By Georgi Stankov, June 23, 2 012
June 23, 2012
Dear George,
Lets have some fun with this…
Jon Robert
Dear Jon,
Loren was a former PAT member who last year, after 11.11.11, lost faith in ascension and wrote a disappointed essay against me and the PAT. Then I appeared to her in a dream and initiated her ascension. She then apologized for her disbelief to me and vehemently assured me that she had been distracted from her soul’s path and had lost faith in ascension, but that after her dream she now firmly believed in ascension.
This correspondence is documented in a previous Ascension report and should be read one more time by all religiously tainted disbelievers as to verify how these people twist the truth and the facts without any moral reservations, as has been the case with Christianity in the last 2000 years.
Soon after that Loren disappeared for many months from my radar and now she seems to have fallen back into her original spiritual doubts as recently was the case with Jorge and found her salvation again in the bible and Christianity. She has twisted all my arguments on behalf of Apollonius of Tyana and she has of course not considered my philosophical study on the fraud of early Christianity “Neoplatonism and Christianity” as to suit her old bogus religious concepts, which must have been deeply rooted in her weird mentality. This is also the reason why Henry Clymer and I have decided to start translating this book in English and to begin with its publication on this website next week.
One must add that she is a theatre artist and has virtually no knowledge on theology and Western history and is thus absolutely incompetent to comment on such complicated topics, where your grand grand father Jonathan Mannings was an expert. She embodies in this respect the classical, religiously tainted ignorant with his lies as your grand grand father must have experienced himself on numerous occasions.
We must be prepared for such similar attacks in the coming days as a result of the exploding spiritual crises of many such individuals, who have not qualified for ascension when the events will begin to stipulate and many similar individual and collective dramas will start to unfold. This is just a glimpse of the incredulity, hatred and twisting of the truth that we will have to encounter in the coming days as a result of the human denial to let go of the old matrix and its false concepts.
But on the other hand, one can encounter this “Fall from Grace” of our former PAT member Loren with great calmness and spiritual sovereignty according to the motto: “Who laughs last, laughs best”
With love and light
Attachment: My Correspondence with Loren
January 28-29, 2012
Hi George!
I noticed you have symptoms from the solar flares. I too have been having some new symptoms but did not make the correlation until I read your comment. My dreams are also ramping up these past few days.
I have been “wandering in the desert” for the last forty days (ha) and have only now reached peace again with my soul. Going into the world is very difficult for me as I have the hardest time putting it aside again along with all of it’s burdens and dead-ended dreams. I know it does not matter, but I feel compelled somehow to participate, to my own spiritual detriment mainly, until I find the truth of my ascension again and am able to relax back into grace.
I think as the spiral becomes tighter into a ‘time of no time’ whatever we still need to learn will cycle “again” into our lives, as this lesson about being in the 3D world did with me. I pray, I learned those lessons well and will move on as planned this time. I keep hearing things like “Wait” and “Spring” and for this December “Singing and Dancing” !
I had a dream last night about two beings combining to become a new one (Now I feel certain that one of the beings was a spirit body). The conjoining of the two beings SNAPPED as it became the new body. I felt electrical surges in my sleep as well. I saw the process again and again and heard the SNAP each time. Does this correlate with any of your findings regarding the “moment of surrender” and finally switching physically over?
I have always felt that we are being seeded by the Sun to make this evolutionary leap. As I have not read your book yet, do you have any evidence that this is a part of the process? I am looking forward to the X class that was hurled directly at us today – maybe this is the one to change everything? I definitely wanted to write you in case I could not later…Thanks again George for all you do!
I hope you are doing well. I think of you and check in with the website often. *HUGS* to PAT See you there!
All my love,
Dear Loren,
I am happy to hear from your again and I only recently had a telepathic contact with you and was wondering what you are doing. I can confirm that the last weeks were very strenuous as if we died inside and were reborn again, where the process of dying was in the forefront. We are now deleting all old belief systems that have shaped human civilisation for the last 10 000 years and this is very exhausting.The last energy surge began around January 20 and to my information will go well into February.
This series of powerful energy waves will ultimately destroy the old matrix of the current world order and then the system will crumble very quickly. My impression is that this time they (Heaven) want to make it perfect and not half-an-ascension as was the case at 11.11.11 when the light quotient on earth was insufficient to make a full ascension. Now we have caught up with the original schedule and have eliminated the energy delay.I do not think that the members of the PAT have to learn anything anymore, but they simply do extra shifts for the others to complete this job on earth. We are now in the last throes.
