State-of-Ascension-Report-49: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-49, January 6, 2012

A New Initiative: Expansion of the PAT Mission on Earth Prior to Ascension

We have spent the last four months to solidify the internal state of the PAT and to conduct our primary mission opening numerous portals on earth as to prepare the ground conditions for the opening of the crucial stargate 11.11.11, without which no ascension of Gaia and humanity in 2012 could have been possible. We have achieved this goal to the best of our possibilities and even beyond expectations.

Only our personal expectations of First Ascension were not fulfilled. We sacrificed ourselves one more time for the sake of the slumbering humanity and took the burden again on our shoulders to help it increase its light quotient. On November 22, 2011 all members of the PAT were initiated and ascended to the higher dimensions beyond the 5th dimension (cosmic ascension) as revealed to many of us in the lucid dream state.

Only today I received an email from my friend Anthony Kane who confirmed the Ascension of the PAT members, although we decided to stay for a while in our old clay vessels as to help humanity finally awaken:

“It is funny that this morning (January 4th) as I was walking, I received the message that indeed we had ascended on 11/11/11. That it was not in the dramatic way that we had sought and yet it had happened. This I can see as truth because I feel the movement within me and I see my own struggle to let go of the demeaning, negative influence that has ruled life here for as long as we have existed.

I am acutely aware of the separation of those who get it and those who do not, of those who are living a new age dream and toting the words that are not steeped in truth of actions.”

After 11.11.11 we wrapped up our legitimate human disappointment as real Ascended Masters and participated very intensively and effectively in the opening of two further portals at 12.12.11 and 24.12.11, which were essential for all subsequent events that are planned for the pivotal last year which part of humanity will spend in the three-dimensionality.

The upcoming events in 2012 will be of cosmic proportions, including the birthing of the new 5d-sun, the creation of a second sun through the explosion of Elenin with Jupiter in the course of this spring, and the occurrence of the magnetic pole reversal, which will trigger the splitting of the two timelines and the shift of the ascending earth to the 4th and 5th dimensions in the course of this year.

The final shift will take place in December 21, 2012 as the Princess Nakamaru of Japan has confirmed today in a remarkable opening speech, which all of you should very carefully listen (read also below):

Now we have reached a new threshold, when we can make the next step of expanding our mission of enlightenment and awakening humanity in our last days prior to personal ascension. I have already made the first step and have sent first information emails to some of the established German newspapers, which you can read below.

I addition to this, I engaged Rob, who has helped me a lot in propagating the ideas of Ascension and LBP in Holland, in a first “brain storming” as to how to proceed in the most effective way according to the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization to help mankind awaken and to expand the earthly scope of our mission before it becomes of transgalactic dimensions after our upcoming Ascension.

I will not delve into details here as you can read my email exchange with Rob on this issue and can make up your own mind. I will welcome any comments, suggestions, and recommendations from all my readers as to how expand our scope of human enlightenment. This new initiative affords the collective effort of all of you in order to achieve any feasible effect. Until then, I am eagerly awaiting your comments as usually.


4 January 2012

Dr. med. Georgi Stankov,
Editor of  Stankov’s Universal Law Press

January 4, 2012

To the Editorial Staff of Sueddeutsche Zeitung
(English Translation)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am a regular reader of your newspaper in the last 25-30 years and a direct witness of its continuous and in the recent years rapid intellectual, factual, informative and spiritual decline, which will definitely end up with the default of your newspaper and all current mass media in the course of this year, then you are not alone in the crisis.

It is one thing to accommodate yourselves to the standard procedures of the controlled mass media and sterile official opinions according to the present-day “political correctness”, but quite a different thing to survive with this strategy in the current End Times.

Those among you, who know a little bit about what is currently ongoing on earth – the New Age Media in Internet are full of such news, which are generally correct and true – should have realized long time ago that silence and the usual “scissors in the brain” will not save you from the upcoming calamities, just as the closing of the eyes by all Germans in the Nazi time could not prevent their surrender.

I am in this last strategic incarnation on earth scientist, researcher, writer, and now editor of the most sophisticated English New Age website worldwide:

as you can convince yourselves personally.

