State-of-Ascension-Report-68: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-68, March 2, 2012


Francois Boucher, Leda and the Swan, 1741

The Swan: Dear Leda, what’s up with your libido?

Leda: Dear Swan, it is very difficult to explain. It has to do with cosmic energies and  transcendental physics.

New Cyber Attacks of the Dark Forces from the Orion /Reptilian Empire on This Website

I have received emails from readers and members of the PAT yesterday and today that this website is not accessible from the USA and most probably from some other parts of the world, as this has happened on several occasions in the past. Obviously, there are new cyber attacks by the dark hats on this website, now that the events are beginning to stipulate and this website has been the source of the most important message for humanity, namely, that the decision for the BIG EVENT to occur soon has been taken on February 26, 2012. This is the mortal blow to the PTB from the Orion/Reptilian empire and they know very well that their days are numbered and now try to use the same outdated methods to silence this website and the powerful voice of the PAT, as they did with a number of esoteric websites in January this year as reported on this website. We have today intervened by our server provider and hope that these attacks on the cause of light and the PAT will soon stop, as they had to stop last month when they were officially criticized on this website and failed to achieve their goal.

From Transcendental Physics to Cosmic Sexology
March 1, 2012

Hey George,

Just to confirm what others have been expressing about the recent energetic “release” (pun intended in Kari’s case!), I too felt this on the morning of Feb 27th. I distinctly remember saying to myself, “Hunh, something feels different this morning.” There was a new level of peacefulness and acceptance. Like walking out into the sea and allowing the current to carry me where it desires without a concern of the “beginning” or the “end”.

I would also like to address the idea of “channeling”.

I feel it is worth mentioning that we ALL channel. When we speak from our hearts, we are channeling that aspect of ourselves that exists outside this experience. Yes, we have to use the human mechanism to translate these “feelings” into understandable words, but as human beings, using a technological medium (like the Internet) to share this energy, we make due with what we have available. Not to mention two people face to face having a verbal conversation who are trying to express their deepest “knowings”. I often say that we could simply “channel” this energy without ANY verbal refining of it, and still get the point across. Many people I come across though, need only to accept that all their “answers” can come from within to realize that they are right where they are “supposed” to be, ALWAYS.  We need only give ourselves permission to stop judging ourselves to realize this.

To me, this is similar to your thoughts about transcendental vs. rational numbers.  It is true that rational numbers and traditional “mathematics” only serve to help “model” this reality.  One only has to look at a weatherman with all his “technology” and see that he can hardly predict the next day’s weather with any reliable accuracy.

I find it humorous every time there is a report in the “news” about the figuring of pi.  At last check it has been taken out to 10 TRILLION digits.  Yet, it is still not “finite”, nor will it ever be.

To expand upon the idea of “transcendentalism”, and thus, merge it with the idea of “channeling” our greater essence.  This “energy” that represents our “greater being”, “higher self”, or whatever wording one prefers, IS the transcendental aspect of this particular reality.  Like your mathematical example, in terms of the “energetics” of the TRUEST form of the expression, our species seems to lack the collective ability to quantify this seemingly “unquantifiable” energy.

It appears the inherent aspect of our conscious mind always wanting to tangibilize the intangible. This is crux of our perception of the term “paradox“. As we embrace the “paradox” and accept its existence, the wholeness of our “being” becomes ever more and ever present.  Such is afforded clarity from this experience.

I feel this is where many people are headed, and MANY are already there. As events in our reality continue to ramp up, maintaining this connection or “balance” will definitely help facilitate a “smoother” transition. Despite a horrendous and bloody battle at Gettysburg flowers still bloomed on the battlefield. I send much love to you and anyone else who may read this (should you decide to post).

Dear Lad,

Thank you for your contribution to our theoretical discussion on the role, which current  mathematics of closed rational numbers plays in the confirmation of the illusion of the 3d-space-time reality. By the way, Lindemann, whom I mentioned in my last report-67, was the first to prove that the number pi is a transcendental number and hence it does have a fixed, finite rational number/value, so that all efforts to reach more exactness of pi are futile from the very beginning. This is what most scientists still do not realize.

The paradoxes you mention come from this exclusive use of rational numbers and are known in mathematics since Antiquity as the so called “Eleatic paradoxes“. The existence of these paradoxes, which I solved for the first time in the history of mathematics and science  in 1994 by developing the new Theory of the Universal Law (a fact that I mention quite often, but seems not to be appreciated or apprehended by most readers), led at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century to the complete renewal of all mathematical concepts, beginning with Cantor (set theory ), Frege (number theory), Russell (the essence of antinomies), Boole (logic), Hilbert (axiomatic formalism) Goedel (logic) till the present day.

One can even check Wikipedia on this issue (e.g. Foundation crisis on mathematics) or read my essay on the Universal Law on this website, which was published first for Wikipedia and after one year of existence Internet in 2010 was removed in 2011 as “too personal” by the PTB.

I wished we would discuss more of these theoretical issues on this website, but this presupposes a different set of circumstances and the active participation of more spiritual orientated scientists. I hope that this time will soon come.

With love and light
Hey G,

Thanks for the response… I do have a few questions for you, and would love to hear your response if you wish to share.

I very much enjoy reading the on goings on your site. You have an amazing mind. To use a general descriptor, you have effortless access to both hemispheres of your brain. It is a joy for me to read your writings, as you pull no punches and you speak with conviction about what you perceive in our collective experience.

Is there a discussion that goes on within your being about your established, more “concrete”, scientific theories and your immersion and expression of the more “transcendental” aspects of our experience in 3D? I understand that one can argue that they are one in the same, they are just expressed differently. I am more curious about your own personal experience with coming to these conclusions that you have.

I ask this because I personally have the capability of accepting “both sides” of the argument about our “existence”. I can easily accept what a physicist would say in describing our experience here, as well as what a completely “right brained” practitioner of the metaphysics and other more “esoteric” practices.  Both seem “plausible” to me, and I feel no need to attach myself to any one belief system.

