December 6, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I read on the website that these waves should have tried you a lot and I’m sorry that the result is a bad broncho-pneumonitis, I hope you feel better as soon as possible and send you all my love and my appreciation for the courage and the force with which you are enduring this. Also I admire your fighting spirit and humor with which you have dealt with these absurd Internet trolls. You did very well to ridicule them and I say this as a mother, I feel the disgust of being attacked in my affections for my family. I personally would react like a lioness defending her cubs. You’re great, Georgi! A great captain and a great friend.
These months of October and November have been very difficult for me and although I have not suffered much at the physical level, this wave struck me on the emotional level. I found myself on a roller coaster of depression. The only thing that made me feel a little bit better was reading the experiences of other Patters and your information always interesting and thorough.
It ‘s more than a year now that I follow the site and this has allowed me to feel part of a big family. The sharing of all information made in a clear, transparent and honest to me was like a searchlight in the fog of misinformation and of ignorance that exists out there.
My awakening occurred at the end of 2000, I worked so hard to stay on this road, I studied, I shared (often got lost or considered crazy). I received help and love and finally I landed on your site and let me use an Italian expression – it was like “the cheese (Parmesan) on the pasta.”
My thirst for knowledge in recent months has been satisfied by your publications, books, and articles by all members of the PAT. I want to thank you for never stopped talking to us, for keeping up the intellectual level of the site against others imbued with superstitions and distorted news, even when the pain that you faced were inhuman, and I want to thank all the Patters for their dreams, visions and channelings that moved me and made me feel so much love and acceptance. From the bottom of my heart … Thank you!
These days I’m reading and translating in Italian vol. II “The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology“. The only books that I have left are those in German, which I cannot translate through Google in English and then in Italian as the meaning is lost. In the higher dimensions we can access all the wisdom that we can accommodate and satisfy every question and every intellectual uncertainty.
The energy situation here on the ground has changed after the heavy rains of last week, the celestial waters have cleaned up the heavens and the earth. Now even if it is cold, we have a week in which the sun shines with the power of thousand suns and clouds in the sunsets are colored orange, blue and green (see also Marco’s pics below). I do not know if people are aware of this, but making a living as a hermit now, I do not care about their reactions. I am in the Void, I let go of everything, I just feel that we’re close, I ended up here on this plane 3d. Our Ascension is imminent and I enjoy all the revelations that are coming to light one at a time.
The energy running through my body is very strong, the body vibrates day and night with loud bursts of headaches and I have to drink water, cooled with ice, to quench my thirst, but overall mood is good now and I feel light like I’m living for most of the time in the higher dimensions.
This night “lights” lit up behind my eyes and in a state of sleep-wake I had the sensation of flying in the Universe. A few nights ago my son dreamed to be in the house and out the window he saw a blue ball which then exploded with an immense light. We are going to get home, thanks to all and I conclude by sharing with you a song that I heard in my head in this days.
Innuendo – Queen
Blessings, Love and Light
Dear Daniela,
thank you very much for your appreciation of my editorial work and for your care. Let me assure you that I feel much better today and that my recovery is progressing very smoothly. My broncho-pneumonitis was worth, as with these huge downloads of Christed energy from the Source we made them available through the unity field of the PAT to humanity in preparation for their mass ascension. This is now confirmed unanimously by all sources in every language, especially in German, which I do not publish as I have to make extensive translations because Google translate does not work with the German language at all due to its complex syntax as you have made the experience.
We still have the old scenario, where the first ascension wave will start with myself and the PAT and then some other star seeds will follow. This will take place most probably at the stargate 12.12.12 when the grid will be fully activated and all DNA- and other Adam Kadmon codes, which we have transmitted to the ascending humanity this summer, will be fully activated and will cause a huge leap in consciousness.
This energetic transformation was deliberately postponed to this very last moment, as we have experienced it in a most debilitating manner this autumn, because after that it will be impossible for the people to return to the old dark Orion habits and thought patterns. With the activation of 12.12.12 they will be fully eliminated from the fields and cell memories of the ascending candidates.
