On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-78, March 22, 2012
Goya: Witches Sabbath; Light Workers Under Orion/Reptilian Influence
Conversation with Alfred Webre (exopolitics.com) After Half an Year Pause
March 21, 2012
Dear Alfred,
I am receiving numerous links and references from my readers to comment and recently I had two links that linked me to you in a kind of serendipity, while my HS urged me to share them with you. The first one was your interview from February:
Last interview of Alfred Webre on radio, I’m sure you’ll find it interesting:
where I was struck by your estimation of the year 2012 “being the opposite of what its promotion has been” and “down-to-earth” year. Needless to say that me and my team – the PAT members (about 2000 of the most evolved human souls on this planet) – have the complete opposite perceptions of 2012 to yours and the exact same opinion as what has been predicted so far, at least by myself. You can check of course my regular SOARs (State-Of-Ascension-Reports) for confirmation of this statement under:
The other link concerns a comment from the CA from Nov 3, 2011 regarding your preferred source of information -“The Andromedan Council”, which you may find interesting to know, as the opinion of the CA on this source fully coincides with my estimation, which I shared with you several months earlier:
“Rayelan: Okay, I’ve got one more question here about the Andromedan counsel. Do you know the Andromedan counsel?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is aware of the Andromedan counsel.
Rayelan: Now I don’t know anything about the Andromedans. I’m a Sirian. Are they the good guys or are they the bad guys?
Cosmic Awareness: That the Andromedans are part of that which is the Galactic Federation. However, there is seen by this Awareness a group that is using Andromedans as a means to convey certain information that is not in alignment with the Galactic Federation. Therefore, one must be very careful indeed in simply accepting the Andromedan counsel information, or for that matter, any group that presents itself singularly instead of the combined counsel of the Galactic Federation beings.
That this particular communication is seen to have elements of disinformation contained within, of certain beings who would detract from that which is the true Galactic Federation purpose and intent. One must always question information coming from any source, even as this Awareness has so often said to Its members, this source, this Awareness itself. One must always take the information presented and ask questions, dig deeper, be open to other sources confirming what was heard or perceived. When other sources come together to confirm and when one has achieved that inner enlightenment and awareness that is the “aha” moment, then information that is presented, even if it is presented by those who would misinform, can be valid and used accordingly.
That the Andromedan counsel does provide certain information based on the truth that can be useful, as but the hook here is to hook one with the truth and then remove that truth slowly, putting in the lies instead, wrapping the individual in a web of lies and deceit, but that those who have fallen think it is still the truth. It is for this reason this Awareness would warn one and all against blindly, simply accepting the information provided by the Andromedan counsel or any other counsel or being, and that they must always ask questions. Is this clear?
Rayelan: Yes it is. Now I have more questions about the Andromedan counsel. A human representative for the Andromedan counsel says that they, the Andromedans, destroyed underground bases in the United States and an undersea base in the Gulf of Aden. Is this true?
Cosmic Awareness: It is true that there was a destruction of certain underground facilities. What this Awareness does not see as completely accurate or true is that it was only the Andromedans who did this. This is part of the misinformation where certain truth is taken, presented and hooked into but the lie being that it was the Andromedans who did this. They were part of the Galactic Federation effort in this matter. That those who claim to be the Andromedan counsel are not the Galactic Federation Andromedans but rather others who are misleading, misdirecting. This Awareness would even say they are in truth part of the Orion/Reptilian faction using the Andromedans and their good name to elicit a belief that they are the ones in charge so that this can be used at a later date and misdirected. Is this clear?”
I am anticipating huge events in the coming days and weeks and just wanted to make you aware of this possibility, as not to be fully caught by surprise when the events begin to unfold in the contrary direction to what you envisage publicly and in private. I assume that you do not want to lose your reputation as often as your countryman Steve Beckow does, notwithstanding my constant private warnings to him, each time before he decides to start his next stupid activity, as was the case with his failed joyride with black limousines to the mother ship of the GFL.
With love and light
George Hi!
