On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-105, June 2, 2012
Vincent Van Gogh, Ascension Sun
June 1, 2012
Hello my George,
The sun enchants me now more than ever. It is also the only star I can see during this time of the year in Norway. What I see lately is that the sun’s rays are more detailed and strong. I’d love to hear about the anomaly you have just discovered.
If the phenomenon has to do with Nibiru, then astronomers are not going to talk about it since the majority of space institutions claim Nibiru does no exist. And the ones who see something, like him
and talk about it, don’t really know exactly what is it that is coming closer to earth.
Dear Moni,
Check please these latest pictures of Nibiru from the Antarctic:
They are rather impressive. Nibiru is best seen in the Antarctic when the sun is below the horizon.
What I noticed is that the site of the sunset and sunrise are much too further to the north – north-east for the sunrise and north-west for the sunset, so that they build an angle of less than 140° to the north. In this way the sun makes a very eccentric orbit to the south and when it reaches its zenith, it builds an angle of about 25° with the perpendicular axis of the observer, in this case, myself. If you are at the equator this angle will be zero.
This means that the sun comes from the far north goes as usually to the south at its zenith and then again returns to the north by making a very unusual orbit, which I have never seen before. At sunrise and sunset the sun actually moves parallel to the horizon. The only explanation is that the earth wobbles very much in south-north direction throughout the day, which is so obvious that every normal person who observes the sun must see it.
I first discovered this phenomenon during the sunset, but then observed it also early in the morning when I had to go outside with my dog. Normally this is the duty of my wife as she goes early to the horses in the stables. As I live in the countryside I can observe the sun path very well and I have never seen the sun rising and setting so far in the north.
During the winter months, it was the reverse situation with extreme fluctuations. The sun almost rose and set in the south with an angle between the sites of sunrise and sunset of less than 120° and then jumped all of a sudden in February to the north with an angle of about 15-18° on each site within only several days. Since then it is steadily moving to the north in terms of sunrise and sunset.
Well I hope you can make an idea out of this explanation. It is easier when I make some drawings, but I have no idea how to publish them and I do not care either as we will soon know it better.
those images (of Nibiru) are IMPRESSIVE indeed, thanks. I’m going to send this to my friend in NASA. I’m curious on what kind of blunder he is going to say.
As for your explanation, I think I got the idea. I will only know if I got it right if I make a graph out of it and show it to you. So this will be my homework today.
June 1, 2012
My dear friend,
I have resisted writing for awhile because every time I thought I had something to say, someone else was saying it. The synchronicity has been phenomenal lately. Like many others, my life has recently changed somewhat due to the ongoing recession and no doubt also due to changes in the earth’s energy grid etc.
As I mentioned before I have always lived a very philosophical life and have been on a “spiritual quest” for decades. All my life information has come to me in the most miraculous ways, books falling off the shelves in front of me just at the right time and such. Judging from your descriptions I think I must be more or less through the LBP. Making my living as an artist for 45 years and thus being on the edge of the matrix has allowed me to develop a perspective unlike anyone else I know (even other artists). Although I was married and have three children and three grandchildren I am to all intents and purposes a recluse.
Even as a child, I could tell I was different from everyone else and entertained philosophical thoughts that placed me in a realm of my own. Looking back on my life, I must now conclude that my higher self was always nudging me along and having a great influence. I don’t really think I became an artist because I was good at it (although I was always told I was), I think it was my higher self’s way of keeping me out of the nine to five grind, so I could develop with less negative influence than is normal in order to fulfill my purpose here. Which brings me to the question, what is my purpose?
The only thing that makes sense to me is that I am here to observe, on the one hand, because I’ve done a lot of that, and perhaps my observations have somehow been seen by the higher realms and had some kind of beneficial effect. And on the other hand to influence those around me and contribute to their awakening.
The main problem I have with this second feature is that I have a very small circle of influence due to my reclusiveness, although it seems I’ve had a great deal of influence on my daughter, whose family I’m now living with due to limited financial resources, and she has a huge influence. She has a fitness business, strictly for women, with a strong spiritual component, unlike the usual fitness approach which focuses only on looking good. I’m not so much aware of my influence as I’m just being myself but she tells me that my daily input is a constant source of guidance and inspiration for her which she then passes on to hundreds of women. I’ve also noticed lately that her friends and associates are drawn to me and love to listen to me go on about ascension, timeline splits and the nature of reality etc. I don’t know a single person my age that is interested or believes in any of the things you/we talk about.
All that to bring me around to what you said about the soul creating the life circumstances, “Normally the soul provides a modicum of stable social conditions for the individual to achieve his utmost goals as set by his or her soul.” This has certainly been the case for me so far. “A modicum of stable social conditions” being the operative phrase as I have only just gotten by all my working life. And that brings me to the present, where it appears that everything is breaking down. It has become more or less impossible for me to make a living any more. My art has lost it’s appeal (at least to those who have enough money to buy it) and I’m told that they just don’t “get it”. I know I am not alone, but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.