In addition, I have made the greatest scientific discovery in the history of mankind – the discovery of the Universal Law – which will fundamentally transform its destiny in this year, as you can read on this website, which contains all my scientific books and publications.

You can of course let my discovery and scientific theory be checked by experts in order to confirm beyond any doubt the gravity of my words, as I assume that you do not have the necessary scientific competence to do it by yourselves. In reality, it is not about my revolutionary theory at this crucial moment, but about your naked survival.

I am in fact a representative, an entity from the highest galactic realms of cosmic providence for this planet and the whole Milky Way galaxy. I have spent more than 60 years incognito on this unfriendly and toxic planet, in order to prepare my mission and successfully accomplish it.

I am the leader of a group of highly evolved transgalactic entities,
 who come from the same highest astral levels, from which I also come. With our combined efforts we have already opened the most important stargates at 11.11.11, 12.12.11 and 12.24.11, which allow the flooding of divine higher frequency cosmic energies from the central son of Arcturus on earth. These energies will transform humanity in the course of this year to a transgalactic, extraterrestrial civilisation.

You can, and should, read all facts on this topic on my website, in case you intend to survive the sweeping events in the coming weeks and months. This letter has been written with the greatest possible compassion for you, but this does not necessarily mean that I should keep silent on the dreadful facts concerning your future.

Very soon, there will be a magnetic pole reversal and the splitting of earth in two planets. 
One planet will ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions and the other planet will stay in the 3rd dimension and will degrade to a catastrophic earth. The two timelines will split visibly in the first half of this year of 2012, and the final split will occur on December 21, 2012 when a large part of humanity will be bestowed with the divine right to ascend in heaven.

We are in the End Times, which many prophets and religions have announced in the past, however without the knowledge of what will actually occur. Now you can learn this directly from me, being one of the chief responsible entities for this transformation.

My mission and that of the members of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT) is to accomplish this splitting of the two earths and the Ascension of Gaia with approximately half of humanity. The rest of mankind will stay on the catastrophic earth and about 1-2 billion human beings will leave earth in the course of this year through death experience caused by the huge movements of continental land masses as a consequence of the magnetic pole shift.

Very soon all national states and the corrupt and criminal Orion monetary system, which  have led to the enslavement of humanity, will crumble and will for ever disappear from the earth’s surface (for further details see my last publication “The Winds of Change”).

I and the members of the PAT will transform our carbon-based bodies to crystalline light bodies very soon. As Ascended Masters and powerful creator beings of cosmic proportions, we will take over the destiny of mankind from the hands of the current corrupt and criminal politicians. This scenario will unfold in the second half of this year.

The official appearance of myself and members of the PAT in front of the world community has already been announced as “Parusie” (The Second Coming of Christ) in Christianity and will lead to the downfall of this and all other organized religions as there will be no place for them in the New 5d-Earth, also known as the Golden Age. The current pope Ratzinger must and will resign, and he has already been informed from a “Higher  Place” on his destiny.

The purpose of this first letter on my part is to establish initial contact with your newspaper and to prepare you mentally for the upcoming events, which will soon unfold with immense power and will sweep away the old Order.

As Munich has been chosen to be the centre of the new spiritual movement in this country due to the fact that I have spent a long time on this historically rather dark place on earth, it is appropriate that the editorial staff of its biggest newspaper should be informed in advance. This will not save your newspaper, as we, the new Earth-Keepers will introduce very soon new technologies of communication on earth, that will make newspapers obsolete, but I am giving you generously the ultimate chance to save your souls in the very last moment, by beginning to inform yourselves and to grow spiritually. Only then will you be able to leave earth and the future hell on it through ascension by the end of this year.

With best wishes
Dr. med. Georgi Stankov
“Captain of the PAT”
German Original:

von: Dr. med. Georgi Stankov,
Herausgeber der Stankov’s Universal Law Press

4 January 2012

An die Redaktion der Süddeutschen Zeitung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich bin ein regelmäßiger Leser Ihrer Zeitung in den letzten 25-30 Jahren und unmittelbarer Zeuge ihrer stetigen und in der letzten Zeit rapiden intellektuellen, faktisch-informativen und spirituellen Niedergang, der höchstwahrscheinlich zum Untergang Ihrer Zeitung und aller aktuellen Medien noch in diesem Jahr führen wird, denn Sie sind in Ihrer Krise nicht alleine.

