PAT Comments on the Latest Post

On Martina’s “Nature-Heart

July 14, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Please can you relay the biggest “ThankYou” to Martina for her most wonderful Nature Heart. I felt a very powerful and pure ‘blast’ of the most uplifting healing and spiritually supporting love brought through from Mother Earth when I opened the first photo!

I would love to share this beautiful energetic message with others on my Facebook page, so can I ask if this is OK with Martina?

I have been connecting more and more deeply recently with the presence of the Tree Spirit in a most magnificent Copper Beech, which grows in the parkland surrounding the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey close to where I live.

When I go stand in the folds of his capacious trunk, it feels as though he wraps his huge Etheric arms around me in a very loving and supportive embrace. With these recent experiences, I am coming to understand that Mother Earth and all her Beings are a intrinsic and vital – literally! – aspect of our Ascension process.

Also, I was reminded recently that Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha  ‘obtained’ his Enlightenment = Ascension while sitting underneath a Bodhi Tree. Can it be that simple? Maybe, when the time is exactly right, it is!

Lots of love to everyone
Dear Mano,

thank you very much for your appreciation of Martina’s Nature Heart. I will forward your email to her. But  I think that you can share her pictures with whom you believe may profit from them, as this is what the initial intention of Martina was.

I also have the feeling that the elementals and the plant kingdom have increased their energies enormously in the last days prior to ascension. Plants have always been part of Gaia and have never separated from her, contrary to human spirits, and this is now the most difficult part of Creation to be brought back to the Source. For this reason any close energetic connection with the plant kingdom and especially with big trees can be very helpful to anchor the personal energetic field in that of Gaia, without which no real ascension is possible.

With love and light
July 14, 2012

Hi George

Please relay to Martina that she is not a crazy lady. The crazies are inching away on the highway in their metal coffins, going to spend the whole day somewhere they don’t want to be – and then never ask why.

There is something about the pictures of the “Nature-Heart” that resonated deeply when I first looked at them and I resonated with the ones that had PAT at the top. It may have an individual symbolic meaning. The spiral also drew my attention as did my coaster soon after that has spirals printed on it. Pending ascension?

Warm regards
Alex Golowyn – Perth, Australia
July 14, 2012

Caro dr Georgi,

ho visto in questo momento le foto della bellissima “preghiera” di Martina dedicata ai membri PAT. Le riferisca che ho provato una grande commozione. La ringrazi  da parte  mia per il bellissimo dono. Un abbraccio italiano pieno di luce.




Dear Georgi,

I have seen in this moment the most beautiful “prayer” of Martina dedicated to the members of the PAT. Please tell her that I have felt a great commotion. I thank her on my part for this most beautiful present. An Italian hug full of light.



July 14, 2012

Dear George,

Please send out my warmest thanks and love over to Martina for such a Beautiful Nature-Heart that will serve a fantastic purpose of energy transfer in the coming days and times, as she herself already experienced. She produced and gave to the earth and humanity a very lovely gift and she is so loved by us all here. I just loved that Heart, how absolutely beautiful it is…

Love, Bonnie
July 14, 2012

Dear George,

Please let Martina know how much her artistic expression and outpouring of love means to me as a PAT member.  With the final weeks intensifying our LBP and symptoms and ascension so close at hand, life is becoming more surreal by the day.

George, your grand efforts as our captain and the love we share as PAT members keeps me alive as we move towards our greatest journey of all – cosmic ascension.


On “The Quest for Immortality”

July 13, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I said to you few weeks ago that the bigger lesson I got from you during this last year, was about soul’s immortality. It’s absolutely true, forgetfulness of this kind is the root of all mankind’s troubles. Let me explain.

In your physical works you have (re)linked consciousness with physics, three/four centuries after Newton and Descartes had separated them in a very abrupt way. Without to grasp perfectly your theory, reading and re-reading and re-reading your physical book (my brain is quite slow), I could feel and understand more and more that you’re right, and that it is our soul who creates the world we can see, smell, hear, touch and taste.

So literally we (rectius, our soul through our consciousness) create the world. In your book there’s the key to this truth, the mathematical key. Daniel, in his letter, was right – you have indulged too much in explanation of old physics, so I’ve read again your book disregarding it, and focusing just on the new one. the outcome has been amazing: I have understood much better.