Frankly I don’t care as I am not in the slightest attached to my career and great wealth has never been my objective. The problem that is really bothering me is that if I don’t make enough money I’ll be a burden on my daughter. This feels very bad to me, but I’m at a loss as to how to resolve the problem. She tells me I will never be a burden, but they’re only just “getting by” as well, so that doesn’t make the problem go away. Perhaps the timeline split or ascension will make this a moot point in the near future. I am completely free of fear or anxiety in all other regards, but being a burden simply does not feel right. I’ve been looking around for a job to get me through the interim but no one wants to hire a 64 year old who’s been “unemployed” his whole life!
What do you make of this? Why would my soul leave me hanging at this late date? Do you think it’s because with ascension right around the corner there is simply no longer a need for an income? And I should just relax and wait while continuing to share the awakening process with those beautiful young souls who are receptive and whose company I greatly enjoy!
As always, many thanks for being there.
Much love and light, Larry
Dear Larry,
I am very glad that you have shared some deeper glimpses with me into your personal life which is paradigmatic for most of us. As you have already depicted the major components and aspects of our human existence as star seeds on this toxic planet, I do not need to discuss and reiterate them one more time, but will go straight forward to your last question, or should I say, superfluous dilemma.
I am not sure whether I have discussed this issue in the reports, but I have definitely done this in my gnostic books. One of the greatest lessons a very old soul has to learn at the end of her incarnation cycle is to unconditionally surrender to her destiny and allow that other souls care for her. This is very difficult for people like us, as we have been used to help other people in the past and this inner impulse is very strong in our personality structure that is perpetuated throughout many incarnations in numerous variations. Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to learn to accept the full material dependence on other souls and not feel responsible to render a reciprocal compensation.
My wife who has fully incorporated this art of life – and it is an art of life which you as an artist should learn to appreciate – is always giving other people the possibility to do something good for her, so that they can also feel good. This is a very important social function, which they will otherwise not be able to accomplish as part of their lessons to learn on this planet – to learn helping other people in an unconditional manner. This is precisely what you are doing now for your daughter and she is obviously enlightened enough to perceive this situation correctly and to be thankful for being able to do something for you. This is the ideal situation of mutual reciprocity.
I am sure that you are philosophic enough as to know that if it were not this way, your soul would have given you a plethora of possibilities to realize your creative potential and to be able to care for yourself. It has never been about surviving physically on this unfriendly planet as the soul will always find an optimal way to keep you alive if she needs your presence here on the ground. It is not our duty to be worried about our survival, which is, by the way, the worst outcome as it only prolongs our imprisonment on this planet, although most people do nothing else – worry all their life and thus lose their creative potential. Where fears and worries grow wild, there is no place for true creativity. This is how humanity has been dumbed down by the current Orion system of fear and scarcity.
You have now the ideal situation – helping your daughter and her friends with your spiritual presence and ideas to awaken, so that they will be able to ascend to a blissful reality on the new earth very soon and you feel a remorse. For what? For not being able to live on your own in this crumbling reptilian economic order? I am sorry, but this is the most stupid attitude one could choose in the current situation. Just relax and let be cared by your daughter, just as you are also ready to care for the spiritual growth of other people, which is the most precious thing in All-That-Is and forget once and for all your superfluous scruples.
Besides, the whole situation will change this month and very soon much more people will depend on your advices as to survive. Why then poison the last calm days with such futile considerations which are remnants of old-fashioned, outdated Orion thinking when the man was considered to be the supplier and protector, in other words, the strong man. This role has been played out infinite times with a diminishing success in the gruesome past and is no longer valid.
With love and light
Dear George,
Many thanks for your quick and perceptive reply. I thought you might say something like that. I have never resonated with the age old concept of the “struggling artist”. It is always been obvious to me that true creativity does not arise out of worry as you point out.
A fearless dependence on others for my survival is probably the last obstacle in my way as I have always been criticized for not making enough money. In fact the two primary relationships in my life disintegrated mostly due to financial stress, leaving me seriously conditioned to believe I was at fault for not getting a “real job” on the one hand or becoming rich and famous on the other.
So I will take your words to heart and consider the situation to be a “superfluous dilemma” and carry on, knowing that I do have much to contribute that couldn’t be bought with money in any case.
Much love,
Dear Larry,
And please do not forget that your most valuable relationship with your daughter is intact. This is a very rare gift these days.
June 1, 2012
It amazes me how similar our journeys have been. Not particularly the exact events but the results and the dates in which they occurred. Us, older star seeds, have really had a long journey. It seems the PAT is composed of two groups. The oldsters like me and you who started their latest phase of LBP a decade or more ago and the younger group who started it only the last year or two. It seems us older ones have continued to support ourselves somewhat in the 3D world, while not really being a part of it. Many of the younger ones just cannot cope with 3D work or the system while in their LBP and become vagabonds and homeless. I don’t understand why this is so, but it seems to be. Us older ones generally still maintain ourselves, although we have very little other than the basic necessities, but still not homeless.
Anyway I believe as I think you do that members of PAT are to be here to help anchor or transmute the energies that will be generated by the lunar eclipse and Venus transit this coming week. After that our job will be done in this carbon body. There is still two weeks until the solstice after these events. It seems the hardest of the anchoring always takes 4-7 days. After that things improve slightly and we are better able to function as was the case after May 20th.