Es is eine Sache, sich nach den Vorgaben der kontrollierten Medien und sterilen Meinungen der “political correctness”  zu richten, eine andere mit dieser Strategie in der jetzigen Endzeit zu überleben.

Diejenigen von Euch, die in etwa wissen, was auf der Erde aktuell abläuft – die New Age Medien im Internet sind voll mit diesen Nachrichten, die im Wesentlichen richtig und zutreffend sind – müssten eigentlich schon längst eingesehen haben, dass Schweigen und die übliche “Schere im Kopf” Euch von den bevorstehenden Kalamitäten nicht retten werden, genauso wie das Augenschließen der Deutschen in der Nazi-Zeit ihre Niederlage nicht abwenden konnte.

Ich bin in dieser letzten, strategischen Inkarnation auf Erden Wissenschaftler, Forscher, Schriftsteller und nun Herausgeber der anspruchsvollsten englischsprachigen Web-Seite weltweit:

wie Sie sich selbst überzeugen können.

Darüber hinaus habe ich die größte wissenschaftliche Entdeckung in der Geschichte der Menschheit vollbracht – die Entdeckung des Universalgesetzes -, die ihr Schicksal noch in diesem Jahr nachhaltig verändern wird, wie sie ebenfalls auf dieser Web-Seite, die alle meine wissenschaftlichen Bücher und Publikationen enthält, nachlesen können.

Sie können selbstverständlich meine Entdeckung und wissenschaftliche Theorie von Sachverständigen überprüfen lassen, um sich der Bedeutung meiner Worte zu vergewissern, denn ich gehe davon aus, dass sie selbst über eine solche wissenschaftliche Kompetenz nicht verfügen. Denn es geht nicht um meine bahnbrechende Theorie in diesem Augenblick, sondern um Ihr nacktes Überleben.

Ich bin in Wirklichkeit ein Vertreter, eine Wesenheit der höchsten Galaktischen Bereiche der Kosmischen Provenienz für diesen Planeten und die gesamte Milchstraße und habe auf diesem unfreundlichen und toxischen Planeten mehr als 60 Jahre incognito verbracht, um meine divine Mission vorzubereiten und zum Erfolg zu führen.

Ich bin der Leiter einer Gruppe von höchstenwickelten transgalaktischen Wesenheiten, die aus denselben höchsten astralen Bereichen kommen wie ich. Mit unseren vereinten Kräften haben wir die wichtigsten Sternentore (stargates) am 11.11.11, 12.12.11 und 24.12.11 geöffnet, welche das Einfluten von göttlichen, höherfrequenten kosmischen Energien aus der zentralen Sonne Arcturus ermöglichten und die Menschheit im Verlauf dieses Jahres zu einer transgalaktischen, außerirdischen Zivilisation umwandeln werden.

Alle Einzelheiten können Sie, und sollten Sie, meiner Web-Seite entnehmen, wenn sie die umwälzenden Ereignisse der kommenden Wochen und Monate überleben wollen. Dieser Brief ist mit dem größten Wohlwollen verfasst, was natürlich nicht heißen soll, das ich Ihnen die angstvollen Tatsachen Ihrer unmittelbaren Zukunft verschweigen sollte.

In Kurzem steht der magnetische Polssprung (magnetic pole reversal) bevor und das Spalten der Erde in zwei Planeten. Ein Planet wird in die 4. und 5. Dimension aufsteigen und der andere wird in der 3. Dimension verbleiben und wird zur Katastrophenerde verkommen. Diese zwei Zeitlinien werden sich in der ersten Hälfte dieses Jahres (2012) sichtbar trennen, und ihre endgültige Trennung wird am 21 Dezember 2012 stattfinden, als ein Teil der Menschheit die göttliche Gabe erlangen wird, sozusagen in “den Himmel aufzusteigen”.