To expand upon that, I think there are many “viable” explanations for what all of “this” is, in how we got here, where we are going, etc. etc…  I also recognize that I am dealing with limited consciousness in the sense that our world appears to be very material and based on concrete “laws”. I don’t think someone needs to be able to grasp any mind-bending philosophies or theories to have a viable opinion or understanding about this reality. One need only look at the ability of children to see things as they are for any “proof” of this.

Getting back to my question, you have not been shy about your feelings about what will soon happen on this planet. You have given specifics and you are definitely invested emotionally in these specifics. I too feel these things, but the specificity is not as prominent or important to me. I know am here for “big changes”, whenever they will happen.

How does a very intelligent, scientific mind deal with the other aspects of itself when it is expressing things based on more emotional and “transcendental” forms of energy?

This alludes to the more general topic of harmonizing the left and right brain portals, I am just more interested in your own personal experiences with it, as I have been undergoing the same process my self.

In general, I very much appreciate your contribution to my and our collective experience. The people writing to you are very lucid and have definitely done a lot of personal “work”. I commend all of them.

Dear Lad,

The physical framework of the theory of the Universal Law is the 3d-space-time part of a new transcendental physics of the higher dimensions that will fully unfold after ascension, as it is not possible to develop such a theory under these limited energetic conditions on earth, which are an illusion per se. In fact the new theory clearly outlines the perceptual and cognitive limits of any human physical thinking, based on current mathematics, which is in fact one and the same, as physics is simply applied mathematics to inorganic matter. The actual physical knowledge can be reduced to a one-page-text.

This is the actual relationship between the new theory of the Universal Law as presented in my books and waiting patiently to be discovered, for verification or  possible rejection, by all scientists, who will show interest to indulge in it, and the new transcendental knowledge that we will soon gain access to.

The other part of your question refers actually as to  how I relate to my theory and to all other aspects of life that are more of emotional and intuitive nature. I have personally learned to bridge these artificial barriers, but this is also the achievement of my soul, as I have been coached very actively by my higher self since 1972 and then very intensively since 1992, when I transformed all my mental concepts in a Tantalus act. Since then I have my own system of human categories and I can navigate very easily and safely in all uncharted territories of human knowledge.

In addition, I have an open contact to my higher self and immediately receive the solution to any theoretical problem, which I address at a given point in time. When I register that there are deficiencies in my knowledge in one particular area, I simply ask my higher self for advise or information and the knowledge comes either immediately or after some nights of sleep. But I always get my answer with the appropriate details.

There is of course much more transcendental knowledge that is not available to me, simply because my linearly operating human brain will not be able to process it, and I know that I must live with this imperfection. But I have learnt to abstract from too much details, as they only confuse. When I know the general outlines, I do not bother about the details that fill in this framework, as I know how they generally operate.

And the modus operandi is the same for all phenomena all the time, as all events observe only one single Law of Nature – the Universal Law, which I have discovered. It is this fundamental idea (notion) about the simplicity of All-That-Is that imbues all my mind and clears most of the intellectual problems, with which I am confronted, while these same problems make such insurmountable difficulties to all other people. One must experience this clarity of mind first, as to understand it. It cannot be relayed in words

Now the idea of the alleged separation of the left from the right brainof emotions from intellectuality – is the greatest and most idiotic blunder of the current light workers. Most of them have none – they have no true emotionality and they have, for sure, no true intellectuality. The absence of the latter can be easily proven by only skipping over all the imbecile esoteric websites in Internet.

The lack of emotionality is however much more difficult to prove. And precisely behind this camouflage, called “right brain”, most of the emotional invalids called “light workers” now hide. This also explains their preoccupation with their feelings, vibrations and their cogent hostility against any form of intellectuality that will easily discern this fraud. That is what they fear most, and hence their irrational reactions when they meet an intellectual person like me.

This is the background, upon which these imbecile discussions about the ego, mine or that of other people – is igniting again and again in these non-enlightened circles. Check the blogs in Internet for a proof, especially when they discuss my personality. I have also a lot of emails in my archive, most of which I have not published because I they are absolute trash. Even today I received some emails full of such stupidities.

If you are a truly and harmoniously developed emotional being, you will never despise intellectuality, as it is spirit that can only properly  evaluate and appreciate human emotions.

There is though another dimension that is not at all understood  by all people. Emotions are not fixed entities, but they can be developed through aesthetics and intellectual experiments in the existential human condition and thus gain immensely in quality. This aesthetic notion is completely void in the Anglo-Saxon world and the only country I know, where this civilized life strategy is still cherished by a few individuals is Italy, although the situation has hugely deteriorated there in the last decades.

In this sense, your parable about the mind and the heart is bluntly wrong – it was a gross simplification within the current cultural environment that is extremely limited at the perceptual level. This parable has no true meaning in the parental higher realms, where everything is spirit, but is an aspect of the all-pervading duality in human thinking.

I hope that you can appreciate my openness for what it is and not take it personally. If you substitute “mind” with the “ego”, and by ego I mean the composite of all current false ideas in this debased society that should be deleted in the current End Times, then your parable has some relevance.

The problem of all humans is not that they have a huge ego, but that they have no rational personality whatsoever. Their ego is simply a mirror image of the overall confusion in the society, in which they are born and live, and which they have absorbed and now manifest as ego. The bigger the confusion, the bigger the individual ego.

And when certain individuals, as myself, exhibit this kind of rational and truly emotional personality they immediately cry “wolf” and accuse you of having a huge ego. This whole emotional and intellectual confusion that has engulfed humanity at present, is so abysmal that only an apocalyptic deluge can wipe it out from the surface of this planet – hence the necessity of the coming magnetic pole shift.

With love and light
Thanks for your comments, George.  I can empathize with all you say, and I do not take what you said about the parable personally. I am not defined my any perceived irrefutable “beliefs”, and thus gladly express myself to the world with no expectation of an ego-gratifying confirmation from any outside source. If a magnetic pole shift is in the not-so-distant “future” of this planet, I am just happy to be here, in body, with a front row seat.

Take care. Lad
March 1, 2012


I’m feeling a lot better the past few days. But now my ego is still  curious about ascension. I started to ask myself, with what little math I know this:

How can a 3d object become a 5d object?

In other words for example, I have a 3-dimension array, and I try to combine it with a 4-dimensional array or 5d etc… In our own math (basic computer science), to my knowledge I can’t convert the array into a higher dimensional array or combine it with a  higher dimensional array.

