On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-107, June 5, 2012
Slavador Dali, Surreal End Times
June 4, 2012
Dear George,
I wanted to share with you and PAT that last night I dreamt I was ascending in a tornado of white light. This was very heartening and I was flying after transformation hoping I had ascended – but also aware it was a dream too. I was quite disappointed to wake up back in this tired out physical vessel that has really struggled to cope with the ongoing LBP recently. But I hope this dream is a sign of imminent change.
I must say I grow increasingly frustrated that there is no obvious change in society/the world to any great degree. I cannot understand how we can be about to experience such enormous changes in just a few weeks/months now – how can there be any time to postpone the required changes to wake up this sleeping population?
Matthew has summed up my feeling in his latest message of 3 June:
“Your steadfastness in the light has remained strong even though nearly midway into this world-transformational year, nothing that you would consider conclusive evidence has occurred. It is logical to expect that by now the thousands of spacecraft in your skies would be visible to all; crews would have landed in great numbers and been officially welcomed; and turmoil, warring and other violence would have decreased significantly. We have been awaiting these developments along with you, and we have what you could call “bittersweet” feelings about the delay”.
I pray the changes (hopefully starting with our ascension) start right away!
Love & blessings
June 4, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I would like to share with you the vision my son had a couple of hours ago, around 1:00 pm PST (June 4).
He was loading the car and looked upward to the sky and with his third eye saw an outline of a large crocodile, standing up on two legs with large claws coming out from the hands that were held up in front of it, as if they were in an attack position. To the right of the crocodile was the image of a huge warrior with a shield protecting him in one hand and an immense sword in the other hand. He saw balls of blue light all around both these images that were exploding into fireballs of light, kind of like fireworks he said. He feels that the air was filled with the sentiment of victory, victory for the warrior!
I am feeling huge energies building and a tension in the air and all I want to do today is sleep!
Embracing every exciting moment with anticipation along the road to my birthday, June 21st! Every year I am blessed with remarkable spiritual blessings and I am certain that this year will be no different!
With love, light and fireworks,
Dear Carla,
your son has practically seen St. George, the Dragon slayer who is depicted in numerous church mosaics especially in Orthodox churches. We are indeed in the last throes before the reptilian timeline will be irreversibly split from Gaia and the rest of humanity. Your son seems to be very clairvoyant. He is a crystalline child.
Your birthdate is indeed auspicious this year and the energy surge can be felt, although I had it two days ago as usually in order to pave the way for it. Today I feel better, but this can change any moment.
Now it becomes really very exciting as if we are just before a sneeze when you feel the itching in your throat and the building of the explosive pressure, but the sneeze is still not there.
With love and light
Yes, of course! The protector and defender of this realm! Marvellous!
June 4, 2012
Hi George
I had to quickly comment on your latest post “The Effect of the Full Moon Portal, June 4-6” which was also highlighted here if you hadn’t read it already.
This is what got my attention:
“Will receive huge downloads of intuitive, conscious knowledge from the higher realms that has not been possible so far. When this higher level of awareness will end with the expected phase transition of our carbon based bodies into crystalline light bodies, so that we can finally ascend, remains to be seen.”
This now puts my wife’s dream into better context as it didn’t sound that I was in a light body or a visible ascended state but rather with a higher level of awareness than present. This makes more sense to me. It would be preferable to have a close and vast audience first before we ascend for maximum impact and trust.
Warm regards
Dear Alex,
I have repeatedly made the experience that there is a remarkable synchronicity with this source and that it often confirms topics which I have initiated. By the way this increase in awareness is something we are experiencing since 11.11.11 in huge strides, but now we have entered a new energetic level as many people will be affected by the new energies.
With love and light
June 4, 2012
Dear George,
I know we don’t see eye to eye on a few things but I have been thinking of you a lot lately. I too can confirm an experience in a state of awareness last night. This is actually the third event since 2 May. On 2 May I went to bed and just dozing off to sleep but still conscious of my surroundings. An incident occurred very similar to my experience in November last year – the same thing occurred… rapid eye movement associated with bright blue and white lights flickering – what felt like it was in my room.