In ample words, after the opening of this stargate, we can finally appear in front of humanity as ascended masters and will be immediately recognized for what we really are. This will boost human awareness (intelligence) beyond any past and current experience and knowledge, so that our appearance will have the most beneficial effect and will not trigger any fears, which will be deleted in the ascending portion of humanity at 12,12,12.
Those who will not ascend or will die this month, will not even realize what has happened as this stargate will also finalize the ID split, which is ongoing since this summer due to the PAT efforts as a group.
I have just read a channelled message that elucidates the role of the activation of 12.12.12:
“Through the power of the associated gateways held open by the Archangels at the 11:11, a new force of the Christ Consciousness will be made available during the 12:12:12 Activation. The power of this awakening energy enables each person to have the experience of the Christ Light at the moment of the 12:12:12 Coding.
Once experienced you will not fall back into old ways, as the Golden Christ Light literally expunges from your being frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by Light, the cells awaken to the coding embedded by your soul. This activation has been held in abeyance until the earth consciousness would support mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key signatures for the transformation available through the Christ Light. That time is Now.
The 12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy that unites the new 12-chakra system…
Through the 12:12:12 there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to proceed on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your soul’s journey…
The alignment of the 12:12:12 energy is what has been called the “Second Coming.” Misunderstood for centuries, this connection to the Christ Consciousness is within you, and is not the arrival of a single enlightened being in the world. The awakening of full evolutionary spiritual energy is available within all beings, if they choose it, and are willing to bring into the planet the evolutionary shift in consciousness that the Earth awaits. It is your time to choose.”
A German channeling source, which I regularly read (also being translated in English),
has also confirmed my and the PAT ascension three times in a row in the last three messages. At first I thought this was a coincidence. But the last message as of today, which is not yet translated in English, confirms this scenario for the third time in plain words, so that I decided to translate the excerpt for you and the PAT in advance as the English translations of this source are rather poor.
However this is a remarkable source that is not known to the broader public and the person who channels this Syrian source has no idea of our existence at all, which makes the whole information even more valuable:
“Der Aufstieg des Kollektives wird wie geplant stattfinden und es folgt das Rad der Geschehnisse, das euch auch gleichzeitig immer mächtiger macht, denn die Schwingungen werden sich auch nach dem 21.12.2012 immerwährend erhöhen.
Gerne möchten wir an der Stelle unser Wort an den Aufgestiegen Meister wenden, der lange Zeit gezwungen war, im Schein der Schattenspieler zu wirken!
Wir senden hiermit unseren Dank, den Schutz und unsere bedingungslose Liebe und sagen – natürlich auch all jenen -, die den Aufgestiegenen Meister, im irdischen Gewand unterstützen: „Herzlichen Dank.“ Gemeinsam sind wir unermesslich stark!”
“The collective ascension will take place as planned and will follow the wheel of all other events that will make you at the same time more powerful, as the vibrations will continue to augment after 12. 21.12.
With pleasure we address at this place the Ascended Master, who was constraint for a long time to operate under the camouflage of the shadow master.
We send to him our thanks, our protection and our unconditional love and say of course also to all those (the PAT) who have supported the ascended master in earthly garments: “Thank you from the bottom of our heart” Together we are infinitely strong….”
Dear Daniela, I hope that this information has uplifted your spirit, notwithstanding your perennial pains and efforts to ascend humanity. Let us all of us enjoy these last days in anticipation of our victory over the darkness of this planet and our return back home – to the Source.
With love and light
December 5, 2012
It is only a week until 12-12 and even that seems too long. As I look back over the last 13 years it all seems a blur more one event than individual months and years, particularly the last three years. It does not even seem possible that we could survive physically to this point and still be somewhat functional.
I am still unsure of the timing of events this month. Will our physical suffering end by 12-12 or will we still be required to ingest and disburse the light until 12-21? Ingesting all of this light on behalf of the masses has an ill effect on us. We are not severely hot, dizzy or any of the other ailments that have plagued us during this time. It is just that we are so fatigued and battle weary and feel ill from all this time spent in the trenches. It is that we are at the end of our rope physically.