I have always believed that PAT will all ascend at once or very shortly together, because we are only to be here until we are no longer needed and it makes sense if one of us is needed then all are needed. It is my feeling that the financial, religious and government systems will collapse in earnest during the two week period before our ascension and this is also the period of greatest danger for natural disasters as well. Do you concur with my this? And what is the purpose in your opinion for us waiting until the solstice to ascend. Will there be dynamic energies at this time that will facilitate our exit. This is my opinion.
Thanks for your updates
Dear Jerry,
I fully concur with your elaborations on the current and short term timelines and energetic patterns. I also expect the begin of the economic collapse after June 6 and summer solstice and it will continue throughout the whole summer. What I personally expect, or hope for, is that the magnetic pole reversal and the inter-dimensional split will also happen during this period.
We will ascend with the inter-dimensional split, which will be the postponed part of the announced ascension at 11.11.11, which we could not fully accomplish then, as the light quotient of humanity was not enough. The split can only happen if we also ascend and, so to say, take Gaia and humanity with a tow-line to the 4th dimension, as it was initially planned at the stargate 11.11.11. After the split, we will no longer be needed on the ground in a clay vessel but as ascended masters who will help humanity to build a new spiritual society and will introduce new technologies that will ease human life in preparation for the final ascension to the 5th dimension in Dec 2012.
My guess is that the introduction of new technologies – in the first place, free energy sources for homes and portals, and anti-gravity vehicles for transport – must be accomplished till the beginning of the fall, so that the last three months will be used to cleanse Gaia from the current pollution before her final ascension to the 5th dimension. And of course we need some time to educate the people about the true reality on this planet. These considerations make me confident that the split will come this month.
June 1, 2012
Hallo George,
I wish to just add my opinion in regards to SOAR 103 and the very interesting discussion with Debra. As for mixing with the “crowd”, I guess it is a necessity that many of us cannot avoid, and also shouldn’t. One reason why we are here, is to be in the middle of the soup, and shine our light there.
One should always pay attention though, as I often get surprised by someone who resonates with me and starts chatting to me unexpectedly. And then I am caught unawares, and being on another “station” so to speak, I often reply with some confused or short utter. Only after some focusing on the other person’s “story” can I then start a meaningful conversation. Knowing who we are, and walking among the sleeping masses is often a difficult experience as one has to basically tune into the old matrix, where the sheeple hang out in order to communicate with them.
In Debra’s case I think the young people are a lot more open minded and many are Indigos and Crystals, so she would be able to confer with them a lot easier. Speaking of which, I can understand the frustrations of those I and C’s as they are unable to fit in to society, as their inner guidance tells them that the status quo sucks, however everything else tells them that it is them that don’t fit in. Also, they do not have the life experience to see clearly as some of the matured adults have. Many of them are so confused by this that they get easily distracted with all the variety of “entertainment” that the old matrix has to offer.
I do fully resonate with your explanation of the soul’s management of it’s incarnation and BTW thanks for sharing your experiences. Especially this sentence I deem very important:
“Ultimately one must believe that his soul is always choosing the best possible alternative for her incarnated entity by considering all possible factors and probability alternatives, which a human being can never oversee with his limited carbon based brain on the ground. This is an important aspect that one must always bear in mind.”
I wish to also add that during the incarnation planning stage, various timelines are in place, in order to compensate for the free will that is exercised by the person. Also the nudging of the soul is less effective in the incarnations young age than in later years when the person is more “awake”. Then at a certain stage the soul decides to “wake up” the incarnated soul. That is then where the “fun” starts – LBP, initiation etc. And the harder you get hit, the stronger you will become eventually.
I do however believe, as I have experienced myself, that outside factors can play a role during an incarnation. I had a run in with a fairly large negative entity a while back, that has subsequently caused me much hardship during the past years, even though I did stay on course, as my relationships and my location stayed intact. When the situation at some stage became so hopeless that I was going nowhere, it was like hitting a wall, the soul came in and encouraged me to go on. During the course of this year, fortunately, the situation changed rapidly, when the dark grid was uprooted and the light grid was installed fully.
with love and light, Joe
Dear Joe,
thank you very much for your enlightened comments on my discussion with Debra as to how to flow with the energies of the soul. This is an infinite topic and one could write so much about it. Fortunately we are in the last throes of our incarnation experience and very soon such considerations will play no role anymore when we consciously merge with our soul and the hide game will be over for ever.
With love and light
That is absolutely so, George. This information would only be useful for those that are just now awakening.
love and light,
June 1, 2012
Dear Georgi!
Hope you and the pup and the kitty are well, and that your family’s travels are smooth and enjoyable. The Bahamas most recently had elections and the population chose the cocaine dealers and thieves (literally – I kid you not) as their government and kicked out the honesty people. Corruption everywhere as always. At first, I was upset as was my family. However, once I removed myself from the 3-D interpretation of this event, I had to admit – It does not matter! This world is done! Time to split and change! Political structures in their form in this dimension we all seem to share right Now are fraudulent so let it go! Am I being dumb about this? I also was starting to think perhaps this is all perfect since we have to release ourselves from this reality entirely. This really sounds easy and it is not easy.