I was visited by two beings, one had some sort of head wear on and the other leaned towards me and put one hand at the back of my neck and the other on my forehead. I asked, “Where are you from?” (yet knowing the answer)…”the Pleiades”, to which I responded “I love you”, “We love you too”. Then I fell in a deep sleep.
The following night I asked “Why did you come?” Response, “to prepare you”. A similar thing occurred during the middle of the night on 12 May. Last night I was incredibly tired and fell asleep on the couch. My son switched everything off and went to bed. I could hear him in the background doing all those things people do before they go to bed. I was on my back and the same thing occurred – this time I crossed both hands over my chest and felt an extraordinary beam of light emanating from above down to my heart chakra – in the background I could hear conversations – these were people talking about things in the past, almost as if I was watching a news reel. This was auditory experience was intermittent as I could feel this light energy that was thrashing down to my heart beautiful yet felt a little uncomfortable at the same time.
I could feel myself drift off to sleep but was still fully aware. It felt like it took ages. Once it was over – I checked the time… it was still early and my son was still in the bathroom! With all these occurrences, the most bizarre yet wonderful thing about it all is that my son was hovering around somewhere, yet doesn’t admit to being aware. My son is a Pleiadian and as we evolve, glaringly obvious as such to those who are aware.
Unfortunately I am not gifted/blessed like you to receive messages for others as well as yourself, so I am unable to share any news – all I can say is that there was a big download of energy last night. It would be interesting to see how many others experienced the same thing.
In One Heart,
Dear Celine,
thank you very much for sharing your latest experiences with energetic beings from the Pleiades. The most surprising thing is that last week I also had to think very intensively about the Pleiades myself on several occasions, although I have no direct connection to them, at least consciously. I have always felt associated with the White Brotherhood, however this does not mean that this soul group is not connected to this civilisation. In fact, I had some very intensive glimpses into the past history of the Pleiades on earth, in particular on the Balkan, where they have lived for some time and have become the prototype of the Olympian gods.
With love and light
June 4, 2012
Dear George,
June 2nd, I had a very intense experience which confirms your latest message about the full moon/Venus portal. I had much bigger access to my HS, and accelerated a process of further opening access to the HS and overcoming limitations of the physical body/brains. I processed much of this on the evening of June 2nd and night of June 3rd, and developed much more clarity regarding some matters. I can also report an increase of awareness and an increase of synesthesia.
Love and Light,
June 4, 2012
Re: effect of full moon portal
Oh yes, I agree. I get up very early every to do a special tai chi form & then meditate. Yesterday Saturday 6/2 I could feel Venus starting to open the portal & the 5th dimensional Love energy beginning to pour in. Last night (6/2 here in Arizona) I heard in my dream “It will all be completed by 6/24, very fast“. Again in this morning during tai chi & meditation practice that same sensation of Venus opening the portal & Love energy pouring in.
June 4, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Since March I have been told that around my birthday (May 18) and June 4 or 5 were going to be even more significant for me than the solstice in June. Again I want to thank you for connecting me with Amy as now I do not need to bother you as much. On my birthday I woke up feeling like a gorilla was sitting on my chest. I could not take a deep breath and my first thought was I had pleurisy. For the first time in years I went to a Naturopathic Doctor that day. Once I knew I did not have pleurisy or pneumonia I started getting better. I told Amy how disappointed I was that I had lost connection to my HS and had gone into fear. I was short of breath and could not take a full inhalation. The symptom was so dramatic and painful that I had gone into fear. It is the first time in 10 years I have done that about any physical symptoms. What is amazing to me is that no matter what I have transmuted and endured there is that continual process that shows we still are not “there”.
