Energy Update – September 23, 2012

Final Explanations

September 23, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Just an energy update. How are you feeling at these last stages besides what you reported in the last update. I felt quite a surge around Thursday eve, which left me with a headache and a fatigued state. In fact been fatigued the past 8 days much more than normal.

Clearly, when I look at my personal life everything seems to have come to a halt. On every level. The timing finances and otherwise has now reached its ebb. If I look at this it makes only sense that I have completed this toxic lesson and my mission here on 3D. My body is still here only because of a phase needed to complete right now. My feeling of still being here has gone from impatience and is now in the red zone of “can’t handle it any longer”. I have already left this place. Why am I here. It feels utterly depressive. I’m sharing this as to try and find validation to my feelings other than depression.

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

I have the same feeling. We are now completely detached from this reality and sucked in the void of the higher dimensions, while our bodies are reassembled for the final transformation. We are even no longer hanging on the proverbial silk thread to this reality. But obviously All-That-Is does not care about this and has its own speed to arrange the events. I also see the crumbling of the matrix around me and even within my family (nothing bad to worry though).

With love and light
Hi Georgi,

I forgot to share a dream I had two weeks ago, but until yesterday didn’t understand the significance.

I was close to a beach and looking back from a distance at the sea along the shoreline about 2km away. I also could see the many high rise buildings of the city next to the beach. At the moment of looking back I saw a wave and wall of water around 800 meters high and endless in length. The wave was at the edge of the beach. It was suspended and just hanging there. I saw from this long distance away, a jet ski almost half way up this 800 meter wave which was vertical and the top curving over slightly but frozen. The jet skier slowly went up vertically and virtually to the top and saw him making the u turn at the crest and make his way down. – was sure he would fall into free-fall as he was at the crest and below was no water , but as he went up he came down ever so slow as perceived from my vantage point so far away. I saw the white trail of the jet ski coming down ever so slowly. That’s when I awoke from the dream.

I only connected yesterday with the  interpretation. It hit me like a ton of bricks !!!

Everything is in place. Many simultaneous events are suspended almost in animation as it were in await for that very  moment of detonation. Heaven/Creator is holding on to all things, unbelievable as it seems to us in our limited state of awareness, and all energy levels for all events about to unfold optimum at this juncture. We are to ride the crest of this wave, this event with the enthusiasm and excitement like riding the ultimate wave in the knowing that the ultimate adventure is about to unfold. The event/adventure of all adventures.

My feelings around the dream were pure acceleration and excitement, not even a fragment of fear.

Love and light


Dear Eugene,

this is a beautiful and very symbolic dream that exactly highlights our current situation of suspended motion which is the most difficult state for the mind to bear.

Please find below the latest email from Dorie as of yesterday which precisely describes this same condition.

With love and light
September 22, 2012

Dear Georgi,

We are so close, I thought for sure I wouldn’t wake up in this reality this morning! I actually slept very soundly last night and when I woke up thought maybe I had slept through ascension. I dreamed I was calling the PAT members and inviting them to join me around the campfire at the beach!

This morning, however, I’m still so sick with ascension flu. My headache is much better, but my body is not and I feel as if each step I take is in slow motion.  In fact, when I sat down to communicate with HS she was talking so fast I had to ask her to slow down as if her voice were on fast forward.

What she shows me this morning is a black hole and we are being sucked through it right now.

She says,

“You are literally being pulled apart and reassembled, hence the feeling of slow speed here and high speed there as time is being ripped to shreds. Past memories may come flooding in, not just of this lifetime, but of many lifetimes as this unfolds, and then stillness as all the worlds merge and time stands still…this will be the moment of you ascension.”

So very, very close, Georgi.

Much love to you!


September 23, 2012

Dear Dorie,

my guess/intuition is that it will take a couple of more days before we ascend. I have just read the following message from Metatron, which confirms one more time this feel and also the link:

I have provided in my last energy update with respect to the wave on Sept 21:

“And so it is a powerful time, and there is much movement on the planet in this month of the September Equinox within 2012. We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going. The profound aperture provided by the planetary and stellar conjunctions paired within the period of the Equinox began 5 days before the actual Equinox and will extend for 5 days, through September 27th.

