State-of-Ascension-Report-110: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-110, June 14, 2012

Peter Paul Rubens: The Allegory of the War in Physics

Please observe that the next State-Of-Ascension Report-111 will symbolize our delayed Ascension at the stargate 11.11.11. It will be a divine orchestration if we will ascend after this report is published. You can start visualizing our ascension numerologically as the energy 11.11.11, which is still the most active energy on the earth opening the heart chakra of many people.


Miracles Always Happen as Long as We Believe in Them 

June 13, 2012

Caro Giorgio,

I have great news for you. I anticipate what my friend Fabrizio soon will write to you. His mother, after three final exams at the moment, has no more cancer, she healed her lymphoma. Just two weeks ago the doctors told him she was lost! (See “Medical Genocide” in SOAR-109).

We regularly met to meditate together, or better, to do exercises of creative visualization. And Fabrizio committed in the last days a lot more, performing more than 20 visualizations of 10 minutes per day. We visualized a white light ray, like a waterfall, falling from our higher self creating a ball of light around us, a unified chakra, and then creating a big ball of light around his mother, visualizing at the end her body with full health. What is important in this exercise is to feel like the healing has happened yet.

I keep on remembering what you said, that 2012 would be the year of miracles! And miracles, indeed, are applied science as you teach us! On the physical plane, Fabrizio gave his mother almost 5 grams of pure vitamin C per day, to help the body. When we, the members of the PAT, join together for common visualizations, it’s really strong!

Un grande abbraccio, Alberto


Dear Alberto,

this is indeed great news and I am also very happy for Fabrizio and his mom. No doubt your meditations and healing through visualisation have achieved this miracle, which is actually the normal state in the higher dimensions. But still, this is an occasion to celebrate.

I only yesterday wrote to another reader in a similar case and the reaction was not very positive as the person did not believe in the healing potential of the soul – in this particular case in the total remission of cancer. It is sad when one hinders the way to convalescence with lack of faith and understanding about the infinite potential of the soul.

Thank you very much for this excellent news. I assume that Fabrizio will also contact me one more time to share this news with me.

With love and light



June 13, 2012

Hey Georgi,

I know you are keeping track of all the PAT happenings. As such, I thought you may find this interesting. Yesterday I was asking for Jonathan Manning Roberts (the author of the book on Apollonius of Tyana) to give me a sign about the times and that he was with me.  Well, today, I stopped by my parents.

My mailbox, which is usually empty having not lived there in over a decade, had a letter in it. I looked at the letter and it had my name, Jonathan Roberts on it. I thought nothing of it and threw it in my pocket, thinking it to be my mail.   When I opened the letter later on, I realized it was a letter to my grandfather, Jonathan Justin Roberts, whom died the week of 9/11. It was a check from his trash company for $11.11!  A refund for over payment from over a decade ago. How weird is that…?

Should I cash it, lol?



Dear Jon,

this is indeed serendipitous! It is a huge sign with a smile from the higher realms. I think that you should take the money as a symbolic gesture that you have received the information and have taken the money from the old Orion system. Every contribution, no matter how tiny, to take money out of this rotten system is another nail on its coffin. I like this story very much.



June 13, 2012


I have been reading your books, but there is one problem I have thought about which I do not fully understand. You first say, that every level has the power of infinity, which sounds very logical to me. But on page 131 of volume 2, the vertical energy exchange between the photon level and “matter” level is calculated, which is responsible for gravity. As this number is not infinite, and I assume it really does apply to the full, infinite photon and matter levels, does this not mean that there is a limit to the amount of possible gravitational force in the universe?

I find this confusing, because if two levels exchange energy and both are infinite, would they not also exchange infinite energy? Otherwise, there would be a limited amount of planets such as earth, because we experience gravity and the vertical exchange between matter level and photon level is not infinite. And thus also a limited amount of matter, which is not true as it is explained that every level is infinite. I am sure, that I am missing something or making a mistake somewhere, but I’m not sure what. So it would be nice if you can tell me, or give me a hint.



Dear Daniel,

this is an excellent question and it shows that you have delved into the details of the physical theory of the Universal Law. If you check one more time, the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space time as I have calculated it, you will see that this is actually an energy constant in relation to one second. Each second this huge constant amount of energy (= space-time = matter) is exchanged in the visible universe, which is a system of All-That-Is. As time = frequency is infinite this exchange is also infinite. There is no contradiction at all. I only use the SI unit second as to quantify this energy exchange, which is acosmic action potential per definition.