Wir befinden uns mitten in der Endzeit, wie sie von vielen Propheten und Religionen angekündigt wurde, allerdings ohne das genaue Wissen, was konkret kommen wird. Nun können Sie es von mir als dem Hauptverantwortlichen für diese Umwandlung auf Erden unmittelbar erfahren.

Meine Mission und diejenige der Mitglieder des Planetarischen Aufstiegsteams (PAT, Planetary Ascension Team) ist, diese Trennung der zwei Erden und den Aufsteig des Planeten mit vorraussichtlich der Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung zu bewerkstelligen. Der Rest der Menschheit wird auf der Katastrophenerde verbleiben und etwa 1-2 Milliarden Menschen werden im Folge des Polsprungs und der massiven Verschiebungen von kontinentalen Landmassen die Erde durch Tod noch in diesem Jahr verlassen.

Sehr bald werden alle Nationalstaten und das korrupte und kriminelle monetaristische Orion-System, das zur Versklavung der Menschheit geführt hat, zusammenbrechen und von der Erde für immer verschwinden (für weitere Einzelheiten siehe meine letzte Publikation “The Winds of Change”).

Ich und die Mitglieder des PAT-Teams werden sehr bald unsere Körper zu kristallinen Lichtkörpern umwandeln und als Aufgestiegene Meister und machtvolle Schöpfung-Wesenheiten vom kosmischen Maßstab das Schicksal der Menschheit und des Planeten von den jetzigen korrupten und kriminellen Politikern übernehmen. Dieses Szenario wird sich in der zweiten Hälfte dieses Jahres ereignen.

Das Erscheinen von mir und das PAT-Team von der Weltöffentlichkeit ist als “Parusie” (Ankunft des Menschensohns, The Second Coming of ´Christ) im Christentum bereits angekündigt worden und wird zum Untergang dieser Religion und aller organisierten Religionen führen, denn für sie gibt es keinen Platz in der fünften Dimension der Neuen Erde, auch als “das Goldene Zeitalter” bekannt. Der jetzige Papst Ratzinger muss und wird zurücktreten, und er ist von “Höherer Stelle” über sein Schicksal bereits informiert worden.

Ziel dieses ersten Briefes meinerseits ist, einen ersten Kontakt mit Ihrer Zeitung zu knüpfen, um Sie für die kommenden Ereignisse mental vorzubereiten, wenn diese mit voller Wucht ausbrechen und die alte Ordnung wegfegen werden.

Da München, Kraft meines langen Aufenthaltes auf diesem historisch sehr dunklen Fleck der Erde, zum Zentrum der neuen spirituellen Bewegung auserkoren wurde, ist es zweckmäßig, dass die Redaktion ihrer größten Zeitung vorab davon Kenntnis nimmt. Dies wird zwar Ihre Zeitung nicht retten können, da wir, die neuen “Earth-Keepers”, sehr bald ganz neue technologische Formen der Kommunikation auf Erden einführen werden, aber Sie bekommen die großzügige Chance von mir, Ihre Seelen rechtzeitig zu retten, indem sie beginnen sich zu informieren und spirituell zu wachsen, damit sie am Ende dieses Jahres diese Erde und zukünftige Hölle durch Aufstieg verlassen können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. med. Georgi Stankov
“Captain of the PAT”
Janaury 4-5, 2012

Dear Rob,

I want to consult (inform) you on a new key move which I just started, urged by my h.s. We are doing such a great job, enlightening the light workers on this website and I know that, thank to your effort, the number of the Dutch readers of this website are 4-5 times greater than that in whole Germany. I am asking you first as you have a lot of experience with promotion /dissemination of news.

We, the PAT, now still live in a niche and cannot reach the broad public. Given the tight schedule this year when the whole world and solar system must be very soon reshuffled, we must engage in new activities to disseminate the idea of Ascension and draw the interest of the masses towards our information on this website.

For this reason, I have just written experimentally a letter to the whole editorial staff of “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” here in Munich as to test how they will react. I am sending you this letter in German as I have not had any time yet to translate it in English.