Because part of me is imagining entering into 4d or 5d and trying to interpret how the other dimensions would behave in conjunction with higher dimensions… I assume that the more initial outcome would be the loss of processes no longer required by a  sole 3d world…  but that got me to wondering about the actual physics of ascension.

Maybe there is something to do with complex numbers that I’m missing. I just was agitated by this thought as a consequence of reading your axiomatics pdf the past 2 days.

Thanks, Eric
Dear Eric,

If you read my axiomatics, I show there that the 3d-reality is an illusion created by our limited senses and mind. This reality is always embedded in the higher frequency realms/energies, which we may define 4th, 5th and higher dimensions, whereas these dimensions are not geometric, as space is also an illusion, but simply levels of higher frequency spectra. I have discussed this aspect in the last reports one more time.

In this sense, when you augment the frequency of your biological body and thus also of your senses and mind you reach a point, where simply you open for the higher dimensions. Of course this can only happen when there will be what we know as “phase transition” in physics, such as evaporation of water to gas or congealing of gas or liquid to solid substance. This phase transition will take place when the entity ascends and goes through the portal by releasing all lower frequency 3d-energies.

This has nothing to do with mathematics, if you please read my latest comments on math in report-67, This is a very common confusion among humans as they have not yet grasped the essence of mathematics.

With love and light
March 1, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I’m very happy that you published Kari’s story, because I’ve talked with friends on the ascension path (even in their 30’s & 40’s… I’m 60, my husband is 55).  We compared notes, because my husband & I are very close, kind, respectful partners, and have not had sex in 2 years. My couple-friends in their 30’s & early 40’s told me they haven’t had sex in 3 years, but are as close as ever as well (all agreed… maybe more comfortable and relaxed together as ‘mates’ than when we were when having sex!) We all seemed to agree that the idea of sex strikes us ALL (even the guys!), as a nuisance or just undesirable.  When I heard the same experience from 2 other couples, I knew it had to have something with ascension, and felt relieved and validated. Do you have any input on this? Thanks Georgi.

Love, Paula
Dear Paula,

I have discussed this issue in conjunction with the building of an unified chakra in the advanced stage of the LBP and the complete reshuffling of the three lower chakras, which are responsible for the surge of sexual energies during the sexual act. The last time, I discussed this topic in detail was during my dispute with Ute about the role of kundalini and why this sexual energy has no role in the advanced stage of the LBP anymore (see Update on the Energies of the LBP).

The libido recedes significantly during the LBP, as the sexual energies coming from the lower three chakras are in their nature low frequency energies. They are now over-driven by the much higher frequency energies entering the body through the left brain portal after the complete opening of the 6th and 7th chakras. These chakras are still closed in about 99% of the human population, for reasons which I have discussed in my book “The Evolutionary Leap Of Mankind”, but also in my three articles on the LBP. This is the reason why I expressed my doubts in report-67 that many of the members of the PAT still enjoy sex.

I personally also experienced this natural reduction in the libido due to the huge transformation of my chakras and the building of the unified chakra in the last 5 years. But I kept anchoring the higher frequency energies in my body and lower chakras with the help of some simple techniques, which are essentially of mental character and not at all understood or employed in the current esoteric Vanity Fair, as all light workers despise any kind of Intellectuality and abstract thinking. They believe that the road to stupidity is identical with the road to ascension, which is no doubt their greatest blunder of all, as they now begin to realize in these final days of great confusion.

Essentially, the idea of my strategy is that in order for the body to incorporate the immense high frequency energies from the highest dimensions of All-That-Is, they must be able to merge with the low frequency energies of the three lower chakras that bind to the energy field of Gaia and will be released to it upon ascension when we go through the portal. We discussed this issue extensively in our first reports before 11.11.11. All the information on this website is closely intertwined and should be apprehended in its totality as it answers most questions which light workers have these days.

In practice, this mental strategy, which is otherwise rather complex in its ideas, aims at incorporating all abstract thoughts coming from the spirit of the higher realms, into the 3d-reality by creating a new gestalt that has not existed before, but can now harbour these new ideas much better as these new 3d-gestalts are open and have no limitations. The development of the new Theory of the Universal Law is one such global gestalt that I have developed with great efforts and perseverance for more than a decade.

In my personal life I live the life of the New Earth practically since the year of 2000, by eliminating all useless activities coming from the old matrix. In this way the higher frequencies energies that flood my body from the left brain portal can be more easily anchored in the lower chakras as the old fear-based patterns of the old magnetic matrix of the Anunnaki have been effectively released. This process has now started on a global scale but at that time, early 2000s, I was one of the few that did this and probably the only one that did it in full consciousness, which hugely facilitates the process.

I use only one very simple meditation technique as I do not meditate much. I imagine that when I breath in I infuse energy from the left brain portal and from my feet, i.e. from the chakras below my feet, which are deeply anchored in Gaia, in my body and that this energy flow meets in my heart chakra. Then I stop breathing and try to imagine how these energies mix and rotate / circulate in my breast. After 10 seconds, I breath out and release the energy through my heart chakra. In this way I open the prana tube of my body, so that the energy can freely flow from above and below throughout my body and leave it through the heart chakra without any blockages.

In order to improve (restore) somewhat the previous libido power of my separated lower chakras, I also started to infuse this energy in a similar meditation into the pelvis and abdomen. After I had a trough in libido intensity for several years, now this sexual energy started to return again in the last two years. This proves that these changes are not irreversible, but that one can consciously modulate them.

With this I want to show simply that one can willfully restore his previous sexual desires and libido, if one wishes. But this is not a must. After all we are sovereign creator beings of our bodies as an instrument for 3d-experiences and can modulate them according to our desires.

However, there is one huge compensation for the reduced libido during the LBP. Our hands become very powerful energy centres and have also huge sexual energies that stream from our palms. With this energy one can significantly augment the sexual level and desires of the partner and secure him more pleasure than normally. In this case the benefactor in sex is the person in the LBP and his partner is the one who profits from it. But as all persons in the LBP are old souls and used to give unconditionally, this also holds true in sex – they give more pleasure than they are able to receive.