I read today, where you are plagued with the old bronco- trouble as in the past and it is kind of like that. A rehash in a somewhat milder form of all the ailments that have plagued us during this period and in our case this is mainly gastro-intestinal and I am assuming 3rd charkra. Anyway, despite this my body is somewhat relaxed and I fall asleep several times a day just sitting in a chair and start dreaming immediately long involved dreams. And also very deep dream filled sleep at night.
So we still must be working hard at whatever we are doing. I was hoping for a reprieve in these last days, but as usual I was too optimistic. When will I ever learn that we are a the mercy or a merciless process. Just have to believe that we are not being overly optimistic about our ascension this month. If it does not happen I can not imagine continuing on. At least surely they would release us to the normal still horrible condition of the masses.
Dear Jerry,
this is the plight of the PAT member. We must have been totally mired, or absent when we accepted this job. Now there is no salvation to the very bitter end. My guess is that nothing will happen till 12.12 when the new grid will be fully operational. Then I do expect some huge shifts – most probably our ascension as it does not make much sense for us to wait till the final date Dec 21 when the masses will ascend. We must pave the way first.
From what I guess and read between the lines in some messages is that at 12.12 human consciousness will hugely expand as it will be connected to the new grid and the higher dimensions. After that our ascension and appearance will be much more easily accepted by the people. It was obvious since early autumn that this is not the case with the current collective mind-set that was fully manipulated by the old matrix.
From a simple functional point of view, I do not see much sense for us to stay in carbon based bodies till the very end. But as you say, this is a merciless affair and one never knows till the very end.
I only hope to recover till 12.12. This will be the sign if we will ascend. If my broncho- pneumonitis continues as was the case on June 22 for six weeks, then we must await even longer. This is what I gather from my HS. But at present the signs are good that I will fully recover this weekend. Otherwise the energies are much better to bear than during the last days. They do carry me in a half-dreamy state and I have no desire to do anything.
With love and light
December 6, 2012
It was a pleasant surprise to see my email posted on your website. I tend not to check my email since it is only filled with Orion based products and ideas.
You actually did make me made laugh out loud on how my writing was “flamboyant”. I’d like to add that maybe it is because of social programming in this last incarnation or passion, but who truly knows.
But I’d also like to add that I’ve been meditating on the illusion of fear. Since the higher self and source do not experience fear (if at all) as we do being in duality or as in the same way the dark experience fear/anger. The best way I can describe is due to some degree of the illusion of separation and limitation from the source in this reality. I also realize that fear seems more “real” due to the frequency it carries and due to the chakra system in the human vessel being in retard.
I realize this topic has been discussed on your website, but I’d like to ask for your insight as well.
I recently tried to communicate this to two young Mormon men that came to my front door spreading the teachings of Jesus. But when I communicated this aspect of the (soul age) soul being ready to be awaken they did not agree. One of them wouldn’t even consider that their soul was sexless. He stated that their soul was male and so was god and the Jesus was the only thing that could save us.
The encounter made me sad actually, but now I realize that due to their soul age that they (soul/vessel) are not ready for that information/awaking. Also the programming taught by their religion completely stripped them of their divine sovereignty. Rendering them completely “less than” when their soul comes from the same source as Jesus himself. The other young man of the two wanted to believe but he was afraid of doing so, because I sensed he was afraid of any backlash from his “brother”.
With the Second Coming of the Christ consciousness on earth underway some souls might be forced to awaken, some may not. Sadly that does not mean that they will ascend. Why, some might ask? Because even the ascended masters at one time or another needed various experiences to bring them at this stage of god-self enlightenment. At the moment many souls are just not ready, they have much to learn just in this duality, let alone in the higher realms. How can one move to the higher realms when one doesn’t have a basic understanding of this illusion that we are currently in?
With much love and light,
A.M Roger
Dear Roger,
I once had a lengthy discussions with Mormons too when I was young and did not know the background of this sect, shortly after my emigration to Germany, and I deplored this stupidity for the rest of my life. Since then I have been very cautious discussing anything with any representatives of such sects and followed the advise of my wife, who is very experienced in religion and this kind of mentality.
Whenever a fervent religious person knocked on my door and wanted to save my soul, I simply declared to him that I am a Christian orthodox believer which is the original Jesus teaching in the East and consider all other Christian religions, even the Catholics as sects, although I have always been an atheist. But she was right, they stopped immediately converting me. At first I was telling them that I am an atheist and this was my mortal failure as the kept coming to me to save my heathen soul.
