State-of-Ascension-Report-60: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-60, February 14, 2012

February 12, 2012

Dear Georgi,

It’s been quite some time since I last e-mailed you, but last summer I had a very enlightening exchange of correspondences with you via e-mail.

Anyway, I was just wondering, don’t the Globalists have their ‘mad’, underground frankenstein-scientists, who have all the technologies you discuss?  I’ve read articles saying they do, but they won’t share this information with main-stream science, and deliberately have left big holes in scientific education on purpose.  Isn’t that why main-stream science can’t come to understand the quantum-physics you discuss, and free, abundant photon energy? 
Also, how will the transition to Earth A be experienced by us throughout early 2012-late summer?  I’m thinking of folks like Alex Jones and David Icke, great men who have been so instrumental in awakening the masses to the Illuminati history, yet Alex is Christian and doesn’t know of ascension, while David believes ascension comes in 2016?  I’m hoping Earth A for them, while agreeing with you that it can’t be a deep concern for us, as we all have out plans laid out from before birth. I like to listen to Alex daily to keep up on the ‘plans’ of the Illuminati, while knowing that (at least for Earth A) they won’t get that far. It’s all kind of confusing though as to how this transition between the 2 realities will take place. I LOVE YOU GEORGI!! Thank you sooooo much for all you give to us on this journey!  No other truth in such entirety exists on the Internet that I can find.

Dear Paula,

You raised some very important questions, precisely, those that I am elaborating in my mind and even intended to dedicate a special article.

Even yesterday, I discussed this same issue in another email.

You are absolutely right that there are many new technologies that have been given to the humans by friendly zeta reticuli, who came to earth shortly before and after WW2 with the consent of the GF. It was known that some of them are not at all happy with their role as slaves /mercenaries of the Orion empire and would rather prefer to cooperate with the humans by giving them some new technologies, knowing  that humanity will soon ascend to the 5th dimension and thus surpass its former masters.

However, the plan did not work out. Instead of making these technologies available to the whole humanity, the human Cabal, who is under the total control of the big Greys/Anunnaki and the Reptilians from the strict hierarchical order of the Orion Empire kept them secret and used them only for their hidden purposes, mainly to prepare for the current End Times, which will wreak havoc for the dark ones. Hence the numerous underground bases, where they intended to hide in the End Times when the revelations will come out in the course of this year.

This is the actual off-world background of human science, which has evolved since WW2 in a two-fold way. On the one part, the ignorant scientists who believe in the current empirical science and thus play the role of an useful camouflage for the secret projects of the Cabal on the other part, where completely different energy sources and principles are applied and developed. This dichotomy between the dumbed down official science that is taught at universities and high schools and the real science of the Cabal was also the chief source of their arrogance and high-esteem combined with contempt for the stupid masses, including their naive scientists.

This whole situation has not been really perceived by the new age community so far, at least not from the psychological perspective, which is the most important one as it will soon be revealed.

When the changes will come this year, these hidden technologies will be made available to humanity in the first place because they are already there and easily accessible. However, these technologies apply only to the density of this 3d-earth and there will be much more new, more advanced technologies when half of humanity will ascend to the second level of the 5th dimension in Dec 2012.

Therefore, the GF and the forces of light are not so much disturbed about these technologies being hidden, although they hoped to make them available to the broad population in the End Times through the friendly factions of the zeta reticuli (small greys). This scenario however did not occur because the chief perpetrators from the Orion Empire had their human minions firm in their hands and could manipulate them very effectively in the past.

This is the reason why humanity is still in such a deep slumber and why it did not rebel much earlier as was planned in the more optimistic astral probability alternatives for the End Times. This is also the  reason why I was somewhat wrong, in consensus with the best channeling sources such as CA for 2011, actually since 2001, with respect to the point in linear time, when the true changes will start to unfold. As these changes are a direct function of the awakening of mankind, and this awakening has still largely not happened as the anemic Occupy movement in the USA shows, we had this numerous delays in the past and also the postponement of our ascension at 11.11.11. Now this must all happen this year.

Now to your next question. We observe at present a real splitting of mankind. We have the tiny group of the members of the PAT around this website and few other individuals, who are at the same level of evolution, as for instance my friend Anthony Kane, who have a similar abstract perception of the events and are able to structure them according to their true scale of importance. This follows from the fact that we are the most advanced human beings in the LBP and receive our information directly from our souls, being open channels for many years. Then you have the other light workers, who have gained some importance in the past as David Icke and less so as Alex Jones, who is even at a lower level of evolution than Steve Beckow, and this final judgment says everything.