With love and light



Ah, I see. It seems that nearly every time I am confused about something, it has to do with the incredible limitations of the human species. Some time ago I tried to remove this form of thinking restricted to human experience, and succeeded, but sometimes it comes up again in a very sneaky way and causes a confusion. Thank you George.



Dear Daniel,

I know this. I had to fight a lot against this old way of functioning of the human brain, while I was progressing with my theory of the Universal Law. I can assure you that the more you put effort into your understanding, the better and more fluently your mind will start to work. It will begin simply and visibly for you to expand. This is a very rewarding experience, believe me.



Dear George,

I agree fully and am already noticing a huge improvement on this area for many years. The previous 6 years, I had to attend school, and my HS kept informing me that taking this path would be the way of least resistance, because it will make my family arrange all other 3d business for me. Even after having the ability to dump several subjects I dislike 3-4 years ago, it still was every day a process of fighting the huge amount of irrelevant and/or incorrect information.

After figuring out that I need to put zero effort in school around that same time, outside of visiting it for classes sometimes (especially because I did not have to learn endless lists of words from all kinds of languages anymore, because I dropped most of those subjects), I had to spend less energy rejecting wrong ideas, which gave me more time to think of correct ideas. Eventually, I was teaching some classmates more useful things than the teachers did.

But I still had to remember the wrong concepts and write them down for tests and eventually exams. I completed the exams about 3 weeks ago, so now I no longer need to be involved with such wrong information. I feel like this was a huge blockade for my ability to completely restructure the primitive functionality of the human brain, and this blockade is now finally gone, so I can continue and finish what remains of this process.



This is the normal education Canossa gangway, which everyone of us has gone through. But it is definitely coming to an end now. – George


Of course. Many people obviously had this same problem, however it would have been nice if it had ended a little bit earlier.

Another thought, if the electric grid is damaged this will cause major damage. Nuclear power plants that have malfunctioning cooling systems will cause enormous problems. So I am sure, that these reactors will be removed from earth A/B, and they might eventually destroy earth B. The more I think about consequences for earth B, the more I see it being destroyed in a very short amount of time…



Dear Daniel,

It might so as you describe it. I have myself no precise idea how the events will unfold in detail. But you are absolutely right that the whole pollution will stay with earth B, while earth A/B must be cleansed very quickly after the ID split. Most probably the split will effect the most cleansing by moving Gaia to a higher dimension where this contamination cannot exist energetically as Boyd already commented (see below).



June 13, 2012

Dear Georgi, 

I was inspired by my HS to write about the disagreement in the various disciplines in physics by personifying each discipline. You can edit my story below if it does not satisfy you, because I want to share an idea that may make your publications easier to promote. But it is no use promoting it now as we are about to ascend. Thanks to your Volume 2!

The summary of the War in Physics

Various disciplines in physics are fighting with each other. They all are finding ways to live with each other.

Example: Classical mechanics fighting with quantum mechanics.

Each discipline in physics can be regarded as a separate being. Some disciplines have some areas that disagree with each other, hence the term ‘paradox’. Just like the constitution of one country can have similarities with another, but also have differences.

Their mission is to unify themselves but they are going the wrong way because every discipline is claiming it is right, but the other is wrong. But they also agree in some points. While fighting, they are focused on what keeps them separate. They don’t want to find ways to unify with each other. They made a deal with each other to go their separate ways.

Tired of fighting, one day the discipline (or subfields) decide that they resolve their differences. They resolved it by focusing more on the points they agree and building on it. By counting their blessings instead of sheep, they gradually became friends and at the same time removing their blocks that prevent them from unifying.

When they successfully unified, they created the newAxiomatics of the Universal Law. These are the new points of agreement that resulted from deciding to stop the downward spiral of focusing on disagreement.

Then the various disciplines of physics lived happily ever after.

In Love and Light


Dear Aegil,

This is an excellent parable. I have never come to this idea, but it is very good. Such parables with animated objects or disciplines, especially in ethics and moral, e.g human virtues being presented as living beings, are very popular in past European literature.

With love and light



June 13, 2012

Hello Georgi!

Words feel useless and inadequate, but I wanted to connect at least once more in this crude manner to thank you. I can’t even verbalize what it is that I thank you for, but it is from my heart to yours!  I am in a nearly continuous state of appreciation that feels like a review, my dreams are rapid fire vignettes of old emotions and situations that are felt and released almost instantaneously.

