By Marco Ragusa
Syracuse, 31 07 2012
We of the Universal White Brotherhood. We are here to tell you that you came into the New Age. Bring this message to all, in the Hearts and Minds.
Be calm, because everything will be fine. We can not describe our joy.
In Light, Marco, I offer you my greetings. I am Kuthumi and I talk to here and now.
We are here to tell you that you have anchored the light needed, so that the ascension can occur on a global scale.
We are here to tell you that now it is only a matter of days. But you should not count the days. Live your lives as you do normally, follow your feelings.
We will be there to greet you at the appropriate time.
The Great Universal White Brotherhood wants to emphasize that you are welcome. Nothing will be hidden any more, nor taken away.
You are just on the threshold. There is nothing to add. Your lives will change from one second to the next one and this will happen within a single human breath. But you must be waiting patiently for that moment because no one knows the exact time and day.
You are officially ascended masters, even if not yet for you.
This is the message Marco.
With this, I leave you and see you soon in the higher realms.
Gerarchia Bianca Universale e Kuthumi: Siete entrati nella Nuova Era
trasmesso attraverso Marco Ragusa
Siracusa 31 07 2012
Noi della Gerarchia Bianca Universale. Siamo qua per dirvi che siete entrati nella Nuova Era.
Portate questo messaggio a Tutti, nei Cuori e nelle Menti.
Siate tranquilli perché tutto andrà bene.
Non possiamo descrivervi la nostra gioia.
Nella Luce, Marco, io ti porgo il mio saluto.
Io sono Kuthumi qui ed ora e ti parlo.*
Noi siamo qua per dirvi che avete ancorato la luce necessaria affinchè l’ascensione possa avvenire su scala mondiale.
Siamo qua per dirvi che ormai è solo questione di giorni. Ma non state a contare i giorni. Vivete le vostre vite normalmente per come state facendo, seguendo il vostro sentire.
Noi saremo lì nel momento opportuno ad accogliervi.
La Grande Fratellanza Bianca Universale ci tiene a sottolineare che sarete i benvenuti. Niente più vi verrà nascosto, né tanto meno tolto.
Siete semplicemente arrivati alla soglia. Non c’è nient’altro d’aggiungere. Le vostre vite cambieranno da un momento all’altro e questo accadrà nel giro di un vostro respiro. Ma dovete stare in attesa di quel momento perchè nessuno conosce l’ora e il giorno preciso.
Siete per noi ufficialmente Maestri Ascesi, ma non ancora per voi.
Questo è il messaggio Marco.
Con questo io ti lascio e a presto nei reami superiori.
Marco is a PAT member with whom I work very closely. He has translated and published many of my publications in Italian language. He is editing two websites on ascension in Italy and is very active in the Italian light workers community.
The above message is pivital as it fully confirms our information so far and in addition gives us new unique glimpses into what humanity should expect after the ID split, in Marco’s message defined as the “three days of darkness”, which will most probably happen this week. Also the role of the PAT as the future ascended human masters and Earth Keepers is elucidated in a succinct manner.
I am personally very thankful to Marco for giving us this important information prior to our immediate ascension.
On August 1 and 2, I participated in two extremely powerful waves, comparable to that on June 21/22 and July 16, which opened the gateway for our ascension and that of humanity and Gaia. As this is a stepwise process, moving from one energetic threshold to the next one, this may take some time to manifest in this realty. When the point in time arrives, the pinnacle of cosmic power will be reached within the blink of an eye and we will detonate the “supernova” of the PAT.
My information from my HS is that the most favouraable date will be August 4, but we muss wait and see. We can do nothing now to accelerate this process after we issued our last decree that trigrged the actual ascension process.
Last evening and throughout the whole night, there was an incredible thundestorm within the confines of my portal, while the whole horizon was clear with no clouds to be seen in all four directions. There were huge electromagnetic discharges, known in German as “Wetterleuchten” (lightnings as whole sky illumination). I spent the evening with a friend, a starseed, talking about the pending ascension, and he also confirmed that he has never seen this kind of thunderstorm in this region of Bavaria so far, where thunderstorms are rather often. This thunderstorm was not anticipated by the meteorologists for this part of Gemrany My feeling today is that the ID split can enter this reality any time. The only thing we can do now is to stay calm and try to relax as much as the powerful incoming energies allow us. We have done it.
Georgi Stankov