So why on earth do we all experience the same world? I believe because we live in a common matrix, which give us a common base substratum (this is the so called “dimension”). The PTB (better, PTW) have manipulated for thousands of years this matrix, so we have lived in this toxic planet because our consciousness, immersed in this manipulated matrix, has created this ugly world.

Now this matrix is crumbling under the overwhelming, incoming energies and our world is vanishing under our eyes. The shift of dimension will be a shift of this matrix: in the new matrix our soul, through our consciousness, will create a new world. every one of us will be able to choose the new matrix (planet A, A/B, B).

So, to remember soul’s immortality and to understand the new physics, means to grasp that the world we could perceive in any dimension is a creation of our immortal soul, through our consciousness and, of course, we have the power to create everything we want (with the limitation that consciousness has in every dimension). In this sense, I believe, we are sparks of god, powerful creators and, always in this sense, to create a beautiful world is a question of choice. I hope to have managed English well enough, to have explained this concept.

love and light
July 14, 2012


This is so timely! The division of humanity seems more pronounced each day. I had several social events to attend this week. Normally I bow out, but these were people I wanted to spend time with. I was the proverbial elephant in the room. People instinctively knew I was different, but could not put their finger on it. They were trying to use the old Orion method of manipulation to drag me back into the fold, but it wasn’t working.

I’m not vulnerable to it anymore. I felt like Boudicca, hands on my hips, one leg in 3d but the other firmly planted in the higher dimensions. My Orion induced humbleness was gone and replaced with an innate knowledge that I AM an immortal being.

This new found I AM-ness draws those who are aware to me like a magnet and repels the less evolved sheeple.  I really don’t say much either, it permeates my aura –  don’t mess with her – there is a strength in my presence now. I know I had this before and I am remembering now how it feels to walk like a master. I feel at home in my skin and the fragments of my soul are coming together again. And I like it!

Thank you George for this post it had confirmed what I have been seeing recently and was not quite ready to accept.

Love & light, Sheryl

July 14, 2012


I was SO excited about passing these extraordinary pictures on to you I totally forgot to mention, that I enjoyed the “Quest for Immortality” immensely and I thank you so much for once again by-passing your own standards. Your writings and your articles are par excellence! Wow, you just keep raising the bar of excellence! Thank you thank you thank you!!…

On “Social Evolution Versus Revolution”

July 13, 2012

Hi George

I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the reading of late, which has been of exceptional quality. PAT submissions, your comments and the recent “Great Central Sun Transmissions”. Gold.

I have a few questions about the latter, but will hold off until I have read some more. These last few weeks have been very tiring energetically. We are being worked that’s for sure. I also took part in the Creation Experiment. By the end of this month has been energised. The difference between now and 11/11/11 is an underlying energetic feeling that is building. Not in a physical sense but a feeling that we have all picked up on. It’s hard to put into words. We must be at the cusp.

I wanted to quickly add to your discussion with Julia something that wasn’t mentioned as it is important now for all to see the dynamics that are behind the coming changes. The rest was already covered nicely. I’ll quote Julia below to explain.

“As per your Law of energy optimization, when the PTW and media tried to hide the facts, so that the majority of the population stay ignorant of political and economical status, but it has backfired on them, that they ended up being ignored and therefore being “starved to death”. From the energetic perspective, wouldn’t you agree that if you ignore/don’t give energy to something, it doesn’t grow and cease to exist.”

The last statement is true regarding conscious creation. Unfortunately, the majority of the masses still believe in the old system, focus their conscious energy and keep it alive like Frankenstein. However, that is only part of the story of how the PTB have manipulated the masses like zombies. I use the term “zombies” because the human minions of the PTB view the masses as “The Dead”. This was how one of the US politicians described how the elite see the people they represent at some occult gathering. They consider most people “The Dead” because they are “ignorant” of their true nature – powerful sovereign creator beings. The human minions of the PTB actually justified their actions because of people’s ignorance even though they, the PTB, created the conditions to sustain it. If one is to be ignorant of their true nature, then one is effectively walking around dead according to them and therefore acceptable to be used as a resource.

This ignorance has allowed the PTB to program the collective subconscious of the masses to create a world that the PTB chose, all the while the collective consciousness was distracted by the system that also empowered the PTB. It’s quite clever. The where and how they did this, will be revealed in due course, so I will leave it at that. Ignorance is not bliss after all. Keep up the good work.