You are looking at reality backwards:
1. All my articles/interviews with the “Andromeda Council” are accompanied by a CAVEAT, stating the source is interdimensional and not a true galactic governance council.
2. Every true scientist approaches experimental findings, such as the nature of 2012, without preconceptions.
I see from your email that you are still trapped in false projections.
In Light, Alfred
Dear Alfred,
Caveat is not enough when you deal with and propagate Reptilian sources – they will devour you with your caveats before you notice it. Can you please explain me how do you see that I am trapped in false projections? What is your basis of validation? I remember that Beckow used the same argument before he became an object of ridicule.
1. I do not propagate reptilian sources and no longer broadcast interviews of the AC.
2. You are always writing me with some sort of false projection, either about what I am or am not doing; about 11.11.11 ascension; about the false ascension meme itself.
Please desist. It’s simple. Just say: No, whenever you want to send me another harassing email. No reply necessary.
Dear Alfred,
These are excellent news on point 1. Why not tell them first. However, there is no such thing as “false ascension”, as ascension is in the core of the End Times and I have not yet heard of false End Times, not even from the Orion sources. Indeed, there has been stretching of linear time in the past for the appearance of some events due to the deep slumber of the masses and most light workers, but the scenario is still the same, and now it is in full sway and unstoppable. C’est tout!
George – Here is the scoop: Ascension to 4 or 5 D is a false meme promoted as a distraction from humanity’s destiny to re-assert full inter-dimensional sovereignty over 3D.
You are a false prophet of 4-5D Ascension. Watch this film and learn something:
OFFICIAL TRAILER – Awakening: Adams Calendar
In Light and Truth, Alfred
Dear Alfred,
I am very thankful for this clear statement, which I will publish in my next report as to verify it upon the coming events. At the appropriate point in time I will come back to you and I will expect a full reprobation of you for all the wrong and misleading statements you have made and false information you have disseminated in the past against all facts and my personal warnings.The End Times are the Times of Judgment and there is no way to avoid this personal judgment.
With love and light
March 21, 2012
George, here is the latest from Carl Calleman – I have not read it in detail, but from a first scan it seems very confused. I welcome your take.
love and light
This letter was written before my email exchange with Alfred Webre!
Dear Callista,
we now observe the confusion of all past gurus and new age leaders, who were only mentally driven and have no personal experience with the huge energy transformations that occur in our bodies during the LBP, and are the best indicators for what is currently happening on earth. This makes the communication with these people virtually impossible and it is deplorable when they disseminate their confusion in a written form in Internet and mire many readers.
This is the case with my former friend and associate Alfred Webre who is a good guy, but completely cut from his inner voice and seeks all solutions in the external world. His latest interview (see above) is paradigmatic for this attitude when he says that 2012 is the most calmest and uneventful year and that nothing has been confirmed so far of what has been predicted for this pivotal year. These people are blind, deaf and insensible to the tremendous waves we, the members of the PAT, have transmitted on this planet before and after 11.11.11. Therefore, there can be no common ground for communication with these people any more and it will stay so to the very end.
Most of the members of the PAT will be the planetary Keepers of the new 5th earth after their cosmic ascension and will act from the 7th and 8th dimension, where they will soon ascend, so that even the ascended masses on the New 5d-Earth will not be able to perceive our leading function for Gaia and humanity. It is our destiny to remain incognito and not be appreciated even by the most enlightened people on this planet. We must put up with this unpleasant and unyielding situation once and for all.
With love and light
Dear George
In Calleman’s article he says the year is uneventful – I cannot imagine how anyone can say that – unless they are totally unaware of the significance of the solar activity, amongst many other factors.
Well George today is the equinox and I have woken up late after a very busy night. I feel like I have been through a wringer. My thought on awakening was about Jupiter turning into a sun – I took my name from Callisto, one of Jupiter’s suns, and maybe I am embodying the energy of Callisto because it will be swallowed up if Jupiter becomes a sun.