It seems that I have been given my ‘orders’ to clean out anything left over or left out, as it will all soon be complete.  There is nothing to do now. I wake up in the morning and laugh at the absurd life I’m living, but in a way I love it more because I see through it. It feels so neutral. My higher self is continuing to provide exactly what I need and even in the most ‘dire’ moments, I have no concern for the hows and whens anymore, so I’m free to enjoy my animal companions and be in nature as much as possible, though I still work at the medical office and see my role there only as a Lightning Rod (as opposed to a Light Worker, lol).

I’m entertained by my ex husband who is now feeling so free also, but in direct opposition, as he feels certain that the catastrophic world is soon at hand. He has stopped worrying about the day to day moronic existence and financial rat race that drove us apart and now his goal is to ‘save’ us all by imagining how he can learn to make natural antibiotics after the dust settles. I tell him that perhaps I’ll be able to return as an Ascended Master to see how that all turns out… he jokes about me growing wings! At least we can laugh together.

So…if we should never meet again in this forum… thank you!  If we continue in this a while longer… thank you!

I wish to share a video with you and my fellow PAT members that really captures the feeling of “C’est la vie” and I hope makes you all laugh!! I call it “The Existential Cat”….he’s French, of course!  He perfectly expresses the great futility we are all feeling, ‘that’s life’.

Great love to you and all, when we meet again may we recognize one another and share a group hug!



Dear Diane,

thank you very much for this warm farewell letter. The video represents the “cat’s French existentialism” better than any book of Sartre. Many cats left me last and this year – the door was open for them at the end. I hope our portals will also open soon and liberate us from our shadowy, earthly existentialism. It’s time to go home.



June 13, 2012

Hello George,

I found two interesting synchronicities between the latest statements in your conversation with Boyd and events that have occurred in my life recently.

1) The date June 16th: My best friend abruptly left to Texas last month to help out with his extended family after hearing that his uncle had passed away. He is returning to Maryland on the 16th, and I just mentioned this last night to some other friends. The spontaneity of him leaving and his uncle passing seemed very characteristic of what’s occurring at this time, and it struck me that this type of soul guidance is really going to pick up, and there’s really nothing that we can do as incarnated entities besides wait, listen, and allow whatever is required of us to happen.

2) The situation with your electricity bill: I’m also in a similar situation with having overdue bills popping up recently and “the system” finally calling me out on it. I have some credit card debt that is overdue, but I refuse to pay any mind to those jackals. They told me that I needed to send a payment by June 22, which is very close to your deadline, and once again, the way that you described your feelings on the matter was so similar to mine that you basically told my story for me.

The bottom line of all this is just like you said: These are just small examples of the “tying up of loose ends” that is occurring now, and while they don’t seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it’s these types of occurrences that are happening on a personal level that provide all the proof we need for the reality of the End Times scenario.

As I mentioned in an email last year, the PAT members are the most accurate energetic thermometers for interpreting the current status of the progression of the human collective, so when we begin to experience these types of occurrences and new states of being, it can be expected that the rest of humanity will follow in suit eventually, taking into account the usual lag time due to the impediment of their development.

With love and light,


June 13, 2012

Hi George,

based on the latest publication, and referencing the potential solar outburst in two days and the potential of the site going down if you have no electricity in your home, for either the solar outburst or the electrical company I would like to make the following recommendations:

1.  To everyone reading this message: Make a backup IMMEDIATELY of all the data and files you cannot afford to lose, like address books, writings, business documents etc. on optical media like CDs or DVDs.  They will survive any electromagnetic fields and you can restore them later, if you need to or if it has any meaning whatsoever.  It is recommended that individual disks are far enough apart from each other, at storage rest, since each one is comprised of a small sheet of aluminum foil or equivalent – there can be charges formed between two disks if they are very close to each other.

2.  To you:  In the event that the site goes down for either reason it should be possible for all the members to be able to contact each other and the group continue to exist.  For that reason,  and this is more of a personal wish as well as a recommendation, a contact list be circulated privately to the interested members.  In other words, anyone that wants his email and/or location to be included in the contact list, to declare so to George, in private and once the names, emails and locations are collected by anyone submitting them, to then be compiled in the contact list and be mailed back to all those interested. That way the information will never be public on the Internet, and the group can still function until George finds a solution to the electricity issue. This also includes George “leaving the ship last” which means that on a “3D sinking ship” he will probably be in the stone age, which sound imminent. This list should also be printed on paper with ink and include physical location, as I’ve said, for anyone wishing to contact anyone else in close proximity and also finding out who else is around.

I recommend basic info like name, email and location since once someone can communicate with others by email then they can establish their actual location and further details in private. I have noticed many times that phones are not all on the same dimension and that they ring or not ring with “intelligence”. I have much more faith on the Internet being 5th dimensional than the phones or even addresses.

