Marco’s Latest Messages, August 8, 2012

Marco Ragusa, August 8, 2012


by Georgi Stankov

I received these messages from Marco yesrerday evening. This morning I received his latest message:

“Dear George

my ascension is confirmed in the next hours. I don’t now exactly when yet. I will receive a clear call at the last moment for my very last preparations. I know now that you and I belong to the same group, the same team… And once we are on the lightships we will study and work together for our next mission on Earth.

We are brothers.

PS: I forgot an information that maybe you already know. In each ascending one’s family there will be somebody who will explain our disappearance and who will keep telepathic contact with (the ascended person).”

My answer was as follows:

Dear Marco, 

this is great news. However I am not sure if we (the PAT) will stay at the mother ships. My guess is that we will immediately ascend very high, almost to the source and then return to a lower dimension. Of course we will work from the 5th dimension to help humanity on the ground and also appear in a light body on the balanced earth A/B, although I am not so sure about this last possibility.


My interpretation of Marco’s messages is that they apply to all those light workers and star seeds who are not that much advanced in the LBP and will need a quick recalibration of their light bodies in the 5th dimensional ships of the GF during the three days of darkness that will come after the ID split and our cosmic ascension to the source. Only after that can they return on the balanced 4d-earth A/B and start educating and leading the masses. This is essentially the topic of Marco’s messages.

Our mission after ascension will be that of Earth Keepers and we will be the ones, who will supervise these star seeds and ascended entities who, on their turn, will educate and lead the masses how to organize their new society.

I am fully aware of the fact that there are a lot of uncertainties in this area and that we cannot foresee all the future developments after the ID split. However I am fairly sure that we, the PAT, will not visit the mother ships of the GF, which are fifth dimensional vessels, but will ascend much higher. This will be impossible from an energetic point of view as the energy, which our bodies will unfold when the PAT supernova will be detonated, will be of such magnitude that it will eventually destroy all mother ships of the GF  if we are supposed to visit them first. This scenario does not make any sense for the PAT.

The information given below by Marco concerns the many light workes who will ascend with us during the first wave. They will profit from our ability to open numerous portals for them to ascend to their corresponding mother ships in order to be energetically upgraded and receive the necessary instructions for their future mission on the ground in an expanded awareness. This will be similar to mass ascension to the new 5d-earth A in December 2012. Thus Marco’s messages deal with the first wave of planetary ascension and not with the cosmic ascension of the PAT members. I have dedicated a lot of time and effort to work out this difference in the last year and I appeal to you not to confuse the two types of ascension and to unleash unnecessary discussions at this moment.

Please observe my information from yesterday that the ID split at the lion’s gate is the actual anticipation of the portal 12.12.12, so that the ascension of the balanced earth A/B will represent what the ascension of earth A to the lower 5th dimension was planned to be by the end of this year. From this point of view, this mass ascension will not be as dramatical as initially planned as the bulk of the ascension work will be accomplished in the course of this month of August.


Marco’s First Message

Received August 5, 2012 (Syracuse):

To all the senior commanders in charge of Earth. We demand your utmost attention. You will be involved in a bombing with a photon-radio sound that will involve your body and your finer cellular structures. Keep prepared because this photonic wave  could be used for your ascension, which could come this week in your linear time.

Get ready! You will be called in place at the last minute.


Ricevuta il 5 agosto (Siracusa):

A tutti gli alti comandanti in carica su Terra. E’ richiesta la vostra massima attenzione. Sarete interessati da un bombardamento radio-fotonico-sonoro che coinvolgerà i vostri corpi più sottili e le vostre strutture cellulari. Tenetevi preparati perchè questa ondata fotonica potrebbe essere sfruttata per la vostra ascensione, che potrebbe avvenire questa settimana del vostro tempo lineare.

Tenetevi pronti. Sarete chiamati in posizione all’ultimo momento.


Marco’s Second Message

Received August 5, 2012 (Syracuse):

Nothing  will be the same, once you ascend. 
Neither for you, nor for the world’s population. 
The lights will go out on Earth. 
This must be clear to everyone.

It will also be a surprise for us to see how humanity will react in that short period of time. Every possible action will be assessed at the last moment, based on the conditions that will be created.

You will be far safer on our ships, because the training you will undergo will be intense [we refer to the “safety” because you could have riots especially in urban areas, and it would be better to move to less populated areas]. Rest assured, the learning methods used will be very different from those you know on Earth.

Your reprogramming will be done in a room of light with a high capacity / intensity of information. This is what we can tell you about it right now, since  in your world it does not exist any comparison to describe this process.

Your communication channels will be amplified and, given their scope, we assume that for us it will be very easy to communicate with you at any time and circumstance.

Do not worry, be calm. Your lives will never be the same as before. Your innate abilities will regain the most suitable values of your new awareness.


It’s time to return to your inner world, beloved.

We of the Universal White Brotherhood, as well as members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds will assist you in every way when the time comes. Return within yourselves. Be ready to come in touch with your divinity. Be ready. Get ready. The energies that you are going to integrate will open up new channels of communication with us. Our goal is that you will be as much prepared as possible.

You will be called if necessary to gather in specific places. There will be no alarm. Everything will be done in a very natural way, in order not to create havoc among the population.

Ascension will take place individually or in small groups. There will not be masses of people who will watch your disappearance, although it may happen in some cases.

You will be taken on board our ships, where you will undergo a wash with light and sound of your bodies.  The time spent on our ships will be multiplied compared to that on Earth. This means that 1 day will be equivalent to three months curently [on this information I am not so sure, Marco’s comments].