As far as I am informed I am the first one, who has written and discussed this issue in my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” in 2001 in the last chapter, which I have not yet translated in English, but hope to do so in the very near future.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

Thank you for sharing your meditation/visualizations with me! I was following along while reading, and felt a difference right away in a sort of instantly relaxation as the energies from the left temple and chakras from the feet met at my heart chakra and released.  Hope others will also benefit from this practice!

You have expressed yourself on this subject before generously it seems, so it is very kind of you to re-visit it in such wonderful detail now, for those of us who may have missed past discussions. Since it seems libido or lack of it, is happening to many now in the LBP, when comparing notes and discovering many of us are having a similar experiences, can be more easily understood and thus accepted individually.

As always, much gratitude.
Love, Paula
March 1, 2012

Lovely painting Mr. Stankov,

Quit a life Louise O’Murphy had. Incredible how women beauty has been men’s “Achilles heel” throughout the centuries. Well, I think most of us at some point in our lives had fallen for human beauty in a good or a bad way. Of course, that beauty has to be accompanied by irresistible charisma in order to make an impression.

Francois’ painting reminds me of a video an Italian friend sent me a while a ago
And now that I’m listening to Bach, let me share with you one of my favorite classical pieces. Put the volume up, close your eyes, and let the sound of the cello take you to the climax of this beautiful masterpiece . I always imagine myself playing that cello.

About your last report, I also share the vision you have of sex in the higher realms. In the last year I’ve noticed the dramatic decrease of my sexual stamina. It’s been very painful for me and for my partner. We’ve been together for almost two years only. At the beginning of a romantic relationship almost everybody copulate like rabbits. Not my case this time. I had to tell him that I love him very much and that I understand if he wants to leave me because his sexual desire is stronger that his love for me. He asked me to please stop saying stupid things, that he loves me more than anything and that he doesn’t care if I never want to have sex with him again hahaha. Of course we have sex once in a while, but we surely not make love every day.

I had to laugh when you guys mention the stick to scratch your backs. My mom has one too and I used to make fun of her. However, now I have to borrow that stick from her!

I also wanted to mention how much I enjoy the way you disarm people with your honesty and objectivity when they try to put you down. Bravo! An your dark humor is delightful.

My Georgi, I’ve noticed how well it makes me feel to exchange e-mails with you. I really admire and respect the fact that you answer all our e-mails. I decided I’m going to keep writing to you but please, every time you see an email from me put it aside and just read it whenever you have a chance because most likely what you are going to find on those emails are pictures, comments and feelings I’m experiencing lately. Just the fact that I’m writing to you is a good therapy for me so, I won’t expect your responses.

Hugs! Monica
Dear Monica,

I still do not understand it, but for some unclear reasons the German PTB prohibit many videos and they are not available on Internet in Germany.  Officially they say it is because of  property rights reasons. This is unfortunately also the case with the videos you have sent me – I cannot see them here in Germany – they are simply deleted.

Otherwise, it is always a great pleasure for me to receive emails from you. When I visit the Old Pinakothek in Munich, I always stay for a long time in front of this painting (Boucher’s naked Louise O’Murphy), as this is the most erotic and sensual painting I have ever seen. There is another one, where a naked woman is making sex with her poodle, but I could not find a picture of it in Internet. It is surprising how sensual these paintings are, made 250 years ago.

In the next report I further discuss why the libido diminishes during the LBP. You have thus anticipated this discussion. Ascension with a stick to scratch one’s back – this will be a classical motif for a new painting of the current End Times.

With love and light
March 1, 2012

Hi George,

First I would like to thank you for your powerful commitment to the evolution of consciousness. Your willingness and dedication to the PAT members as well as this blog is validation of your own evolution.  Forgive the length as my intention grew around the words to be transparent for the other PAT members as validation of their own changes.

After a vision quest I took to the Northwest in July of 2010 I returned to what I called home in Boulder Colorado to sell off everything and leave the old world behind, I wanted out of the illusion. This meant leaving my family and everything I had known that was familiar to me. In record speed I disassembled my life and all the material aspects and returned to my sanctuary in Washington. I have written about this on my blog…  a little rudimentary as it was my first post. I felt that the energy here was already 5th dimensional energy and a creational field. When reviewing this as I have several times I feel I did ascend or partially ascended during this transition. Reveling in the silence, stillness and beauty that I have created here for myself I continue to transform in ways that I imagine only yourself as well as PAT members would understand. Bringing myself to the current moment whereas I am now in a state of utter detachment.  December’s energy provided for a final spin of releasing anything else I was attached to.

As I shared with you after my return from Mount Shasta for 11-11-11, I had knowing that when I opened my eyes after meditation I quite possibly would be gone and had complete trust that I was prepared to leave the planet in that moment. I still wonder if in fact I did leave and only a part of me is here. Nothing has been familiar since then and just a week or so after the 11-11 I went down into some deep space coming out the other side with guidance of this new “work”. During that energy shift in December I received a transmission of what is called “Home is where the heart is”.  The first of the year brought a completely different feel and I was quickly being called to Sacramento, California to apply this work. The work guides others how to clear their space and open to receive new energies.  Spending two weeks with a connection I had made in Shasta I now was in her home assisting as a midwife would in a birth. I felt as though I dropped down from fifth dimensional energies to the 3D realm to work with her. I could tell my vibration was somewhat a challenge for her although she was fully surrendered and open to receive. She made the comment I was an angel and now when she calls me she questions that I was ever really there.

These are all details of the story and I only wish to share with the idea that it assists other PAT members to relate in some way with their own changes. This is what my blog is about an my book that may or may not get published at this point.

My questions for you are: can you concur with your point of view what did take place on my move in 2010, on the mountain on 11-11 and my visit to Sacramento for this new “work”.

Do you feel there is any benefit at this point to assist anyone in there own awakening? I watched my new friend open her eyes for the first time while I was there. In addition seeing others around me here in Port Townsend also “wake up”. Does it serve or is it best to stay in one’s own peace and centeredness right now? Does it serve the masses for me to continue writing my blog?