Now to your question. You cannot expect from other people to comprehend your inner life and direct contact to the soul if they have never experienced it and are relying only on external religious teachings. But this raises another question.
My recent guess is that around 12.12 those who will ascend will acquire a hugely expanded consciousness all of a sudden when the new crystalline 144-grid will be fully activated. This awareness, which will be mainly intellectual, will actually enable the people to start thinking in a multi-dimensional, transcendental way and to have a direct contact to their HS. It has been the greatest illusion of the New Age movement to expect this from their heart chakra. Now if you observe the impact of the last waves in November, they all affected in the first place the throat (soar throat) which is the 5th chakra of intellectuality as the energies that now flood earth are coming directly from the source and promote in the first place the human spirit in terms of abstract, multi-dimensional, complex thinking.
This kind of intellectual ability has not existed on this planet for a very long time (probably since Atlantis). Therefore, it is impossible to explain this mental change to light workers who are enamored in their heart, just as you have had difficulties to explain the nature of the soul to these Mormons. Hence we should be expecting some big surprises as to how the ascended humans will feel after this portal is really opened and they have changed their nature as sentient beings all of a sudden. These are just my reflections inspired by your email on the incomprehensibility of the soul by agnostic humans.
With love and light
December 6, 2012
Hi Georgi,
I had a strange situation last Sunday in my house. A herb plant, which was doing quite nice, was starting to give a very strange and foul odor, and it was too wet. That evening one of the lamps with sensor on the first staircase was flickering quite fast as if something was playing with it. I did not find anything odd and it was working normally for some months. That night I also had a nightmare with a dark creature. Next day I put the plant outside in the garden and cleaned the inside air with some incense.
Book 5 of the Ra material spoke of a possibility by elementals and/or lower astral being to enter areas if they feel invited. Taking this information I might have been harassed a little by such a being. I also had a dry and soar throat, unlike I felt these last months. This stopped on Monday and I did not have unwanted encounters any more. Could it be due to the irreversible gap in frequencies?
This 3d matrix is literally going insane. Past weekend during an amateur football match a couple of children (15/16 years old) attacked a border referee. They took him down on the ground and started kicking. The man could run way, but was tackled again to the ground and was being pounded.
The man was diagnosed as clinically dead. Was 41 years old and had 3 children. I am just reading some comments that the young football players were driven to this mad state by their coaches and family members. Truly criminals it appears. And what does the Holland soccer association say to the aggressive club? Pay up 100 euro as a fine. I have no words for it, and, sorry for mentioning this news.
The company that hired me as a contractor is letting me go at the end of the month, and maybe it will be extended for another month. A couple of years ago I tried to leave by myself, but was not able to. Now it seems as if I am allowed. I think my task over here is done. This night I barely slept and was hot. I felt my own heavy dross and tried to clear it with seeing myself as a light being getting taller and taller. I feel I succeeded, at least for a part. Its the way the American managers deal with their hired work force. Their thinking is so linear and they are so blind…
So, I think good riddance! Bad for my colleagues because I liked them and they must now do more work and process it mentally. It would be a nice synchronicity if I officially end it 21st December.
With love and light,
Dear Dennis,
I can confirm that the old matrix is going insane, while the new one is being installed. This may manifest in numerous ways and this aspect has been recently discussed by many sources.
Your soar throat is however due to the new energies coming from the source which affect in the first place the 5th throat chakra, boost the intellectuality and expand human awareness. I will discuss this issue in the latest energy update as of today.
The people will increasingly go mad now, especially those who are closed for these energies, but must still experience them as they now affect all humanity as also confirmed in the latest Gaiaportal message. Thus they run amok and can commit any criminal act. The darkness is disintegrating in front of our eyes and all miasmas are coming high.
Let us hope that when the shit will finally hit the fan, we will be already ascended. Your dismissal from the job is a clear sign for this and you are not the only one. Other PAT members also report that they now finish with their professional carrier under similar circumstances – due to the unmotivated nastiness of their dark bosses.