I have had to tend to my mother who is suffering from debilitating vertigo and has been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease by western doctors. She herself does not believe the diagnosis but as opposed to discussing it detail I just tended to her and her garden and helped her around the house. She will figure it out. I think it is this LBP and one just has to “suck it up” and deal with it. It is so difficult to see so much suffering around us and not really be able to do anything about it.
I feel like I am in a never-ending penal colony. And some days I feel like we are just going to be stuck here in the filth. Many here in this atoll are “restless” and “jumpy”. Violence has increased in the islands – 9 shot just a couple of days ago all at one time. Some people here think they are going to get paid because of an Oil Company that is drilling a test well near Andros (allegedly related to Atlantis – who knows). I am of the belief that people need to wake themselves up without outside assistance. Lot’s have really closed themselves and there is nothing anyone can really do about that anymore in my little opinion – is there? The information is out and around us – some really do not want the information it seems. I quit talking to most people as it seems pointless. Just spend my days enjoying things I like here like growing herbs and playing in my garden and making food that is delicious and being grateful I can even do those things. Sometimes I feel lazy and selfish for feeling this way.
Do you hear some of us speaking to you and each other telepathically? I am trying to do as much of my communication in that way as possible. The “silence” post was so synchronistic! The whole “time” before and after that post, I had been thinking to myself “what is there to say??? nothing anymore.” I am impatient and want to get this show on the road. I am sick of waiting and hearing the messages of “soon come”. I am actually starting to think that nothing is ever going to come, which to me usually means that the change is right around the corner and “look out”. Usually, in my experience when I give up, don’t care anymore and am doubtful of anything – BAM. Is anyone else this frustrated?
I feel like I am being a brat for being impatient, especially considering where my soul stuck me in this existence. It was absolutely not that bad considering others’ experiences… My dreams are very vivid but do not include “meetings” of the PAT or anything I don’t think. Just very weird gatherings of the most unrelated individuals (current political leaders sometimes mixed with just regular folk) in glassy looking places/structures that hang from the sky. Sometimes the gathering is just a cocktail party or dinner and that is it. Lot’s of tubes around that seem like roads or transportation. Very vivid colors etc. Have no memory of the discussions or anything. It is so hard for me to put into words. Words don’t seem to describe my dreams very well. I can make no sense of any of it. I am appreciative of the others that seem to have a clearer understanding of everything and confidence. I guess I am just plain worn out. It happens. Thanks again.
love to you and all,
P.S. The person who asked about artificial limbs and things – let them know I have pedicle screws and plates instead of my L-5 vertebrae which was destroyed in a burst fracture in the late 80’s. This surgical stuff is over 20 years old (1989 surgery) and my back and ability to walk feels better than it did 10 years ago. AND I have not visited a physician in a long time (even though the better half is one!). I almost don’t even know the stuff is there anymore which is weird, but I try not to give it too much thought and just enjoy it. Still grateful I can walk and that somewhere my soul put an incredible surgeon in my path so long ago. Walking on your own is quite a blessing in this “body”. Now, if the rest of “me” did not feel so exhausted and bored with this “place”.
Dear Liz,
thank you very much for this highly informative update from the Bahamas as it puts into a focus the global situation nowadays. There is indeed a visible surge of the dark side of humanity instead of the expected opposite effect, but this surge is their last cry before they are sucked in by the catastrophic timeline and disappear for ever. I observed this phenomenon after the fall of the Iron curtain in Eastern Europe when the worst criminals were elected in the governments.
The separation of the two worlds can no longer be ignored and from this mist something new must emerge very soon. The bad ones agglomerate around their rotten governmental bodies and the good ones are forced by the new centripetal forces to disentangle from the national state that will not survive the imminent inter-dimensional split. This is all part of the disintegration of the old matrix with all its ugly social phenomena. The only solution is indeed within oneself – this is an esoteric topos (commonplace) these days, bit it is true nonetheless.
Medicine is in its last throes – or as the Germans use to say: “At the end of its Latin” and have no idea about the huge energetic changes in the human bodies which they interpret in their outdated Latin, while continuing with their genocide on humanity. Given the fact that about one quarter of the current population will end its incarnation this year, they are doing a fabulous job. What does your better half say about this trend?
With love and light
Dear Georgi:
What a question re:”what does the better half say about this trend?” Well – there are many hypocritical answers to this question at this current moment. On the one hand, he is a surgeon only and does not do general physician family practice with diagnosis and medicines excepting as related to surgery. He is a general surgeon. He absolutely has the bizarrest views about medicine that contradict each other constantly.
For example, he states he believes that the doctors are needed, but he also states and believes the current system (Western, especially the one witnessed in the USA) is fraudulent and all about money and not healing. He believes cancer has been cured already, one day – and then the next – cancer is real – be careful and don’t smoke! Further, when he had to do a six month rotation in the ER here in the Bahamas, when describing almost every person he saw or treated: he said all these people had “energy” problems.