This would say, we have begun with our ascension process on Sept 17 and the whole Equinox alignment will end on Sept 27:

17 – 18 – 19 – 20 – 21 – 22 (Equinox) – 23 – 24 – 25 – 26 – 27

five days before                                            five days after

This information from Metatron coincides with my previous published estimate that we may wait till Yom Kipur on Sept 26,

April’s  HS made a distinct amendment in her last message as of  September 19 when she said:

We are still very much looking at the same time frame, give or take a few days. Remember, this is a collective PAT process, focused energetically by Georgi as captain and key master. Therefore all PAT members must reach or integrate each step or light body, before moving to unlock the next dimensional light body.  This is how you build the bridge. You only have a few more to go, and it does unfortunately get more uncomfortable as you begin to indwell in the higher dimensional bodies. But the orgasmic release will come when you finally complete the merger with your oversoul or all dimensional bodies. “

It is more of “give” than “take”. Do you have any new information in this respect? The dwelling on this planet under these energetic conditions is becoming increasingly inhuman and I am fully suspended in the void. Most other PAT members are in the same awkward situation.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

The only thing I can confirm right now is that I feel as if I am in suspended animation. I see the countdown clock in my mind and it is as if it has reached a point of suspended animation as well, reaching 0.1 and it is not moving from there. It’s as if I am watching an action movie, where everything is slowed down to such a degree you can see the slightest movement and details, only for it to be unexpectedly and suddenly put back into high speed motion at the final moment of impact. As I write this I hear from HS:

“You are like a coil spring that has been, in this case, grounded fully into one reality. The energies that have come into earth frequency are pulling you from the top, stretching you slowly, adding more and more tension, until you can stretch no further and the only option is to disconnect from the bottom, or from the reality that is currently holding you where you no longer can be. What you are experiencing now is the pulling motion that is being applied from above, creating great tension, and it appears as if there is no movement, when indeed the greatest movement remains unseen coming from above. Within a blink of an eye will you complete final detachment. Know that your ascension is still in it’s final phase and going according to plan, even if you feel you are in complete suspended animation and disconnected from everyone and everything. We can only ask you to keep the faith, and ride the wave to completion within the next few days. We estimate no more than 4 days.

Georgi, I’m not sure I can wait another 4 days! I’m ready to “snap” any minute now! LOL!

I hope this was helpful!

With much love and light,
Dear Dorie,

I just came from a walk in the fields with my dog and used this occasion to have a very loud and agitated discussion with my HS and heaven as a whole. I told them how infuriated I am with them giving us all the time dates that they cannot keep for whatever reasons. I told them how irresponsible this is and how much we lose our credibility in the eyes of other people. We are here on the ground to do all the dirty job and to keep the morale of the people high, to educate and enlighten them, and they betray us all the time because they cannot even manage a simple time schedule they are giving us in advance. Worse than Bulgarian trains which are always in retard.

Have we been cheated one more time? I personally do not believe so, but this is still a very uncomfortable situation for us, to say the least. I urged heaven to start with our immediate ascension and that they can detonate the supernova with a small delay, if necessary. They can do this suspension just as they have now suspended us on tenterhooks and indeed we look like as silly as tenterhooks in the eyes of the rest of humanity.

Anyway I cried out my frustration towards heaven on the fields and now I feel much better. Let us hope that we will still ascend very soon. It is only a matter of a second to disappear.

With love and light
September 23, 2012

Dear George,

Do you have any updates on our ascension? I’m not getting too many clear messages from my HS at the moment.

Dear Daniel,

recently you received a very clear message from your HS on the state of our ascension process. Could you possibly try to ask your HS for another update. My feel is that we must wait for another few days. Below is my argumentation line (see letter to Dorie above) as I have shared it with some PAT members today.

With love and light
Dear George,

Here’s what I got from my HS. I had some trouble putting things into words, so a few things might be slightly repetitive or not entirely explained, but this process is so complex that I don’t think it can all be explained in this form. I agree that it will take a few more days, but I really want to see this finally being done for once.

Update from my HS – September 23, 2012

The PAT is still busy ‘drilling’ through the 1st dimension, after completing the 2nd and everything above. This one takes the most time, because it also includes the final step of completing the circuit or rainbow bridge. Just like an electrical circuit, most of the wiring has been set up and connected, but before there is a full circle no current will flow.

It is however a bit more complex. Imagine the rainbow bridge as a circuit made out of circuits, this collection of circuits forming the wire in this case. Where an electrical circuit has a wire with a certain length, this rainbow bridge circuit has a “wire” with a certain frequency interval. The interval being from the very lowest of frequencies to the very highest for the full bridge. The parts of the bridge are the circuits from, for example the source to a dimension below.

You have already formed the circuits between source and all dimensions required, except the first, which will soon be completed. When this is done, it is a matter of integrating this circuit in the circuit made of circuits called the rainbow bridge. Then the spark will come in the form of your ascension.