George, I will send you this basic info on a separate message, even though you have all my info anyway. I am also completely identifying with the reason that you have no money and refuse to work as they are exactly identical to mine. We have shared this in the past through emails.

Interested to learn more on free energy devices,

In light and love,


Dear Nik,

these recommendations are well intended, but they are based on the firm belief that the ego has any control over the events in the End Times and that these events imply a bad catastrophe for the ego. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, this attitude will only prolong the current unbearable situation, as your recommendations aim at saving and prolonging the current state-of-the-art.

I have absolute no problem to lose all my data and website as I know that it is stored in the Akashic Chronics and can be reproduced any time in a more vivid and multi-dimensional way. Any effort to save anything from this old matrix is in my eyes a sign that one has not fully detached from this reality and is not ready for ascension.

This is the reason why I have given up influencing anything in my life. I only react to coming events spontaneously and without any preconceived plan, which would have been another manifestation of my ego to control the events. The ample truth  is that the ego cannot control anything, and surely not the coming catastrophic changes. I welcome any catastrophic change as a liberation from the current unsupportable stalemate.

With love and light



June 13, 2012

Hi George,

Well I can confirm much of what you have been reporting as I will briefly summarize. Morning of the 6th of June a vision of a deformed child pissing his pants. Followed by a voice,  “Now is the time to learn about the true nature of your energetic self,” accompanied by a vision of human beings on  a planetary landscape with multiple silhouettes of light bodies appearing before them. I could not help but feel a  link to all of them.

Multiple visions of splits or cracks, at least 3 consecutive times. Boiled fish. ( perhaps an astrological analogy?) haha. Increased energy and a feeling of anxiety or restlessness. Not the kind I associate with my soul trying to slap some sense into me, but different. I am not prone to fidgeting or acts of restless expressions, but lately I have felt it.

I have not had great difficultly interacting with others. To me it is nothing I have not seen before, but sometimes I am rather “intense”. But with the little interaction I do receive, it is obvious that there is some drama around, perhaps this is always the case. Which brings me to your family and the drama around yourself. You say you try to encourage your family to be aware of the greater reality and purpose (my words), but they fail to listen and remain busy in there pursuits. If I may ask? What exactly would be a proper way to  digest your recommendations and proceed accordingly. I am asking this in reference to your interaction with your family. Whom, sound like an interesting bunch of characters! With the “half-bent, ‘unfortunately clairvoyant ‘ recluse ” in the mix, there is never a dull moment! Thank you for sharing.

These horse acrobatics are especially interesting to me, as I am a horseman as well. But I do not flip around on them, I do well to stay in the saddle. Have you done these acrobatics as well? Have you ever trained in the martial arts?

I have also researched some of the website numbers being thrown around in the reports. It is not important to me what the numbers are, but the integrity of those reporting them is. It is obvious that you understand how to use your words and the scope of what you are saying is enormous. Using your creative abilities thru this website is a tool available to many for whatever they choose. Any sane individual would question this material, so bold and provocative. As it should be, enough following blindly already. What do you say about a forum, where readers can interact and communicate? It would be a welcome addition, in my opinion.

Finally in the article ” A Word of Clarification”, you state:

“Please keep in mind that all channeled information you read is meant for the gross of the light workers and a small part of the masses that has just started to awaken and has absolutely no relevance for you, as YOU ARE THE BIG EXCEPTION.”

“Therefore, THINK BIG AND LIVE CALM  through the last remaining days on this planet. There is nothing that can harm you anymore or can alter your glorious awakening as powerful multidimensional personalities.”

So why use channelings as references anymore?  In the below quote, the line in reference to the unawares making waves for the awares suggests problems or troubles for the awares. How can this be?

“Much of what has been guided has been on the edge of your vision for some time but now events will start to unfold in the physical reality in which you live. These events should be viewed for the confirmation of the new energies that they are in TRUTH… Those who are part of your human life experience who are not aware and not awake will now begin to display behaviours that may have many of you questioning their sanity. We guide for you to hold in YOUr space and YOUr balance as those who are unaware of the depth of changes begin to make waves for those who are aware… Those who are now in the process of dissolving the 3D world are being shown a vision of TRUTH, that vision is now moving them to a place where they are able to be in this world but not of this world. This level of consciousness is now being seeded within the human race in general and this will filter through the consciousness that ALL connect to on planet earth in due course.”

As always I am thankful for this site and your efforts.



Dear Anthony,

thank you for sharing your latest vision during Venus transit with me.