I imagine that we, the members of the PAT, can now start a promotional campaign approaching the established media and confronting them with the upcoming events. I am very confident that this is the right time to do this and that there are many people sitting in these “rotten offices”, who may be already perceptive to new information and this may lead to a chain reaction.

My idea is very simple: Every member and reader of the PAT may write to a number of newspapers, publishing houses such as Elsevier in Holland, which dominates a large portion of the scientific journals in Europe and even oversea, and other mass media and make them aware of what will come soon and point out to the source, this website, where they can get the best information as to save their souls.

There is actually no time to wait. We should not expect immediate results, but on the other hand we must throw the seeds first, before we can reap any harvest. What is your take on this initiative?

With love and light
Dear George,

I will reply to you as soon as possible. I was pretty much occupied today and also will be tomorrow with appointments. I am a small entrepreneur together with my wife Nel just introducing some pretty good new products that people can use during the physical changes.

I hope to answer you tomorrow in the evening hours. In the meanwhile I can ponder about this idea of yours, which is by the way a good idea, but needs some further elaboration. It should be done in a way that does not put us in the same ranks as the people that do all the marshmallow channeling’s and are seen as lunatics. Not that I care, but we could lose the benefit of the moment if we don’t take care. So yes, I agree with you to first ponder about this before we hit the scene.

We should find a key that is solid, like in a way we could operate with a team of people that always bind together, e.g. with a list of names that sign the letters, especially in the beginning.

I’ll be back to you asap, need to get some sleep now. Thanks for bringing this under my attention.

With love and light,

Dear George,

Couldn’t sleep, back to my computer. Just thinking out loud:

– Team of people that operates together as a council representing the whole group;

– You as the captain signs for the council letters etc.;

– Start a Council of Earth Ascension affairs: CoEA or CoAA or something like that, that gives the plan a name to let others think of serious business and greatness which it is of course. In this way we may be taken more serious.

– I can also buy internet domains very easily at my provider, where I have a dedicated server for my business. So we could buy the domain and and start from there. Or other domains.

– We can let someone build a website with the chosen domains. Emails can all be from that domain like and and etc.

– We can send out an official newsletter and integrate all members that we all have individually to that list and add others in categories as they come in.

– I have an account at With it I can send out some professional looking newsletters with small parts of text and a “read more..” link underneath each. The links can go to your website and to the COAA website if we decide to use that or another one.

But I think that your website should be a PAT website and should stay somewhat like a science/research like place for like minded ones, while there should also be a website that is more organized in categories and Q&A for all those others that start the process or that need to be convinced because of their skepticism.

– We need editors that can help do the job of the website and the constant contact newsletter. You and I and some others are too busy for a good follow up. We need to keep some time to keep the discussion going on your website. That is a good place to filter out discussions and direct the useful outcome to the new Council website.

– Writings to media should be organized. This, to prevent double approach to the same press or media. In the same way that we need to archive reactions and talk about it as a council to decide on the next strategy. It may sound complex, which it is in the beginning, but first we need structure before it breaks loose and after a while nobody knows anymore what’s going on and who did or does what.

– Writings should also be composed by a few that write good and then translated. With this it is easy to send out letters from any place with an email from the council. And it makes certain that we all speak the same language. The most painful thing that can happen to us is when everybody starts saying things differently. In the beginning it takes some more time and after a while it will rock because all is in place and then it is only a matter of searching for names of institutes of media, government, schools, universities, etc. and send the letters to them. And incoming emails can be easily archived and shared and discussed if we need to take additional action.

– Starting a council’ website can also take out the heat from your person and at the same time broaden the same mission.

– The council could have members that you think are the persons that probably will be coming back. This for the continuation of the project later on. And the other members of PAT can help with all the different tasks. It is also wise to have at least  one member in de council from each continent.

This is it for now. Now I am sure that I need some sleep. ‘Talk’ to you later..

Love and Light,
Dear Rob,

This is a well thought plan and ten years ago I would have done it the same way. But now there are two major obstacles/objections to this plan:

First of all we have not the people to run such a website and establish the facade of an international organisation and we do not have the resources as most of the PAT members have gone bust and live at the existential minimum, as this is the archetypal destiny of all star seeds who will soon ascend. They have already finished with this system and earthly life.