Your dream is a clear picture of how our carbon-based bodies will be transformed in the blink of an eye into crystalline ones and thus we will unite with our higher self and spiritual body. This could have happened anytime in the past since 11.11.11, but then there will be no members of the PAT to hold the light on the ground and humanity will be in a much more dire condition.How this process of switching the body onto crystalline one will actually occur, is rather complicated. I am considering the idea of writing something about it, but ultimately it is rather difficult as it involves quantum biophysics and deep knowledge in the bio-science and I do not see how this detailed information will ease our current situation. So for the moment, I have decided not to write on this topic. But your dream describes precisely this experience at the conscious level.
To your question about the sun. The sun is the basic source for the existence of the solar system and thus of all incarnation experiments. The energy of the soul is however different from that of the sun, but the soul uses the sun’s energy as an energetic basis, upon which all other forms in the 3D reality are created. This is not easy to explain, but one should know that the sun provides a huge proton stream that is in the core of building any kind of matter, beginning with the elements in the Mendeleev table and all other substances.Just for you as a background information: the whole metabolism in the cell that keeps our body alive – i.e. the degradation of our food as proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids – ends up in producing protons, which are expelled across biological membranes and create an electric gradient in the cell membrane and in all membranes within the cell such as in mitochondria. This energy gradients are the actually stored energy which feeds the regulation and the very existence of the cells and thus of the biological body. I have written a lot about this in volume III, but this information can be further elaborated as to also explains the transition of the carbon-based body to crystalline one. The original source of all protons is the sun.
The advantage of the crystalline body is that human awareness will expand enormously; now our humble human consciousness is limited by the slow function of the human brain. It is as if you exchange your hardware disc of one gigabyte with a new one of one million gigabyte. It is as simple as that. We can only overcome the limitations of the current physical vessel, if we simply exchange it with a better one, but we are since long time beyond the stage when we have to learn anything more on this planet. We now only fulfill our last function as powerful energy carriers to heave Gaia to the 5th dimension and then go back home.
With love and light
Dear George,
You are so right about not having anything left to learn here on this planet! I don’t know why I continue to get caught up in the illusion that the reason I’m still here is because there is something I must DO. I have known of the ascension that approaches for so long now, it seems sometimes to have become the dream instead of the reality…
When you had asked PAT to disseminate information to the press about ascension I had thoughts of reviving my show which deals with this very issue, the cabal and the light and the truth of our becoming – I went into a bit of a whirlwind about the whole thing; where to re-produce, how to secure the funds etc., etc; I was thinking this would be my contribution to the enlightenment… I recently put my dreams of this away for good. My experience has been that I am invisible to my peers (and community) and my work is invisible to them as well. They cannot see or hear it – a very liberating feeling accompanied this decision to stop. You’ve said it many times, no time to change anything here any longer. I finally got it and will live it from here on out.
I have been going through many new physical changes. I want to stretch allot, I’ve lost a substantial amount of weight and I am inclined to exercise more than my typical “walk the dog” routine. My heart center feels as though it is going to break wide open sometimes. Weirdly, I don’t have much emotion attached to the feelings around my heart, just a gaping painful hole that wants to expand as much as it can. I did have a fleeting feeling the other day of being on the new timeline – like a new day was finally dawning after much cold and darkness.
I’m looking forward to digging deep into your book on Gnosis now that I have my life back and am no longer required to facilitate the 3D world. (i.e.: I’m out of work for a bit, hooray!)
I am very grateful for you and your steady presence in these last of last days here on 3D Earth.
Much love to you and all of PAT,
Dear Loren,
This is absolutely the right strategy – to conclude that there is nothing left to do on earth, but just be there. I started this initiative from a psychological point of view because I wanted to motivate the members of the PAT and give them a feeling for a short period of time that the things are moving forward, even if one does not see any tangible results on the surface, but I warned them not to expect any immediate results as not to get disappointed.You are absolutely right – the opening of the heart chakra is pure energy and has nothing to do with real love as it is interpreted in the esoteric scene. There are many wrong interpretations in this respect that swirl around on the Internet and among light workers.
With love and light
December 29, 2011
Hello George,
The end of your LBP report made me laugh. “Giddy” about how uninformed we all are – funny. Your latest writings are more in a vein I resonate with…I’ve given up long ago trying to convince or be convinced of nearly anything. It’s all on me, creating this “Galactic Butterfly”- busting through the collective cocoon is drawing very near. You express this beautifully in your latest report.
I wanted to tell you about my golden dust fire experience. I was meditating down at the lake, the sun was reflecting off the ice and I had my eyes open but down. I feel very hollow throughout my body these days, as if I am an empty shell awaiting something new. At one point I felt my arms begin to raise up as an energy surged through them. At my feet a golden dust blew up around me and then became as flames, this golden dust flame seemed to want to become my wings. I felt myself being thrown back a little. Very pleasant this feeling of wings and floating.