The Energetic Function of the PAT Succinctly Explained

You heard in the past that you have incarnated because, when not embedded in the matrix, it is impossible to change anything, as energy use would be so inefficient that the energy would never be enough to overcome the dark forces and thought patterns. In order for you to construct the rainbow bridge, you first had to construct your personal rainbow bridge, which is done in the LBPBy doing this you have what you could not have in the higher dimensions: connection to the matrix in addition to your own circuit to the sourceAnd also what other entities on this planet do not have in addition to connection to the matrix: a strong connection to the source, which allows energy to flow freely.

All this time, there was a de-facto bridge between the source and Gaia already, because the PAT served as THE link connected to both the matrix and the Source. But in order for humanity and Gaia to ascend, they also need to be able to link to the source without the PAT serving as a link, which is what the rainbow bridge is for.

Now how do you construct the parts of this rainbow bridge? As you have a personal bridge to the source, and collectively with the PAT, this is done by adding to your/PAT’s circuit to the source an element until the bridge is finished.

This process is highly complicated because there are enormous amount of elements and interdependences in play, so it is best to say this in general terms. In order to make a connection possible between the circuit of the PAT and humanity/Gaia, a lot of preparation work needed to be done in the form of cleansing. This is done by releasing amounts of high frequency energy through your circuit and connecting smaller parts to your circuit, and then using energy running through the circuit to transmute those smaller parts. You all know how tiring all this work was.

When it was decided to stop this process of cleansing (last PAT decree on August 13) and to start the process of ascension, the process of creating the final circuit commencedSo we now have the rainbow bridge with all circuits except the very last one. This is already highly beneficial, as it has pushed back the dark forces further and further (every part of the rainbow bridge is a circuit in itself with flowing energy). They were already powerless against the PAT, but they cannot hope to fight a direct free flowing connection to the source as a general rule everywhere in addition to PAT, instead of PAT being the only embodiment of this connection.

You will soon complete the creation of the last circuit, and then comes the part of integrating it to complete the full rainbow bridge, which will also finish the integration of all your light bodies into the oversoul. The completion of the full rainbow bridge will definitely have to be this month.

This completion of the circuit, combined with your ascension, will be a very abrupt event. You are so detached from this reality that you won’t really feel it coming, because it is here already, even if the very last part of it has not occurred for you yet. You are in fact so detached that you need a sort of ‘buffer’ to stitch your bursts of presence together, otherwise life here would literally be like a slide show to you. (I noticed this when the buffer stopped working for a short amount of time, perhaps others did as well).

All in all, it’s finally happening! But there are still a few last days/hours of work ahead of you.”

Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,

excellent information. Well done! I have attached below the information I have just received from Dorie (see above). Although she confirms your information with regard to the last cleansing of the 1st level at the core of the earth, where the darkest dross is assembled, her HS is also talking about our fields being like coil springs /wires that are now further stretched to the infinity of the source until they will no longer hold and we will detach from the earth. Can you please ask your HS to also comment on this aspect of our ascension. I will then publish all these messages in my last energy update as to keep the morale of the PAT high.

With love and light
Dear George,

It seems to me that all the messages we get are given in various metaphors. I will stick to this metaphor of coil springs for elaboration from my HS.

The closer we come to completing the circuit, the further we are pulled to the source. We are right now still THE link between Source and the Whole of Gaia/Humanity. When we complete our full Rainbow bridge circuit, at the exact same time the coils will be stretched to a huge degree which will cause a pull on Gaia to create the ID-split. Also at this exact same time, the connection between Gaia/Humanity and Source, where we serve as the sole link will “zap” and the energy will link to our completely established Rainbow bridge, thus forever enabling the free energetic link with the Source. We are then free and will travel through the Rainbow bridge to the Source. We will then use the Rainbow bridge to continue the long road of further ascension of Gaia and Humanity in much better conditions.

Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,

this further explanation makes a lot of sense. It logically connects the two messages, thus completing our idea of the final stages of our complex ascension process. I fully resonate with this information. It is a brilliant confirmation of my physical model with regard to the overall ascension process. I also agree with you that we have to resort to metaphors, as our human vocabulary is not able to adequately describe these complex multi-dimensional processes, which are so innately intertwined between the microcosm, including our bodies, emotions and perceptions, and the macrocosm of All-That-Is, because they escape any meaningful human perception and verbal presentation.

Thank you very much for your effort. Now I know why we, the older indigo generation of the PAT, have decided to select you, the crystalline children, as our honourable successors to lead humanity in the future.

With love and light

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