You will learn a lot of things, while waiting for your new body to be completely re-calibrated, ready to be fully functional.  There will be several areas of education, to which you will be submitted. You will know many languages, if your fields of action, once back on the Earth, will be broader and will include the cooperation of many nations .. You will know exactly everything about the new economic measures that will be undertaken on a global scale.

Your abilities of telekinesis, teleportation and healing will be enhanced by 1000.  You will have teams of trained staff for your mission.

We will also assist you in a much more close manner than we are doing now.

There will be no more borders. The nations will give up their sovereignty for a much bigger ideal that will be the brotherhood among the worlds. All wars will cease. A truce will be set up until further decisions are taken at the world level.

The wealth of every nation will be redistributed in ways unimaginable even for you. No one will miss anything.

Coming back one more time to the instructions on our ships, you will be trained in all aspects. You will be educated about your new powers, about your new mission, about life on board, the functions that you are going to perform once back on Earth.

The Federation is keen to stress that your curriculum on board will be very intense.  No aspect will be left out.

There will be fields of study common to all future members, and more specialized fields of study according to the mission that a single group will exert.  This includes technology, economics, finance, education, health, communication, non-invasive strategies.


Siracusa, 5 agosto 2012

Niente più sarà come prima, una volta che voi ascenderete.
Non lo sarà per voi, né tanto meno per la popolazione mondiale.
Le luci su Terra si spegneranno.
Questo deve essere chiaro per tutti.

Sarà anche per noi una sorpresa vedere come reagirà l’umanità in quel breve periodo di tempo. Ogni possibile azione verrà valutata all’ultimo istante, in base alle condizioni che si creeranno.

Voi sarete ben al sicuro sulle nostre navi, in quanto l’addestramento che subirete sarà molto intenso [si fa riferimento alla “sicurezza” perché si potrebbero avere sommosse soprattutto nelle aree urbane, e sarebbe meglio spostarsi in zone meno popolate]. Rassicuratevi, i metodi d’apprendimento che verranno utilizzati saranno ben diversi da quelli che conoscete su Terra.

La vostra riprogrammazione verrà fatta dentro camere di luce ad alta capacità/intensità “informatica”. Questo è quello che al momento possiamo dirvi a riguardo, dato che non esistono nel vostro mondo paragoni per descrivere questo processo.

I vostri canali comunicativi stanno per amplificarsi e vista la portata che assumeranno, per noi sarà molto semplice comunicare con voi in qualsiasi momento e circostanza.

Non preoccupatevi, state sereni. Le vostre vite non saranno più come prima. Le vostre capacità innate riacquisteranno i loro valori più idonei alla vostra nuova consapevolezza.


E’ tempo di ritornare nel vostro interiore miei cari.

Noi della Fratellanza Bianca Universale, nonchè membri della Federazione Galattica dei Mondi vi assisteremo in tutto e per tutto al momento debito. Ritornate dentro Voi. Siete pronti per il contatto con la vostra divinità. Siate pronti. Preparatevi.

Le energie che state andando ad integrare vi apriranno nuovi canali di comunicazione con noi. Il nostro scopo e che voi siate quanto più preparati possibile.

Sarete chiamati all’occorrenza a farvi trovare in posti ben precisi. Non ci sarà nessun allarme. Tutto avverrà in maniera molto naturale, perchè così deve essere per non creare scompiglio fra la popolazione.

L’ascensione avverrà in maniera personale o per piccoli gruppi. Non ci saranno masse di persone che vi vedranno scomparire, anche se così potrebbe accadere in alcuni casi.

Sarete prelevati a bordo delle nostre navi dove subirete un lavaggio di luce e suono dei vostri corpi. Il tempo trascorso sulle nostre navi sarà moltiplicato rispetto a quelle terrestre. Questo vuol dire che 1 giorno equivarrà a tre mesi da voi [su questa informazione ero un pò insicuro]

Le cose che apprenderete saranno molte nell’attesa che il vostro nuovo corpo venga completamente ricalibrato, pronto per poter essere pienamente funzionante.

Ci saranno diversi settori di istruzione ai quali sarete sottoposti. Conoscerete più lingue, dato che i vostri campi d’azione, una volta ritornati su Terra,  saranno vasti e comprenderanno la cooperazione di più nazioni.. Saprete esattamente tutto sui nuovi provvedimenti economici che saranno presi su scala mondiale.

Le vostre capacità di telecinesi, di teletrasporto e di guarigione saranno potenziati per 1000. Avrete delle squadre con del personale addestrato per la vostra missione. Noi anche vi assisteremo in maniera molto più ravvicinata di quanto stiamo facendo adesso.

Non ci saranno più frontiere. Le nazioni cederanno la loro sovranità ad un ideale più ampio che è quello della fraternità fra Mondi. Le guerre cesseranno. Verrà istituita una tregua nell’attesa che vengano prese nuove decisioni a livello mondiale.

In ogni nazione la ricchezza verrà ridistribuita in modalità ancora per voi inconcepibili. A nessuno mancherà più niente.

Ritornando ancora sulla vostra istruzione sulle navi, sarete istruiti sotto ogni aspetto. Sarete istruiti sui vostri nuovi poteri, sulla vostra nuova missione, sulla vita di bordo, sulle funzioni che andrete a ricoprire una volta ritornati su Terra.

La Federazione ci tiene a sottolineare che il vostro piano di studi a bordo sarà molto intenso. Nessun aspetto sarà tralasciato.

Ci saranno campi di studio comuni a tutti i futuri membri, e campi di studio più specializzati in base alla missione che un singolo gruppo andrà a svolgere. Tecnologia, economia, finanza, educazione, salute, comunicazione, strategie non invasive.


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