Now to some of your questions: Equestrian Vaulting has become more popular in the last years worldwide, and Germany and the USA are world champions in most disciplines. You can do this sport only as a teenager and after that you are too old to jump on the horse and from it on the ground. I have never done this sport, just as I have never done any martial sports. I have played a lot of soccer, volleyball, swimming, discovered the rules of beach volleyball ten years before it became popular in California and Brazil (copa cabana) and also invented and published in 1983 a new collective play called “baskolley“, a mixture of basketball, volleyball and handball. My elderly daughter intends to test this play in her course on creative sports at the Munich Sport University next year if this earth still exists, which I highly doubt.

The material on this website is meant for those who are deeply involved in the LBP and it must sound strange to all those who are still living outside this energetic spectrum. This website is the personification of the ID split that has already happened on this earth and has divided the LW community in  a few who already know and the big majority who will know soon, as in the famous “separation of the wheat from the chaff”.

I am not sure if I have understood your last question very well. There will be very soon a mass hysteria the world over as a reaction of the huge energies (and some catastrophes) that now envelope earth and humanity, as 98-99% of all human beings are not prepared mentally and emotionally for the consequences of these waves. There will be all kinds of mental aberrations and weird behaviour. I see no possibility how the members of the PAT, for which I am the speaker now, will avoid these unpleasant social behaviours if they must at the same time advice and enlighten these people about the real situation in the End Times and explain them what will come next.

Therefore, each one must prepare for himself some effective strategies how to safeguard his own private field – the arsenal of tools may include anything, but first and foremost the repudiation of the flawed concept of the current Orion-tainted political correctness, which writes down how submissive the people should behave when other less evolved entities offend them, lied at them, betrayed them or try to manipulate them as has been the case in the last 10 000 years of Orion enslavement.

I think that any deliberate reaction from the members of the PAT outside the current political correctness will be very effective against all less evolved human beings who are now just beginning to awaken and are freaking most of the time and will urge these people to start behaving in a more reasonable and responsible way. One must be able to be sometimes very rude with them as long this is based on compassion, understanding and the sincere wish to help them progress and ascend. Destiny will soon be just as rude to the masses. and these experiences are wanted by their souls.

This is what I practice from time to time on this website and much more so with my family and I see incremental improvements each time. But one must be very patient as the pace of growing insight and enlightenment is very slow in this extremely lazy species, called “homo sapiens“.

With love and light



June 13, 2012

Dear George,

This is continuation of my last mail I cut short. Since human memory is also electromagnetic grid, what will happen with human memory at the point of ID split? I can only imagine some of the memory will be lost. All lower vibrated thoughts, under cut of, on Hawkins scale, can be lost. That is probably a good think.

As a cosmic joke, it would be incredibly funny if we energize this secret underground, high speed transport system. At the ID split they will be gone from the earth B. At the end, we taxpayers paid for. On other side of the coin, why do you think all this chemtrailing? PTB obviously want all their fingers in the pie.

With love and light,


Dear Boyd,

the chemtrails are simply there to poison the people as the PTB want to reduce the human population to one third as to better control it because their numbers are limited. They will have this number on planet B.

It will be definitely so as you say it – most of the memories of the people will be deleted after the ID split. In fact this deletion of human memories is an ongoing process. Have you noticed how poor the memory of most people is and how easily they forget all kinds of things? I have stopped wondering about this phenomenon.

Thus it is much more easy to control the people. Especially the people in the West /USA have an extremely short memory. As my memory is rather good, I always have problems with the people as I assume that they have the same remembrance of past events and I must find out each time that they have totally forgotten everything.

How can you avoid calamities and catastrophes due to wrong human behaviour if you have no memory of them – you repeat the same mistakes again and again. This is how karma works on this toxic planet and the PTB manipulate humanity. Even some members of the PAT have a very short memory and ask me the same questions we have already discussed again and again. It can be very frustrating sometimes with the human race.



June 13, 2012

Dear Georgi and PAT,

I feel so much excitement in the last two weeks as so much is changing in our world. Thank you all for all the words of wisdom and experiences that have been given to us all. I know I was given the gift of finding this site in September of last year and finally connected with what my HS has been showing me all these 63 years. I continue to read “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” which I have printed out and read daily. What a blessing this has been. When I look back over the years of my journey, it seems that since my NDE in 1990 the information I received took forever to manifest. Now everything is moving at lightning speed. I used to think it was serendipity, now I believe it is creation. I just think about things and they happen. I love it so much, I often am laughing out loud at these experiences.