I wanted to respond to Desiree in SOAR 103(the last one). In March one of my posts talked about how my business was 25% of what I need to support my family, but stayed at peace and did not go into fear. At that time and since then I have most of the time noticed that I intersect with less people as I travel back and forth to work. When I go to the supermarket there is hardly any one in the parking lot. Every day when I awake I am focused on maintaining a higher frequency which means I do less and less in lower frequency. If I must shop I seem to choose a time when there is minimal interference. I have also noticed that I am not able to take care of things like a broken vacuum. I have a warranty on it but I just cannot stand the thought of being on the phone for 2 hours to get the replacement. I am ready to go now! I am tired of my friends looking at me, placating me like I am a Dementia patient every time I mention ascension.
Georgi, I do not know if I could have made it to this point without you and the PAT. I am eternally grateful.
Heaven’s Blessings on us all – Marian
June 4, 2012
Dear George,
Just overnight it seems there has been a huge transition with the birds. All last week, there were barely any here, and now this morning, the bird song is loud and I am seeing birds that I am not even able to identify. Seems we have just come through a huge portal in this part of the country, either that or the hard labor of Mother is about to begin to birth the New Earth.
I never did say where I live which is Lancaster, NY, approximately 20 miles Southeast of Buffalo. (I think…..was never good with geological directions).
And my full name is Amy M. Wilson-Skalski.
With Love and Light, Amy
Dear Amy,
I checked where you live on Google map and this seems to be weakest point when the Madrid fault line will be activated and the North Continent will be split in two parts along the St. Laurent stream and the Big Lakes. It is not a coincidence that you see your region under water in your visions.
By the way Debra from Berlin has written the following to me today:
“You might also be interested to know that my family has said that Toronto (Great Lakes area) has had severe rainstorms and flooding in the city. There was one metre of water in the central train station.”
Here is my answer:
“The flooding of Toronto is indicative of the sinking of the ground around the Great Lakes which is, as usually, erroneously attributed to heavy rains. We witness the same pattern the world over – from the huge floodings in South America along the Amazon river to South East Asia, Indonesia and the Philippines, but also on many islands in the Pacific. Although the unprecedented floodings are due to the sinking and liquidation of the ground, they are explained in the mass media with heavy rains which are not heavy at all. Many floodings occur due to reversal of the river current when the river bed sinks. “
June 4, 2012
Dear George,
Dorie wrote a letter that expressed words for all the PAT and it was Divine. She said all the thoughts that I am sure have and are going through everyone of our minds and I thank her for the loveliness of it all and how beautiful so many of the group have the ability to put their words down on paper. What a beautiful piece. Hope all have a very nice and peaceful day,
Love Bonnie
June 3, 2012
Dear Georgi and PAT,
I too have felt as though I’m on auto pilot for some time now. My contract finished on the 25th May, and long before that I felt I was just filling in time. It’s kind of strange, but a prior contract last year ended for me in August and it felt as though something was holding me back from finding employment until the last minute. I became employed on the first of October. The position wasn’t great, but it was perfect in retrospect as to how it allowed me to deal with regards to myself and with the fact that I was getting all these energetic downloads, which left me completely unable to function sometimes. I was able to deal with the environment completely detached – which has been the case for some time now, although not in an unfeeling, cold way. It felt like it was filler for the time being. I also learnt something about teaching in a different way, so I it had its merits as well. During the months from mid April to the end of the contract It felt consciousness altering to be around some of these children, the energy was quite high.
I have had the urge, albeit my own ego pushing me to find employment for a new contract. However, I am not receiving one response to anything that I have sent out, and this is very unusual for me. I have a few private students (2), but nothing that is going to keep me going. Which is I suppose the point, we are not just to be kept going, to live.
I have only been wanting to buy exactly what I need, as I have no desire to indulge or buy anything other than the pure necessities, I’m leaving, I’m never coming back to 3D. I feel as though I walk through a mist or something. Yes, definitely the energy is at a much, much higher level than before 20th May. I know that when I spend more time around or am in constant contact with people, they tend to get completely neurotic and defensive. I can’t be around people for this reason so much. As well, I too marvel at how ‘robotic’ people act in their activities to just do, do, do without checking in to see if they should, or even if it feels right. It’s like an insecurity to keep believing they have some control over events, and a blind attachment to their fear, of what they at a subconscious level sense, is just putting off and avoiding the obvious. The pot is starting to boil over for many people and we can expect many more. I sense a tidal wave coming. The waiting is a bit crazy making – but at the same time, one cannot stay in that perpetual state of expectation. I am tired and only do exactly what works for me, I cannot extend myself so much – It’s exhausting.
