PAT Critics on the Content of New Age Websites

June 27, 2012

Dear George,

I’m not sure if it serves any purpose to send you this essay, which seems, in my opinion, to present contradictory, convoluted and/or confusing thoughts:

If you care to read it, I’m sure you will have a deeper insight into its intended message or purpose, as you are far more skilled, knowledgeable and experienced with discerning this type of material than me.

My overall impression of it is that it’s demoralizing to PAT members and star seeds looking forward to the near-term Ascension of Earth and Humanity.

Dear Bill,

this is simply crap and I could not even find who the author is.

Dear George,

Thank you for your assessment. “Crap” was my impression, too, so I apologize for bothering you with it. My concern, though maybe it shouldn’t be, is with respect to just-awakening star seeds… they read this stuff and simply get more confused, instead of further enlightened.

Thus, I had initially thought you might want to expose this fancy-appearing “piece” on your website as the trash that it is to help educate others, but recalling what you said yesterday, you prefer not to give negative entities a soap box, or words to that effect. I completely understand your position. Besides, there are thousands of other pieces like this on the Internet, so Ascension is the only answer to this battle.

I have just started writing an article in general about the esoteric crap on the Internet after I read this piece, but I am not happy with it yet. I will continue writing tomorrow. – George
Dear George,

It is admirable that you have decided to address/expose the esoteric crap in a special report. Maybe this was meant to be your final battle, so that newly-awakening star seeds will have a hand up.

In my case, I spent every single day for at least two years, from mid-2008 to about mid-2010, trying to figure out what was truth and what was crap. The way it is all mixed together, especially on various Cabal sites, makes this especially difficult. So, your addressing this matter could be especially helpful to those whom have only weeks or months to figure out the truth.

Dear Bil,

it is a self-illusion to believe that writing such an article would achieve anything. You see, I have exposed the whole science as a fraud in many books and nobody cares or read them and understand them. Why should a single article change anything in the esoteric scene? Those that will read it, know already the truth and the others will continue producing their crap as they no nothing else as is the case with Beckow. They need the reassuring feeling that there is a meaning in their existence – namely, producing crap and confusing themselves and humanity and that is what they will do till the end. There is no force that will stop them except death or ascension.

June 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

The last download was very intense for me – I was out on my back for 4 days, barely able to walk. I’ve experienced downloads before, but none as intense and long as this last one.

I would also like to run something by you. Back when David Wilcock was writing the Financial Tyranny, I had subscribed to his newsletter to get the update on it. I took myself off after the whole article was finished due to wondering about his logic about the arrests etc… I noticed when I subscribed that I had a ‘welcome’ dream where he welcomed me in a black spa with no lights – that should have been a tell tale sign for me. After I took myself off his mailing list, due to having reservations about what he was writing and the whole ordeal, he appeared in another dream to find out what I was doing and was in a disguise (typical big hat and sunglasses, haha) although I knew it was him and for some reason I watched myself run around a corner to lose him, I then woke up. I find there is something very strange about him and I can’t put my finger on it… He either knows that he’s a lackey for the PTB, or he is being manipulated unaware of it.

There is one other thing that I discovered that I wrote to you previously about Aruna Byers and her channelling of this entity Comte de St. Germaine – I had written a letter to her about her so-called Master Messages and asking her how she could do something and charge money for it when she has no interest in it and (to my understanding), does not understand it as well. I thought about sending the letter, but I got a very strange feeling and did not. I didn’t have to. She (or this entity) contacted me when I went to bed the same evening (almost 3 months ago) and wanted to know why I didn’t believe in what they were doing? I had to tell them (or it) or her, to leave very forcefully.

I’m going to suggest that these people either know they are/have been used, or, they are completely clued out, which amazes me. Aruna also has a ‘pure’ channelling course that she offers, very interesting. The only reason I bring this up, is so other people realize what’s going on with these people who channel information. I’m not suggesting that everyone is being manipulated, what I am saying is that these were very good lessons for me in becoming more discerning about what’s going on out there with this stuff. All they want is your energy focused on them, that’s it. And, if you give it to them, then they can continue to do what they do without question either knowingly or unknowingly by deceiving you leading you down a garden path. Many people do not realise that these so-called light sources are just the opposite – In fact I would question as to whether or not the people running these sites and offering these things are aware of this fact themselves?