Second, until we have established the optical facade of such an organisation, we will run out of time and the events will begin to unfold with such a power that this whole old-fashioned organisation, designed according to the old thinking patterns will be also swept away as all other outdated organisations and structures.

I have followed your strategy several times in the past in the belief that when you have the material infrastructure you will impress the establishment as an outsider, but this is never the case. It does not work, as they smell you as an outsider miles against the wind. This is their preservation instinct and they will reject you instinctively, no matter “how much lipstick you put on the swine”.

The establishment (I use this word as a composite for a certain portion of society) will come to us as a source of new spiritual knowledge, only when the rug is pulled away from under their feet. Only then shall these people start hastily reading anything more spiritual, just as we have been doing on Internet for years. First their fears must surge high, and the inner impulse must tell them that the current system can give them no security any more, so that they must begin to “grab like a drowning person for any straw to survive” (a German saying).

In this respect, excuse me for my critical assessment, you do not take into consideration the highly dynamic, psycho-mental developments that will unfold in the next days in the brains and minds of many people in key positions. We can only be successful if we are carried forward by this dynamics. Exactly the beginning of this dynamics, which I intuitively feel very strongly, makes me confident that we will float like a surfer on the crest of a huge successful wave with this endeavour.

This same dynamics helped us organise the PAT the world over. It was not the achievement of me or anybody else, make no mistake about it. I could have tried it half a year ago and nobody would have responded.

We are now in front of the same situation, but a step further – to expand our educational work among the portion of society that consists of “fence straddlers”, as I call them, people who are in key positions and know that the system is rotten and will collapse anytime soon, but have not made up their mind yet to jump on the side of the fence, where there is light, figuratively speaking.

There are many people now, living at the peak of their fears, where they still hesitate to go through the ring of fire of their fears and still stay on this side knowing that they will be burnt out. I have had some very important conversations with CEOs of big corporations in this sense and I know in what a terrible inner strife they live now. However, I had these discussions last year when the situation was not that much evolved and I could not convince them to change sides. But I threw them in a huge inner moral dilemma, which they have never experienced before. Now they are on the cusp of jumping in the abyss and those half-intelligent people in key positions know this precarious situation much better than the slumbering masses as they have much more to lose.

The decision to start reading our information and thus accepting our ideas will thus not come from an optical professional facade, designed in the old-fashioned manner, as all other similar facades of the Orion system will also collapse. This outer appearance will not impress the fence straddlers anymore as they are surrounded by such empty facades and “Potemkin’s villages” and are fed up with them.

It is even better to have a design that demonstrates the alternative character of your website and information. After all they must start reading and accepting the information, before they can spiritually progress, and this effort is independent of how colourful the website looks like and what abbreviation it will carry behind the dot. This kind of symbols have no meaning anymore.

What I intend now is to start a simple experiment with a minimal effort by asking all readers and members of the PAT to address at their discretion media companies, NGOs and political centres in their national languages and stile and make them aware of the coming scenario, and recommend our website for further information.

I estimate that there are about 2000 regular readers of my website at best. They used to be more before 11.11.11, but disappointment has had its impact on their reading zeal. But the regular readers of this website are all convinced star seeds and they know what will come soon as they feel it intuitively and do not need any additional external confirmation and conviction as is the case with many other readers and websites such as the Beckow blog.

For our readers it will be a small effort to simply send a serial email to a number of companies, organisations, parties and political centres and just wait and see without much involvement what the response will be. This small effort does not engage anybody in anything and does not necessitate the establishment of any kind of organisation that will definitely not survive our pending ascension.

Let the other, less evolved human entities make their own organisations as they will have to live with them in the future, even after mass ascension. We will leave this reality and our influence in the future will be from the higher realms and thus much more effective. This is the ultimate reason which speaks against establishing any material organisation in these last days. The PAT must stay a spiritual organisation of sovereign individuals beyond any material limitations.

I must now translate my German letter to “Suedduetsche Zeitung”, so that you can see what is the psychological tactics behind it. Then we can continue our “brain storming”.