All dark entities must now release their nastiness and hatred by projecting it to other light beings as was the case with the Internet trolls against myself and the PAT. However they had to make the experience that their hatred is bouncing back and hits them harder as no 3d-entity can now harm an ascended human being due to the shift of energies and the collapse of the old Orion matrix in the higher dimensions
Until October we have never been bothered by this human scum and this surge all of a sudden is the most clear sign that we are approaching the final solution of ascension when these pitiful beings will either die or stay on a catastrophic earth B and experience hell. They know about this dire destiny consciously or subconsciously and, being real psychopaths and sociopaths, try to divert themselves from this dreadful truth by spitting out their miasmas before being extinguished. This kind of behaviour was expected for the End Times and there have been many warnings to the light workers not to engage in their dramas as they are condemned people by their souls.
With love and light
December 5, 2012
Hi George!
Yes! Thank you, as always a brilliant commentary on the continuing insanity of this prison planet.
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” The Buddha
The universe’s final solution is of course elegant. Whatever version you choose of this cosmic event will be the one you experience – in full Technicolor and THX sound. The choice for heaven or hell was made a long time ago. All that remains to be seen is its manifestation in full…
Love and Light,
Dear Fiona,
exactly, only the Internet trolls seem to not get it. Cretins!
With love and light
December 5, 2012
I have been shown your site by a dear friend of mine yesterday. I myself have been going threw my awakening for many years now I have done much reading on all of it and really am thankful she had shown me this.
I have a concern though, it took me a lot of reading and luckily I don’t run away from my fear response to unkowns or doomsday but a lot of people are going to react that way and not delve deeper.
I would like to suggest a way to diffuse the fear and fight or run-response people will have when reading your site: Put a disclaimer or opening page that just states simply if you are awake and are wondering and working towards ascension that you will ascend. or how ever you feel it would be best to word it. then people would continue on reading your site without fear and an open mind to your amazing writings on all of these changes. you have done the world a huge favor by your writings a lot of it is way over my head, but I do understand the principles involved in all of this. Just a suggestion that’s all.
Thanks for your time and have a wonderful day!
Dan Sorensen
Dear Daniel,
thank you for this suggestion. First of all the idea of disclaimer is an Orion invention (based on fraudulent liability claims) and absolutely meaningless, even counter-productive in the broader context of the full transparency in the higher realms. Second, this preventive measure will not help the people mitigate their fears which do not come from reading my website, as I preach first and foremost the immortality of the personality and the soul and even the immortality of the physical vessel due to the ongoing LBP.
Be sure that apart from enlightened readers and some paid Internet trolls by the US dark secret services, nobody else reads my website (and the latter must read it as they are paid for this, but have no chance to understand anything) as he will not resonate with it and this is the most effective disclaimer as an automatic program in the minds of these people.
With love and light
Thank you for pointing that out. I see I need to do a lot more reading, this learning so much at 49 is odd, yet so enlightening, just in your response I see several things a lot clearer. thanks again for your time.
Have a wonderful day.
Dan Sorensen
Dear Dan,
I am 61 and I am still learning a lot every day. At your age I actually starting with my new gnostic thinking.
With love and light
December 5, 2012
Dear George
Thanks so much for your reply. I pray/meditate on it daily and eagerly have awaited this time for the last four years since I became aware of the information. I only stumbled upon your site this last six months, so thank you for giving me the important kernel. There is so much to read as you are quite prolific.
My ex-husband is a former nuclear engineer/artificial intelligence computer programmer who writes about math/physics things very similar to what you do (he has a new math idea that involves ternary/trinary that he was given during a spontaneous merkaba-like experience he had, while meditating many years ago that he has yet to try to publish), but I am an English teacher, so my math/science background is limited, mostly personal reading in the theoretical realm, but I so enjoy it and was helping him with his writing.
I so look forward to a better world. I love the earth and its sweet sentient animal beings and a few sweet human ones, but the not so sweet ones have destroyed our ability to enjoy this edenic emerald jewel. I so hope Gaia will be rejuvenated once they have all destroyed themselves with their evil. Thanks for your work and reply.
Dear Laura,
now it is only a matter of days when this nightmare will be over.