June 3, 2012
Hi George,
this is my first time writing after reading your posts for a few years now. I wanted to write to say I have had many relatives dying in the last year (I have a large family), many with nothing apparently wrong with them. Also, the chemtrails are always heavy in our town of Madison, WI, USA and recently we have had a day or two without chemtrails (such a sweet relief!). I too have noticed that the population is thinning and the streets are becoming less crowded with cars.
June 3, 2012
Last week we had a perfect day here in southern Ontario to watch the sunset at 8:45 pm local. I was right here (you can paste them into google maps)
43.260952, -79.095764
And the sun was way more northwards than westward, by a huge amount. I have no idea how that goes unrecognized in the community of astronomy and such. I was watching this from the shore of lake Ontario and could look clear of me about 25km north, east and west.
As the sun set it was changing shape – it the weirdest thing was, it didn’t seem to be from the lake or the clouds, it was probably the horizontal movement effect you mention in today’s post. I couldn’t actually see horizontal movement, but the changing shape (I’d call it oblique, like an egg on its side). Maybe this shape distortion before sunset is normal, I have no clue.
The other weird thing I notice is my recent poor ability to follow my inner compass. Normally I can be dam accurate, going anywhere without a map even. But recently, I have a lot of trouble. I know this type of things screws up insects (one of your readers mentioned odd behaviour of bees last week).
Dear Eric,
thank you very much for this input to our ongoing discussion on the current astronomic anomalies caused by Nibiru. It is indeed a conundrum, or rather a scandal, that the whole community of professional astronomers “have tomatoes in front of their eyes”, as the Germans use to say, and seem to not even see the most obvious phenomena which every layman can watch with a naked eye.
June 3, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I have thought about writing to you on many occasions. Your website has been a life line to me on many occasions. I have often found myself in the same situations of many of the PAT. It has been comforting to feel this contact and synchronicities of many events and feelings.
I am English, and l have been living in Italy for 25 years, married to an Italian. I have a friend who is so keen (like me) to read your posts that she puts it all through the google translator to be able to read it in Italian, rather than ask me to translate ! I’m thankful really because recently I’m having a bit of difficulty in putting things into words. They seem to jumble up, and l used to love talking!!!!
I wanted to let Desiree know that my friend and l have seen less traffic around. This friend was in Turin a couple of weeks ago and mentioned that the traffic had reduced considerably and that normally it was a nightmare driving there. I also have noticed less people walking around and also that they seem to have slowed down, less rushing around. I personally seem to have slowed down to almost stop and l only go out if l really need to …
Love to you all, Denise
Dear Denise,
thank you very much for contacting me for the first time from Italy. In which part of Italy do you live?
Your confirmation that few people can be seen on the streets may indeed confirm that many of them are also hit by these powerful waves lately and simply have no power to go around. I will send your email nonetheless to Desiree.
Below I have given you some links where Marco Ragusa and other faithful readers of mine, Alberto from Milano and Paolo from Ferrara have excellently translated some of my articles in Italian. You can tell your friend that she can write to me in Italian if she has any questions, as I can speak and read Italian language. I am not so good in writing, but I can express myself in basic terms.
Per marcoragusa.tk
Per portale144000.tk
With love and light
June 3, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Just saw this:
Don’t know whether this is fact or not. Have heard also that Chinese army is in Mexico, ready and waiting.
Had some nasty weather here last night… heavy rain and thunderstorms, and tornadoes. The Bilderbergers were gathering in Chantilly, Virginia for their, I assume, rituals. As always our little swath of Virginia stayed untouched.
Have had many dreams now with PAT members, hoping this means that we are busier than ever in dream state because things are ready to come to fruition.