Warm regards
Alex Golowyn
Dear Alex,

thank you for this important contribution to the discussion with Julia. It is exactly as you describe it, and this also makes the difference with respect to the past. Now humanity is engulfed in new energies that no longer allow the zombie-like existence of the masses in the low-frequency, high-density spectrum, in which humanity was thrown in the last 10 000 years, so that these truths must come to the fore and be perceived by the masses as such. come what may.

This is the actual driving impetus behind the new forces, which I define  as “rebellious forces” of the masses that will change the situation on the ground before we come as ascended masters and canalize these destructive energies into more creative channels after the ID split.

I am happy that you appreciate the high quality of the latest post, which is entirely determined by the contributions of the readers.

With love and light
July 13, 2012

Hi George,

I’ve been reading the updates from the PAT team. We are all going through similar changes. Sometimes I can’t tell whether or not it’s the energies or if I’m having latent hot flashes, although I thought that I had finished that phase of my life several years ago.

But with regard to the A/B Split and its timing, I think that the behaviour of the “dark cabal” might also give some clues. We have to remember that although they are not orientated to service to others many of their most senior members are well versed in the use of energies. While the common man may look upon talk of energies and vibrational splits as stuff that is “out there”, a great deal of the elite eagerly practice the dark arts and manipulation of energy and intent.

In observing their current panic and offers of “change and restitution”, particularly with the nation-wide foreclosure mess that we are told will publish decisions on restitution to home owners on July 31, 2012, as well as other financial actions, scheduled to take place at that time, I have come to the conclusion that they also know that an energetic split is about to occur. They know that their time in control is short and some, or should I say a few of them, are trying to feign a change of heart out of fear and confusion about their future.

The next alignment that will occur with multiple planetary bodies is on August 14, 2012. Many are predicting very large earthquakes at that time.

I suspect that the uber-elite will be well in their foxholes by that time. This means that the period of time between now and then will be filled with chaotic and catastrophic events and that their final card will be played: The card of sheer brute force in order to maintain control and order.Their card will be met by unbelievable push back and the elite will fail.

So I say all of this to make this point. I believe that the members of the PAT will have to be in place on the ascended earth sometime in August if they are to be of any value to the groups of ascending humans to follow.

Soon, George.  Soon.


Dear Charlotte,

thank you very much for this excellent analysis of the cryptic signs that indeed show that the elite is in disarray and has already realized that there is no other option for them but a total surrender. Whether they will find their foxholes is doubtful, given the fact that most of their underground bunkers were destroyed last year.

One additional trend may ultimately break their backbone. There are many members of the elite who are actually adult souls and will now start to speak against the cabal and telling truths against them, only to save their skin. This will demoralize them and then their collapse will come very quickly. It can happen within several days. as was the case in Eastern Europe after the Fall of the Iron curtain when the red nomenclature disappeared from the surface within 48 hours. They know it and they are scared to death now, which is a nice change after they have been scaring the rest of humanity for so long.

With love and light


PS: This night (July 14) I had a very prolonged and intensive meeting with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her office. This was the 6th or 7th meeting in the last 5 years. The atmosphere of our conversation was, contrary to previous meetings in the dream state, very relaxed and warm. I woke several times in the night, but then continued dreaming of Merkel and her image was very intensive in my imagination. It was impossible for me to get rid of it. We talked a lot about her past and how she became a politician.

She told me that she is now relieved that everything is coming to an end and that she no longer needs to play the role of a politician. She looked much younger in my dream and very relaxed. After we finished our lengthy discussion, she went downstairs to make her most important press conference in her whole political carrier: telling the press and the journalists the truth about life on earth and announcing her demise.

During my conversation with Angela Merkel I was accompanied by two female members of the PAT, but I cannot remember their identity, who carefully listened to our discussion. After the Chancellor Merkel left her office for the conference hall, which was in another building, we strolled along the empty rooms of the “Kanzleramt” (chancellor office) and commented on the futility of any political effort on this planet.

This dream came after I asked my HS yesterday to give me a clear message about the coming ascension. It was a clear sign that the “change of the guards” is due and that we will take over the destiny of mankind very soon as ascended masters and that many politicians will be happy to hand over their duties to us, as they are so frustrated now by their futile efforts to achieve anything tangible amidst the crumbling old Orion matrix. This dream was so intensive and realistic that I continued to dream it the whole morning of July 14, with the image of Angela Merkel in front of my eyes.