I am feeling healthy and strong. The last two days, I have had weakness in my joints. First it started in my knees. They would just wobble. Then the ankles and now my wrists. This morning I had to use two hands to pick up my glass of water. This seems to have migrated through my body and now seems to be leaving with only some slight weakness in my wrists. Do not understand but know it is as planned. Once again Thank you all for presenting your souls to my soul in this 3D reality.


June 13, 2012


I just read your exchange with Boyd and I do fully resonate with your “forecast”. Also on the website, one can see today that a number of sunspots have just turned towards earth, and one is already crackling with possible M-class (medium size) flares. So by Sunday those sunspots should be right in the middle of the sun facing us. Strangely we will have a scheduled power outage for the whole day on Sunday in our town.

Funny, my land sale has also come to a standstill as the buyer does not want go ahead anymore and I am currently w/o cash, only enough maybe to last me till Sunday.

with Love, Joe


Dear Joe,

My additional information for the sun’s eruption on June 16 was that two days before we will witness sun spots that will lead to this eruption. I did not write about this information. This is a good confirmation.


PS: My personal information is now confirmed by the latest observation of the sun spots and flares. Please observe that only several days ago there was absolute no information on this new powerful wave coming from  the sun. However, the actual energy during this sun’s eruption comes from the central Alcyone sun and its magnitude cannot be seen or really appreciated from the sun spots and flares as it is of higher dimensional order:


June 13, 2012

Dear Georgi, PAT and Crystals,

Hello again, everyone. I am really heartened by all the correspondence which I have been avidly reading. I have been blessed by being taken on a lovely holiday which covered the time of the eclipse and the Venus transit.

I can report my experiences as further confirmation of our simultaneous personal expansions of awareness and deepening connections with our HS’s.

During the time of the eclipse, I was diving in the Med and I had two incidents worthy of reporting. I had a massive cramp in my right calf whilst underwater. I have had these cramps to a lesser degree for a while. I had previously wondered if I allowed the cramp to go its full extent, would it finish with the energy that was creating it and be forever finished. So, underwater, this huge and very painful cramp came and the only way to relieve it underwater is to grab the end of the flipper and pull it upwards. However…. the end of the flipper is about 2 meters away from your hand and pointing away because of the cramp!! So I had no choice but to let the cramp do its thing….which it did, and it was excruciatingly painful. During this time I ended up upside down and 2kg of weights fell out of my pocket flaps. So once the cramp had ended, I suddenly began to ASCEND!!! I discovered afterwards that this had all happened during the time of the eclipse. And the cramps have not returned since.

The second thing was during the time of the Venus transit visible where I was, in Crete. I had awoken to go to the loo and went back to bed, so I know it was just come light outside. I drifted into a half wake, half sleep state and had a vision that I was in a house where the people were moving and had put their things on the table for people to have if they wanted. I looked at all the things and there was a big glass bowl full of crystal points of all colours. These were the only things I took and I notice that I took only the crystals of pure and vibrant colour, with no flaws and no cloudiness. The impure ones I left behind. I put all these crystals into a very large pocket that appeared on the left hip of my jacket. Then in the garden I found some more and again took all the pure crystals and put them in the pocket. When I looked at them, they were all floating in the pocket and not bumping into each other at all.

After all this I had a noticeable increase in clarity and it is now that I am seeing everything from a clearer perspective and everything is more matter of fact.

Physically, I have had several days of headaches and extreme tiredness, but that has now lifted and I feel vibrant and energised. I am now tying up the last few minor personal loose ends (nothing crucial left) just because I am still here, and have discussed my imminent ascension with those closest to me, with instructions for a letter and two postings from this site to be sent to all my other friends, once I am gone.

My father has admitted to me of having mental turmoil recently about his ideals and principles. He is of Navy background and has always fully trusted the system, the politicians, etc. to be doing the best for the people. His eyes are opening and it is painful for him, but he is dealing with it in good grace and does not attack others due to his personal upset and turmoil. He also begins with LBP symptoms at age 79!!

I am very conscious of the activities of the light and the dark in the world in general, and far from being static and nothing seeming to be happening, I can see huge movements in both the dark agenda and the light agenda in terms of projects, attitudes and things happening on the planet. It seems that both Earths are being very actively prepared and the separation will/must come very soon. I have a picture of it being US that lets go of the allegorical rope in the tug of war, and that our letting go will send the dark energies imploding into themselves, like a black hole, creating the density for the creation of planet B, and all heavy energies, along with their people, places, pockets of pollution, etc. will go to Planet B. I guess that by the time Alfred Webre and David Wilcock and co. get round to their mass arrests, their arrestees will have all disappeared onto Earth B!!! I also wonder if we will actually need to cleanse the new Earth A/B as maybe all the impurities will go to planet B with the split. That would tie in with my vision of all the pure crystals coming with us and the impure ones not coming with us.