He is an island man, so his description of this was “these people need to check themselves and their life.” Bizarrely – he refuses to give me any medication at all (as I have told you before) excepting an advil or something similar when I complain of any physical symptoms. He always tells me I am “fine” and “this will pass”. He seems to grapple with feeling and knowing that medicine is changing and his feeling that he will have no purpose. As such, I tend to not discuss it with him too much. He is adamant that timelines and alternate realities are “magical thinking” and that death is the end of everything. But he is also adamant that the Orion Empire is real and alive and well and doing some nastiness.
Frankly, sometimes he makes no sense to me. Not much does anymore except that fresh Basil tastes delicious with pasta and tomatoes! And there is a “flesh eating bacteria” victim in the USA who is supposedly losing limbs etc. The news reports this bacteria came from the river where this woman severely cut herself. My better half? He explicitly believes this same bacteria really came from the hospital, where she was first treated….
Alas, he and I come from very different Earth backgrounds and sometimes I think he knows more than he lets on. He was very interested in your Nystatin (is that how you spell it?) material but is doing post-graduate studies for the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, so his head is stuck in a book when he is not at work or with our dogs or eating. I was going to ask him if we could get it somehow in the Bahamas, but I have to catch him when he is not in “work mode” to ask him about it and then be ready for his “debate” of the whole thing (I am not a doctor but am pretty quick on things and sometimes he thinks I truly understand his questions or what he is talking about and I really do not because I am not a doctor or student of medicine….). And frankly, now with these people running the show here, I don’t want to even make the effort to do much of anything.
And now, as I am writing this to you he has just announced he really does not know about other dimensions, but his current course of study is “not to let you die here”. Again, he makes no sense to me sometimes.
This change better come quick because it is getting really ugly. And then the poor man from Miami Florida who had his face eaten off (no nose, no skin, very gruesome) by another man in broad daylight in an attack that lasted over 18 minutes on video taken by a camera because the attack occurred beside the Miami Herald newspaper – right beside a busy roadway. Many are calling it the Zombie Apocalypse. When the police arrived and told the attacker to quit – he apparently growled with human flesh in his mouth and kept going. A poor bicycle rider witness saw the whole thing. Of course the attacker was shot and killed. The homeless man, the victim is apparently still alive. Poor thing. The victim actually “woke up” on the stretcher when the EMT’s were moving him from the sidewalk to the van. The EMT’s seemed very concerned and gentle in the video. Very bizarre and horrific story that one. Strange. I am surprised that people are not wanting to stay away from intoxicants in these times. I had my party fun days, but these days are not for that for me at all. Must be on your toes.
Love to you and all, Liz
Dear Liz,
thank you very much for this lively “portrait of the scientist as an adult man” (a pan to James Joyce’s famous novel “The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”).
We live in highly contradictory times, where mutually excluding concepts exist side by side – in most cases in one person without him being aware of these discrepancies in his weltanschauung. I have a similar problem at home with my wife who is a very old soul but for some unexplainable reasons rejects the idea of LBP and ascension – the transformation of the human carbon based body to crystalline light body and the possibility to transcend this 3d-illusion to higher dimensions – although, and this is the greatest paradox, she lives and acts most of the time from the fulcrum of her soul with great success.
Then come her contradictory, conventional ideas about diseases, although she knows that I reject all of them. Of course I am not so gentle with her as you are with your husband and she has to bear my annihilating critic, but it does not help much either.
I think that humans are rigidly programmed to think in this limited way as a kind of a bio-robot and as long as their soul does switch them onto another broader program, there is no possibility for a human being to surmount the current energetic limits of this biological species. This rebooting is now running on a global scale and about 50-70% of the human population are changing energetically with a rapid pace at the subconscious level, It will be very exciting to see when this process will materialize at the conscious level and how it will translate into social changes. Before that the rug must be, however, pulled away from under their feet and they must glimpse into the abyss, so that their survival instincts can be triggered and bring about the necessary mental change.
This process will start this month June and will stipulate throughout the summer. At the latest in September – October most current areas as health care system (medicine and pharmaceutical industry), energy supply, transport, finance, corporations, national states etc. will be abolished and substituted with completely new forms of social life based on spiritual principles. This will happen through cosmic intervention and with our help as ascended masters, as humanity is unable to evolve on its own. This is the sad truth, and this also explains why all these changes were postponed to the very last possible moment of cosmic alignments.
What your husband now needs is a profound catharsis – a deep mental and emotional crisis – as to align his conditioned wrong ideas with the few correct ideas he has developed so far. It will be a steep learning curve for people like him and this will be their greatest chance in this incarnation if they want to ascend.
Dear Georgi,
Ha ha ha! I just had to laugh as I do not believe I am gentle with my husband. We have severe disagreements that are quite heated about a lot of things. However, I am a trained litigation attorney and many times that skill has really helped me more personally than anything else. I have personally “litigated” with him the following successful resolution to our disagreements, “I love you but we are going to have to agree to disagree and I refuse to discuss in detail the causes of cancer from the sole perception of western medicine as that is limiting to me and discounts other information widely available…” He eventually gives up. And sometimes I give up.