Are you feeling the effects of the equinox? I have the idea that I met with you and PAT members last night. Whatever we were doing is extremely complex and is not finished because I know I have to return to sleep today in order to complete something.
love and light from
Dear Callista,
I can confirm intense conversations and meetings in the higher realms with the PAT members and other entities and I feel also very tired and under great inner pressure. Yesterday I was so tired in the afternoon that I was literary taken away from the earth and slept for 4 hours, which is quite unusual for me as I do not sleep in the afternoon these last months. I dreamt of a lot of preparations in a rather abstract and tedious manner concerning the split of the timelines and how this should all be coordinated. This makes me believe that we must soon see the anticipated big events, whatever they may be. The new second sun of Jupiter could be the triggering event indeed and there are many more pivotal processes that come together. It is becoming more and more exciting each day.
With love and light
March 22, 2012
Hello Dr. Stankov,
I felt the urgency to write to you today because since this morning 03/19/2012 I am feeling big energy over my body that almost don’t permit me to concentrate on anything. I can’t describe what I am currently feeling. Is this happening to anybody else of the PAT? Thanks.
Pedro Rodriguez. Miami.
Dear Pedro,
There are some members of the PAT who report similar experiences. I had two huge waves around March 8-12 and then again on March 15-17, which were a solitary peak, but everybody (individual soul) has his own itinerary, so that there may be differences in the time when some waves occur. Altogether, there is a big energy surge as we approach spring equinox.
With love and light
March 21, 2012
Hi Georgi!
I have seen a number of websites criticizing you for saying things about a dimensional split of earth. Many other people say that there will be an ascension of Earth, but you say there will be a dimensional split. I’ve heard a lot about Earth ascending. I would like to know about the dimensional splitting of Earth and where you have found that theory from.
Dear Sir,
Actually it is against my principle to answer anonymous readers. I am doing it in this case just to make you aware of two facts that disturb me a lot:
1) If one tells me that some websites criticize me for what I am writing, I expect him to give me the links to check this by myself, otherwise this information is of no value to me. I do not rely on bona fide.
2) Your question makes absolute no sense from a semantic and energetic point of view. Ascension is a dimensional split. So what is the actual point of the critics against my elaborations?
March 21, 2012
OK, so about a year ago I have been developing my inner being and had no idea of who you were. The thing is I had a realization when I was on the comerdown of a very intense LSD Tripp. At this point in time my soul was speaking for me. I wrote my theory on what the purpose of life was. To ascend out of the third dimension. And since then I have been developing my “higher self” and felt as if no one thought the way I did. The thing is I have been making life decisions by what my soul has been telling me. Doing hallucinogens helped my physical consciousness let go on to thing with my soul.
About 2 weeks ago I took something I believed to be LSD, but it was not. It was a research chemical, well my soul decided to make me have a cleansing process when I was at the end of my Tripp. I wasn’t even sure why I chose to do this. Well I went for a 2 weeks without doing anything. Then one night I was at my buddies and Melony showed up randomly I hadn’t seen her since I was in high school. Well, we had a talk and she began to explain who you were to me and I had this feeling not sure what though, but I didn’t look at your website that night due to my add I wanted to actually focus on it in quiet so I could concentrate. Well that was last night.
My friend had some MDMA and for some reason I had the massive urge to take it. FYI I don’t even like taking rolls. But it just felt like I needed to. Well I took it and had an odd night. I finally got home and tried to sleep. I slept for 2 hours and woke up in a pool of sweat (not from the drug that was out of my system). But I had this undying urge that I had something very important to do. Eventually I recalled the website. As I began to read it was like you were taking my thoughts and putting them in words. The Melony I speak of is the one from the little town by Gainesville. I am not sure what I want to do though because my soul wants to join the PAT. but the thing is I am in fear that if I dropped my life in the world and what you say doesn’t come true, I would have wasted all this time for school. Please give me your thoughts on this George.
Teetering on the edge,
Dear Michael,
Melany told me that you wanted to write me and I have now received your email. We had some technical problems with the new server we installed several days ago and for this reason I only got your email today.