Staying with the tug of war/rope analogy, I feel that we could not all let go together (i.e. ascend) until…

a) there were enough of us for it to propel the dark into its implosion, and

b) until we were able (mentally, emotionally, bodily) to let go.

On this front, I see that Georgi has brought us all together to empower one another to be ready to let go and has attracted us all from all the corners of the world to be sure there are enough of us. Thank you, Georgi. Your success is utterly obvious and I can’t even grasp that anyone might fear that you will be discredited…it’s either fearful or mal-intended rubbish!!!!

On the nature front, my friend with whom I live (in Wales, UK), has noticed that the sun is setting at least 20 degrees north of normal. He built his house about 15 years ago and says he has never before seen the sun shine in the front room windows in the evenings…..ever!!!

Also, a hedgehog rescue lady told me today that the hedgehogs have hibernated at least 4 weeks too long this year and are emerging weak and starving. Even those she had in over the winter were refusing to wake up at the normal time. Gardeners here are saying it’s all about a month behind schedule and the farmer who cuts the field here has not yet done the first cut due to slow growth….very late. The fledgling birds are only now leaving the nests; again, very late. There has been unprecedented flooding just north of where I live, apparently washing heavy metals and pollutants into the grazing grounds.

On a nicer note, I have recorded a cover of George Harrison’s ‘While my Guitar Gently Weeps’ with slight variation on the words. It is here

if you would like to hear it. Thank you all so much for your contributions. Our ongoing discussions are so valuable to us all and really enjoyable too. Thanks again and again, Georgi.

With love and light, Gail

Dear Gail,

you have a beautiful voice. This song was one of my favourite Beatles’s songs in the 60s, but I like your interpretation much more at it is more clear and elevating. Huge compliments!

Thank you also for your comprehensive energy update bringing the conviction that we are in the last strides and that nothing can stop us anymore. I also confirm that I feel the huge battles and permanent movements of the energetic front between the dark ones and the forces of light, while the darkness is virtually imploding in itself. This sensation can be very strenuous at times, but these are the last efforts to eradicate the dark cabal from this planet. It is good to hear that your father has also entered the LBP at his advanced age, which is a proof that it is never late to take this road of salvation.

With love and light


Comments on Demitra’s Response to Jorge 

June 12, 2012


What an excellent assessment Demitra’s response to Jorge is of your work and leadership, and the PAT mission! It is worth our reading repeatedly to remind us of our true status as Light Servers on the path to Ascension, especially during moments when anyone around us should try to cast doubt into our minds about our mission.

Truly great writing.  Thank you Demitra!

Cheers Desiree


June 12, 2012

Dear George,

I wish to say: Thank you, Demitra, for your intelligent and articulate response. You left nothing out in expressing what is in my heart as a PAT member.



June 12, 2012

Bravo, Demitra! Here! Here! I couldn’t have articulated it better myself!

Love, Gwen


June 12, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Just wanted to say that Demitra’s response to Jorge was beautifully articulated. Well done!

Love and Light,


June 12, 2012

I loved Demitra’s response to Jorge, great that you posted as I believe it reflects the thoughts and feelings of all of us and I think this kind of publication increasingly shows that we  become a great brotherhood. Please let her get my felicitation Demitra.

Love and light to you oh GRAN LIDER!
Claudia, Mexico


June 13, 2012

Thank you, Georgi,

for putting my response to Jorge out there and many thanks for forwarding to me the notes of appreciation that came in from some of the readers as well. (Thank you, all.) But I would like to thank Jorge as well for having had the courage of his conviction to speak his truth openly to us knowing even as he did that he may have been opposing this newsletter’s commonly held points-of-view.

The fact is that, just as there are others out there, who find resonance with my expression and perspective, there are very likely just as many out there who find resonance with Jorge’s point-of-view. When perspectives are freely aired in this way we can broach and clarify the misunderstandings and apprehensions some people have that keeps them from more confidently choosing the path of ascension for themselves. Therefore, how fortunate for us that Jorge in this instance had the confidence to speak his truth to us, and in doing so inspired me (and others as well) to write in defense of various topics of importance, but most importantly that of the ascension process.

with love,
Demitra M. N.

June 12, 2012


I’ve been a regular but silent reader for many many months, and I am genuinely curious about one detail.