These people have still a very earthly view of the world and they cannot discern the really important, still invisible events as LBP, opening of portals, and ascension, which are in the core of the energetic End Time dynamics that will transform mankind and Gaia. Instead they are deeply embroiled in trifles that engage their narrow minds in the context of the old matrix. This is especially evident in the case of Alex Jones, who is not a very bright person, but has a great mouth and plays well with human emotions of indignation. He has a function in this limited spectrum of reactions, which I define as “rebellious energies” that I expected to engulf humanity in 2011, but alas, the people still kept sleeping.

The question with David Icke is more complex. He definitely knows more than Alex Jones and he is also much more intelligent and structured in his thinking, but he is definitely not in the LBP, and he will not participate in the first ascension wave. I saw a recent, very frank interview with him on the Croatian television, and came to the conclusion that his sphere of influence is limited to exposing the heinous deeds of the Cabal and their Orionite masterminds from behind. This limitation in his enlightenment activities, including his personal appearance, tell me that he has barely entered the LBP and will only ascend during the mass ascension in Dec 2012. Therefore, one cannot expect much from this person as his soul potential does allow for a much broader mission of this incarnated personality.

This is also the reason why I stress in my last articles and reports again and again the fact that the members of the PAT are ready for their individual cosmic ascension beyond the 5th dimension, while all other human beings, such as Wilcock, Icke, Beckow and not so sure Fulford, whom I personally regard as a dark entity, will ascend to the lower or higher 5th dimensions. This is the demarcation line between us, the members of the PAT, and the rest of humanity. This is also the reason why we should not expect much understanding from the rest of the world for what we have gone through until now and what we have achieved through our personal sacrifices.

This is the same reason why nobody from the light worker community has realized what we actually achieved by opening our personal portals and thus the startgate 11.11.11, which is the actual energetic source of all changes on the ground that are bound to manifest this year, although they can read it on this website, if they wish. Nobody from the New Age Vanity Fair truly understands our achievements in raising the energies on earth  that are instrumental for all current emotional reactions among humans, beginning with Steve’s joyride with black limousines to the 5d-mother ship of the GF and ending up with the official complaints of Laura Tuco yesterday, for being exploited by dark channeling sources for the last several years (see

We now observe this huge abyss between the members of the PAT who stayed loyal to the cause when the expected first ascension at 11.11.11. did not happen and those that left the ship by the first tempest, as is the case with the once exuberant Wendy and Zangari, (Ready for the Shift, website) who accused me in the past of criticizing too much Steve Beckow and now are falling upon him like true esoteric predators after his recent faux pas. All these people have not yet liberated themselves from their Reptilian nature in the course of the LBP and cannot be candidates for first Ascension.

The true members of the PAT knew, however, that it was not our fault why we did not ascend at 11.11.11 and that we did our job on the ground perfectly well, and that we decided voluntarily to stay on earth for some more time, helping humanity and Gaia raise their light quotients. Without us, the whole process of ascension must have been wrapped up and nothing would have ever happened on this toxic planet. This is not at all appreciated by most light workers, who still behave as children who are just beginning to awaken to their modest maturity.

Now try to explain all this to Steve Beckow, Wilcock, David Icke, and Alex Jones and I am curious to know what their responses will be. I tried to do this with Steve in a warning letter, published on this website, as my soul gave me the information 2 weeks before his joyride that he is about to make a great stupidity and he not only did not react, but did exactly what I warned him not to do. As a result some stupid female gooses among my readers promptly accused me of being rude to Steve and thus not being an enlightened  person. With this they only proved that they do not belong to the PAT and have no chance to participate in the first ascension wave. It is as simple as that. This is the line of separation between true masters and would-be-masters.

Currently, we witness the collapse of the whole channeling New Age circus, including even the more intelligent among them, such as Ute and Sue, with whom I worked in the past, but it is no longer possible now, as they are absolutely closed to an open and frank discussion.  It becomes more and more evident that they have been victims of disinformation by false sources and these revelations are associated with numerous personal tragedies, as demonstrated by Blossom Goodchild, Laura Tuco and Beckow lately. Their irrational behaviour is a clear sign of their low level of spiritual evolution, while still exposing the usual reptilian traits of fear dominated survival behaviour in their genes that must be first overcome during the advanced stages of the LBP, before they can ascend and become a multidimensional personality.

It all begins now – in the first place, to be able to display courage and enter an open discussion with other evolved personalities as for instance myself, even when the truth might hurt. But hurts what? – Their egos, which they have to eliminate anyway in the first place as to ascend. This is the current catch-22 of all light workers that they must overcome now in order to ascend this year. The members of the PAT have had this initiation already behind them.