From what you have told me about your life, you are now about to lose it if you continue taking hallucinogens and other drugs at random. It is this destiny precisely that your soul wants you to avoid. What she wants you to do is simply start informing you in a more profound way about what is currently going on the earth, and my website can provide you all the information you need. Of course there are other websites also, but they are not so clear in their information and may only confuse you. But you should of course also check them as to make up your mind.
Nobody expect you to enter the PAT, as this group is of an ideal character and everybody is his own master. The PAT members are the most evolved human beings on earth and they only use this website to exchange their personal experiences as not to feel quite so lonely in the society. That’s all. I personally do not see how reading my website can infringe with your other duties, which you seem to have neglected in the past, from what I gather from your email. This is not meant as critics, but as a clear observation of the facts as they are.
I can assure you that there will be ascension soon and that only people who are willing to ascend will survive the turmoil that will soon unfold on this planet. But of course you have all the right to doubt this scenario. In this way you only prove that you may not be ready for ascension and that you may thus endanger your life. This is precisely the reason why your soul wants you to get more acquainted with the ideas presented on this website and gain more confidence. Ultimately you are the creator of your destiny and this website is only an offer for spiritual evolution. But one may choose to reject this offer – this is within his free will. I can only hope that you make the right choice, as there is not much time left.
With love and light
Hey I sent you an email a while ago and I guess you never got it? I’m pretty sure Melony basically explained how fate put me in the path to find you. Almost everything that is on your website I have been thinking about for years. I never thought that anyone actually thought that. Everything that I realized was from an LSD Tripp. I would like to discuss a few things about the stargate 11.11.11 portal. Is it a physical portal or a metaphysical one? I have read a lot but haven’t seen anything about it.
Dear Michael,
I have attached below my answer to your first email. We had some technical difficulties with the website, but I did get your email and answered it already.
The stargate 11.11.11 is a real portal – more real than anything you see on earth. I do not know exactly what you mean under “metaphysical”, but this term is used for higher frequency realms beyond the electromagnetic spectrum that cannot be detected with material instruments, In this case this portal is also metaphysical, which means beyond the physical 3d-reality.
This portal opened the 4th heart chakra in many human beings and this enabled the other changes which will soon manifest on earth. You are well advised to prepare yourself for some spectacular events, which we have already discussed on this website.
With love and light
When I say “meta-physical” I meant outside of the 3d dimension in that we exist. One thing that I’ve been noticing on this day is that there is an overwhelming amount of understanding with the people that I have been explaining the concept of ascension to. And the understanding of love for everyone I’m enjoying the conversations we have and look forward to talking to you more, once I can think of something more to speak to you of.
With light and love
Dear Michael,
the understanding among the people with respect to ascension is a clear example how a higher dimensional (metaphysical) portal as that on 11.11.11 opens the hearts of the people and they, all of sudden, start talking about ascension and other spiritual things, which they have vehemently rejected only several months ago. In this sense a “metaphysical event” as you define it affects the 3d-behaviour of the people on the ground to the principle “below as above”.
With love and light
March 21, 2012
Hi Georgi, I had a vivid dream on the morning of March 16 where our middle daughter Angelica came into my room and woke me up to ask me if I had read your newest posting. I told her no and she responded “you should read it, it’s good, Georgi says something is going to happen between the dates of March 18th through the 24th”. I found this “warning” today and I feel this has something to do with my dream. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Dear Theresa,
Thank you for the link. I have already read this press release and it is prudent to expect something big to happen around spring equinox as I am saying repeatedly since our failed ascension at 11.11.11. It may be an earthquake (most probably) or something else, but we definitely cannot go on like this without any major events. I like your dream very much, by the way.
With love and light
Thank You for your reply Georgi, I have another question regarding Ascension and women that are pregnant. I ask this because our eldest daughter Victoria is 5 months pregnant and is due around mid July. If Ascension takes place before then, and we’re hoping it does, will she see or know her child in the 5th dimension or will there be no need to since all will be Ascended Masters there? How do you feel this will play itself out?