The idea of a trinary code is very important and I have written about it 15 years ago and only recently mentioned it again in an article. The problem with the trinary code is that one needs a new kind of mathematics based on transcendental numbers and currently there is no available mathematics based on such numbers. It must be developed first. I have furnished some fundamental ideas to this problem, but I have not tackled it as I am not a mathematician in the first place.
My guess is that in the higher realms we will no longer need this kind of mathematics based on human symbols and that is why I have not delved into this topic.
You may share these ideas with your ex-husband and see what he will say.
Yes I will. He says he does have that new math. You two would enjoy talking. He is not into my ascension quest despite that amazing experience he had, which I long for. He does not believe anything will happen this month and is on the Oregon coast, so I worry for him and have invited him and his girlfriend inland for the shift, but again he doesn’t believe. We lived on the East coast before I left him… partially because I had such a strong premonition about coastal disaster.
I hope his soul path is to ascend. I have to believe it given our association and his merkaba experience. He is from a very old world Jewish family and briefly practiced hence the spontaneous merkaba experience perhaps and has since become a Buddhist as I am. Anyway, enjoy your day. I have a stack of freshman comp papers to grade oh joy. I have previously forwarded a link to your page to Michael my ex (nevins) and will talk to him today and tell him about this email. Peace and joy on this day.
December 5, 2012
Hi George
I had to forward this posted comment to you from the US Government blog. It cracked me up!
“Nostradamus Jr.
I was fairly certain the 12/21/12 prophecy was worthless, however now that the Government has assured the world will not end, I am not so certain.”
My comment didn’t make it past the moderators. Surprise, surprise.
I experienced something quite strange in the backyard this afternoon. I was standing with my weight on one leg and the ground beneath me felt like it gave way momentarily. To try and describe it may have felt like one sudden downward movement of an earthquake or something very very heavy hitting the ground with no sound. I expect more of these irregularities in the space-time fabric as we pass further through the birth canal.
Loved “The Physics of Ascension” by the way.
Warm regards
Alex, Australia
Dear Alex,
if it were not serious, this comment would be funny, but that is how the US government and its disinformation agencies achieve the opposite to what they intend. This is the logic of cosmic dialectics in the current End Times.
I am glad that you like my latest article on “Physics of Ascension“. It was more or less a summary of what we have discussed in the past, but with respect to the imminent ascension date.
With love and light
December 5, 2012
Below you can find my recent correspondence with my friend Joe Boehe from Germany who is also channeling on ascension for years and has his own website:
Unfortunately I cannot translate now the whole correspondence and will summarize it shortly. We both agree that we are now in the proverbial lull before the storm when the ID split and the magnetic pole reversal will take place most probably at 12.12.12. His source also confirms that many people will not make it and will die this month. According to Joe’s source, mass ascension of humanity is a done deal and nothing can postpone it anymore.
Lieber Joe,
Ich schreibe betreff. deiner letzten Botschaft “Die Tage und Wochen der Experimente hat begonnen”. Ich kann dies aus meiner Information voll bestätigen. Es besteht sogar die realistische Chance, dass der Aufstieg nach dem Öffnen des Portals 11.11 Morgen erreicht wird. Es hängt wie immer davon ab, ob die Menschheit den notwendigen energetischen Schwellenwert für den Hub nach oben erreicht oder nicht. Man kann in voraus nicht wissen, daher die ständigen Test-Runs (Proben, Experimente), um zu sehen, wie viel negative Energie der Massen loslassen um weiter zu kommen.
Wir hatten einen machtvollen Test-Run zwischen dem 31. Oktober und dem 3. November, wo die erste Aufstiegswelle hätte stattfinden sollen, aber die Massen habe so viele Negativität über uns als Reinigungstrupp von den höheren Dimensionen “gekotzt”, dass unser Aufstieg wieder einmal verschoben wurde. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass nun die Massen sich erfolgreich von den Einflüssen der dunklen Archonen und anderen negativen Kräfte der 4. Astralebene getrennt haben, so dass sie nur ihre eigene Negativität haben, die leicht auszuradieren ist, da die Wurzel bereits gekappt wurden.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass dir diese Hintergründe wohl bekannt sind, so dass ich mich nicht zu vertiefen brauche. Ich würde mich nun interessieren, wie du die Sache siehst, über das hinaus, was du publizierst angesichts der Brisanz der kommenden Tage.