This has helped me personally to understand ‘how’ to discern these channelling sources in terms of their own integrity. You can see almost immediately now, who has connected with their higher self and is discerning, and those who have not.

I want bring up one other thing. I recently came across a youtube video that was referring to the possibility of some of these reptilians being benevolent in terms of helping humanity? I’ve come across this a few times. I know it’s within the Shamanic traditions of many different peoples throughout different continents and accessing different dimensions through the usage of hallucinogens. But also, there has been reference to this as well with some of these shape-shifters? What’s your take on this? Or, would this be the same as trying to divert humanity from the truth by wrapping it up in a partial truth, by these shape shifters wanting to appear to be doing good, but really quite the opposite by diverting your attention?

Warm regards,
Dear Laurie,

It is a serendipity that I have started to write an article on this same topic yesterday and will have to finish it today. You have already answered your question on shape-shifters. If they were benevolent, they will not come and tell you that they are. This is the litmus test that they are not. No benevolent entity praises itself to be benevolent .- it acts as such. If you use this criterion on channeling sources to sort out the dark ones, you will find out that most of them are  obfuscating Orion sources that pretend to appear benevolent.

June 28, 2012


I think it’s about time for us to join our efforts. Would you be so kind to post something of THE value on I would appreciate this.

Der Jakub,

I am just writing an article on the esoteric crap on the Internet. I will not mention specifically this website, but I will consider it in my argumentation.

June 28, 2012

Hi Georgi,

…Just one question in response to this I’ve always wanted to ask you….why have you put so much emphasis in what the channels have said?? for example there were many predictions of the end times by swamis in India, or in the Upanishads and Vedas, as well as in the Bible, and by seers of all cultures, like the shamans of S. America, etc. The channels all mostly have spoken through western-educated people and mostly white people. I was always curious why this was so?

I know you don’t put much stock in channels now, but why is it so significant what the channels in the 80s said– i.e. why are they the source to which you point to the most concerning the End Times?…

Dear Sarah,

I refer to the earlier channels because at that time their quality was much better than nowadays and they discussed universal issues of great relevance and also highlighted the background of the incarnation experiment on the earth and so on very well. After that the quality deteriorated significantly and has now reached the lowest point. At that time some of these channeled information resonated very strongly with me, although there were only a few of them but they have proven to be correct so far. At that time, I still had to consider them before I could establish my own transcendental ideas.

I have always been warned by my soul to avoid any Asian esoteric teachings  as they are all very confusing. As I established my Gnosis entirely on the scientific theory of the Universal Law, there as nothing I could take or learn from this tradition. Besides, they misuse the language as they have no idea of semantics and formal logic which is in the core of my world view. But your question is spot on….

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

in further thinking about Asian teachings, I feel I know what you are getting at about being confusing.

I do have experiences with sitting with different Indian teachers and the way they manipulate and use words and twist different things to their own ends is very true. I don’t know what you were referring to, however?

Indian teachers and many Indians (though trying to avoid stereotyping) are notoriously manipulative and crafty. I wonder if they also absorbed some of this from their British masters, who are also unbelievably manipulative, and clever…

As for clarity in Asian teachings, the most clarity I have seen is in the four noble truths of the Buddha and the way they are taught in some monasteries in Southeast Asia, specifically Burma. There they seem to be sticking to the simplicity of the teaching. But the problem is they are dogmatic and they too much emphasize sitting meditation, so it can be hard on the body and too extreme.

Anyway, that’s my two cents today on Asian teachings.

Love, Sarah
Dear Sarah,

this is precisely the reason why I do not care about Asian teachings. If you use a language to describe a transcendental content you must be very careful not to use inconsistent words or to use the same word in numerous different connotations, as this will only obfuscate the topic. This is exactly what the Indians and others do. The Europeans are just as good in this.

Just think about this. In physics they use the term “charge” for more than 300 years as a basic physical quantity which is inherent to matter. The whole theory of electricity and electromagnetism is based on this term. In fact this term, as it is defined now, is a synonym (tautology) for “geometric area” and the SI unit for charge “one coulomb” is equivalent /identical to “one square meter” C = m2. If you can have such a semantic confusion in the most exact science, what should one expect from such obscure teachings as most of the Asian teachings are.

Ute is a paradigm of this mental confusion when she starts to throw around her weird Indian esoteric terms without any meaning and thus alludes the impression that she has something important to say. The same holds true for most Western New Agers who never bother to analyse the purity of their language.


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