Not that I constantly look to outward sources for conformation, but one interesting thing kept happening. My brother is here visiting, and whenever we would be out in his car, when he would look randomly at the odometer, it would always say “.0”. This went on for two days. I brought up the Theory of “Zero Point Time/ Wave”… but no one wanted to hear it, especially my 17 yr. old daughter. Oh well…
People around me are acting bad lately. It’s like the worst of their personalities are percolating up. It’s becoming a real challenge to be around anybody anymore.
Love and Light,
Dear Vicki,
To begin with your last topic: The latest energy waves have destroyed most of the emotional and mental protections of the people and they can no longer rely on their past patterns that have given them a sense of security and stability. They are now naked and begin to react in an unpredictable and often erratic manner. Their behaviour will become very unpleasant to many other people very soon.
The zero point symbol may indeed mean the upcoming inter-dimensional split.
It is true that the USA-Cabal are engaged in a policy of war-mongering against China for some time, as they want to prepare for WW3 on earth B after the inter-dimensional split. Before that there will be no new wars anymore. This has been officially announced by the forces of light on numerous occasions and this is also my firm belief and perception.
A new war will be opposite to the whole strategy of containment of the dark ones by the forces of light in the End Times, which we witness since the 70s and even earlier. This policy was necessary as to preserve some kind of peace and calmness during the energetic changes of humanity and Gaia, as it became crystal-clear that humanity cannot awake up on its own, but must be pushed by a cosmic intervention onto the ascending timeline.
It is a deplorable fact that so many LW nowadays succumb to this war mongering propaganda of the dark ones and do not realize its perverted nature. It is one thing to be investigative, quite another to be a prey of mind control. Most LW who now publish on Internet are unfortunately involuntary victims of mind control.
With love and light
June 3, 2012
Caro Giorgio,
you are absolutely right – 100%. The New Age movement and the great majority of light workers insist that we need love, but they totally deny the logical aspect of human being. It is intelligence that is really missing today. 90% of the people I meet (and I meet in my job a lot of people) are totally incapable of just a single logical individual thought. They just keep on repeating what they hear on TV or read on newspapers, or they just claim what they “like to be” out of any logic.
My dog is much more intelligent and logical compared to the mass, and I have a better conversation with her than with any of this dumbed down human beings (or clones?). At the same time all these light workers exhibit a complete lack of intuition, and my dog, again, has 1000 times more intuition than them!! What a sad and detrimental situation.
And you are also right when you say than it is now impossible to have any communication between us, the PAT, and the rest of these dumbed down human beings. They cannot use a drop of logic even in a trivial conversation about football, imagine about politics and economy. Yesterday night I came out at night with a friend, in the center of Turin. It was the first time since a long, long time. I had this apocalyptic vision of all these human robots hanging around at night, totally lost in this toxic planet, thinking that they will be able to live forever in they “eat-work-fuck-sleep” routine, and I felt really disgusted that I had to immediately go back home. All those robots will have a bad wake up I think…
Un grande abbraccio, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
thank you for your very precise, although rather pessimistic observations on the current debased human condition. The people on this planet have always been dumbed down and illogical in their thinking. But in the past it was not so obvious, as is the case in the last days, especially after May 20 when the new energies are about to eliminate any obfuscation by deleting all blockages and energetic protections in the mental and emotional bodies of the people that have enabled such primitive, illogical thinking and feeling.
Now the bar is set much higher and many will not qualify. They will begin to behave´in a most erratic and irrational way and social life will become very unpleasant for a while before the inter-dimensional split will come. June will be a very tense month in many respects, but also very interesting from a neutral point of observation.
With love and light
June 4, 2012
Good Morning Georgi.
Well, I am laughing here – not at you – but you might as well have written my words on your site today. I heard “well are you going through?”.. of course I went. I also woke up much clearer and especially on one point – Solar Feminine energy return to balance.
Lilith cloaked with the Sun. I came across this book 2004 – last Venus Transit.
No wonder the boys in dresses were busy trying to return the females back in time recently – contraceptives, nuns, abortion etc – distracting humanity from our real purpose.