While in Sacramento I took many pictures of the sky as it reflected the deep work I was doing with my other aspect and her clearing. I witnessed a day of two suns, the second was a rainbow sun. Upon my return home I am amazed as to how bright the sun is appearing. When I take a picture of now it just is all light no outline or defined lines….  any comment about? I have attached a couple of photos to show what I am seeing the last was taken from the plane window on my return flight from California.

Have you considered that the stories of ancient civilizations of which historians have claimed to have disappeared due to devastation was this simply how it looked when a collective ascends and perhaps what will look when we all blip out.

Lastly I would like to share with you and all the PAT member that today on LEAP day I chose to fast and for perhaps the rest of my days here. I am breaking any patterns through food that have been long standing and releasing any excess for the light to have more space. Am wondering if others have too received this guidance for our final days.

I am letting go of all reading as to free up that energy to follow your blog exclusively. It is difficult to read much of anything right now even my own writing, however hearing your words substantiates these inner knowings like nothing else has done.

I feel at peace, detached and so ready now George. There is no one around me that is in this state of being, so to have you close by as well as the other members brings great comfort. See you all in dream time…..

Much love and gratitude,

Midwife for Transformation 

Metamorphosis – courage to change 

Summon Venus
Dear Lisanne,

Thank you very much for your energetic account after 11.11.11 which embodies much of the common experiences of most members of the PAT. However these experiences are not easily conveyed to the rest of humanity, which has not yet developed sufficiently as to understand them. And this conclusion leads me to your questions which you raise in your email:

1. One should not engage in helping other people unless they have awaken enough by themselves and ask for help. In this case it is clear that they need support. Otherwise every effort to awaken somebody may drag you down in his lower frequency field and thus hamper your own evolution, which is more precious than the awakening of somebody else. This is the duty of his own soul. This is a clear-cut rule that is now shared also by some other sources.

2. I do think that the importance of your blog will increase when the changes begin to unfold and in case the Internet is still functioning after the magnetic pole shift, which I personally strongly doubt.

3. The sun is the actual source of all transformations on earth and your third photo with the four reflections of the sun is very impressive and you should publish it on your website. I believe personally that these artifacts are the result of Nibiru, which interferes with the sun and reflects its light thus producing these images.

With love and light
Thank you George for your quick response. The question of assisting “another” has been a long standing issue for me. My personality self always wanted to please and help. Would you say then that this new “work” of mine is merely an attempt of ego to satisfy some long standing program? my friend in Sacramento did ask me to come and help, I heard her soul cry out… is this a typical trap of what the newly awakening want to do in the attempt to pull us down, while to lift them up? Perhaps an example of the drowning climbing onto our individual life raft? Are you involved in any “outside” activities anymore or do you stay in now and keep to yourself?

I suppose if I can get by a little longer financially without having to do that type of “work”… best to be sequestered and focus on my own frequency and evolution. Like so many of us I have gone through much to be in the awareness that I am  this close now is too risky to give it away… Again many thanks, I needed that clarity in this moment.

much love and gratitude,
Dear Lisanne,

I am involved through this website mentally and emotionally in the lives of my readers and have to answer daily up to 30-40 emails, some of them rather lengthy. Most of the email exchange is happily very rewarding. However there are a few, as is the case today, who all of a sudden go amok and start to drag you down for what ever personal reasons.

In such a case the only thing you can possibly do, is, after trying several times to mitigate their attacks, to stop communicating with them, as it does not make any sense anymore. In this case I must stay immune to their personal attacks, as they actually only want to harm themselves, but instead choose the easier way and declare somebody else to be the scape-goat of their frustration. This is the invariant pattern of human reaction in personal crisis on this planet that has made it so toxic.
Such people are in their personal crisis and want you to participate in it, as this makes sense to them, otherwise they have to look closely at their own nasty nature, but when you decline, they immediately become what they really are – very nasty and impertinent. This has nothing to do with our ego, but with simple survival in these turbulent times.

In such a case I simply say that I no longer intend to participate in their crisis and they should see how to resolve it by themselves, no matter how much they accuse me of huge ego, egotism, lack of love etc. I good portion of self-love is absolutely necessary in such a situation and a lot of heavenly humour.

After finishing this email I have to answer the next one, which I know is rather unfriendly without having opened it yet.

Happily, I have only a few such distractions in real life, as I have eliminated most of them long time ago in a conscious manner, I have left the saving of lost souls in real life to my wife, who does extra shifts in this respect.

With love and light
March 1, 2012

Hi, George,

I felt compelled to write a letter to my fellow PAT members; I’ve attached the Word document and I hope you will post it for me.

Love, Julie

March 1, 2012

Open Letter from Julie To the Members of the Planetary Ascension Team

I feel so honored and so grateful to be a member of this group that has gathered around the website George Stankov initiated as a beacon of Light in these End Times. I have come to know each of you via your posted letters to George, and I also feel the presence and familiarity of all those who are avidly reading each new report and yet who have chosen to remain silent. Some members, like Callista and Ishvar, we have not heard from for a time, and others, like Jennifer and Aegil, we have only recently come to know. Each of us has our role, silent or vocal, temporary or permanent, and all of us belong to this collective Soul Mission. We were sprinkled across this planet to carry out that which we promised, and it was a lonely travail until the day when one-by-one we found our way to the PAT website.

George recently announced the decision from Higher Realms to “begin with the manifestation of the energetic split of the two timelines and the activation of the crystalline grid,” and that we had passed the “zero point” so that the worst was over and the energies would be more and more positive for us from now on. Many of you stated that you had felt the change and that George’s announcement served as confirmation for you. Others stated that they could feel the new, loving energies. I was overjoyed at the announcement of the energetic changes but was a bit concerned that I was not feeling the things that other members of the PAT were feeling. Was I in a “huge retard,” to quote GS?? Not the first time I had felt so when reading the intuitions, dream revelations and Higher Self direction related by so many of the PAT and which I would so very much love to experience. For whatever reason that type of insight is not in my repertoire in this incarnation, and instead I have to plod along and work things out in my practical, analytical manner. I have been assessing just exactly how I feel since Feb. 26 and I can tell you now that this is how I am feeling the new energies: I feel relief. I feel the way one feels when one has been wrestling with a very big decision for a long time, turning it this way and that and considering all angles until finally making a decision. And after that decision is finally made, no matter that the situation is still difficult, no matter that it won’t be easy, no matter that there is still work to be done—the decision has been made and a calm relief settles in. That is how I am experiencing the new energies.