Even the term “multidimensional personality” is not really comprehended by these past New Age “gurus”, whom I openly accused of charlatanism last year in several broadly read and much criticized articles, which one can find on this website.

What more could I do in this situation than be a warning, weak voice in the huge desert of human ignorance. This is also the reason why I am not popular in these circles. Not yet. The situation will change dramatically when we will all ascend and then take the destiny of mankind in our hands. Then very soon nobody will remember the names of such false prophets as the discussed above. They have accomplished their modest function as scape-goats or first introducers and will disappear from the surface, while we will lead humanity to their new way of life in the higher dimensions in the next 2000 years earthly time, before they become a true transgalactic civilisation and will no longer need our help as birth helpers of new ascended civilisations.

I hope that I have partially answered your questions, which are true reflection of the current schizophrenic situation on earth, where the donkeys, like Steve Beckow, decided one-handed to lead the parade of the race horses – the members of the PAT – and establish first contact with the higher realms. In this sense, you all should gain much more confidence in your abilities and in your true mission and not being influenced by weird accusations that you have a huge ego, as some of them are doing with me on a regular basis, being the most exposed personality of the PAT.

These people do not understand the difference between a strong personality with a natural authority and the human ego, as they stick themselves fully in the morass of their ego-driven tragedies and believe that when they project their fear patterns onto other people that the  negative impact of their ego will be somewhat mitigated in their personal life. That this is an illusion has been proven brilliantly by Steve Beckow recently – the same entity, who wanted once to teach me how an ascended master should behave, while being manipulated by Reptilians all the time and declined any help on my part. It is all documented on this website.

Therefore, do not look links or right, but go straight forward and without any hesitations your own way as your soul shows you. We have therefore a remarkable unanimity among the members of the PAT, because we have surmounted the negative aspects of our egos in the course of the LBP and have entered a state of inner truth that is irrevocable and thus of universal character – that is to say, it is shared by most of us out of inner conviction, notwithstanding the individual creative interpretations by each one of us.

This comprehensive answer actually eliminates the necessity of writing an article on this issue, as the most important things that had to be expressed at this time were already discussed here.

With love and light
February 11-12, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I thank you for translating into English your Evolutionary Leap of Mankind. I have enjoyed immensely the installments, and look forward to the remaining chapters.

I’m writing because I recently read this article:

I saw this story when it first came out, and thought it a hoax to preempt war with Iran. When it circulated a second time, I had a look. 

It is the website for M. T. Keshe, a nuclear physicist, and founder of the Keshe Foundation. He has developed plasma technology that appears to be in line with the physics of your own findings through Universal Law. As I’m not a physicist, I don’t know what to make of his research. But, they appear to be legit. From the homepage of his website:

The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer M.T. Keshe aiming to bring about new scientific knowledge, technologies and new solutions for the major global problems like famine, water shortage, shortage of electrical power supply, climate change, illnesses, where at the same time by the use of new types of plasma reactors giving the Man the real freedom of travel in deep Space.

He has produced reactors to not only provide free energy, but also to travel in space. For an overview of how his technologies work, here is a link to his YouTube channel: (see videos Keshe 1 to Keshe 5)

Note the date his videos were uploaded, July 14-19, 2009. His discoveries are in the public domain for over 2 1/2 years. If his technologies are legitimate, then how is it he is still alive? He’s basically given us Disclosure, if you consider that disclosure is more to do with the release of advanced technologies than with the appearance of space beings. As he says at the end of Keshe 4 on the subject of space travel and UFO’s, “with this technology, nothing is unidentified – everything is known.” 

Again, if he is legit, and I think he is, how has he escaped the radar of the Light worker community, and the members of the PAT? More importantly, how do you see his role in the upcoming End Times?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Leonard

Dear Leonard,

I checked this information about Keshe and it is very interesting indeed. It has many dimensions. First, it is known that many scientists worldwide are now making major breakthroughs, which will be the basis for new technologies in the lower level of the 5th dimension after mass ascension. Although these technologies are well known to their souls in the higher realms, the incarnated entity must make them on his own as to express his free will and his way of individual evolution.  Most of these breakthroughs show only potential applications that are not yet materialized in broad technologies, as it is not planned that they will be implemented on this earth, but only after ascension in the 5d earth which will still have some kind of physicality and will assimilate in many ways the current 3d reality. The reason why Keshe is still alive, is that he is an Iranian and thus protected from assaults by the dark secret services of USA and other western countries. This is the personal line.

