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July 29, 2012

On The Ascension Energies of the PAT

Hello again George!

I was sent this channeling today (see my answer on this source to Diane below, George) channeling today, purporting to be from some friendly Pleiadians who just maneuvered their ships through a series of portals into intimate contact with Gaia sometime on the 27th. They also mention knocking out a few sensitive humans, which brought you, and your description of the energies on the 27th immediately to mind. So, how’s it going over there? Inquiring minds (and fond hearts) want to know. 

As for myself, I also experienced the 27th as an energetic peak, capping off a two week period of intense learning. It started on the 13th with (what feels like) my last limiting connection to 3D being severed energetically, although it did not yet come into form, continued to the 16th, when I experienced a personal apocalypse (that energetic severing manifesting its full form), and ended on the 27th, when I was able to put my new learning to the test.

It was, of course, a complex process, but focused primarily on two areas: releasing the last attachments to ego self and ego creation, and then using that new perspective to transmute a perfect emotional body trigger into a whole, integrated, compassionate, grateful and loving reflection. On the 16th the apocalypse trigger presented me with a choice between a high and a low vibrational response. In choosing the high I sacrificed that last anchoring small self connection, and was able to bring in more expanded self. It all paid off on the 27th, as I was able to reflect the peak energy of that day through myself with absolute love and new clarity.

So, I’m feeling calm, joyful, and full of love over here in Sacramento today, happy to experience some rest! My ascension pathway is fully charged and open, and I’m ready on the trigger, but the sense of immediacy I felt around it yesterday is dissipating. It’s gone from feeling like a bomb to feeling like a turbine, so I am extending my expectations a bit forward in time to accommodate. I’m also noticing a subtle change in my experience time and multidimensionality, which I’m excited to explore next. What an amazing creation we are participating in!

I hope this reaches you in good health and good cheer.

With much love,
Dear Miles,

thank you very much for your comprehensive energy update from the last days. It fully coalesces with what myself and many other PAT members have also experienced during the past two weeks. If you read my latest publication by April Bender, you will find more information about the current state-of-ascension. We are midway in the process of ascension that can happen any moment from now on.

With love and light
July 29, 2012


I swear, I just am not able to get hit like this anymore. This is ridiculous, borderline insane. How can it be expected of us, so few, to continually get knocked down and out by these immense waves? I had a spirit experience that involves I think the PAT, but I don’t even have it in me to explain right now. I have never been so close to just giving up.

And don’t you even say I am being dramatic. This wave has pulled me down so hard again and again today, I can’t see straight, nor can I even focus on the simplest of things. Hell? If this isn’t it, I don’t know what is. I have so had it.

Why why can’t the peace and serenity stay consistently? Why can’t I continually experience that reality and hand over my sword and banner to a crystalline? I’m fried.

Love and Light,
July 29, 2012

Hi Georgi –

What do you think of this. Portal info. given seems to line up with much of what the PAT has been experiencing.

Love and Light

Click here: PLEIADIAN CHANNEL by MICAH ~ JULY 27, 2012 Disclosure by the 4th of August – Ashtar Command – Spiritual Community
Dear Diane,

I am very sceptical about this source. it has made similar forecasts in the past and nothing happened. The way it is written, sound very false to me. However the timetable is correct. There will be only one scenario – ascension of the PAT and ID split. No GF will appear before we have ascended and have appeared in front of humanity. This is a done deal.

George –

Yes, I’m sceptical also. Seems like every date that has ever been given has failed. That’s why I’m disbelieving of anyone that gives any timeframe for anything including ascension – why should that be any different?  It’s just a wait and see game for me as usual.  Whether or not GF appears before ascension or after is certainly Not a done deal in my eyes.  But…. WE SHALL SEE.

Dear Diane,

you have again misunderstood me. I clearly said that the timetable is correct, but the scenario presented there is wrong. This is a big difference. Read also my latest publication by April Bender.

July 27, 2012

Caro Giorgio,

I can confirm you that I felt the waves today (27), also my girlfriend has been overwhelmed since this morning all day long. I’m feeling right now a strong way, but I did not feel to resist it, and after I read your last update! Incredible! Un abbraccio!