Cosmic Ascension is so close now. I feel the calm relief. But there still is a very, very, small whisper I hear now and then:

What if it doesn’t happen?

It’s the whisper you hear when you are so close to realizing something that you have wanted so much for so long, and suddenly you worry that maybe something will derail it. That kind of whisper. So in my plodding, practical, analytical manner I consider what I will do if this doesn’t happen . . . I truly do believe Cosmic Ascension will happen in 2012, but if it does not happen here’s what I will do:


Becoming a member of the PAT and learning from GS, the other PAT members and from my own Self over the past months has been the greatest experience in my life, and it is in these times and through this vehicle that I have experienced spiritual growth and recognition that I could never have previously imagined. On this day at this time and no matter what tomorrow brings, I declare this incarnation a resounding success and I can already hear my Soul Family’s approval and deafening APPLAUSE! = ) Ascension will happen in 2012, and if it doesn’t I will go on with this incarnation and fulfill the remainder of my Soul Contract grateful for this experience and building on it for the rest of my life.

So, my Dear PAT, thank you, thank you. We met as searching individuals and over this time we have evolved into a cohesive Soul unit. The love and support the PAT members have provided for one another through the website have been remarkable, and yet it is infinitesimal in comparison to what we will experience after Ascension—what Bliss awaits us! And to George the Elder . . . there are no words to convey my appreciation to you for bringing us all together.

After Ascension: Barbeque in my 5d backyard. Everyone’s invited. George will serenade us with his new-found musical ability (I wrote to Julie that I am a proven musical invalid, but would love to play music and sing), while I paint a group portrait of the PAT with my new-found artistic abilities!

Love to All,
March 1, 2012

Dear George,

I too wish to confirm the same – that something special had began on 27th February.  I was hit by a headache on Sunday – a pain of the whole head which lasted five days. On the 27th at around 20:00 (Australian time) it was almost as if my inner self was given a jolt which stopped me in my tracks with the inner knowing that something big is about to occur, so I have been pleased to read the thoughts of others and yourself to confirm my own feelings.

I am an auditory person and as a child fell asleep with the comforting noise that the earth made which was audible to me in the silence of the night.  Over the past few weeks I have heard a groan – at first I thought I was hearing things, but the groan came over loud and clear last night. It is not unlike a woman groaning with severe menstrual cramping!

As I have mentioned before, I work in a psychiatric hospital – but the type of hospital I work in is of high security as we often have forensic patients – that is they were initially convicted of murder, but found innocent due to mental impairment.  It is therefore not uncommon that we often have a patient who reacts unfavourably due to mental unwellness.  However the patients anger and tantrums have become somewhat more aggressive and more frequent over the past weeks.

Unfortunately I am not in that happy orgasmic place as some others. I am currently experiencing many people known to me leaving this planet in abrupt circumstances either by suicide or sudden heart attacks/strokes. It has therefore been somewhat depressing as well I constantly feel that the world is on my shoulders – that I am taking in all the sadness that is around me in order to breathe out love. While I am making every effort to enjoy the time left here on Earth, I have to say these feelings are taking its toll and the shear exhaustion shown on my face has become noticeable by many so I’m hoping pretty soon this will subside.

Please know that I send all my deepest love to you and all the members of the PAT and look forward with excitement to seeing you all soon.

In One Heart,
Dear Celine,

Thank you very much for this very informative account. I am fascinated to learn about your ability to hear the voice of Gaia and I do resonate with what you have heard as a kind of a pregnant woman’s groaning, I should suggest, amidst growing spasm and partition pains, before the baby is released from the womb of the birthing mother. There is indeed a great relaxation coming from our souls after the decision to go forward with the Big One event has been taken on February 26.

The observation that the patients in your ward show an increase in aggression also coalesces with my observation on more normal people and is indicative of the growing energies that bombard the collective human psyche.

The other observation that many people now die of heart attack or heart arrest has been expected by myself for some time and it is due to the fact that many incarnated entities cannot open their heart chakra sufficiently as they have to during this time and thus have to leave earth prematurely by physical death experience. This trend will increase in the course of this year as about 1-2 billion entities will finish with their soul contracts in 2012.

With love and light
March 1, 2012

An Excellent First Video by Benjamin Mauk,  a member of the PAT

Hi George,

I have just made my first video, after much hemming and hawing on my part, and great pressure from my soul to finally do it. I wanted to share it with you (and Callista, Sanita, and William). I have definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone on this, as I have always been quiet and reserved since childhood, keeping my visions to myself. Lately, I find it quite difficult to keep quiet.
All feedback is welcome. I anticipate making more videos in the coming days–I have so much that I feel compelled to say. My greatest obstacle is my tendency to overthink and overplan the content, but I am coming to understand that in so doing I am not trusting the wisdom of my soul to articulate its own knowing!  I’m getting closer…
Thank you, George, for all you have done and continue to do. You are a literal godsend.
In Love and Light,

Dear Ben,

both William and Sanita were very unhappy when you disappeared from the scene. They, me too, even believed that you have already ascended and we had exchanged quite a few emails discussing this issue. I can imagine how happy they are now that you are back again, just as I am.

With love and light
March 1, 2012

Dear George,

Just thought I should chip in some complementary info Re Paulo: “How it is that the heavens align with our numerical timing system, or the clock and calendar“:

My understanding is that these dates/periods align due to the fact that the operating system of the universe runs by the grace of the science called Sacred Geometry – is a tool that has been used for thousands of years to reach beyond the physical and awaken the divine within. It is the core-fabric of all realities – the language, the reality algorithm of the universe. Our reality is a geometric hologram insertion of coherent conscious energy – universal torus. So it is imperative we understand that Sacred Geometry is far more than a mathematical branch. It is a living sacred science, an aspect of the science frequency aka Unconditional Love. It is a sacred science that in fact forms the template of our physical duality within linear space and time.