On a broader political scale, Keshe may be a showman for a broader clandestine scientific program of Iran with new technologies, which have been given to this country either by friendly zeta reticuli, as this has been the case with USA, Russia, Germany earlier, Brazil, India and China since WW2, or they have received this technology from the forces of light, but again through the intermediary help of human friendly zeta reticuli (small greys), which officially belong to the Unholy six of the Orion empire, but prefer to work with the humans as they know what is coming next and want to save their lives.

These clandestine, off-world programmes are ongoing since WW2. Iran is new in this arena. Being an enemy to the USA, they must have some technology that will help them to protect themselves. The aggression of the USA against Iran is not politically motivated, but a camouflage for clandestine fights against different factions of the dark ones for dominance over this planet and the rest of humanity on the catastrophic earth B  after the split in Dec 2012. This is going on since the Cold War between the Soviet Union and USA. The topic is very complex and convoluted and I can only speak in general terms, as I do not know myself all the details, but I know the dynamics behind it and I get important information from my higher self as to the principal outlines of these hidden fights.

For instance, the war against Qaddafi in Libya was fought by GB and USA to get control over some old pyramids in the desert with advanced Lemurian and Atlantean technology that will be reactivated in the End Times. There are numerous weird plans behind the scene between different factions of the Orion empire to place themselves in a more advantageous position after the split on the catastrophic earth and the dramas that are taking place on the surface of human history are just a remote echo of these rivalries of the Greys and Reptilians behind the veil, which use their human proxies to fight out their wars. It is going on like this for the last 13 000 years.

The question is, however, whether this should bother us or not? To my mind, it is enough to know in general terms what is going on behind the scene, but to keep a natural, disentangled attitude and distance oneself from this events, as they will have no impact on us.

In several months, I and and many members of the PAT will ascend and some of them will appear on earth. Can you imagine what immense creative powers these ascended masters will have? Compared to their energetic possibilities, the here discussed technologies will be harmless toys. I try to keep this perspective and recommend you to also do this as not to get lost in the plethora of weird information that will augment in the coming days.

With love and light

February 12, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I have been quiet for sometime because I felt it necessary to internalize and ground the happenings of 11-11-11 to a considerable degree. My question now concerns the left brain portal, of which you speak lately. In the 12 chakra healing modality that I use the 11th. and 12th. chakras are on either side of the Crown Chakra which remains the 7th. as before.Therefore it would seem that perhaps the  left brain portal would be to the left of the Crown Chakra looking at the body.This Chakra is generally cooler than the right side one and we are taught that the masculine is generally cooler than the feminine (more analytical, lol). Does this resonate with you at all?

Many thanks for posting the translations of your earlier work, which are both inspiring and illuminating.

Blessings  David
Dear David,

Actually any effort to place the chakras topologically at certain space spots is a human illusion. When the 6th and 7th chakra open and the left brain portal starts to function, then you have one unified energy quantum field around your head and body, and it is no longer possible to make any space distinctions. I can’t, in any case. In this case, the energies from the higher chakras, 8th to 14th, are then also part of your left brain portal.

Second, I have never been a friend of this separation of feminine and masculine energies that is so popular in the New Age movement, as it is not true. I experience often energies which hit my left brain behind the left eye ball and in the temporal region and they evoke such anger and irritation as emotions that I have never experienced when the right brain is affected by a huge wave.

My central statement is that when the individual has that much progressed in the LBP to have his left brain portal opened, he has already integrated his two brain hemispheres and this whole distinction in left intellectual centre and right emotional centre does not make any sense. In addition comes the opening of the 4th heart chakra, which now takes the lead in the emotional perception.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

Allow me to explain: I agree totally that the idea that separate Chakras is an illusion and that a unified chakra in the heart centre is the ultimate case but, as they say, you have to start somewhere. Our heavily polarized and dysfunctional society reflects the imbalance perfectly by separating masculine and feminine artificially in a variety of creatively destructive ways both philosophical and material. A case in point would be my Twin Flame, who had to compromise her feminine balance working with alcohol and drug addiction in Vancouver for 20 years and now has a brain tumour as a result (just above the pituitary gland as I now have been told).

In my initial healings, there were in all my subjects 7 clearly separate Chakras, but now there are 12 with little or no delineated separation. This would indicate the beginnings of the unified field of which you speak.

On another note, you will perhaps know that Beckow lives in Vancouver as do I, and have thought from time to time of contacting him, but was guided to stay away. He was in a conference of Project Camelot in 2009 that was the “darkest” experience I have ever encountered and came to realize that Camelot was a disinfo- organization with considerable funding.

Willcock is one of their poster boys and has been very active of late along with Fulford in duping  new agers with tales of huge amounts of gold stashed away in secret hiding places which will be soon released.