July 28, 2012

Hello Georgi,

I experienced huge energies today before the Opening Ceremonies, as you did, including a severe headache, extreme dizziness and exhaustion requiring frequent rest periods. I would like to report to you what I felt from an energetic sense… (see   My Personal Assessment of the State-Of-Ascension).

July 28, 2012


I read with a “dizzy” head Amy’s experience with the sparrows.

I had one myself the same day, an encounter with sparrows that is not coincidence. I was walking the property and cleaning up in the early morning of 07/26/12.. and we have lots of sparrows here on property about 200 or so I guess. They nest in the soffits and during the day they gather in flocks in the Crape Myrtles, and they fly as one in flocks of about 50 or so  as Amy said.

I have had to water the plants and grass here as it is sooo hot with no rain, things were looking wilted – very weird for this area, this time of year and the sparrows have been gathering around the water throughout the day in huge flocks.

A small sparrow kept flying in front of me – low – as I walked and I thought he might be hurt, so I captured him with my hands and took him inside. I have been wanting a bird and I was so happy to have this little one. But after researching, I felt he would have a better chance of survival on his own outside.

At the same time that I was letting the sparrow go, the painter came to me and was obviously frightened  – the apt. he is painting is right next to mine..a ferret had wandered in there; he had never seen one and didn’t know that it was a domesticated pet.

This young ferret was someone’s pet.. he was very thirsty and I gave him some water once I got him into the bathroom- enclosed and safe. I called Animal Welfare, and they came to get him. When he was in the cage they bought, he played and rolled over like a puppy. I was laughing inside at all of the commotion, and the handler said that he wanted him and would adopt him if they could not find the owner. Wow, was I happy.

And then I read Metatron per your suggestion:

“The area of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contains many overlays of myriad space-time energy dynamics. It is indeed a Crystalline Portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the hologramic Omni-Earth program….

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Arkansas and other such ‘Time-Gate Vectors’ allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?

Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. That does not mean that when one walks into the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasional by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.”

And the above says it all. I want to thank you deeply for all of the information that you have provided me and others. I am here, in Arkansas- of all places that I did not want to be.. and I am here for all of humanity.

Love and Light,

Lisa, Arkansas
July 28, 2012Dear GeorgeI don’t know when the higher realms are are going to realise that things need to get going and have to be completed. I had hoped that the 27th of July would finally be that day when the first part of the PAT’s mission would be accomplished, with the ascension of the PAT and the ID split. Yesterday was a great day for the conclusion of the ascension process, but it did not happen. I am aware that there were high-energy-level surges throughout the entire day and during the Olympic games opening ceremony.The higher realms, and particularly our souls, need to realise that they have to put away their perfectionism and the apparent plan to surprise the PAT members. It would not be a surprise to any PAT members if they ascend, sure we would all be amazed and mesmerized, but not surprised since we have all been expecting this for some time. Earth B/3D is not by any standards the planet of perfection, since it is one of the most debased planets in the universe and the 3rd dimension is by no standards connected to the source like the higher dimensions. They can’t expect to impose perfectionistic standards on a planet and incarnated individuals (humanity) in the lowest level dimension. In the end, ultimately I know they haven’t lost the plot at all, but they seemed to have steered off track for a while.

We are at the end of July and there are still many objectives that still need to be completed( PAT ascension, ID split, Humanity’s development, Humanity’s ascension, Mass ascension etc…..) in the next few months. I know I may be sounding impatient, but I do believe that I have lost all patience in the last few weeks due to the constant delays. At some point the higher realms that is a point when action must fully be taken as well as taken into consideration how long PAT members have had to strain each day just to wake up on this dark planet. We as the PAT have accomplished our part of the deal, now it is time for the higher realms to do the same, it only sets the right example. Hope it comes soon.

Love and Light
Dear Arthur,.

I personally feel that the ascension process has already begun on July 25-26 and is now in full sway, but it is accomplished step by step until the final step – our ascension and the ID split – could take place. This must now be coordinated with the whole galaxy and the Central sun and it may take some more days. But the train has started and is now gaining momentum and nothing can stop it anymore. Hence, be indeed patient and wait what will happen in the next days. It does not matter now  to wait several more days.