If we take a closer look at the pivotal date of 12.21.12, we find that it corresponds to the winter solstice – a segment of time heralding the beginning of longer day light wrt to darkness. 22,23,24 the sun stands still and on the 25th the days start getting more light (the reason for the adjustment of the celebration of Sananda`s birth day to dec 25th). In the same token, our plant will embrace a new 2000yr period of light beginning 12.21.12 – what scientist have called `the photon belt encounter.`

Mateja: “pain in the shoulder.“:

This pain in the shoulder (precisely the shoulder blades and predominantly right shoulder) experienced by many Ascensionees is the culmination/synthesis of all the energy work that has been taking place in our chakras for so long; a vortex point as exit to our Merkaba is being consolidated so to speak – some traditions have called this process the development of our `Angel Wings` and this will continue until such a time when we can flip at ease between dimensions.

ps: it is for this reason that I use a stick to scratch my back because my shoulders cannot fold anymore – they have virtually become redundant .

In The Light.

March 1, 2012

Dear George,

I am not usually vocal as I think in symbols / images and can’t articulate my ideas properly. When I write it feels that a lot of content depth is lost, but I wanted to write to you this morning and share my dreams and feelings. I couldn’t help but giggling this morning as I was recalling my dreams. At least three episodes came to my mind: one about me getting ready to go on “a vacation”, where I was so excited and looking beautiful with longer and wavy hair (mine is short and straight), another one  as I was about to celebrate some sort of a “graduation”; and the third was about my family enjoying our a “new house”, that was so spacious with a huge swimming pool, many rooms exquisitely decorated and a lot of guests. It was as if I were having any doubts about “the shift”, there I was being convinced that It is really happening / happened. (Side note: another thing I noticed that this week I tend to think / write in terms of “both” as opposed to “either – or” if it makes sense.)

I find myself more like that guy in “Avatar” who starts to enjoy /feel his alternative life on Pandora much more than his 3D life in a human body. I am so happy in the morning, literally fully charged and in such a high vibration, but as the day goes on, I go to work, taking care of daily chores, my battery is almost gone by the evening. I come home to my family and have to deal with two expiring /expired karma contracts in the form of my mother and husband and try to appear interactive. But I am detached already, not emotionally, but energetically. I don’t give my energy to the old games/hooks, I just ignore and I can almost see how those old karmic ties are being starved to death, they shrink, dry out. Although from time to time in a desperate attempt to “re-hook”, they try “to push my buttons” with full force and I do re-act sometimes and maybe I am wrong, but I see that it is not really my mother or husband, but it’s like they become possessed by some lower frequencies and are forced to behave in certain ways to draw energy from me. At least that is the way I look at it. Thank god, I have my crystal kids, 4- and 6-year old, who I feel deep connection with and know they have come to me to “support” me in this 3d end time.

Also, it doesn’t help that I live in the Southeastern USA, the “bible belt”, where the winds of change do not reach as it seems. Ironically, in the city of Atlanta. I sometimes think we have the least percentage of awaken population as anywhere else in the world. Anywhere I look, any field, business, it is still operated based on the old models. People discussing FOX, CNN news, reality shows, supporting troops, eating fast food, drinking diet coke, going to church on Sunday, vaccinating kids, etc. I feel like I am alone in this huge countryside with no one to talk to miles and miles around.

I hurry to go back to my dream state, where I am happy. I just wish I don’t have to come back to this senseless 3D prison. The reports that I read on your site are the only consolation to me, because I know I am not alone feeling / living like this. And I do know that it has to end/begin soon. Actually, “it” has happened already.

I thank you for your website, your support and your being a liaison for souls like me.


P.S. I am Russian, born and raised in southern Siberia, so your choice of art (Kandinsky, Chagall) is very dear to me.
Dear Julia,

your dreams are self-explanatory and very clear. The current detachment from the 3d-reality is a necessary prerequisite for ascension and it is quite normal for you to see more poignantly each day the illusory character of this crumbling reality and old matrix. Of course Atlanta is not the ideal place, but even here in Germany the deep slumber of the people is really disheartening.

Your suspicion that your unawakened family members may be overwhelmed by some sponging dark entities from the 4th dimension who live on human energy is not  far-fetched, as these dark entities know very well that their days are numbered and try to get as much energy as they can in these last days. They also attack the bearers of light, like you, where ever they can, e.g. through family members. Therefore, it is very important to detach from all current human dramas and dead relations and not try to save anybody. If your children are crystalline – and they must be in this age – then everything is OK for you.

I have also family members such as my mother, whom I have given up long time ago, as it was very counter-productive to save them in the past, although I am not sure whether my mother will not make it to the lower 5th dimension in Dec 2012. From now on, every soul is solely responsible for the salvation of her incarnated entity, and the role of the saviour has never been appreciated on this planet. One always ends up on the crucifix.

With love and light
Dear George,

I really appreciate your quick response and your confirmation of my suspicion of my family members getting occasionally possessed by the dark ones. The first time it dawned upon me was when my husband was acting unusually distant and careless, exhibiting very abrupt behavior that was very annoying and bringing out the worst out of me to the point when I started hating him and myself for having such feelings and irritation. And then I saw that creepy slight smirk on his face. That’s when I realized that it was not really my husband’s energy. Usually in the morning it is all fine and back to the normal. I think my husband doesn’t even realize that he is “being used” sometimes. Well, at least I am aware right now and not really concerned about it. If I am detached and don’t react, “dark energies” can’t feed and just leave. Now that I think about it, I see actually how powerless they are.

Do svidania (До Свидания!)
March 1, 2012

Hi Georgi,

If you would like, check out this video I made with my friends. It’s a rap video that we made a while back and decided to upload. Doing things like this is really how I spend my final days besides meditating and spending time on your website.I’m the one with the purple hat,

Chint Sheth
Dear Chint,

Thank you for the video. Who are you – the singer?

Yup, that’s me. Hopefully you don’t think I’m too stupid!

No, I thought that was you, but I wanted to be sure. Thanks. It is still better to make such videos that go to school and learn stupid things.