This of course is the Nesara scam, which along with disclosure are the two biggest red herrings in the new age movement. Camelot’s role would appear to be having us all “waiting for Godot” while the elite proceed with their final plans for global dominance. Based on the recent events that you describe, it would appear that my guidance to avoid Steve was well placed. blessings.


Dear David,

Thank you for the important information you have given me. I like the title “Waiting for Godot”, the flagship of the absurd theatre. Indeed we witness now a theatre of the absurd, waiting for Godot, alias the GF, a drama that not even Beckett would have imagined in his worst dramatic nightmares.

I fully agree with you when you speak of the separation of masculine and feminine energies in the broad human population and how they determine social life. I had in mind in my previous response only the members of the PAT that must have overcome this emotional duality in their energy fields, but this is the exception and not the rule.

I am terribly sorry to hear that your twin flame has a brain tumor and your explanation with the negative environment must be true, although I personally believe that our souls have prepared for us some final initiations in the last days on this planet to experience the vulnerability and fragility of the carbon based body, before we can ascend in crystalline light bodies in the higher dimensions, where diseases will be a past memory. From this perspective, I would do nothing in the case of your twin flame, but let me be treated by you with hands which is the best and only real therapy these days.

Only today, another channeler Laura Tuco has officially admitted that the GF of light is a hoax and she has been obviously misused by them. If you remember, we discussed the role of the channels from the GF of light several months ago and came to the final conclusion that they are dark sources of disinformation from the 4th astral plane.

It does not even give me any satisfaction to find out that we have been correct in our discernment, while the vast majority of light workers were so mired for so long time, if they do not make the proper conclusions. Instead we observe now more of the same amidst some heartbreaking exhibitionist’s remorses and statements showing that the victims have not learnt anything yet. If this is not the classical reptilian nature and behaviour of humans? These people do not know what decent pride an self-esteem is, just as they have no feeling of responsibility for the decontamination of humanity with their weird, psychopathic ideas in the name of light.

With love and light
Thanks Georgi,

I have given my TF (twin flame) a CD of a guided meditation to release inner child traumas. She admits to having serious trust issues which of course are precisely due to childhood events, and I have only been allowed to give her telepathic healings thus far for that reason. I will do the hands on telepathically as you suggest and in any case telepathics are almost as effective as direct hands on these days, at least for me. This will of course clear the “traffic jam” in her head and send surplus energy down to the heart as your suggested process in LBP of holding the hands in a triangle above the head did for her. The challenge for her is to trust in Higher Self, but  the fact that we have the same HS as TF’s is frightening to the ego, who recognizes that on the subconscious level.

It was given to me that all spurious “entity” channels are being shut down by spirit due to the ease of corruption from either lower astral entities or even the military, who apparently can interfere by satellites.This means that more and more channelers will be caught up in the cleansing.

George Kavasillis identified the GFL as false sometime ago ago and, of course, that is coming to be known now (see video).

Blessings. David
Dear David,

your address a very important issue – human trust. Now I have personally a great problem with the term “twin flame” as it may mean everything and nothing. The fact of the matter is that we all have a “dual soul“, which is from a different soul family, belonging to our soul tribe of seven soul families, and is energetically identical to each one of our souls. This means that  that we cannot hide anything when me meet our dual soul in an incarnated state, but also in an excarnated state in the higher realms. For this reason such encounters are arranged very rarely in incarnated state, as they are very exhausting for the two dual souls. and only happen very rarely during the whole incarnation cycle. What  many people describe as “twin flames” are actually soul-friends, of whom we have many that we have gained throughout our numerous incarnations as very old souls. This is very important to discern, as this topic is not at all understood among the New Age community.

The best treatment for your “TF” would have been if she allows you to simply put your hands on her head, so that she begins to feel your vibrations which she can no longer deny. I do it on a regular basis and most of the people start to feel them after five minutes as itching going down to the heels and as strong heating, especially when they have numerous blockages. But the most important point is that they must give their consent first and believe in the beneficial effect of this kind of healing. Otherwise, the best intentions of the healer will have no effect as I explain in my article on the “Law of Energy Optimization” on this website.

It is good that G. Kavassilis exposed these sources before I did it, but otherwise, I have not come upon a single article written by him that will present his more constructive gnostic ideas, so that I am not able to really appreciate this person. I have been asked many times what I think about him by my readers and my invariant answer is – I do not know, he is an enigma to me, as long as he only gives trifle interviews and has not presented anything more fundamental in a written form, so that I can judge him in an objective manner.

With love and light
February 12, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Always interesting to run into a channeled message which validates what you have been sharing for so long now…

With Love & Light,
Dear Shravaka,

I read regularly the “manuscript of survival” and it is one of the few channellings that renders me a feeling of modest intellectual satisfaction. Of course to each issue raised by this channel much more could be said and in a more detailed and scientific manner, but the channeller is not there yet.