Dear Theresa,
I personally believe that your daughter will stay on earth as to give birth to her child, which is a crystalline child, and then ascend together with him on Dec 21, 2012. After that her child may indeed appear as an ascended master on the New Earth, but I personally believe that these late crystalline children will simply return to their pristine higher dimensions, as they have no intention to experience further incarnations on the New Earth, but have only incarnated at this time, in this last phase, in order to raise the light quotient of humanity and help us, the indigo generation, ascend Gaia safely to the 5th dimension. This is my version, but,of course, it may not hold true.
With love and light
March 21, 2012
Hi Gorge how are you?
I am writing you again, I apologize for my English but it is not my first language. I had been reading all of your postings. George, the reason that I am writing it is to ask you some things in the last few days since March 15, my life had turned really bad, my world totally looks surreal.
I have a daughter, she is 9 years old. she had a choking experience with food on the 16 of March and now she is refusing to eat any solid food for the past week, only liquids. I just schedule an appointment with the therapist because she is afraid to eat. This experience is sending me to the pits of hell. I lost all of my connection to spirit. I just want to cry in fear. I start to drink wine to calm myself down (I normally don’t drink).
George I started with my LBP in 1999, since then my life has never been the same. I totally relate to you and all the members of the PAT. What is happening to me? I lost my business, my marriage, I am in the process of losing my house, I can hardly have money for food and I am going to ask my family to loan money to pay for my daughter therapist .Am I going to earth B, am I going crazy? People do not even see me when I am around them,I am feeling people energies and reading their minds, this world looks like hell, How can Creator be LOVE, when I don’t see the exit to all of this.
George thank you for taking the time to read this sending you love and light.
Dear Maria,
I am terribly sorry for this peak in personal tribulations you are now going through, especially for your daughter, but I am confident that she will soon recover. If you remember, I wrote recently to Alex that when one fully enters the last most intensive phase of the LBP, he has to go through the “danger zone” when one loses the ground under his feet. You have now fully entered this danger zone. This is your last initiation before ascension.
I know personally how unpleasant it may be as I have been several times in similar situations. My experience has been however that nothing bad can happen to you and that you must have full confidence in your soul, no matter how bad the 3d-reality around you may seem to be. You will find to your surprise that as soon as you surrender totally to your higher self that the situation will improve automatically in a miraculous manner without you doing anything.
Let other people help you – thus you are giving them the possibility to be good and show compassion, but do not feel obliged. All help is from now on unconditional. You are now experiencing the crumbling of the old matrix within your personal life. Most people on this planet will soon make the same experience.
You are never cut from your soul, but now you are amidst a surge of huge fear based patterns that have to be deleted before ascension and for this reason you may subjectively feel that you have lost contact to your soul. This is the wrong assumption. You are never abandoned.
Please remember that all events that we go through are carefully planned in the higher dimensions and you have given your consent at this level as a sovereign creator of your destiny.
Just keep calm and optimistic now and have fate even when it seems impossible. There is no one to help you in this situation, but you. After this initiation you will be ready for your ascension beyond the 5th dimension. Hence the dynamics and severity of your experience now. This also indicates that this challenge will not last very long and that soon the situation will radically improve for you and your daughter.
With love and light
March 22, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I am writing to you for the first time and since I have previously seen you ask new contacts for a personal introduction, I will take the liberty to start with a brief curriculum vitae and a psychological profile, such as may be relevant to my communication with you and also our PAT friends (if you should choose to post this e-mail on your website).
I am 58 years old, living in SW England, born in this country to Polish catholic parents (refugees of WW2) and working for the past 32 years in the practice of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. This career dominated my way of life until about two years ago when my primary interest was systematically drawn to investigating activities and events of a politically-suspicious nature, starting with “Codex Alimentarius”, which I was invited to research on behalf of a colleague of nutritional medicine, who was beginning to fear for the future of her chosen vocation. This precipitating discovery set me on a gradual but definite path of awakening to “humanities manipulation” by covert and sinister agendas, now so voluminously exposed on the Internet. So far so good – but the journey down this narrow rabbit hole, considered in isolation, was a challenge to this optimistic soul’s sensibilities and caused him to wonder if there might be more to these dramas than simply villains, victims and a depressing script.