As to the LBP symptoms, I’m no longer in pain but in bliss. In fact at this point I have chosen bliss to be my guide. A friend told me recently that she did not care what it was that gave you joy- eating, smoking pot, having sex, whatever- do it! Seek joy first, joy is the key to becoming the light body.
In my ever so humble opinion, LBP does not have to be painful or difficult. Ascension seems to be a deeply personal thing and I’m not sure if all that are going through this process are experiencing the exact same thing. I’ve related to some and not to others about physical symptoms and length of trials. Simply the fact that I’m female and your male brings us different sensations through this process. I’m finding sex to be particularly interesting these days after years of slumbering through the act. I find that I’m able to connect cosmically as I connect physically. Better late than never I guess. Can this be what Ute was referring to?
I don’t want to argue your point George on Kundalini, but I have respect for the ancient system and it’s potential. I think of ascension as my being becoming ”zippered” – losing the duality of spirit and matter. The process leads to my singularity as a divine being, a co-creator, in a new body that uses spiritual knowledge to operate it’s biological systems. Ascension is described by many authors through ancient texts and hieroglyphs, one metaphor for the process is the caduceus. I think we should embrace the human body through this process. I think we need to get deeper into our bodies, listen and find the pathways within that will help us ascend.
Thanks for all you do George, you are a busy guy, day and night. My dreams have been about bolstering doorways and lighting double pillars – very tedious work, all night portal after portal and lamppost after lamppost.
It is a lonely dance George, thank you for providing us a meeting place and your sage advice is always a welcome and enjoyable read. Safe travels all !
Spirit hugs,
Dear Loren,
I am happy to hear from you again and that you continue reading my website. Your experience with the golden dust fire is very beautiful. I can only confirm that our heels are exits of huge energies that come from the higher chakras and enter our Gaia chakra, which is about one meter beneath our heels deeply rooted in earth.
“In my ever so humble opinion, LBP does not have to be painful or difficult”. This is principally correct, but this decision is taken entirely by our souls and not on the mental level of the incarnated entity. The pains of the LBP are “growth pains” and the more one grows, the bigger the pains. This is the general rule.
I humbly disagree with you that we should embrace our carbon- based body as the purpose of this whole endeavour is to transform it and leave it back as energetic fallout product to Gaia. But I do agree that one should keep his body sound and care about it especially during the LBP as this physical instrument is very fragile and the more so under the current powerful waves.
If you can enjoy all attributes of this physical vessel at present then you are indeed in a blissful state and I can only envy you for this in a positive sense.
In love and light
Dear George,
This is not to say I have not suffered physically in a myriad or ways over the years. My latest symptom is a glaze or frost over my left eye. My left eye has had a few troubles this past year (including iritis) I am correlating this to the opening of the left brain as you have discussed.
Why I think it is important to pay attention to what the body is telling us is that the body is quite simply the Temple of Source and contains all of the codes and information we need to make this next step. The body will know what to do, but I want to listen to it’s urgings.(I know you agree) For example, I walk everyday but lately I have been encouraged to run more and I also want to stretch all the time. It feels like my body is waking up from it’s own slumber.
After having to re-enter the world after 11.11.11 (grudgingly at first but realized it must be my “duty” and just got on with it) I have taken a much more pragmatic attitude towards ascension. I know that I am self selected, I feel confident that my soul knows what to do next and meanwhile I feel that I am here to support Gaia in her ascension and my soul-purpose is tied up with hers. Holding space for Gaia is as simple as enjoying the weather, the colors and clouds.
Thank you George for also discouraging too much chatter about the powers that be-I think we are in the grasp of a divine plan, a controlled tumble if you will, towards our new selves and new world. Why waste time giving power to the lizards? We just need to bless them and go on our way…
peace always, Loren
November 25, 2011
Dear Loren,
I am very happy to hear from you again. I do confirm that we are going through hard times, where our faith is hugely challenged. If you do not believe in what I say this is the least problem, but one should not lose his faith in his own journey in this incarnation. And if it has led you so far and also to me and this website and the other members of the PAT, then it must have a higher purpose.
Your dream is very expressive and concerning the blue colour, here you have my interpretation. The blue colour, precisely the deep blue is the color of very old souls, it is also the colour of transliminal souls, which is equivalent to ascended masters. This is also the colour of the 7th chakra of the ecstatic centre.
Do not worry about Sue. I have already established contact with her as before. This was only a small tempest in a glass of water and she got the message. Now the air is as clear as after a tempest.
In love and light
Dear Loren,
This is great news. I have had two confirmations less from my higher self than you that I will ascend. So ascension is triple sure for you now. One cannot expect more confirmation from Heaven. We must go through many challenges before we have won our right to enter Heaven, no doubt about it.
In love and light