For this reason, I established contact to Aisha North and made her aware of our website and uttered the conviction that, by reading it, she will improve her channeling quality as she will be aware of many new gnostic aspects that could be then discussed by her source at greater length and detail and with more insight on her part. She answered that she will do it, but from this formal answer I guess that she has been overwhelmed by the information on our website and will not dare to approach it, as it surpasses her intellectual and spiritual level. We are confronted here with the same intellectual deficiencies again and again – human intelligence being the most dismayed virtue among most light workers in the current New Age Vanity Fair.

With love and light
February 9-11, 2012

Dear George,

Hello. It is Beth again with yet another question. I just finished with Gnosis Serial 10, and like all of your work. It is fantastic and speaks to my soul. In it you talk about the mental tortures of the LBP and how it is normal to even entertain the idea of death to release you from its torture, so I am hoping you can confirm that this is what I am going through. I have always been more on the depressed side, but as of the past 4 to 5 months it has become unbearable.

There are times, when I feel normal and in control and then there are times, more often than not, where my mind is so consumed with fear, anxiety and “what ifs” that I fear I cannot bear the mental torture. What is making it even worse is that the worry is amplified because I fear that the Universe is hearing these intense fears and will not discern that they are my fears and not my wants and I could begin manifesting them. I become so overcome with fear that sometimes I think, I am going to have a nervous breakdown or that I could have a heart attack.

Recently, there was a time when my chest was so tense and hot feeling that I thought I had given myself a heart attack. Then the emotions will lift for a short while and then come raging back. Is this a normal part of the LBP? I had unexplained dizziness and headaches for a couple of years which was scary, but in no way was as bad as this mental torture and mind full of fears. If this is the LBP does the Universe recognize this and therefore you are not in danger of manifesting these deep seated fears as they flow into your thoughts? The more I try to resist the fears or try to think of something else its as if they grow.

It has caused this really weird desire in me to throw out almost everything I own. It is this crazy thought that somehow the negative energy from my thoughts are transferring into things I’m touching, wearing etc. and I want it away or feel like I need to wash my hands/body to get it off. I have advanced degrees in philosophy and psychology and can see how I am exhibiting classic Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors and know how crazy it is, but still feel compelled out of fear to do these things. I was so overwhelmed with fear earlier today that I actually cried out to the Universe “am I supposed to be pushed to suicide, is this my path”? But then, I know that deep inside I want to live and Ascend and be a part of this incredible process that I know is unfolding. Please, tell me if this fear-based anguish is normal or if I should seek some help.

Thank You so much for this website and your willingness to answer questions, it has been the Truth that has gotten me through these times. You are truly a gift to humanity. In Infinite Cosmic Gratitude,

Dear Beth,

This is a very frank description of what I myself went through especially in the last three years when I thought I have finished with the LBP. Most of these fears and human dross do not belong to us, but we are doing a huge cleansing work for the sake of humanity and this is the most unsatisfactory and unrecognized job on earth. But I can assure you that the higher realms know this precisely and can appreciate every effort you are doing on the ground. Please remember that only the most courageous souls as you are exposed that much. I had such episodes when the basic existential fears are released from your DNA and cells and human matrix and the fears are so somatic and elemental that you can do nothing against them, but simply repeat: “This is not me, this is not me, I know that I am loved by Heaven and this is only my dirty job. These fears are not part of my personality”.

You can ask your soul and guardian angels for the violet flame/ray or for the white Christed light to wrap you, but it does not help much when you are in the wave and the cleansing must go to its end. Even in the last weeks, I had such episodes upon awakening when I return from the 4th dimension, where I now capture resistant dark entities and expel them from this planet and cleanse the most dark spots in the astral plane, so that humanity and Gaia could ascend soon. The negative vibrations are so strong upon awakening that I have to take a cold shower to mitigate the negative effect somewhat and enter the day.

I am afraid that this experience, which has reached a peak this month, will continue till ascension that I hope will come in spring. As I repeat on numerous occasions  – it is not about us, but, as we are very few, who can do this job, so that the mission will be successful, we have taken much of the burden on our shoulders from the others sleeping star seeds and this job is similar to dipping into hell and dying every day anew.

Just keep in mind that you are doing a magnificent job and that you are protected and nothing can happen to you when you go through these nasty fear driven periods, which are not real, although the feeling is very real for us. Also you must keep in mind that you will thus ascend much higher than it has been written in your original contract, as we are now doing extra shifts for humanity and Gaia and this sacrifice is always compensated hugely in All-That-Is. Hold on! We have already reached the finish.