July 13, 2012

Dear Georgi,

In last few days in the newspaper I noticed security for the Olympics were mentioned too many times and how everything is prepared and on full alert. Alert, as if expecting an attack? There are too many weapons, too many discussions about safety, about potential attacks that I m afraid somethings gonna happen. Maybe the elite is preparing new twins, so they could introduce even greater control over humanity. The Elite is hoping that this move will change the course of events that are following. In vain, but let’s hope I am mistaken about this. After all, you wrote that it has nothing to do with the spirit of the old Olympics. It’s all about money, so who in their right mind is still interested in their games-rituals?

With love,
Dear Marin,

This is true, but my personal feeling is that there will be no dark attack during the Olympic games. I have no proofs, but only the inner conviction and I do not charge negative timelines with my thoughts. I am still hopeful that the ID split may annihilate the Olympic games (see also below).


On the Recent Energy Update

July 13, 2012

Hello Georgi,

I am writing to confirm that I received your telepathic request yesterday evening for an energetic update on the events now occurring.

It is interesting to note that July 9 was earmarked as a special day in the energetic sense, because I can also confirm that as of the late afternoon on July 9, there were very unusual colours in the sky. The colour turquoise was decidedly different than ones I had seen in the past, but there was also a new kind of overtone of pink-orange.  These colours have been present all week.

On July 10, I felt a distinct change in the energetics in terms of lightness, almost a lightening, if you will. As a continuation of this I must describe a remarkable experience two days ago, on Wednesday July 11. I awoke early and as I opened my eyes a thought came to my mind instantly…”What am I doing back here?”. This thought, this sentence that I heard in my mind, came from a source which I believe is called the “Higher Mind”.

As an aside, the Elohim have been in contact with me to discuss The Mind and all aspects from Lower Mind and Reaction, to Higher Mind and Integration.  It is interesting that many of your recent posts deal with issues that we all need to attend to at this time. I need time to process what they have said to me and as soon as my household move is completed, I will be able to give it my full attention.

To continue, immediately following this thought of “What am I doing back here?” was the knowing that “The work is not yet done”. I am uncertain if I ascended on Wednesday or what, but what I do know is that the extreme joy and happiness that I felt with the “failed” ascension on November 23, 2011 was also present on this day, only to be dashed by the surprise and sudden realization that I had “come back”. You know, I am wondering if this was a direct result of our collective ascension creation experiment. What do you think?

The enormous crescendo in energies has left me hugely energized, but has at the same time left me feeling very exhausted by nightfall each and every day. Today I’m aware of more planetary cleansing taking place, as well as further clearing of humanity’s dross.

I know that everything is perfect and I am not impatient in this moment, as there is a lot being done by all of us at this time. I thank you for your invaluable and undying energetic support to the group.
With love,
Dear Carla,

thank you for your latest energetic update, which confirms the experience of most of the PAT members. I have no idea what final adjustments the higher realms are making now, but we are definitely in the final preparation for the ID split. This is what I am dreaming most of the nights. and it is very strenuous. During the day also.

Now I am brooding at the moment about possible ascension of the PAT shortly before the ID split, so that we will coordinate this split on the ground as ascended masters.

This may have to do with the Olympic games when the dark GB faction is planning a huge attack to trigger WW3. There are already many signs for this. This will not happen, but it may be that we will ascend at this time and take the euphoria of these games with us instead of the other way round.

I had an important dream in this direction, which I will not discuss for the moment. But I am giving you this  information, so that you can check with your HS.

I have calculated that by the end of July, when the Olympic games will be opened, Gaia will have achieved a 80% alignment with the Great Central sun and the photon belt, which is a good percentage to trigger a first ID split or at least our first ascension.

The Juliano source (the group of forty) which I recently published, predicts in its last message from June  that the ascension wave will reach its peak probably around July 28, which is the date of the opening of the Olympic games It also says that the collapse of the old matrix will happen in the following two weeks, which fully coincides with the duration of the Olympic games. If this is the case, it must be of great advantage that we appear as ascended masters at that time before the dark faction decides to let the false prophet Maitreya appear out of the magic hat, if you understand what I mean.

Hope your move is going well.