In love and light
January 5, 2012

Hi George,

I was surprised to hear Princess Nakamaru of Japan talking about 2012 and Earth moving to 5d:

Dear Vicki,

This is indeed a sensation, if it is true. Is she really the princess of Japan as I do not know her personally? In that case the Japanese are making the first move in Disclosure very cleverly and carefully and are thus putting the Western world under huge pressure. I expected this move from the Japanese after they were hit so hard by the US-HAARP weapons in Fukoshima. Do you have any information what kind of congress was that, where the Princess made her opening speech?

In  love and light

I found this Facebook site for her: seems to be a well known figure. From what I can gather, she is the “Chairperson of the International Affairs Institute for World Peace” in Tokyo. I see that she has a lot of video interviews on her Face book page connected to

Here is another one of her interviews:


Dear Vicki,

Please find below my email which I have just sent to Princess Kaoru Nakamaru upon your information.
With love and light

Your Highness Princess Kaoru Nakamaru,

I have just watched your speech on youtube video on Incarnation and Ascension on Dec 21, 2012  and was deeply impressed:

You have shown great civil courage and adroitness in addressing this crucial issue for humanity that will determine its destiny this year and has been heinously kept hidden from the people by the Powers That Be.

Let me please shortly introduce myself and my mission on earth. I am in this last strategic incarnation on earth scientist, researcher, writer, and now editor of the most sophisticated English New Age website worldwide:

as Your Highness can convince Yourself personally.

In addition, I have made the greatest scientific discovery in the history of mankind – the discovery of the Universal Law – which will fundamentally transform its destiny in this year, as Your Highness can read on my website, which contains all my scientific books and publications.

I am in fact a representative, an entity from the highest galactic realms of cosmic providence for this planet and the whole Milky Way galaxy. I have spent more than 60 years incognito on this unfriendly and toxic planet, in order to prepare my mission and successfully accomplish it.

I am the leader of a group of highly evolved transgalactic entities,
 who come from the same highest astral levels, from which I also come. With our combined efforts we have already opened the most important stargates at 11.11.11, 12.12.11 and 12.24.11, which allow the flooding of divine higher frequency cosmic energies from the central son of Arcturus on earth. These energies will transform humanity in the course of this year to a transgalactic, extraterrestrial civilisation.

You can read all facts on this topic on my website.

Very soon, there will be a magnetic pole reversal and the splitting of earth in two planets. 
One planet will ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions and the other planet will stay in the 3rd dimension and will degrade to a catastrophic earth. The two timelines will split visibly in the first half of this year of 2012, and the final split will occur on December 21, 2012 when a large part of humanity will be bestowed with the divine right to ascend in heaven. I assume that you are fully informed about this scenario.

My mission and that of the 
members of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT) is to accomplish this splitting of the two earths and the Ascension of Gaia with approximately half of humanity. 
The rest of mankind will stay on the catastrophic earth and about 1-2 billion human beings will leave earth in the course of this year through death experience caused by the huge movements of continental land masses as a consequence of the magnetic pole shift

Very soon all national states and the corrupt and criminal Orion monetary system, which  have led to the enslavement of humanity, will crumble and will for ever disappear from the earth’s surface (for further details see my last publication “The Winds of Change”).

I and the members of the PAT will transform our carbon-based bodies to crystalline light bodies very soon. As First Ascended Human Masters and powerful creator beings of cosmic proportions, we will take over the destiny of mankind from the hands of the current corrupt and criminal politicians. This scenario will unfold in the second half of this year.

The official appearance of myself and members of the PAT in front of the world community has already been announced as “Parusie” (The Second Coming of Christ) in Christianity and will lead to the downfall of this and all other organized religions as there will be no place for them in the New 5d-Earth, also known as the Golden Age. The current pope Ratzinger must and will resign, and he has already been informed from a “Higher  Place” about his destiny.

The purpose of this letter on my part is to establish first contact with Your Highness and to make you aware of our mission on earth that fits fully into Your spiritual perception of the current situation on earth in the End Times.

With best personal wishes
Dr. med. Georgi Stankov
“Captain of the PAT”
Munich, Germany

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