I know that this may not help you much to mitigate the negative experience, but this is the ample reality. Please consider that when I wrote this book, it was 2001 and have lived through such episodes for the last 11 years and I am still alive. It works as long as your soul want  you to stay on the ground. And this is actually the greatest torture. If it becomes really hard and unbearable, she will retrieve you from earth, and this is what will happen soon when we will ascend.

With love and light

Dear George,

It is Friday night about 10:50pm here on the East Coast in the US and I just had/am having a fairly severe episode. It feels like gravity is pulling me back and my vision dims and almost goes out. I was wondering if you know of any intense energy waves that are going through or if I am having a panic attack due to an interaction I had yesterday. Words were said to me under psychic pretenses that I wish I never heard, and I feel in my heart are untrue, but they keep running through me head. Is there any way to clear your mind and soul of torturous words you wish you never heard and feel deep inside are false? Is part of the LBP having very intense painful interactions with people you would have never thought would even come into your life?

Also, my 5 year old is still awake and exhibiting very intense emotional discomfort/anger for no apparent reason. This has been happening with her for a couple of nights, where she just becomes emotionally out of control, like some energy is going through her as well. Wow, it is 11:11 as I am typing this now! I feel like something is about to break soon and am so spiritually excited, yet physically and mentally exhausted. You and your website are Divine and have gotten me through the most intense times I have ever experienced in my life.

I hope you feel the love I and I am sure all your readers send you and it elevates you! You are a cosmic force and I simply cannot find the words in my limited intellect to express my Gratitude! So for now I will just say: Thank You Very Much from the Core of my Being! I cannot wait for this group to meet up in another Dimension, I am beginning to be able to see it and glimpse at the Bliss! Till then,


Dear Beth,

Thank you very much for this very moving email and your appreciation of my work, which is, in fact, my mission in this last incarnation and the most easiest thing to do. It is much more difficult to do things other people and society tell you to do. But I am beyond this phase long time ago and now I only do what I like. And at this moment my duty is to keep the energy space open for the members of the PAT and my readers to help them overcome this very tense time shortly before culmination.

I can confirm that the last days were extremely difficult and I sensed and actually touched the negative attitudes and patterns that have risen high in the collective minds and in each and every individual on earth. Unfortunately, you have been the outlet for such negative energies. The sooner you forget them, the better – they have no reality and they are only part of the great Confusion that is about to unfold very soon.

We must stay beyond these weird emotional interactions that will peak in the next days, but when one is amidst his own transformation and knocked down, it is difficult to have this detachment and sovereignty. But still this is the only way to cope with this situation and be of help to others and to oneself.

I do confirm that children are also under great emotional pressure due to the huge downloads that had a peak on February 8 and that they are also out of balance now. My younger daughter, which is almost 20 years old is also crying at us and scolding the whole day long with me and her mother for nothing and I see the great pressure under which she is now because she negates the existence of these energies and influences. The best thing is just be absolutely refractory to such expressions and attribute them to these auspicious conditions, in which we now live and not take them personally.

From what I get, the whole humanity is boiling inside in an unconscious manner, and it is only a matter of few days or weeks before the top explodes. But ultimately that is what we have been awaiting during our whole life.  You can’t have it both, total transformation of humanity and peace and calmness.

With love and light
January 11, 2012

Dear Dr Georgi Stankov,

I read several chapters of the “Evolutionary Leap”. It’s probably the most formidable scientific read I’ve had so far. The whole material looks globally consistent. It’s the kind of stuff I’ve looking for years. You are definitely the one stop shop for whoever wants to get
the whole picture.

Thank you, dear Alex, you raised a plethora of questions which I will answer in the text. Thank you for your appreciation of my first gnostic book.

 I also read your latest paper on the crash and the pole shift. Are you saying that those that don’t know what’s coming are sitting ducks and that those who know like the ones who read your site might be more immune to the forthcoming events. Is it then a question of mental attitude?

It is exactly so – one can only save himself if one is orientated towards ascension as our ideas are the original creative power and our experiences are a  mirror image of them. This is how the soul operates and gestalts her reality in the 3d-space-time. This is the reversal of the current dominant materialistic weltanschauung.

I still wonder how those ascending in December during the three days of stasis will make it smoothly since the pole shift occurs in March?
Won’t they have to negociate 9 months of hairraising events?

There will be hardships for many people and according to my estimation about 1-2 billion people will leave earth this year during the magnetic pole reversal or due to other calamities, simply because their soul contracts end this year.