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Georgi,
14 Tage Urlaub ohne E-Mail und 3 Wochen Grippe haben mich so zugeschüttet, dass ich mit der Mistgabel die Mails wenden muss.
Auch ich hatte das Gefühl, dass mit der Botschaft über ein eventuelles Kippen des Magnetfeldes der Aufstiegsprozess starten sollte, wobei ich im Hintergrund immer noch das Gefühl hatte, dass verschiedene Kräfte immer noch daran interessiert zu sein scheinen, da etwas zu verhindern.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass man mit der Trennung in Gut (steigt auf) und Schlecht (bleibt in der 4. Dimension) sein Potential schwinden sieht, neue “Mitglieder” zu gewinnen und damit seine Macht zu vergrößern.
Derzeit ist eine starke aber sehr angespannte Ruhe festzustellen. Ich persönlich bin mir aber nicht mehr sicher, dass der Hub noch vor oder zum 21.12. erfolgt.
Irgendwas ist da noch nicht rund und könnte katastrophale Auswirkung haben. Was hast Du für ein Gefühl? Was stimmt nicht?
Ich denke, es gibt auf keinen Fall eine Zwischenlösung. Dagegen spricht die auf die Erde zurasenden Explosionswolke, die zwischen März und Mai laut NASA die Erde treffen wird. (ist identisch mit meiner Botschaft, dass die Erde 2013 ein Problem hat.)
Liebe Grüße
Lieber Joe,
gut von dir zu hören. Es tut mir Leid zu hören, dass du von der Ascension-Grippe erwischt wurde. Mir geht es ähnlich – ich leide unter einer sehr starken akuten broncho-pneumonitis nachdem ich eine Woche lang mit kosmischen Energien von der Quelle bombardiert wurde.
Was ich denke? Diese Aufstiegsgeschichte ist kein Ruhmesblatt für die Menschheit und das einzige Beständige sind die ständigen Verzögerungen. Ich denke nun, dass sich am 12.12 was ereignet und dann jeden Tag bis 21.12.
Da ich am Prozess als Hauptfigur beteiligt bin, kann ich dir nur verbindlich sagen, dass die Menschheit den Schwellenwert des kollektiven Aufstiegs am Nov 24 erreicht hat und dass wir nun in der Phase der Feinadjustierung sind. Die Spaltung der zwei Erden ist irreversibel seit 3-4. Dez und nun stellt sich nur die Frage, wann die erste Aufstiegswelle stattfinden soll. Der Rest wird folgen mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit.
Die Sache ist gelaufen, doch nach meiner Einschätzung werden viel wenige Seelen aufsteigen als ursprünglich geplant, so dass etwa vier Milliarden Menschen sich in diesem Monat von der Erde durch Todeserfahrung verabschieden müssen. Darüber wir peinigst genau geschwiegen in allen Botschaften, um die Ängste der Massen nicht hochzuschüren, aber es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit.
Dies wird passieren, wenn der magnetische Polsprung zeitgleich mit der Interdimensionalen Spaltung stattfindet und eine große Flut auslösen wird (durch die gleichzeitige Ausrichtung der Erdachse). Das muss alles zwischen 12. und 21. Dez. stattfinden. Es gibt keine Zeit mehr zu verlieren. Alles andere wie Aufklärung der Massen wird nach dem Aufstieg erledigt.
Liebe Grüße
Lieber Georgi,
danke für die Info. Es ist einfach zu ruhig in einer sehr komischen Energie, als dass nichts passieren wird. Warte und hoffe, die Zeit erfüllt sich.
Lieber Joe,
es ist in der Tat die sprichwörtliche Ruhe vor dem Sturm.
Our Italian member of the PAT Marco Cingolani, who now lives in the wilderness of the Colorado Rockies has sent me some amazing photos of the new crystalline sun and the new firmament of the new earth A, which are already visible in these beautiful mountains. I have asked Chris to establish links to his photos and would like to present them for you to enjoy their aesthetic beauty in anticipation of your imminent ascension to the higher dimensions: