the much talked about “canal” and if it is painful, but my splitting skull is giving me a pretty good idea
Dear Piotr

Thank you – this conventional approach is however too toothless as it does not consider that there is a malicious plot of the US dark Orion cabal to enslave humanity and to commit genocide on it. For these people humans are cattle to be massacred. The arguments of these people are too politically correct to meet the truth as they are also part of the elite.

Dear George,

Yes, obviously. Sadly even this radio could not have so many listeners if they were more honest. We all irritatingly know how fear works. The famous “I love America and its people BUT…” Heh. It is a curse of those who want to reach massive numbers of people with different awareness levels to constantly strive for the middle ground to remain what they are. The hosts also have a limited awareness, so that they can suffer this role apparently. It is fun to observe sometimes how the awareness of the different hosts and guests interacts depending on the quality of the message. Still, nice timing and somewhat amusing to listen, if nothing else.

Dear Piotr,

this is precisely the problem with the current mental and intellectual level of humanity and why it is impossible to awaken the masses under the current conditions. They only see glimpses, tiny parts of the reality and are unable to establish a holistic view of the whole picture on the earth which is indeed very convoluted and full of treacherous crimes and secrets.

But one can navigate very easily in this toxic see if one resorts to some basic principles of human awareness as have been developed in the new theory of the Universal Law – precisely the axiomatic thinking, upon which this theory is based. It is also applicable to everyday life and politics, notwithstanding the total atomisation of these areas of human existence.

But this would presuppose a fundamental re-education of the masses, a total substitution of the old mind programs and this can actually only happen successfully at the 5th dimension. Therefore we should give up the idea of a full awakening of the masses under these dire circumstancesWe can only start this awakening now with a few revelations, which I have begun to publish since the end of November. But we should not expect any great success at this time. But the more so after ascension when this theory will become the epistemological foundation of the new collective human awareness.

With love and light
Dear George,

We are operating on a thin thread of status quo, on which this reality hangs and surprisingly is able to still function. Anything that would be considered a major disclosure would be a globally recognised event and as such it would affect all. Till we are in this prison together, all cannot be affected in such a way because the fear of some would unavoidably spike and cause an undesired effect. Dualism till the very end.

This conundrum boggles my mind every time I think about it. One could ask If such an undertaking of revealing truth equally to everybody would Ever be possible and viable to consider in a dualistic world. One would have to operate with a strong message/ideology to be able to awaken and yet sufficiently flexible to be harmlessly enough interpreted by all to circumvent the fear.

But it suddenly starts to sound dangerously like well,.. religion or eastern philosophical constructs which you deem so confusing and enigmatic as opposed to the “Western”, but clearly stated Universal Law. We all know how religions and half-assed spirituality worked out. And Universal Law and to close the mad inexplicable circle is too pure to distribute universally.

So once again – is “disclosure” even technically possible EVER? Even assuming all would receive the message? Also one would not suppose that an eventuality, where all on the planet are viable to receive pure truth is possible when not all from the start even want to ascend at this time.

Dear Piotr,

That is why we must first ascend and show up in front of humanity. This event, being anticipated by the Church as the Second Coming of Christ, will throw humanity in a state of a total shock for a while. When the people will emerge from it, their mind systems will be completely exchanged and then they will begin with the revelations. This must happen this week!


The United States of Barbaria

December 17, 2012

Dear George,

please watch these links:

Nibiru made visible, you can do it, too

USA sprayed its citizens with radioactive material (Chemtrails link?)

Dear Dorina,

Excellent Information. The past crimes on humanity are haunting the United States of Barbaria.

December 17, 2012

Dear George,

You are awesome putting all the right titles to all the right places and I love all the newest readings. I was going to write to you about so many of these things that you are getting on the site, just Fabulous work!!

I love the new name of the USA, fits better than my favorite pair of  Orion fitting jeans. Also thanks much for the reply the other day about going away for a while, just got a chance to go see more dumbed down people in this fucked usa.

Love and Light Always
December 17, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Not only does the US have a staggering amount of human killings every year, the Humane Society claims “The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence”:

Dear Vicki,

this is indeed a real hell. We must see that we leave this planet or heave it to the 5th dimension as soon as possible.

December 17, 2012

Dear George

Just a quick update as I know how busy you are! Nothing to report on 12.12.12 apart from extreme fatigue (nothing new then – ha ha).

What I have noticed is that the gulf widens between me and, well, nearly everyone including family members and also that I am able to read situations/people very accurately and also that I feel the need to detach, which is not how I used to be at all. I know it is the right thing to do, but it does not feel very loving a generous at the same time.

Bring on the shift!!!! I am SO very bored with all of this…

Dear Maria,

I am in the same situation, but one must put priorities and the biggest priority is now our ascension and shielding us from all negative external influences. We have done more than enough for humanity and we cannot also sacrifice ourselves for our relatives. They will either survive/ascend without our assistance or will die with it.

With love and light
December 17, 2012

Investigative Journalism on the Lies and Distortions of the US mainstream mass media on Adam Lanza’s Mass Killing 

Hi Georgi,

I hope you are hanging in there. It’s been a helluva ride lately!

I have been researching the Connecticut shootings in order to write an article and ran across this You Tube tonight. I am still trying to vet this source for accuracy and credibility but this is, indeed, revealing information if it is true. As the story started to unfold Friday, I noticed immediate similarities to the Aurora shooter, James Holmes’, story and profile. Following the shootings, his father was not required to testify before the Senate committee hearings on the LIBOR scandal. This fact was never mentioned in the MSM. Also, both shooters were from affluent families and were “awkward, socially outcast, geniuses”, and were potentially under the influence of psychiatric drugs and/or the care of a psychiatrist. Lanza may have been diagnosed with Asperger’s which is commonly treated with antipsychotic drugs.

Of course, within minutes of this most recent massacre politicians across the board started to call for gun control in the U.S. But not one mention of psychotropic drug control, although nearly 100% of school shooters have been on them. Normally, this type of event would evoke deep, emotional trauma and anger within me as I’m very empathic. But surprisingly enough, I am at peace in the face of this most recent tragedy knowing that this is part of the blueprint for the fate of Planet B. My only wish now is to expose as much hidden information as possible in one last attempt to awaken the ignorant masses with a shock wave of truth rather than fear!


If you come across anything new or pertinent in your sources about this story, please share. There is definitely more to this than meets the eye and whether or not the event was a false flag, Manchurian candidate or psych drug reaction, I predict it will be used as the impetus for Obama to issue Executive Order requiring gun control, and THAT may well be the proverbial straw that breaks the American camel’s back!

Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,

yesterday I also investigated a little bit on this shooting story and found these three links:

Nancy Lanza, the mother

What I stumbled upon in one first report, I think from CBS, but you have to find it for yourself, it could as well be a link in one of these three articles, is that they found only two pistols of the killer in the school building and another rifle in a car, not saying that it was his car that belonged to his mother, but that there were more weapons dispersed in the school that have to be investigated. Later on all other media dropped this information and were talking only of three weapons the killer had been carrying with himself. Check also this article from Sorcha:

There is also evidence for a second shooter, but it has been removed from all subsequent reports of the mainstream mass media:

I have decided not follow up this story anymore as it is futile in the short period of time and nothing will come out – it is all timeline B.

if you write something about this shooting drama I will publish it.


PS: I think this article is quite interesting for your assessment.

Check also this article also:

“The body of an as yet unnamed adult male was found at the Newtown home owned by Nancy and Peter Lanza, Adam and Ryan Lanza’s father. “

This information has not been reported after that by the mass media. This whole story is  very murky.

The father of the murderer is a General Electrics financial director and this company has received billions of subventions from the state since it went bankruptcy in 2008, although it has huge revenues in the meantime and owes the state 14 billion $ taxes for the last 4 years. How comes that all these criminal acts from finance intermingle so neatly with personal dramas all the time?  Always follow the money trace.


Thank you for all the links. I was up quite late doing research on this. I have already reviewed a couple of them that are my regular resources (Huff Post, Alex Jones). I plan to write something about it as soon as I have a clearer picture in my mind’s eye. My followers are all requesting a commentary as they also suspect the shooter may have been on psych drugs. I awoke with a headache…so we’ll see how far I get today! Like you, I haven’t really felt inspired to tackle this story as it all seems so pointless. I would prefer to relax and savor my last days here. It will be a beautiful sunny day today in the mid-70s and my husband is home on vacation. Hope you can enjoy your day!