With love and light
Dear George

Thanks for your reply, i do know that that our ascension process has to be aligned with the whole galaxy and the central sun. This ascension process is not only taking place on our planet but many others as well. The delays were obviously for a very good reason, so as to align all other energetic procedures throughout the galaxy. This is definitely viewing the situation in a much more broad context, instead of narrowing it down to one planet like I did in my previous email. I wish that as PAT members we knew about all the energetic processes that are/were taking place, but we are still in our carbon based bodies and we cannot interpret all the intricate calculations and procedures that occur throughout the galaxy and the universe due to our limited human brain. This remains a fundamental reason why we as PAT members can’t fully understand and clarify the messages from our HS.

I was disappointed that we could not ascend during the opening ceremony of the Olympic games, all I am wondering is how much longer it will take and how much longer the PAT members and other ascension teams on other planets will have to wait since I personally can’t believe I have had to wait more than 10 months to ascend. Once again I have no doubts at all over the ascension plan, otherwise I would have quit months ago like so former PAT members. Hopefully we can ascend by the end of this month.

Love and Light
July 28, 2012

Hello All,

Putting thoughts, feelings and a completely different understanding of the world and humanity into words seems cumbersome and clumsy at best, when we are operating from a different dimension in terms of understanding (as we’ve discussed here). This is a realisation of the highest of the high on this earth. It’s true – people who cannot understand or communicate with this aspect within themselves will always think we are ‘off our nut’ – a little cookoo (or, a lot). Finding this website was a confirmation that what I had been experiencing within my inner compass and landscape and also within the confines of my body are, in fact real.

This confirmation was paramount in the relief I felt. My connection / communication with my HS has become clearer and more pronounced due to Georgi’s writings and the contributions and communications here, as well, more so since June. This has helped to take away the blockages I was experiencing and shine some light on things that I did not have any words or understandings of. Georgi, I truly appreciate the work you do in keeping this site at the highest standard – nothing compares or even comes close to it. The synchronicities around this site are amazing!

I can confirm that I have had (as have a few people here) a severe rash (on my hands) since the evening of July 20th, which has intensified over the past week. I know it’s candida, and I don’t exactly know why or when it chooses to manifest itself with me (?) – Except that it does seem to coincide with the energy up dates, so I am assuming it is part of that process. It is incredibly painful and hurts my hands – I have had to modify my diet (once again, no wine with dinner for me, nor carbs or sweets!). Life can get pretty dull down here.

As well, I too had a serious conversation with my HS about my ear being plugged for sooo long (yet again). I was fed up with it, and asked that I get my hearing back to a normal capacity – And, it happened, I no longer have a plugged ear, as of the middle of last week. Thank goodness! I know that if I had not DEMANDED that this nonsense quit, that I would still be dealing with it (after over 2 months).

I’m very honoured to know all of you in an energetic sense, and feel that I will recognise you all when we meet in the higher dimensions soon. I can’t wait!

In love and light for all of you,
July 28, 2012

Thanks Georgi,

I have experienced the WORST ever headache (not a bad enough word for it!) on 26th into the night of 27th, to the point where I was in tears and my friend said he was expecting me to disappear and leave him with just my pyjamas! It has eased now but is still present but waning. My God, I don’t want to put up with any more. Thanks for keeping going.

With fond love, Gail
July 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

That explains it! I had read the various posts this morning but just got back on the site to see if anyone else has had been hit by this wave today. I did the same as you this morning and blatantly REFUSED to transmute this energy as I felt the wave coming on and then it briefly subsided. Just a few hours ago, I was literally knocked down by it and I also had the realization that it must be VERY important and so, I have allowed it to process. I am in severe gastrointestinal pain and have not been able to stop vomiting acidic fluid and my head and lungs are full of phlegm. This is crazy! I have felt a culmination of events all day…I wish we’d get on with it already!

Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,

thank you for this confirmation. This wave was very strong indeed and it also hit the third chakra with liver, gallbladder and stomach. I also was on the verge of vomiting (which I rarely do) and this is a clear sign that it was a very strong and powerful wave beyond the normal range. I can imagine that our ascension wave will not be much different, only that we will then also transform our bodies, so that we need not vomit anymore.

With love and light
July 28, 2012

Hi Georgi

Please forgive my hiatus from correspondence but accept my thanks for keeping the blog going. I realize that our blog depends on contributions and discussion from our members, yet, for me I have not had anything of value to add to the discussion in terms of energy interpretation (until now). I have wanted to write in, really. My LBP has been quite understated as late, except for a mild depression and those inevitable naps in the afternoon on every one of those portal days you predicted.