One of your readers wants to know re. prostate? Is nystatin any use? I said I would ask for you – because he was never examined – but got an appointment for surgery??? from a surgeon, he never met. He is not that gullible. He wonders if it is necessary to do anything with the new body forming?
Dear Catherine,
Nystatin cannot help in case of prostrate hypertrophy, which I assume your friend is having, but I strongly warn him not to be operated as the danger of p.o. infection with hospitalized bacteria (most often with antibiotic-resistant pseudomonae aeruginosa) in such operations is about 100% and the complications much more severe than the small mixture problems with an enlarged prostrate.
I experienced this with my father when he decided to be operated on his prostrate against my advice. Well he is dead now, but he suffered two years from such p.o. infection and did not fully recover afterwards. His mixture problems even become more severe after the operation.
Half an year before ascension any medical intervention and surgery should be forbidden.
With love and light
June 3, 2012
Hi George,
Thank you for your last reply. I need to ask you for some specific advice about me receiving the Whooping Cough Vaccination (Pertussis) in the form of dTpa (Adacel or Boostrix) which covers diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis which the hospital would like my wife and I to do before we discharge (after the birth of our daughter).
I’m having a little trouble with this decision as I am adverse to taking any vaccinations however my HS is giving me mixed signals. I think she wishes for me to take it which seems contrary to our path.
Would there be any adverse effects of this vaccination on the LBP and ascension? Is there a real risk of pertussis infection to my daughter if I don’t take it? I initially wanted to turn the vaccination down but now I’m not so sure. I don’t want to be reckless with my daughter’s health and potentially misinterpret my HS’s guidance.
Feel free to comment further on child vaccinations I’d you wish. It has been hard for me not to do any reading into this and let my soul take the drivers seat and I have stayed the course. I had generally let go but this decision has stumped me.
Warm regards
Dear Alex,
I would strongly recommend you to decline this vaccination. I was too stupid with my first daughter when she was born in 1990 as I still believed in medicine at that time and allowed that she be vaccinated. When my second daughter was born in September 1992, I had profoundly changed my mind on medicine and I rejected all these vaccinations. I had to lead some unpleasant disputes with her pediatrician, but ultimately he conceded. My younger daughter is very healthy as I have also taken care that she does not get any antibiotics at all. My first daughter has been a little bit more ill in this respect, although she is also very healthy. We have now entered the time when all these vaccinations do not play any role anymore and they have not played any role also in the past.
However, I know how difficult this decision is for you and for this reason your soul is silent as she leaves it for you to surmount your fears and objections and make the courageous decision not to vaccinate your daughter.
Be sure that your daughter is a crystalline (adamantine) child and does not need any man-made protection, which is actually no protection at all but a means of poisoning all humans, as to survive the few months on this planet prior to her ascension. She has already come with a crystalline light body and her body is immortal – do not forget this.
I know that this decision is hard for you on the surface and that even you may hear many negative remarks from your surroundings, but ultimately it is all about your daughter and not about what other people think should be good for her.
With love and light
Hi George
Thanks for the quick reply. The hospital is asking the parents – me and my wife – to take this particular vaccination (dTpa) ourselves. My daughter has to wait until two months old.
This decision is actually easy for me on the surface and hard on the inside. I wouldn’t say my soul is being silent on this decision and instead taking me by surprise and leaning towards taking it as I have declined this vaccination 2 times already in two days. When asked why I said pretty much your words that I don’t want to take any poison. I have already received some negative feedback and looks regarding this view also and although not pleasant does not concern me. What did concern me was my souls reaction to my decision to say no to my personal booster shot.
I’ll have to try again and feel for guidance later this morning as it is only 4am now – Katherine’s feeding time – and I am still sleep deprived.
It helps also reading your words George to gauge my souls reaction with what resonates.
Thanks, Alex
A good summer morning to you George!
I think you were right about my soul giving me a chance to make a decision. This morning I asked our guides and the father to protect my family and we discharged this morning without any of us having been vaccinated. It’s good to be home.