Love and Light,

December 17, 2012

Hi George,

Thanks for the continuing revelations. Some I put on a main stream media news site to get people’s attention. So far your website has not been blocked yet, though the website of the political party I voted for has been blocked.

Nice that Carla put out a small message containing the necessity for a lot more water intake. Last Saturday morning I had a nearly insatiable need for water. I drank 5 times the amount of South African rooibos tea with some fresh lemon and some drops of stevia sweetener.

Prior to reading that little message from Carla early Sunday morning, I had a funny dream.

I was at a place giving out support in the form of money, where at first the applicants had to register and got a form with a code that entitled them to some support money. They had to turn in the form with the code and exchange for money. This support system was governed by Putin. Although Putin was not at the place of the locket it was made clear that he was behind the system.

From the window on the administration side we saw people passing by who came to collect the administered support money. Quickly it became noticeable that higher and higher “authoritative” figures also came to exchange the forms with the codes, and we saw even a member of one of the “royal” families.

Next came up Robin Williams (from the TV series “Mork and Mindy”), and he decided to read out the code in a garbled and funny way Robin was known for in his days. We started to laugh a lot, and at that moment looking out of a side window I saw Burt Reynolds (Movie “The Great Cannonball Run”) waiting in line and was laughing too at Robin’s performance. Burt and I locked eyes, we started laughing harder and eventually I dropped on the floor not containing my stature because of the silliness Robin’s was putting out :-)

The dream shifted in that the movie cast of The Lord Of The Rings appeared where we were present, and we were transported to a town in construction a la PC game The Settlers.

We were standing at an elevated hill inside the city structure contained within wooden balustrades. At about 100 meters away there was a huge Orc like figure, maybe some 50 meters high, and Gimli and Legolas began to take a fighting stance. Legolas was asked to start loading some arrows, but he painfully came to the conclusion that his ammunition was not there. He started turning green of sickness of the inability to fight. Stubborn as Gimli is he decided to charge quickly hoping a fast fight would bring the massive Orc down.

Upon approaching the base of the little hill the workers started to jump on us and give us hugs for whatever reason. Somehow they were happy to see the fellowship. The giant Orc was not be seen anymore, and instead the scenery changed. Suddenly there were some corridors and bus-stop like crevasses were constructed inside the walls. In those crevasses Orcs were merrily singing and moving (like drunken pirates in a children’s book). Those orcs were seemingly happy they acquired water and were holding it in their hands and singing about it. Also there were static robots with the look of Einsteins that seemed to fulfill the purpose of being a guidance station where you could ask lot of questions about the new “world”.

In love and light,
Dear Dennis,

these are incredible dreams. How did you manage to remember them with all these details?

As far as Putin is concerned, I had put more hope in this man, but after I read his inauguration speech as the new president in Russian language two days ago, I was very disappointed and have given up hope on this man. This speech could have be written and read by a former Politburo secretary such as Brezhnev. My guess is that no impulse will come from a living politician till ascension day 12.21 and what will happen after that at the political scene should be of no interest to us as ascended masters as we shall take over control of humanity and Gaia.

With love and light
December 17, 2012

Dear Georgi!

You might already have noticed that Aisha North’s latest update contains yet another crystal clear reference to the PAT and the work we’re collectively and individually involved in:

“What I have been given to understand is that these downloads are not for me, but that I am part of a group responsible for literally helping to build the new Earth by being channels for these energies coming in and down into the very core of our Earth.”

On another note, I’d like to inquire if you’ve received much feedback from new readers regarding the political articles recently posted on your site?

Dear Zoltan,

I read this article from Aisha North and I had the same thoughts as you do. I  have not explicitly received emails from new readers regarding the political articles, but I registered that the number of readers has jumped by more than  500 per day after I started publishing them at the end of November.