I couldn’t agree with you more. Unfortunately no one else believes this, including my family, who is just as stupid as the Orion school system at times. Many people around here think I am stupid or a kid, who is just doing drugs, but of course this isn’t true. At high school (I’m in class right now) I’m usually taught about the false history of the U.S. and not about the rest of the world at all, and I’ve developed a very good sense of cosmic humor thanks to the huge collective ego (which is ever-present here). In my biology class I have even thought of debating against my teacher, but it is useless as they cannot accept that what they have learned throughout their lives is false.. for now.At home there are similar problems and I have a psychopathic mother, who lies increasingly frequently, And through this I’ve learned to detect when people are lying much easier. Of course I know none of this matters anymore, as it doesn’t even affect me these days. I remain good hearted and am starting to feel more blissful in the passing days. It is simply an insight into my personal life. One thing I am having trouble with is finding my soul’s true purpose. I am asking frequently and know it is crucial in this last spiritual development as you say, but I am sure it will come to me soon, just as my soul has planned.

Dear Chint,

you are so young and your whole future, which will be one eternity, lies in front you. Just keep your cosmic humour intact and wait patiently. You do not need to convince anybody anymore.

March 1, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Aruna is able to channel clearly, the reason be she has no attachment to the content, as she has also ascended in consciousness. She follow her own guidance and is not influenced from the outside. The fact that she does not ask questions or has any opinions on the information, is a good indication that there is no ego/mind impact and the info can be clear.

I also understand your point of view on this subject.
Dear Wilfred,

I completely disagree with you on this issue. The way you define the ego, respectively the lack of ego, is very dangerous. I mean it earnest. Your attitude/tendency to reject any personal interpretations out of fear of the ego’s intervention is also not beneficial to the LBP and human personal evolution. But  it is your free will to sustain this negative view. This definition is a in my eyes pure intellectual nihilism and leads to dumbing down every entity, and it is not new either. Have you heard of the Russian Nihilism in the 19th century? Study more history, as all mistakes on this planet have been made infinite times in the past.

We are sentient beings in the first place and enjoy spirit and we are obliged to have an opinion on every subject that personally touches us as to evolve. How can you possibly be a sovereign creator if you deliberately refrain from analysing your reality first? Your nihilistic definition of the ego  is the road to complete stupidity, the rejection of any critical thinking, in the angst, the ego might interfere, and hence the road to perdition. Your angst to have an ego is the greatest hindrance to your spiritual evolution and you should really start thinking deeply over this issue.

And Aruna is simply a stupid goose as most of the channeling trash ladies, and I cannot see at all how you can profit from a communication with such a stupid person. I am very earnest and not at all offending.

In love and light
March 1, 2012

Dear George,
Hello to you, our beloved wayshower of us wayshowers! I’m wondering how you are doing since the 26th, and especially since today, the 29th (yesterday for you, I guess). I, myself, have just experienced the most interesting night of what I can only describe as my body being “surgically removed” from the old magnetic matrix/grid. It’s like at the stroke of midnight last night (beginning of 2/29 for me), I was awakened by my bladder and I never returned to sleep the rest of the wee a.m. hours.
For the next 7 hours, I continued to get up (at least 10 more times) to empty my bladder, as clearly much internal releasing had commenced, and was in full swing. In between that, what I felt as I was lying down is that I/my body was being removed from the grid — or was it that the grid was being removed from inside of me — or both?
For what quickly came over me was an achy pain in/on every inch of my body,  including the tops of my hands and fingers; the tops of my feet (at the bend of my ankles); and all of the length of my legs and arms. I also felt an internal intermittent tugging sensation on my abdominal organs, as if the grip of tendrils of the grid were being removed from them.
My whole body felt very heavy and achy from internal movement, disconnection,  and  rearranging.  (It reminded me of when I experienced intense menstrual cramping, which made the entire length of my legs ache, and during which I could feel the movement of internal movement and release). Lower abdominal gurgling also commenced, letting me know my digestive tract had joined in on the fun! My head and face would begin feeling sharp aches at specific points for a time; then abate, and resume at different points.
I was awake, present, and calm as I witnessed all of this going on, and I remember feeling so “taken care of”, like the process of it all knows exactly what’s It’s doing.  It was actually quite cool. As I type this to you, I feel tears well up, as the relief of it all … knowing that remodeling/reconstruction is under way … is long in coming! So, I just wanted to share this with you and see what you are experiencing, and what you may have to allow on this subject.
Another question:   Do you feel it is best for us to let others (friends, loved ones) know about what we are learning is just around the bend, like in a calm, general way of supporting them to follow their hearts and let go of fear when they notice it, or is it best to just let them and their Souls face it as it comes to them, with no advance notice from us?
OK…well thank you, George, and wishing you much love and blessings,

Dear Robin,

as a confirmation of the personal transformation you are describing, I would like to add the following: The transformation of the carbon-based body to crystalline light body is indeed associated with an altered water content in the body – the new crystalline body will contain much less water than the current carbon-based body (more than 80%). To my information, the water percentage of the future crystalline body will be in the order of 60% or even less.

Therefore, you have experienced a massive diuresis, which is actually a removal of huge amounts of body water when the building of the new crystalline structures in our bodies is accelerated, as was the case around February 26. I can also confirm that two days before and one day after this date, I also experienced very  high levels of diuresis and had to empty my bladder every half an hour, although I was not drinking much water or other liquids.

This experience can indeed be attributed to our connecting to the new crystalline grid as extensively discussed in previous reports. These are important indices which every one must check for himself as to know what is actually ongoing on this planet.

The human body is a microcosmos that reflects the macrocosmos. All physiological changes in our bodies are indicative of the global energetic changes that we will soon experience at the social level and are their best confirmation. One does not need to listen to stupid channeling messages what will occur in the near future, but simply carefully observe the energetic changes in his own body during the LBP.

The LBP is the individual manifestation of the planetary Ascension, the necessary magnetic pole reversal and of all other changes that will determine the destiny of mankind and Gaia. It is very important to keep in mind this close interrelationship between microcosmos (body in the LBP) and macrocosmos (planetary ascension, split of the two timelines, activation of the new crystalline grid and magnetic pole reversal), as I have extensively discussed in my book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” .

This global view of the world is absolutely necessary in the current End Times, as not to get lost in the jungle of particular, contradictory events, as most people, and especially many light workers, show these days with their confused and erratic thinking.

With love and light

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