With love and light
July 13, 2012


have not written for a while, I have not had very much to add to the current conversations. I am of course still reading and active in my own way. I simply wanted to let Amy know that I too am feeling very similar to her; feelings of burning up, can’t take it anymore, etc. She summed it up very well, I am just wishing her the strength in knowing she is not alone.

I am ready to follow the lead of forces beyond my control, there is nothing one can do but surrender to the energies that are truly beginning to take center stage. I too am looking for the clues on the outside that will herald the many changes that will occur, it cannot be long now. Thank you for all that you do, it is truly amazing.

Much love,


PS: Oh I wanted to add my gratitude to everyone for all the love, care, and energy they put into the PAT and their lives in general. You can really feel the beauty, honesty and innocence of the many people that write to you. And this is quite an accomplishment considering the limitations of the written word. I am really happy that we are all here together, it makes things easier to know one is not going through it alone. Love and light!
Dear Vlad,

thank you for your update and for your support for Amy. I will forward your email to her. I fully agree that we have no longer any control over these huge energies that are so powerful as they must be to trigger the necessary changes and we can only try to keep balance on the crest of this wave and not be drown by it.

With love and light
July 13, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Tonight I had another “moving” dream…This was already third dream on the same subject (just little different scenarios) in past month. There was a group of about 20 people and we were moving to “new place” which required learning new rules and ways of operating. I remember being mostly an observer. I am pretty sure that “moving” means ascension.

As I am reading your reports on energy updates I wanted to share my experiences on LBP and energy waves. First three month of this year I was so knocked down with LBP that many days I did spend in bed. There was a whole nine yards of issues: vertigo, fever, body aches, breathing issues…you name it!

Since mid April I have not been “sick” not one day. I do feel high energies coming in and my body is ringing/buzzing constantly with occasional palpitations (I call it Red Bull energy ) but there is no more debilitating painful suffering like I was experiencing it in the beginning of the year. I was hit by 30 hr long sore throat last week and some occasional moving/traveling back pain but that is pretty much it. I feel these new energy waves in mostly pleasant way. I sleep much better now (longer and not waking up in the middle of the night), feel this “happiness”( for no reason ) for most of the time and feel “calm as a lake” in the middle of the storm. Just wondering if anyone else can relate.

There is no doubts that soon, very soon we will be in whole new reality.

with love,


Dear Sanita,

It is good news that you feel better in the last months. The LBP is so individual that it is impossible to establish any rule. I thought that I am over with the pains, but since June 21 I have the strongest and most debilitating wave for a long time and it is still ongoing. Not unusual for me, as I have had many such waves in the past, but still a solitary peak in terms of intensity. I will publish your energy presentation and we will see how other PAT members will respond.

With love and light
July 13, 2012

Dear Georgi,

As I read accounts of other PAT members physical discomforts, I now understand my own. My energy levels drag so low by mid afternoon that I feel as though I can’t go another step. Nights are not much better as I wake regularly now every two hours. During the day at work I sometime feel that I’m talking through an empty shell. The inner spirit watches as my mouth moves to complete senseless conversations. However, at the same time I feel at total peace inside knowing that very shortly (no later than 12-21-12) that an incredible cleansing energy of pure white light will envelope my entire being and change me instantly to a beautiful light body. I pray that all human entities will hang on and just breathe in the healing energies until the day of our transformation.

In love and light to all,
July 13, 2012


Just read your last email reports for all the PAT members, who are suffering so many symptoms. I don’t have anything really to add. It seemed besides the fatigue, the worse for us is digestive issues. Both Anita and had had rolling rumbling guts for several days which is not unusual, but this time we had green stools for about a week.  Then she has high fevers at night which go away by morning. We have been also severely fatigued.

What surprises me however is how ” normal” everyone else is acting at least normal for them. Don’t they feel these huge downloads at all. It is sort of depressing in a way that we are continually pummeled. I think that our HS or whoever is in charge of this process should allow us to ascend or release us from this process by the end of the month. It just seems so unfair to make us carry this burden for so long and still have to maintain ourselves and our bodies in 3-D. That is my way of looking at it that something must have went terribly wrong again and more aggressive energy was needed to be downloaded. It can’t be that we need to cleanse anymore after this long. The earth is still not ready and the burden as usual is placed on us.


Dear Jerry,

you have very precisely spoken my mood and assessment of the latest energy downloads that always knock us, who are on the utmost front, while all the other people do not get it and are not even slightly touched.