Only yesterday was I contemplating great cracks of thunder in the sky. There were none, but I was thinking to myself how when we ascend, we should be accompanied by such loud noises. It seems to be that it is only natural for the ID split to be heard throughout the planet! This information came to be out of the blue as an energy more than a thought as a direct result of contemplating the sky.

Secondly, today I watched with curiosity as a flock of sparrows circled outside my apartment for several minutes in a formation I had never seen before right here in the city. I wondered what “energy spiral” they were floating on and my interpretation was that I should be alert for more signs.

Then I come in and switch on the computer to read Mary´s report about the sparrows in the bush.

The last thing to report is that I am finally beginning to detect a pattern in terms of how the most important energetic “dates” manifest through me. In the dream state I am again tying up very obscure karmic loose ends and engaging energetically with people who are important to me and finishing certain timelines with them in the dream state…

Lastly, I can confirm that abolishment of linear time is a key concept to grasp to be able to ascend. I had a sudden shift in perception around this point 2 days ago when I was meditating without trying for this effect. I am much more aligned with “Everything happening simultaneously” and know for certain that the illusion of time is that it is stretched out, like an elastic, like in slow motion. Difficult to hold onto, this shift in perception is very subtle, but it is there.

Starting to get very excited now as I can truly feel a build up to a peak, quite similar to 11.11.11. Thank you again for your tireless effort to keep us coherent. The energy is pure elation tonight.

My love to you and all of the PAT,
Dear Debra,

thank you for your latest update. It does not matter how often your contribute to this website, it is the quality that counts. It is interesting indeed that common ideas and perceptions arise in many PAT members at the same time, which is a clear sign for the precise synchronization from the higher realms. The energy build-up is undeniable, but the final outcome is still in the making and my impression is that it will take some more days.

Until then there is nothing we can do. “Halte deine Ohren steif, es dauer nicht mehr lange.”

With love and light
July 27, 2012

Sheryl’s Message

Today – I would like to request that PAT set time aside to honor the sentient beings of Gaia.

Each morning I ask all of my friends/sentient beings that dwell on Gaia to encircle her with light and healing. This morning my brothers and sisters have asked to add their light, love and momentum to PAT’s to propel Gaia ascending body forward.

“Each morning we encircle Gaia by holding our hands, wings, tails branches, tops and bottoms, paws and claws. We connect our threads of life to the Great Central Sun and bring that light into our hearts chakras and then down into the heart of Gaia. The light comes down into our hearts and runs down into our feet, roots, paws, claws, hooves, mass, and tails directly into her heart. Each day we send with it our love and gratitude in appreciation for all she has bestowed on us.”

I have asked my brothers and sisters to prepare their best gifts in readiness for Gaia’s ascension. They are giving their voices in song, their strength, their speed, their wings, each giving what they do best with all their heart. My neighbors sweet donkey is giving his love. In addition he says he is also a good eater. From the largest to the smallest, they are stepping forward to offer their best.

They told me this morning:

“PAT/ Earth Keepers,We are on alert and at the ready. As a collective we offer our strength, wisdom and vision in building the new Gaia. Let us work together to envision Gaia as the jewel of the universe she was meant to be.”


As the time approaches for PAT’s ascension and we become the super novas propelling Gaia across the dimensions. Remember to salute and honor our brothers and sisters of the natural world; who have gone unrecognized for their sacrifices on our behalf. They tell me they will be the wind at our back and the quotient of light & love we carry with in our hearts for the new Gaia.  TOGETHER WE ARE ONE.


July 28, 2012

The Sound of Lift-Off

Hi George!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the last posts of Amy, Mara, Boyd, Jenifer and Andre! I feel as though my heavy heart has been released. Mara explained it so well and is such an encouragement to ‘stay the course’…I must admit, the overwhelming fatigue and disappointment that we are still here has nearly done me in. Yet once more in this lifetime do I pull myself together and resolve to finish my work here. A big hug to each of you for giving me the inspiration and reminder I needed. A loving kick in the pants, too!Dorie’s checklist of the PAT was spot on! Thanks to you, too!