I have also been able to get him to truly admit, “I don’t really know” when no one really “knows” regarding certain things. “I don’t know” is an answer to a whole lot of things and situations for me. My background defending doctors and hospitals in lawsuits has given me some knowledge to keep up with his perceptions of things and also some knowledge that he truly does not have about the practice of medicine in its current form. He has not really had to deal with the “money decision/power” side of things “from the inside”. I have seen how that works directly working for and defending the “dark side”. And it almost killed me I must say. He “knows” this truth ultimately. He and I actually had a long argument one day as I stated to him one day, what if you were no longer able to be a doctor? Is that how you solely define yourself? He is also struggling with old patriarchy, race (he is of black “color” and I am “white” color) as we all seem to be doing.
Regarding your assertion:
“This process will start this month June and will stipulate throughout the summer. At the latest in September – October most current areas as health care system (medicine and pharmaceutical industry), energy supply, transport, finance, corporations, national states etc. will be abolished and substituted with completely new forms of social life based on spiritual principles. This will happen through cosmic intervention and with our help as ascended masters as humanity is unable to evolve on its own. This is the sad truth, and this also explains why all these changes were postponed to the very last possible moment of cosmic alignments.”
I really do want to see some changes but am beginning to question linear time entirely as to any predictions. I just keep reading and hearing and feeling “soon come” and then nothing but the same old whatever. I personally am over it many days.
On a separate matter, I wrote to approximately 20 world leaders “in general” about 2-3 years ago from my soul but I must tell you that I don’t think it was “me” writing. I don’t know. My husband loved it and said “send that shit…do it!”. I remember that I sent it to China, Jordan (to the Queen’s foundation – not the govt…), Commonwealth of the Bahamas (Hubert Alexander Ingraham – who just lost the election here), President of the USA and I have to find my facsimile confirmation sheets for the rest of the list because I sent this all by facsimile. I do recall it being a very bizarre listing of recipients. The date last saved on the computer was May 13, 2010 but I really have to look in my file boxes to ascertain the rest of the list and true date sent.
Do you have any thoughts on why I might have done this? My father is allegedly very important and stopped speaking to me long ago as he believes I am “crazy”, but thankfully, my mother raised me not him and they have been divorced since I was two. I have been lucky. She really loved the text. I would love to know who really said these things that are in this correspondence I sent out.
Here is the copied text from this correspondence:
World Leaders –
We write to you on behalf of the human race as One and of which you are a part. We as a species are currently “out of control”. We know it.
What to do? Unknown at this point, but serious change must come. It is going to come some way or another because nothing in creation lives in a vacuum outside of Universal Natural Law of Balance.
Currently, the Human Species as a collective has proven itself to be:
– extremely violent;
– operational from individual self-interest without consciousness for the whole;
– voracious; and,
– existing with extreme conscious disregard for its own survival.
The human race collective is currently killing itself and some of us are so pained about this truth that we feel powerless and now consciously envision our painful destruction. Our pain is great because we are aware that the solutions to many of our human issues are already in existence but simply not “seen”. Knowing this breaks our hearts into pieces every single second of every breath we take.
We are a part of no organized movement but “we” are comprised of individual humans from every place on Earth.
Now is the time for true change. We need world leaders who have the strength and integrity to speak to all humans as One Species, One Race, One Being solely from the Heart.
Someone needs to do a communication to us all as citizens of Planet Earth with zero political or individual country motives to tell us collectively that we have all created a mighty mess for ourselves and if we do not collectively work towards solutions, we will simply destroy ourselves. The microcosm of this truth is occurring every single second right now. Our current situation is dire. We would prefer this sort of speech to come from a group of world leaders speaking together that usually does not unify for any purpose. Such a communication will have incredible consequences and miraculous reactions. The human heart can never be controlled by another life form. Natural law rules us all in this Universe. Nefarious living always leads to destruction. Always.
It is time for us to evolve consciously or else.
Please consider our request with the utmost respect and integrity. We mean no violence or harm or accusations to anyone or thing. Our belief is we are truly past that point at this stage in our collective history. We speak only in true peace. The time for collective suffering is now over.
Please help us help ourselves. You have control of a big message. Thank you.
Human Beings of Earth.
Now, I got all “freaked out” later on because I learned of the Orions etc. in more detail after I sent this, so I then thought to myself – my god! Was I writing the dark directly??? What a waste of time! But then I re-thought about it and said to myself – well it seemed OK at the time and there is nothing I can do about it so “let it go”. And I really did until just recently. Maybe it was just a cry for help and nothing more. I know I received confirmations of the facsimiles being sent. I really wonder if they are still in my archives as I have done lots of purging in the past two years. I wonder if anyone really read it, but all is energy and nothing is truly ever lost in the continuum. My mother calls it “send it out to the Universe”.
Maybe it all means nothing. Your thoughts perhaps? Your writings and website seem to match the “communication to us all citizens of Planet Earth with zero political and individual country motives….” request.
Well, if you have any thoughts, please let me know. I do things and say things I myself do not fully understand sometimes and am quite inquisitive about same. In fact, I argued with myself or who/whatever about that letter during its drafting which in actuality did not take a long time really. At the time, I began to think I might be insane excepting the words made too much sense to my soul self.