Since it takes 10 years to do the LBP properly; aren’t those who  connected with you less than a year ago a little late and therefore kind of toast? Are the 3 days of stasis a kind of accelerated LBP?

You have not properly read my elaborations concerning the difference between cosmic ascension beyond the 5th dimension, which the members of the PAT have already achieved, and the planetary mass Ascension to the lower second level of the 5th dimension, which I have discussed at length in the last two months in my ascension reports and other articles. The three days of stasis will be sufficient for this modest transformation of the human bodies allowing several billion people to move to this lower level.

Do you reckon Paris will be under water?  My best friend is in Malaysia. Are they OK over there? He often drinks a lot of beer, then drives home at night.and always gets home in one piece. He is very psychic and can read people’s mind. Could it be that he has already ascended and connected with his soul?

It could be, and I cannot tell you which parts of earth will be most affected by the magnetic pole shift, but I have the intuition that Holland and North Germany will be flooded.

Do you think that the drive that pushes me and others to try and understand how “the whole thing works” is ego driven? Or is is it more
soul driven. I can’t put my finger on this ego thing. A man with a big mouth and who drives a big car might have a big ego or not? Ego-less people might be more discrete and meek or not?

The idea of the ego is fundamentally perverted by the dumbed down Anglo-Saxon New Agers, who dominate the current esoteric scene – they have a very narrow, fear based interpretation of it. Sovereignty and a strong personality is no indication for an ego, but quite on the contrary. Suppression of the ego and playing the role of the timid and modest, overtly loving person is the most insidious manifestation of fear driven human ego that precludes the self-love, which is a must for any old evolved soul at the end of her incarnation cycle. Read also my book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction ..” where I address this issue.

A final question … when do we get to see the real magic? …


Very soon to my estimation

February 11, 2012

Dear Georgi,

The following is an email I received.  Is this just another bogus fear tactic of the dark forces? Prior to opening this email, I asked my higher self for discernment and my computer shut down.  I used to follow Mike Quinsey’s channel information, but it seemed not to resonate with me anymore. I took that as another discernment message. Thank you for all the valuable information you provide. I look forward to your posts.  Love & Light, Jan

Dear Janice,

This entity Greg Giles came from nowhere and his channelings are definitely Orion tainted. I hate all websites that are black and they are so on purpose and I never read a website with a black background in principle. This website is part of the current deliberate confusion, no doubt about it. I know this website well.

With love and light
February 10, 2012

Dear George,

Please consider this a thank-you note.  I just watched a couple of videos by some Van Dyke guy on YouTube and I am just so very grateful that you do not indulge yourself in that way.  I do not understand why so many think they have to make a video every time they “feel” something or when a thought passes through their head. It is just not helpful and seems that they are not as concerned about helping to increase the knowledge and understanding of their audience as they are about themselves.

I so appreciate that everything you post on the PAT website is fresh information or a useful update, as well as additional letters and conversation strings among PAT members.  I don’t care if ET’s appear or not, I don’t care if Ascended Masters appear or not, I do not follow channelers of any kind – I just want to ascend and fulfill my Soul Contract with as little distraction as possible, and I believe that the information from the PAT website helps me progress toward my goal.

Please also convey my sincere gratitude to Joelle for initiating your partnership in translation of your Gnosis publications from German to English.  While much of it is complex and hard  for me to understand, most of it is understandable and genuinely enlightening.

Thank you so much,
Dear Julie,

Thank you very much for your appreciative email, which I will forward to Joelle. I am happy that this website gives you some additional spiritual “nourishment” for your personal evolution. This is precisely the goal of this website and my editorial efforts.

I am happy that you see how futile and superficial all these videos in Internet are, and your assessment confirms my attitude to always resist any pressure from other people to appear publicly. I have sustained the view that when one has something to say, the written word is still the best medium to convey it, as it leaves the reader with the free space to think over the text and make his own mind. However, this is the most difficult and steep path to evolution and ascension. I am glad that you see it the same way.

With love and light
February 10, 2012

Dear Georgi,

once again your website helps me release and shift what is necessary as a member of the PAT. On and off for the last several weeks I have felt intense despair from the fact I still am still dealing with ongoing 3D drama. At times I just want to cry with no particular reason.Then I will have periods of such bliss, I ask why I have to do anything at all. Today, I was concerned about my mental health. I just read your site and I am back in my heart again. Thank you from a deep heart-felt appreciation.

Marian in Montana
Dear Marian,

I am glad to hear that my website gives you this minimal support, which we all sometimes need to survive the day. I do subscribe to your assessment that the last days are very tense and almost inhuman for us – the members of the PAT, who carry like Atlas the whole planet on our shoulders with its inhabitants on top.

With love and light

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