Amy’s experience was such a blessing to read! I could feel the sound inside myself! George, when you said it was a sound of Biblical proportions I had to laugh. When Amy talked about the “sound” I thought of the words written in the Bible,”Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet will sound and mortality will take on immortality…” So many have speculated what kind of sound this might be… AHA! now we know!!

Oh, and George, I  made a copy of the Metatron channel to send you last night, but decided to wait until today! It sounded like the things you have been writing and I was hoping you would discuss it.

To My PAT family, my deepest appreciation for sharing with us!

All my relatives, Aho! love and light!
July 28, 2012

Amy’s Utopia

Dearest George,

Boy, oh boy, when the visions and signs start coming for me, they are one behind the other!

Anyways! Two days ago I experienced such deep peace, tranquility, calm, to such a point I found myself whispering. It felt as though I was walking on “holy ground”. Then a heavy wave hit later that day, which extended into yesterday. I was like…. oh come on, already, these have got to stop!!!

Now today. The sacredness I experienced two days ago, again is here. There is a hush. A stillness. My soul is soaking up this peace like a thirsty sponge. Incredible! And then a vision and a sign.

During the heavy wave as I lay on my bed, I went into what I call twilight sleep, not here, but in an altered stated. There I saw before me a golden door which I did not hesitate to open. It opened towards me and ahead I saw a tube like tunnel, filled with light, suspended it seemed from nothing. With no hesitation, I began walking this tube and then I came upon another golden door. This one it was my choice which way to open it, so I decided to open it away from me and I did so eagerly. Upon opening this door, before me was Utopia, a land of untouched, pristine beauty that took my breath away. I get the goosebumps just writing this. I stood there and yes, I walked over the threshold and just stood on solid ground, looking around me in amazement and in absolute awe. Then, back to 3D. *bump*

Sign today. Because I received understanding of the angel card that has the word Synthesis on it, I chose another one this morning. The single word on this one is:


Again I got the goosebumps and said WOW! YES!  *deep relieved sigh*, *laughing*.

Either you don’t hear from me for a while, or you start getting a slew of emails from me. Too funny. But, that is who I am, and this is how HS/spirit works with me. I go through periods of “silence” and then wham! This sign, and that vision, and holy cow! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!With all I am,
Master in Process,

More warped drive humor from my HS with spelling and grammar corrections

by  Lynn Heidemann

A card from Christ/Universe to all it may concern, summary of the 2nd cumming, (comment heard from white dragon peanut gallery – “He must know venus butterfly because he cum longggg time.”)

Please spare me the details of the interrelations – of all the “alien” races who contributed their 2 cents to Earth Realm creation. (I Hate soap operas!) These bickering, quarreling, spoiled kids have had more freedom than the wildside did.  Pitted against one another with greed in their hearts, their creations were doomed to fail from the start.  Brothers fighting and f#@ing brothers fighting and f#@ing their fathers, how could families know their relation to one another.  An individual, planetary, galactic mess put the whole universe into cardiac arrest.  Universal Soul  is not pleased, “My f#@!*  Heart is broken, how did you think I’d react!?”  “And now you freaks can’t fix it because it never worked in your grasp.”  “So I AM sending a life support team to my Heartland to reverse all the damages done by all of your hands.  They are specialized and focused so be out of their way, they do not acknowledge disease and decay.” ( This means they can’t see you)  So if you’re in their path you may wind up in a dying body that day on a ventilator with no functioning mitochondrial DNA.  So back off and watch and learn how miscreations are undone.  We saved a seat for all of U in the scorching, hot Sun.

With Love,
Your Uni-versal-
Rib-itps  You’re Planet aXed :)

pps  My dear little Miscreants-

Galactic –>  Planetary–> Individual lives——-> Universal Life!

Interesting graduation –  Enjoy Summer School- See U all soon.
Love MA (picture of eye)

ppps Grand-MAMA says Hell-O and then she farted.

Disclaimer: All members of my cardiac team are licensed and certified in compliance with your laws and regulations.  Techs are CCRT certified.  So, have no fear we are all certified and certifiable upon expiration.

For more information see our website @ GalacticCenter-edOnPerversions.cum

(enter the code on your pink slip, if U were lucky enough to get one, to see if U won an All paid trip to Source(ror) on our luxury black Her-sea)  Good Luck. LOL.LOL.


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