Love to you and all, Liz
Dear Liz,
It is not unusual for me to send from time to time similar letters to politicians and other powerful individuals as I recently did to Bill Gates and then to 30-40 universities (chancellors an Nobel Prize winners ) in the USA. I also wrote recently a letter to Angela Merkel, the second one this year, but her website of the Kanzleramt (Chancellor Headquarters) in Berlin refused to accept it for no apparent reasons.
Most of the time when I write such letters I do this from an inner impulse and then I know that this action has a symbolic meaning and an energetic function in the higher realms, but I do not expect any tangible results on the ground. This I have given up in the 90s when I tried a lot to convince humanity, all scientists and the politicians about their basic blunders in science, common and political thinking and acting. The problem is actually that too few people have such impulses. I am sure, if the politicians would receive much more often such letters, the world will be a much better place.
I can very well understand your scepticism regarding fixed dates, but you must bear in mind that we have trespassed all deadlines set by heaven for the End Times and now there is no time left to wait anymore. The ascension date on Dec 21, 2012 is beyond any doubt, and when it comes, a lot has to be done beforehand.
Dear Georgi,
Maybe others wrote, but are cautious to tell anyone about their letter writing as I have always been cautious of same. Your website seems to have given many, including me an inner courage.
At any rate, let’s get this show on the road Universe! This baby is long overdue. Perhaps like seeds under the ground doing much that cannot be “seen”…. lot’s has already happened.
Love to you and all, Liz
June 1, 2012
Dear George,
It’s exam time at the moment, and I thought I’d read the latest State of Ascension report to keep up with what the PAT are up to as a break from psychology studies.
Now George (humorously) you didn’t mention the sheer amount of cramming the educational system would have me doing in short order haha… It is a good preparation for the future, anyway, I guess !!!
Now, I had the greatest laugh when reading Lynn’s rather humorous piece, written with a touch of sarcasm. I’d also like to add two Internet sites that elicited laughter and a little thought in their own sarcasm – I’ll be interested in your observations of them.
The first website has an article called: topsiders of the world unite : http://psci2012.blogspot.
And the second; well its just raucous with a tinge of truth : http://formerwhitehat.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and encourage everybody in their ascension duties. I felt the other day that we had now directly, through our work, anchored ourselves in the positive timeline of planet A and it was impossible now to be diverted from this course. Also I have noticed that there is an interlacing effect with the three timelines where events of other timelines seem to bleed through, although they don’t occur in this timeline.
I’m sure this will pass as the timelines move further apart. I was wondering if you have noticed this too? The differences between the positive and negative timelines is stark…
Anyway, I best get back to study as I only have a day left to try and remember all of this information… The learning of a subject in 3 months is such a rush. I cant wait till education is unhitched from the Orion economic system, so that it allows things to be taught properly; as I am sure you are quite aware of George…
With light and love
Dear Craig,
thank you for the links. What the hell will you be doing with your examinations after the inter-dimensional split this month or so? But this is a good experience to know what to avoid when the real education will commence in the 5th dimension.
Dear George,
I just smiled a lot: I’m going through the motions before the split. As you say, I’m learning a LOT about what doesn’t work in education, although I know my higher self knows this… I wrote this, knowing that you know the educational system more than anyone and it would be a slightly comical moment as your read!
Luckily I’m not ready to throw myself off a cliff like the new age lemmings… I have a bit of a laugh about the shenanigans in new age blogs right now, knowing the timelines will soon separate and we can get working on our higher dimensional missions.
Wading through timelines
June 1, 2012
Hello Georgi,
After May 20th, the first thing I noticed was a marked drop in the number of people I usually encounter in the streets and transit system of Denver.
I usually take the bus to work, which requires I take one bus to a center of the downtown area, and then the mall ride system along the 16th Street Mall. This has been my transit to work nearly every day since I began this job in July of 2011, so I am well aware of how much of the populace are taking this transit too and how many people are walking around the downtown area on any given morning or afternoon.
On Monday, May 21st I began to witness an interesting change. My usual bus is on average very full of passengers. Most of the time I have to share a seat with someone else because the buses can be so full. But on this Monday, the bus was easily lacking an estimated 1/3rd the usual passengers. There were empty seats galore. It was more like a holiday had occurred, but May 21 was not a holiday in Denver nor in the U.S.
When I went to Starbucks that morning, I walked right up to the counter and stood behind only one other customer when I usually wait in long lines of 8-10 people (on average). And as I walked from the shop to my office building, I was struck by how few people were on the streets on a Monday morning. Usually the streets are teeming with workers rushing to their offices and cars are in long lines on the streets. I said to myself, “Where is everybody?”
So then I thought perhaps more people are starting to take their summer vacations by now? Could this account for such a drop in the day-to-day populace?
But then on Tuesday May 22nd I witnessed the same situations – a lot fewer people walking around, not just in the transit areas, but on the streets, at restaurants, at grocery stores, at banks. This has been true every day since May 20th. It then occurred to me that perhaps some people have already become part of the Earth B timeline. Perhaps the split has begun and it not entirely finished, but has at least started?
