by April Bender, August 8, 2012
Me: Yesterday was a nightmare! I still feel very, very tired today. My stomach is still hurting but it does feel as though change is in the air today. In fact, late yesterday is when I first started to feel the shift. I can’t put my finger on it but the energy finally feels different today despite the same old physical complaints of this last week.
HS: Late yesterday and into today are what we would refer to as “assimilation” days. You (the PAT), Gaia, and the masses are all assimilating the latest round (over a week now) of potent, transformative cosmic energy that has been pouring in up to this point. You are “full” in every sense of the word, uncomfortably so, and now need to allow the energies to settle/assimilate somewhat before the next larger, more potent round commences at the Lion’s Gate/tomorrow. Similarly to how dust settles just after a dust-storm. You may still feel physically uncomfortable but by now you have peaked in the symptoms and in fact, should feel a slight/small amount of relief though it might not be all that noticeable.
Me: What is so special about the additional energy coming in full force tomorrow/Lion’s Gate?
HS: As we’ve said before this energy, this wave is the one that will carry you to ascension and also solidify the timelines, marking the beginning of humanity’s last phase prior to mass ascension at the end of the year. The energy coming in tomorrow, or upon the opening of the Lion’s Gate, could be considered the “capstone” to this whole energetic process. Therefore it is the highest, purist, form of light experienced on this planet in a very, very long time. This is why it has been so important for you to acclimate in steps/grades. You’ve now reached the top step/grade, where you may find yourself in somewhat of a “pause,” in which all that you’ve downloaded so far has a chance to settle/assimilate. Since you are already very much “full” in your bodies/portals, you can imagine the “detonation” or “ignition” effect that this will have on you when the rest of this energy, the most potent of all, comes streaming in.
Me: So the process is almost complete?
HS: Very much so. Just hang in there. You’ve made it through the worst, and your sweet relief/release is so close! You are right on the cusp! The final injection will be closely followed by “detonation.” They will happen relatively quickly to each other.
Me: Are we ascending tomorrow then?
HS: You will ascend when this process is complete. Could be tomorrow, could be a couple days out depending upon how this energy is received and how the new grids do upon the “firing.” As you know there are several factors involved with such complex energetic processes as this, but we do see this final injection of light (prior to your ascension/detonation) as being of very short duration.
In simplest terms, you are at the very tail end of this process, and you are so very close you can almost taste it now. Though it is probably tasting a little bittersweet at this point, but do know that we are so very proud of all of your accomplishments! This would not be happening, truly, if not for all your efforts and very soon you will see for yourselves, through our eyes, just what you have truly done for the benefit of all! We cannot wait to greet you upon your return and shower you with all the love and appreciation that you have yet to receive for a job well done. Your return is nigh!
Miracles Happen
Dear April,
I had just started reading your email with the message from your HS when the quartz clock on my table started to move all of a sudden. It is remotely controlled and the clock arms/pointers move only twice a year, when the summer and winter time is changed. When the clock arms began to move, it was 18.12 pm CET. My attention was immediately attracted to the noise of the rotating clock arms and I received an inkling from my HS that there is an important message to come, while I was watching the clock arms rotating.
When they stopped at 12.12, I knew that we have actually speed up the ascension process. This would says that the actual opening of the last portal of ascension 12.12.12 will now happen at lion’s gate. This is actually our achievement – the combined effort of the PAT to accelerate the ascension process as to anchor firmly the new timeline of the balanced earth A/B in the higher 4th dimension.
My clock is still out of time and I have no possibility to correct it manually. I must wait for a couple of hours when the clock arms will start moving one more time by remote control and will be adjusted to the proper time.
I think that this happening tells us more than my comments on your latest message. It is fully on line with our recent experience, even though it indicates that our ascension may not be exactly on August 8, but several days later. What counts is the assessment of the past week, which was indeed one of the heaviest in terms of cleansing dark energy density. It also confirms what I have written today in the latest report (that will be published in an hour) that since last mid-night the energies have suddenly shifted and reached an energetic plateau, after they have peaked day after day during the first seven days in the month of August.
When ascension did not happen last week, I was sure that the higher realms will wait for the lion’s gate as to make use of the most powerful and purest energies, coming from this cosmic portal, before they will decide to detonate the PAT supernova. It would have been rather silly on the part of heaven to accomplish the ID split and our ascension before these energies are available on the earth to fuel the ascension process.
The cosmic logic tells me in fact that we may wait for another 2-3 days before the ID split will happen, as such portals actually spread over a period of at least three days. This was the case with the stargate 11.11.11 and with all subsequent cosmic portal since then.
But it is obvious now that we are “on the cusp of ascension” and that August is the month when the fate of humanity and Gaia will be sealed.
With love and light