Three Suns

December 17, 2012

Check this out, weird atmospheric phenomenon in China this last 13/12/12

Tomas Tonatiuh
Dear Tomas,

this is great indeed. In fact I witnessed in September and October on several occasions a similar  sun reflection, but only on one side of the sun, which was also part of an upside down rainbow around the sun. Another PAT member who lives west of myself, but still in Bavaria also sent me pics with an upside down rainbow similar to this one. I have no idea what exactly causes these optical phenomena, but they are very impressive indeed.

With love and light
December 17, 2012

Hi George

so I have been feeling your energy and wanted to contact you. I’ve arrived here in Saigon. A terrible bustling market city and can’t wait to leave here tomorrow night to make our way up the coast. Tonight I had a rather intense download of energy before falling asleep only for a few hours and now I am awake, feeling the doubts of many in my energy field. I came down to see what you had written on your website. Naturally you have addressed this already.

I was meditating on these doubts as I knew they were not my own but from the collective. I also received information that the PAT will ascend on the 21st and that it’s important for us to continue manifesting the NOW of ascension. While your arguments for why ascension must occur this year are compelling, ultimately the date is still based on a collective focus from the Mayan Calendar. It is irrelevant what date as we know how linear time is not real down here on 3D. Ascension is happening as we can all concur from what is happening in our energy fields and by looking at the ID split signs. When it manifests is less important than remembering that it is happening now and that we are helping to create it. I think we need to stay focused on that task at hand.

In other news, tomorrow I will make the journey to the co chi tunnels

where I am sure I’ll be doing some cleansing work. My nightly work seems to be more intense and shorter in time, leading me to believe that we are very close to ascension. Otherwise I would think that still so much transmuting needs to be done. When I first got off the plane my instincts were that I am exactly where I need to be at this time. I am uncomfortable being here and do not feel that I am on holiday but a continuation of my job as light worker. It’s the same old stuff.

Anyhow, my intention was to touch base and let you know that I”m thinking of you. There is nothing to say at this point except we are doing all our best and in my heart I still believe, when I am still, that I will ascend on 21 December as part of the first wave. I also feel it will be very lean indeed.

How are you coping?

Love Debra
Dear Debra,

I am glad to hear that you have safely arrived in Saigon. I was thinking over the weekend about you.

The tunnels you were talking about were indeed very famous during this dirty war and they ultimately broke the neck of the US army. I remember this very well from the daily messages in the press at that time.

By the way I would recommend you to read on occasion the book from Graham GreenThe Quiet American” about Saigon just before the USA entered this criminal war and substituted the French. It is one of my favourite political books and very cynical about the hypocrisy of the Americans. It was also filmed recently with very good actors

Wish you all the best in the final days on this planet and try to enjoy your journey notwithstanding your cleansing activities.

With love and light
December 17, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I must say…it’s 12/16/12 and I feel like a failure. I always imagined, I’d be living “high on the hog” by this date, but here I am still working a job that doesn’t serve me and scheming how to pull out of it so that I can enjoy this next few days. This tension of not wanting to do shit and still feeling like there’s some shit I gotta do. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me.

I just wanna go pop my tent up and not talk to anyone. Yet, there is still this annoying feeling like I can’t quite do that or I’m going to be disappointed or get myself in a jam like in the past and then have to start all over again. It’s the worst place to be in. In fact, I just had somewhat of a nervous breakdown and was crying in my car in front of my friend and she was freaked out because she didn’t understand why I’m falling apart. Today feels so weird and intense. I went to a restaurant and I was so uncomfortable. People have become so repugnant to me…and they are getting nastier and more soulless looking.

I thought it would look different by now… there’s a feeling of “this can’t be right” and then feeling I’m the one who is crazy again. It is painful. In fact, I am having a sick day because I cannot deal with any pressure from anyone today. I’m laying in bed and giving up….giving up….something. Although, I do not know what. Maybe I’m giving up any plans I ever had for my life. It all feels blank to me now. Giving up control, giving up trying to do a good job, to help this toxic world, to help my friends, to exercise, to eat, to maintain myself. It all seems so exhausting and painful…even the slightest thing.

The sun felt painful today…so bright, so bright. All the cars and people were chaotic… going in all directions… no heart. I hated them. I wanted to flee home so fast even though I thought I wanted nature, even nature felt uncomfortable. Only place I am comfortable is in my bed but it’s not even my bed. It belongs to the lady I work for and in four days, I have to leave it when she returns. On the 20th, ironic!?