Have you noticed this in your area too Georgi? I’m very keen to know. And I wonder if other PAT members have witnessed the same shift in their populace?
Could it be that some people have already left our vision because they have moved to the Earth B timeline reality? It is a very nice change.
Dear Desiree,
thank you very much for your cunning observations. I have no explanation for this sudden change in human behaviour in Denver and I have not heard of similar situations here in Germany, although I live in the countryside where you can rarely see a person. But also in Munich I have not heard of anything similar from my daughter and other people.
I cannot wholly exclude the possibility that some people simply vanish from this timeline, but in this case, if the reduction of the population is so dramatic as you describe it, we must at least hear about the disappearance of some people from the remaining ones. Have you asked other people if they have noticed this change or have heard of people simply vanishing from this reality?
I will publish your email in the next report and we will see what other readers will comment on this very intriguing phenomenon.
With love and light
Thank you for your quick response. I will ask some of my friends to see what their perceptions are about population shifts in Denver recently. In the meantime, I will be waiting to hear if anyone else in the PAT have observed something similar in their areas of the world.
You know, it could just all be my imagination. But if so, a very nice imagination indeed!
Also, today I have been hit with extraordinarily high sensations of 1) extreme tiredness and 2) oscillating waves that present as not only dizziness but a feeling as if the earth is moving under my feet. The second sensation exists even when I am sitting. It’s like the airwaves around me are fluctuating, creating heightened vertigo. But is the first sensation of tiredness that is so unusual. I haven’t felt this in many weeks.
What I hear from my higher self is that Mother Earth is shifting and heaving about, if not expressing so externally yet she is very busy internally, like she’s suffering from a bit of indigestion and feels a bit woozy too. Are other members of PAT feeling this or other sensations that seemed to spike just today (June 1 here in the U.S.)?
I’m looking forward to hearing from others to compare notes.
Cheers for a great weekend.
Dear Desiree,
I have not heard yet from other readers how June 1 was. It was relative good to me, But I see these fluctuations you describe since 1999 and these are the air molecules that are rotating with your extended ethereal field. That the earth itself is in labour and in its last throes to ascend is known for some time, but the time of birthing is still a secret.
June 1, 2012
Dear George,
Something funny happened to me on 17 May, having in mind that I do sun gazing and therefore have quite a good health and immune system. I felt dizzy, with a vertigo and weakness, so that I had to rest in bed the whole weekend. After several days I got better, although still I do not have a perfect balance, for example it is very hard for me to take off the shoes or trousers in the upright position, especially standing on the left foot, what I reckon might have something to do with opening of the left brain portal, and when I walk fast the view aside is not quite focused, as when trying to take a photo of a fast moving object, so I have to slow down a bit.
It took me some time to realize that it is just adaptation of the body to the new energies coming from space, and by check ups that did not find anything I proved it to my doctor who was worried of cancer.
When I later talked to my friend he told me that in our small Croatian port town of Ploče he knows about 50 people with similar symptoms. Dizziness, vertigo, balance problems, fatigue, headache, depression, buzzing in the ears. Of course, there is no help from the conventional medicine that does not know what is going on.
After Easter here, there were not many chemtrails, but today they it seems they woke up, actively trying to make up what they missed. I was thinking that you might also know what was the reason for their long silence and then full speed continuation. At Easter weekend there was a report called “Provjereno” (proven) on commercial Nova TV about chemtrails, if that might mean anything.
A lot of light and love
Goran, Croatia
Dear Goran,
The symptoms you describe in your case and also with other people are definitely LBP-related and there were the result of a huge portal that was actually opened on May 14 and belongs to the official portal date May 20. This changes are always the result of a process that lasts for many days an one day is taken symbolically as the portal day. I also had a very heavy and powerful wave on May 13/14. Some people had it a little bit later. But it affected all people that are bound to ascend. I personally have had such waves since 1999.
I have no idea why the chemtrails were stopped at that time but I also heard this from the USA. If they have started again, this might be associated with Nibiru and its effects which can now be seen again very good after the last time in March 2012.
With love and light
June 1, 2012
Dear George,
I have to say this. I knew you about since April 2011, when I read (via rumormillnews) “why and how the world economic …”, published on exopolitics. so I am one of your old readers. Before reading your writings, your books, your site, I thought that we have a body with (maybe) a soul. now, because of you, I know, for sure that we are souls with a body. This is the principal concept learned from you, everything else is a consequence.
It was a true Copernican revolution!
I deeply understood this concept, It was easy for me (and believe for many others) to understand all the rest; and so look with new eyes at history, economics, science, physics, philosophy, religion. All has become clearer, I would say ‘cristalline’.
I stare at a tree, look at the moon, think about money, read a newspaper and, remembering your theory of superimposed waves, found the connection. wonderful!
In this incarnation I’ve had a good life, with some excellent teachers encountered in various moments of my life (always when I need one), you were one of them. I hope to meet you soon in a higher realm.
love and light
June 1, 2012
Hello George,
I have just posted a new update on my website, here is the link:
I think you’ll find the last part to be very significant, as it provides even greater proof of our divine nature.
With love and light,