Then I read all the bullshit in the channeling sources, which only address the fence-straddlers and spend not a single word on the sufferings of the wayshowers, who are the only one to do the dirty job for the rest of humanity and the universe – for all those souls who have not dared to incarnate, but only trumpet great words of love and compassion from the safety of the higher dimensions.

It is indeed surreal and I can understand when one begins to lose hope. But even this does not help. Therefore just wait and survive.

July 13, 2012

Dear George

Thank you for answering my questions in a straightforward manner and I totally believe that we will ascend within the next 10 days regardless of what anyone else says, we have approached and reached the time and point of ascension. I fully expect the ID split within the next 10 days and I am sure that you can fully agree with me on that issue. There can definitely be not a single or even more delays since we are now in the zone. The magnetic pole reversal is about to happen since Nibiru is very nearby. All seems to be in plan and ready to happen.

Why I can say all of this, is because my higher self has today informed me that we are due to ascend around the period of 16-24 of July and I fully resonate with these messages. I am confident that we will ascend very,very soon. The ID split has now happened in the astral realms and it is only a matter of a very few days till it occurs here on Earth and our ascension is completed. I have no doubt in my mind that all these events will happen. Our time has come.

I am glad that you have answered my questions and every other PAT members as well. I will be expecting more favours from you in the next few remaining days we have on this planet.

In anticipation

Much Love


Dear John,

I am more than willing to agree with you. I can only strongly hope that also Heaven agrees with you. But all signs point indeed to an energetic climax. From all your and mine past considerations, we have absolute no time to waste anymore, given the Tantalus job we still have to accomplish in the few remaining months prior to mass ascension to prepare humanity for this event.

But I believe that we need some pivotal events on the ground before that, e.g a financial crash or something like this, which will be further aggravated by the ID split and our ascension. It could be as well that we will first ascend and the ID split may come some time later. This is also a realistic alternative. In this way our official appearance as ascended masters in front of humanity will catalyze the collapse of the matrix. I have been reluctant to favour this alternative in the past, but now with respect to the huge delays, this appears to be a good alternative.

With love and light
July 13, 2012

Dear George,

It is about 8:30 pm here in WNC as I am writing. I am going to sound like a crazy person, but I have to tell you what I just saw. I don’t fully understand it.

I know from a kid growing up that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I had just a few moments ago went outside to take my dog out. The first thing I noticed in the clouds to the East, is how bright it was. I looked glorious like a beautiful sunset. I thought, the sun isn’t supposed to be over there! I looked to the West where the sun is supposed to be going down, and through the clouds, it was going down. I kept looking back and forth. It was much brighter on the East side. Then I saw two large objects, brilliantly shining, flying parallel to one another going North. There was no sound. They were low enough, there would’ve been sound, had they been aircraft. I watched until they disappeared in the clouds.

Then from the direction the two flew, a huge passenger plane came, with sound. I watched until it disappeared to the South. Then came another brilliantly flying cylindrical shaped object from South to North. No sound. Then another. No sound. I ran into a spider web trying to keep them in sight. My dog even knew something was strange, she kept sitting on my feet, almost tripping me. I looked to my right,  toward the West, and there was a jet flying with sound and contrails; headed North. Back to my left-East, another brilliantly cylindrical shaped object flying North, no sound. Then another jet to my right-West, flying North with sound and contrails. On my left there were seven total of the brilliantly shining objects with no sound, flying North, as I watched the sun setting in both the East and West.

Please, am I losing my mind or is there some logical explanation for this? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Love, light,



PS: I came back inside and retrieved my military compass. According to it in contrast to the directions I gave in my other email, the brighter sunset with the reddening sky was in the south/southeast. This puts all of the objects I saw, including the two jets, flying south/southwest. The passenger jet was flying east/northeast. The place where the sun normally sets, according to the compass, is northwest.

This is all very peculiar to me. Has the earth’s crust shifted that much in the past month? Also, on my left, while I was outside, this would be to my east, I saw those odd shaped clouds that look like layered-dome-ships.
Dear Sandra,

these are amazing sightings and I can only read them the way you have described them. I have no other explanation  than that you have seen UFOs. However, it is not clear whether they were from the Orion/Reptilian faction or from the GF. I am sorry but I cannot tell you much more.

With  love and light

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