I have been pondering about vaccinations for quite some time during my wife’s pregnancy as she wanted to have them done and I did not. I knew this was going to be a potential problem for us to overcome. I concluded that I needed to truly let go and surrender the controls to my soul and trust that she would look after us. To me this meant keeping the perspective of our immortality, our mission and giving my wife the responsibility of making decisions about our daughter as she still believes in the matrix, the circus is still real.
If that meant my daughter was to be vaccinated then I had to be at peace with it knowing that in the end it made little difference upon our ascension. I needed to take this view at the time in order to cut the cords that tied me to the fear based Orion system. This was difficult as I knew I was able to make better decisions from my awakened vantage point with the help of my soul and it still is my responsibility to protect her. I think this recent dilemma showed me that I still needed to retain some responsibility and still make decisions with the left brain concerning my life on the ground combining my wisdom with guidance.
My resolve was tested during this last week and it compelled me question yet again how to move forward in these last days. Maybe some of us are still being tested or given some final opportunities to fine tune our abilities not only to survive these end times but to serve at our maximum.
Again thank you George for taking time out of your day every day to be there for us as a sounding board, our rock and our teacher. Do know that we appreciate all that you do. Half the time just putting my thoughts into words in my emails to you is enough. I am glad that you are our Captain – I have turned in my wings.
Warm regards, Alex
Dear Alex,
I can assure you that it is the most difficult decision for a human being to decide against the advices of the current health care system which operates with elementary fear based patterns by exploiting the survival instincts of the patients and by activating their instinct of guilt which are deeply rooted in the human DNA. Nothing is coincidental on this planet. I have discussed these medical issues extensively in my last gnostic book “Thoughts” (2008).
Even I had some notable difficulties to resist all attacks of the school medicine against me personally when I became severely ill several ears ago and had to learn that theoretical knowledge alone is not sufficient to resist this subversive system, but that you also need a very personal stamina and courage to stand to your decision against any suggested intrusions in your body recommended by this failed system.
By the way, I was very surprised to hear that you should be vaccinated as fresh parents. I have never heard this before and you cannot read it in any textbook on medicine. It simply does not make any sense at all, no matter how you analyse this recommendation even from a traditional medical point of view. And this fact alone confirms that there is a great malignancy and Orion fraud behind this new strategy, which first attacks the parents as to make them submissive and then to reach the primary target – the crystalline children, Do you perceive now the insidiousness of the current health care system of human genocide?
I forgot to write about this fact yesterday and actually it only solidified in my mind after I wrote my email to you. You should also use this argument in your discussion with your wife to convince her to agree that your daughter should not to be vaccinated. Ultimately no vaccine will harm her, but it is not about her, but about you and how you respond to the changing paradigm.
With love and light
not only the parents but grandparents and carers as per the consent form from the Government of Western Australia Department of Health. The midwife who was explaining the reasons behind the vaccination (who was very nice actually) stopped short of saying that the public at large should be vaccinated to protect the newborns all the while in the nursery they were seemingly cavalierly throwing around the Hepatitis B vaccine for newborns like it was vitamin C. It was quite disturbing to see it first hand and I felt so sorry for the parents who were vaccinating their babies with the Hepatitis B vaccine only wanting the best for their children.
In all fairness the midwives were genuinely concerned for the welfare of the newborns with regard to whooping cough infection and I’d like to think that was the case generally. That said, the whole Hep B program looked a little too unquestioned and routine and I did find out that the hospital would get into trouble if they didn’t offer it. Many midwives off the record personally would not recommend it. Good people working in an insidious health care system.
Thankfully my wife who is a Dentist realised that injecting Hepatitis B vaccine into babies is ridiculous practise and assertively declined. I’m at least glad that she had the opportunity to see first hand the cracks in the health care system and has opened her up a little to trusting her own Nous. Unfortunately this didn’t stop her from insisting that our daughter get the Vitamin K shot which she received. I failed in this respect as my soul did warn me and I am sorry to her.
Looking forward to the changes coming soon – I hope.
Warm regards, Alex