This earnest hope opened the door to my first “Vanity Fair” website, created in the image and likeness of a certain Mr Beckow. Here I experienced my baptism into the topic of Ascension and I must confess to you that along with the novelty of channelling, it was a welcome respite from the brutal realities proffered by David Icke, Alex Jones and like-minded hunters of the dark truth.
Thus, I bathed naively in these enchanted waters, confidently awaiting the Promised Land, which lies just beyond the initial, subsequent and on-going catalogue of assurances, which were to follow and certainly, no more than a taxi-ride away.
And so it was, that these stepping-stones of fate led me to your door, via a link on Jean Haines “2012: What’s the Real Truth” blog. However, to begin with and before the publication of “Open Letter to Light Workers”, I was not guided to differentiate “Stankov`s Universal Law Press” from the rest. Finally, prompted by incontrovertible shenanigans in black limousines – amongst other alarm bells, I realised it was necessary to come off the 3-D fence of ambivalence in this labyrinth of dualities.
I have some questions, which I hope will appeal to your benevolent nature, without evoking the “exasperated-with-stupid-Light-Worker” syndrome! I also hope my “dry” humour does not obfuscate the sincerity of my intentions. I would like to expand my understanding of the LBP both theoretically and with respect to personal experience but first I feel compelled to say that, compared to the refreshing and inspirational communications you have received recently from your younger website visitors, I hope you will not find my contribution too “self-indulgent”. Indeed, if you do then please address only that which expediently serves your precious and much sought-after time.
I cannot grasp, conceptually, the metamorphosis from carbon-based organism to crystalline organism, even though I have read your articles on the LBP, including, “How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process” and “New Gnosis – The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 10”.
Is the current carbon-based body being progressively “substituted” by a crystalline body, which will then be “taken” along with its “owner” to the new 5-D Earth environment, at the moment of Ascension or is a crystalline body being “constructed” systematically in the 5-D matrix, (in “parallel” to the carbon-based body in the 3-D matrix), in the build-up to Ascension, at which point the “owner” will make the switch. In other words, is it a transformation or a transition between bodies? Beyond this dichotomy lie some obvious questions. If the LBP is a transformation of the initial carbon-based model, should this not result in a much improved vehicle, even before Ascension? Is your own new crystalline body (since Oct 13, 2010) re-designed as described below? I have read elsewhere that, after Ascension, we will have non-ageing bodies, immune to disease and thus able to enjoy very long life-spans – no longer “under the thumb” of the reincarnation cycle. Are these ideas a fallacy and will those ascending to the lower levels of 5-D therefore ascend with crystalline bodies, which nevertheless resemble visually their carbon-based antecedents – in my case, a 58 year old exhibit! Is this why you say that the younger generation of “Ascendées” will experience this “shift” at the best possible age in their present incarnations?
I am fortunate that the many unpleasant LBP symptoms, which you have discussed with readers of your website, have not affected me severely. I mostly experience excessive tiredness in the mornings, on waking, which results in going back to sleep for a few more hours, whenever it is opportune. However, one possible LBP symptom, which I am most puzzled about, is an abnormal pattern of hair-loss. This has occurred five or six times in the past twelve years. It begins for no apparent reason in arbitrary locations on the scalp. Sometimes it produces a thinning of one or two independent areas, sometimes a total loss in one or two separate areas and sometimes both of these effects together. Then, after several months, the missing hair grows back. The progression through these five or six episodes has been characterised by each instance manifesting more extensively than the last. I am currently at the stage when it is fully in the process of growing back. I read in an article by Denis
e Le Fay that hair-loss could be a LBP symptom:
You will see from the article that her opinion is based categorically on having this experience herself. I have not been able to find any other reference to hair-loss with respect to the LBP. You gave me a possible clue to the relevance of this symptom in one of your reports, where the topic of frequent and excessive micturition was discussed. It reminded me that during these phases of hair-loss, I have concurrently experienced significant diuresis – seemingly in excess of my daily fluid intake, which is a minimum of 2 litres of water. Do you consider this experience to be a part of my LBP? Would it indicate changes to the crown chakra? I would be most pleased to hear your opinion. There is one final piece to the puzzle, which has just occurred to me. Two years ago, when this happened for the penultimate time – and after the hair had begun to re-grow as usual – I had a spontaneous and inexplicable thought come to me, that I would have to go through all of this one more time, which has now proved to be the case – (my HS talking to me)? I have even wondered if this could be some kind of karmic cleansing. Can it be both? In any event, I am at peace with the experience but non-the-less curious about it.