Aren’t our bodies already made of light?  I’ve read that we are in a universe basically made of photon energy as seemingly also supported by quantum physics. This explanation seemed logical to me so far but I fail to then understand the process of light turning into light. From carbon base to crystalline would seem a reasonably logical process, then shouldn’t it be called a Crystalline Body Process?  Can you please help me dissipate my confusion?

Thanks for all your good work and dedication.


Dear André,

you have come across a semantic confusion that is ubiquitous in the esoteric literature. I have discussed this in my German gnostic books, but also in the English books “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” and “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction”. The word “light” as used in many channelled messages has two completely different connotations – 1) as photon space-time, where the visible light is a narrow spectrum thereof, and 2) as light in the broader sense in terms of higher frequency energies beyond the electromagnetic spectrum = photon space-time.

This light beyond the visible photon light cannot be measured with material instruments as I extensively explain in my books. These instruments cannot discriminate beyond the Planck’s constant h which is the smallest package of energy as summarized in the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is in the core of the current failed quantum theory. This topic is also extensively discussed in my scientific books.

When we speak for instance of “crystalline light bodies” we mean bodies that vibrate with a frequency which is much higher than the highest frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum as measured in the Hawking’s radiation of black holes.

The esoteric term “light” thus summarizes all higher frequency energies that come from the higher chakras through the left brain portal in the body and have a much higher frequency than the EM-spectrum and cannot be measured with normal material instruments.

Matter in terms of our carbon based bodies is indeed made of condensed photon energy or electromagnetic light as I have proven for the first time by deriving the masses and energies of all elementary particles such as proton, neutron, electron etc. from the Planck’s constant, which is the smallest photon energy package, or particle  if you wish, within the 3d-space-time (see homepage, table 1).

Thus, while it is true that our carbon based bodies are also made of photon (electromagnetic) light, it is not the same light in terms of higher frequency energies coming from the 5th and higher dimensions.

Only recently I have discussed in the article  “A Word of Clarification” the concept of “octaves” instead of frequencies as this physical quantity is easier to handle. The light of the crystalline bodies will be in the range of the 144-octave which is also the universal frequency of creation and is equivalent to the frequency of the higher levels of the 5th dimension. The highest octave of the electromagnetic spectrum is much lower – I have not calculated it yet, as I have to work with logarithms, but it is definitely much lower than the 100-octave.

I hope that I have given you some quantitative information to discern between the visible EM-light and the esoteric light of the higher dimensions. This aspect is now totally confused in the esoteric literature as none of the LW have any deep physical knowledge and can operate with physical terms in an unequivocal manner. Hence I also  have to resort to this semantically blurred language as otherwise I must constantly explain the differences in the two connotations and many more semantic confusions and nobody will understand or follow me.

With love an light



Thank you so much for the quick response, your explanation is well received and understood. I want to tell you that I visit your site almost every day for updates and I respect your positions very much. If I had to put my money on someone it would be you. I recognize myself very much in the life path shared by someone last week describing himself as the Dreyfuss character in the Close encounter movie.  I’ve known for 35 years about ascension and I also see nothing for me here beyond 2012.  Feel free to use our correspondence if you see it fit.


June 12, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I thought you might care to know that Steve Beckow has recently changed his site name from the former eponymous “” to “”. That is (I presume) why the site traffic is dropping off so rapidly at “” – everyone is now being redirected to the new site name.

If this means that Steve’s site still has higher traffic than yours, I wouldn’t take it too hard. Ascension has never been a popularity contest – it is a contest of a wholly different sort, which you and the PAT have bested and manifested and led in ways most readers of Steve Beckow’s news site can’t even yet imagine.

Infinite love,


Dear Daemon,

you are absolutely right that Ascension and true Gnosis is restricted to highly evolved souls and this is the reason why I explicitly said in my first response to Jorge that these figures are without any importance  in the bigger picture, but that I just gave them as an illustration to my argument that I  have not lost any credibility, while Steve Beckow definitely did with his escapades. Only when I was challenged one more time by this entity Pate, who is to my assessment an agent provocateur, did I forwarded more technical information.

As I wrote in the last report, Steve changed the name of his website more than a month after he compromised himself with his joyride to the motherships of the GF. The number of his visitors dropped significantly already before that. In addition he has only changed the name of his website optically to as to hide his name after his disaster. Behind he still runs the old official website address as you can check and this name is still used by alexa for its ranking.

These are negligible trifles, I agree, but I must take care that no wrong information is distributed that challenges my reputation. Otherwise such false insinuations are easily disseminated and stipulated as very few people display a true discernment and look closely at the facts.

With love and light



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