That is why I want to go camp, and to just hand her stuff back and her responsibilities back and say, I’m done. I’m not here for you anymore. You can’t use me anymore. I can not help you anymore. You have mistaken my kindness for weakness…all of you. You do not even realize what warriors had to learn to become truly kind. You are blind. All of you. And I am finished. I want to retract all of my light, all of my energy, for me. I want to just nurture me. Today it feels like Giving UP. And I am only grateful that I am allowed to close my eyes and sleep now, undisturbed. This is the one small thing I have today.

Everyone is falling apart around me too and reaching out like a life raft and then when I snap, they all run. They don’t know how to give to me… they are all so cut off from truth. There was fear in my friends’ eyes when I broke down. She said, “I’ve never seen you lose it like this. I’m so worried”.

It’s like as long as I was calm, they could be calm, as long as I kept giving answers, they felt satisfied, as long as I kept giving them hugs and pats on their shoulders, they felt comforted. And now, it is that I have nothing left to give. I now want to be like an elder who just goes and lays down to die. I feel there are no more words or acts to impart. It is finished. Is it…not?

Love, Kari
Dear Kari,

from your email it becomes evident that you have let go of everything and that you are now ready for the final transition. Enjoy these feelings even though they may seem unpleasant or depressing at first glance, then you are leaving for ever this reality in which you have lived for so many incarnations. This is a pivotal turning point and your higher self and emotional self know this.

With love and light
December 17, 2012

British Royal Family-Royal Genome project.


read this

Some comments are interesting too.

Very interesting indeed and also abominable.

December 17, 2012

Hi George,

just read the last update…

“I visited this night in the dream state the new 5d-earth A again and was overwhelmed, just as the first time, by the overall atmosphere of bliss and wellness that permeates the whole landscape, the most intensive nature – flora and fauna – I have ever seen, and all new humans. The new earth was so peaceful and ecstatic at the same time that it is impossible to convey this sensation in cumbersome human words, as there is no correlate for this all-encompassing bliss in the present dire reality.

Beautiful words!

Just made me remember a dream I had like a year ago with my Dutch friend where we were in a beautiful place with such a vivid nature but I knew there was something different. All of a sudden -in my dream – I realised we were not in 3D Earth because of the sky. I truly wish ascension comes this week, whether 21 or 23 as a Crop Circle that appeared in UK in 2008 seem to state: That planetary alignment in the crop circle is December 23, 2012, with the exception of Pluto. Being Pluto a dwarf planet (plutoid), then something must be outside our Solar System interfering its gravity… Planet X/Nibiru? Hmmmm.

Oh George! I read also Raul’s mail from Argentina. Quite nice for me to read Spanish in the PAT site.

No more broncho problems for me but I cannot get rid of this nasal secretion. In the pharmacy they say is an allergic reaction. Uf! And my daughter has caught an impetigo infection on her skin since last week.

Wish you best for your health George,
Sunny greetings from 3D Peru

Arloz & Lima city
Dear Arloz,

I am glad you like my dream vision. These are the rare rewards for the dirty work we are doing here on the ground on behalf of humanity. I thought that you would enjoy Raul’s email in Spanish.

We are all under huge stress these last days but let us hope that Dec 21 will be the day of our ascension. This process will obviously continue for the masses till 12.30, so that these crop circles are still within the range.

December 17, 2012


I just read your latest article. I too had a lucid dream of Planet A recently. In it I saw my daughter’s farm pasture and it was stunningly beautiful green… and all her animals, the sheep, goats, and my favorite, Jerry the Llama…. were all such a amazing fluffy white.  Right now, it is still full of stumps and no pasture grass… not lush or inviting looking at all. My oldest and youngest daughter don’t want to hear about ascension, it frightens them. My daughter was so happy that she finally got all her animals  home after struggling for a number of years to make it happen. I’ve never seen her so happy, which kind of made it bittersweet thinking that it would all disappear for her soon. But seeing her pasture and animals there on Planet A, I know that she will be making there!

The attached picture of me and Jerry was taken yesterday!

In love and light,

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