The 3-Earth Scenario seems to have generated mostly enthusiasm from the PAT community. It has taken me a while longer to get used to this new departure and has left some uncertainties. I will keep these as short as possible.
Along with the magnetic pole reversal and splitting of Earth into A+B/B, do you expect that “three days of darkness/stasis” will accompany this combined event in the coming springtime – instead of on 21st December? If so, will there be any other sign to “announce” Ascension at the year’s end, when the “three days of darkness” were originally scheduled?
I had previously anticipated that the collective “waking-up” of humanity would herald a time, spoken of as “accountability” when the Earth’s true history, both ancient and recent, would be exhumed, thus fully exposing the Orion/Reptilian Empire’s enslavement of this planet. Due to humanities’ failure to awaken through its own initiative and the catalyst now expected to be a cosmic intervention (pole-shift etc.) how will this facilitate a re-education of the sleeping masses, especially considering the structural and social disruption, which a cosmic event like this will presumably cause? Therefore, how will this “rude-awakening” to the story of the Orion/Reptilian enslavement happen, for the sleeping masses, in the time between the Split and the Ascension date or alternatively, do you think Earth A+B and Ascending Earth A will learn the truth separately, beyond the Ascension date of 21.12.12?
I must exercise some self-discipline now and wind-up my endless questions!
I submit this to you with much Love, Respect and Admiration for the super-human commitment you are making, for the great benefit of All-The-Rest-That-Is!
Dear Henry,
Thank you very much for your first email and I will go straight to your questions as you have posed many of them. First of all I must say that I agree with your assessment of David Icke and Alex Jones, but I wonder how much and what you might have learned from Beckow about Ascension, given the fact that he has no idea of this process.
My “Open Letter to Light Workers” was published before I opened this website, so I wonder how you could have made any differentiation with respect to my website, before the publishing of this open letter. This as a preliminary.
Your question regarding the transformation of the carbon-based body into crystalline light body clearly shows that you have not grasped the basic ideas of the physical theory of the Universal Law. In this case you should not only read chapter IX, serial 10 on the LBP, but my whole book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”, where I methodologically develop my ideas from the physical theory of the Universal Law. It is an axiomatic presentation and one cannot omit the basis at the beginning and hope to understand the application at the end.
Of course I could explain you this process one more time, but then I have to re-write my book also one more time. I would suggest that you read the whole book first and then ask the same or similar questions one more time, in case they have not been answered in the book, and I will tackle them on the basis of what you have already read. Fortunately my website is not a newspaper that one can start reading from the backside, as all my ideas are based on a strict logical, axiomatic order, even when I discuss mundane issues in the reports.
The three-day-stasis has always been an adequate image of what might happen, but has never aspired to be a true depiction of reality. What will most probably happen, will be that many entities will simply fall asleep for 24 – 48 hours, while their spirit will have already ascended to the 5th dimension and then they will acquire their crystalline bodies, which exist as templates on the new Earth or in the higher dimensions. The old carbon-based bodies will be simply dematerialized.
