by Carla Thompson, May 26, 2012, Copyright 2012
Dear Georgi,
I have channeled messages for several years from different sources, messages which have usually been meant for me personally, to advance my spiritual growth.
This afternoon I was approached by a group of energies who let it be known that this message is to be passed on to the group known as the PAT. I present it as I heard it, in my mind, using their terminology.
With Love and Light,
The Message
“We bring to you today information regarding the future, as you call it. The “future timeline” is adjusted for continuation along the Christic path. This path follows the supreme guidelines of the Source, of All-That-Is, and it is indeed a merciful path. The “gentle ones” have, ultimately, all the divine guidance and protection that their Souls require. The “harsh ones” promulgate correction and new lessons to be learned.
Each and All have a divine path where none is greater than the other, each contributing to the whole. Seeking definitions, comparisons, gentry is not relevant to this evolution. Representing each in all fairness to the other demands expectations of responsibility, high accountability and integrity.
The Source knows where each individuation belongs. It has already been decided! Know that the divisions have already been determined! This event follows strict guidelines and pathways deterministic in their representations. Connect to your Souls. Heed no other! The illumination begins in earnest. You know this truth. You know all truth. Each and all are surrounded by the Light. The Light of God – the Light of Source – the Light of Divinity.
You are not alone. You never have been.
All understanding is full, is complete. All comprehension for each has resulted. Each understands the other. We, the Elohim, want you to know that there is now complete resolution to the current reality. Constructive interference prevails always and supersedes destructive interference where both exist.
Destructive interference is not often chosen, rather constructive interference is preferred as it builds on and supports creative energies in All-That-Is.
There is no flaw, no error. Each and all is intelligent as each and all reflects the Source itself. Honour the other. All Is perfect.
Elucidation through non-conformism. Bring full awareness to all events. Know that you are Divine beings of All-That-Is and you are absolutely safe.
Engender trust by trusting All-That-Is and fear shall lift. Enjoy the truth, do not hide from it. It shall readily seek you out.
Begin by showing your strength, unconditionally, to All. Treat all equally, with patience and without shame. An understanding shall be elucidated where those moving into the Lighted Path will see and create a Divine path that is perfect – following you in your footsteps. Walk onto the sand and know that even though the wave erases your footprints, the followers are free to make their own path as their Souls determine.
To All – Bring forth your Soul. She is waiting.
We are the Elohim.”
The Process of Ascension Has Commenced
Dear Carla,
This is a very succinct and precise message. Large parts of it can be read as a program of the PAT, as it has been realized through this website.
The reference to the usage of constructive over destructive interference clearly relays to the laws of creation and destruction and the law of energy optimization as extensively discussed on this website.
The statement:
“The Source knows where each individuation belongs. It has already been decided! Know that the divisions have already been determined!”
clearly confirms our prevailing assessment that the game is over now and the destination of ascension of each and every member of the PAT has been already determined.
The language of this message resonates with me at a very high level and is very similar to the messages I have received from time to time in the past.
Although this message does not convey anything new, it is an important confirmation of our unanimous discussions and analyses of the ongoing energetic situation on the earth:
“All understanding is full, is complete. All comprehension for each has resulted. Each understands the other. ”
I like particularly the advice:
“Elucidation through non-conformism. Bring full awareness to all events.”
as this has been the motto of this website from the very beginning.
Thank you very much for this precious contribution. I will post it immediately, so that all members of the PAT can read this confirmation that we have irrevocably entered the last phase of “divine resolution” for earth and humanity – our ascension and the inter-dimensional split of the two timelines:
“The “gentle ones” have, ultimately, all the divine guidance and protection that their Souls require. The “harsh ones” promulgate correction and new lessons to be learned.”
With love and light