It is important to keep in mind that most of these entities of about 2 billion will have barely entered the LBP, contrary to the members of the PAT, who experience for many years the symptoms and pains of this somatic transformation. These masses of ascendees will not be in the position to go through this phase transition from carbon based bodies to crystalline light bodies. This will be only possible for those people who have gone through the individual LBP and will ascend beyond the 5th dimension.
One must learn to differentiate between planetary ascension to the new earth in the lower 5th dimension and cosmic ascension of the PAT members to the 6th – 8th dimensions, where they will exist as pure light, but can enter all lower dimensions by projecting a light body. The tribulations of the LBP are not aimed at building a crystalline light body, which is a very simple energetic affair, as the ethereal light body exists in all incarnated entities from the very beginning, but the building of a complex energetic structure within the energetic fields of the individual that will incorporate and harmoniously merge the highest frequency energies from the source (12th dimension) with the dark energies of the 3d-reality. Such avatars will be thus energetic prolongations of All-That-Is throughout all dimensions. The building of the crystalline light body is the least problem in this incredible and until now not experienced transformation throughout the whole universe.
Intermittent alopecia is indeed a rare symptom of the LBP, and I have observed it by several people, including an old lady I knew well, which suffered from several such episodes. I have no proper explanation for it, but it has to do with the burning of the hair follicles due to the higher frequency energies when there are blockages at the same time in the higher chakras. But this is one possible explanation.
When the LBP is advanced, the physical carbon-based body improves its function indeed and becomes more or less immortal. This is the case with my body. However, as the energy fields of such a body are incompatible with the lower frequencies on earth, the physical capacity of this body, e.g. doing physical work, is impaired as the energetic structure of the body is no longer adopted to the current dense atmosphere on the earth. I hope to have answered all your major questions somewhat.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you most sincerely for your detailed responses to my questions. I must apologise for the mistake I made regarding the “Open Letter to Light Workers”, which was due to incorrectly remembering the timetable of events from around the time when I first heard about you. I checked back on the “2012: What’s the ‘real’ truth?” website run by Jean Haines. She keeps a chronological record of all postings and so I was able to deduce that I first heard about you from about half a dozen or so of your articles, which she had posted on her site between early September and late October. She did not post the “Open Letter to Light Workers” as far as I can see, so I must have come across that at a later date when reading your website.
You ask me what I might have learned from Steve Beckow on the subject of Ascension and I can confidently answer that he has taught me nothing at all. Initially, in my letter to you, I referred to his website because it was, by chance, the first place I had ever come across the concept of Ascension. Starting from a position of knowing nothing myself, I read what he posted on his website with an open mind, but with no other point of reference to begin with, until I discovered your website, “Stankov’s Universal Law Press”. I remember seeing the correspondence you sent to him and his reaction to it. By then I had already figured out that this was a highly opinionated man and somewhat stubborn. I had particularly noticed his propensity to submit a prelude of his own ideas, as the introduction to other peoples’ work, which he was posting, especially in the case of channelled messages, but at the end of the article would disallow comments from readers, i.e. “Comments are closed”. This is surely the arrogance of a man who thinks that only his opinion matters. I increasingly found that his closed mind and self-indulgences were an irritation to me, exemplified by declarations like, “This site is pro-Obama”, when so much evidence suggests that Obama is not deserving of anyone’s trust. Unfortunately, since his return from self-imposed exile, there is little evidence of any reform to this character’s behaviour. Nevertheless, these events remind me of a favourite Chinese proverb, “A wise man learns more from a fool, than a fool from a wise man” and in this regard, I suppose we should be thankful to Mr Beckow!
I do indeed fully intend to read the complete “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”. Several weeks ago, I cut and paste all eleven serials into MS Word and then converted into PDF files, as a precaution, in case the Internet at some point becomes unavailable. In the course of doing this I regularly stopped to read some of the sections but I always knew that I would have to work methodically and conscientiously through the complete work, from beginning to end. This will be my next project. After this I plan to read through much of the Cosmic Awareness material, which I have found archived on this website:
Meanwhile, my greatest excitement and pleasure on the Internet comes from keeping up to date with your website.
With much love and deep appreciation,